Thinking Anglicans

Archbishop of Canterbury starts blog

The Archbishop of Canterbury has started a blog. In his first article, Moving the frontiers, he reflects on the recent Faith in Conflict conference.

Before any of our readers get too excited, I should point out that the Archbishop does not allow comments on his blog.

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Sam Norton
12 years ago

No RSS feed?

Laurence Roberts
Laurence Roberts
12 years ago

I hope he watches his ps and qs -he is not a private individual, he has some influence. But he is not infallible – who is ?

His thoughtless parish mag writings while a humble vicar are coming back to bite in the new biography.

Being serialised in tomorrow’s Telegraph.

Laurence Roberts
Laurence Roberts
12 years ago

Perhaps Justin will read this

and allow it to inform his thinking and loving.

Laurence Roberts
Laurence Roberts
12 years ago

Here is a link for my earlier comment.

Written in the days of man’s innocency -presumably.

Laurence Roberts
Laurence Roberts
12 years ago

Sorry Sam, and thank you Simon.

I havent yet cracked what an RSS news feed is – alas !

12 years ago

Never thought he was the right appointment myself. But some people change – let’s hope he does. At least he’s clear-sighted about the possibility of ‘systems collapse’.

Lionel Deimel
12 years ago

I suspect Justin will be careful about what he says, though he may make some initial missteps.

The blog is a bit flaky at the moment. There is no permalink to the first blog post, nor is there an archive. I hope these deficiencies will be remedied quickly.

June Butler
12 years ago

‘When tempted by the trappings of office to take himself too seriously, he [Justin] asks himself: “What would the man in the sandals say?”’ What would the man in the sandals say about Justin’s words in this instance? “Throughout the Bible it is clear that the right place for sex is only within a committed, heterosexual marriage.” The man in sandals never said a word about same-sexuality. To say that two people of the same sex who love and commit to each other can never physically express their love is harsh, indeed. Justin is on record saying just that, and… Read more »

Jean Mayland
Jean Mayland
12 years ago

Depressing reading Simon !

Gareth Hughes
12 years ago

Techie question: most blogs have RSS/Atom feeds, but I can’t find one for this blog. Any suggestions?

Simon Sarmiento
12 years ago

RSS explained:

This site has two RSS feeds, the links are on the front page, at the left. One is for the articles, the other is for the comments.

12 years ago

June: spot on. Instances of polygamy, incest and rape, but next to nothing about ‘committed heterosexual marriage’. ‘Overseers must only have one wife’, it says – a statement that raises so many questions. ABC’s statement about this sounds like a party line, so maybe his toe will wander. A couple of recent appearances/statements have been somewhat witless and superficial IMHO, flaky to use LD’s word. This gives me no pleasure to write for I like the man.

Laurence Roberts
Laurence Roberts
12 years ago

Another platform of discussion and sharing.

Rosie Bates
Rosie Bates
12 years ago

Oh dear. I wonder where ABC’s theology would take him if one of his children were homosexual. I find all this negative interpretation of scripture very distressing. My kids are heterosexual but I like to think I was prepared for this not being the case – I had thought it through. He’s telling me they were big sinners anyway. How many of us cause so called ‘chaste’ couples to marry? I am wracking my brains to recall one out of hundreds. I can’t recall ‘living in sin’ being part of my marriage preparation courses either. I suppose I will have… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
12 years ago

I was very impressed by Archbishop-Elect ++Justin’s speech at the end on the ‘Church and Reconciliation’ conference at Coventry. I believe he is on the right track – in that we have to agree to differ on things that are debatable, and allow the grace of God to keep us together.

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your people, re-kindly within us the fire of your love! Amen.

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