Thinking Anglicans

Roman Catholic bishops issue statement about marriage bill

Press Release
Comment on the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill’s second reading in the House of Lords

The House of Lords has spent two days debating the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill. On Tuesday, 4 June, the House rejected an amendment tabled by Lord Dear, a crossbench peer and former West Midlands chief constable, opposing the Bill – 390 votes to 148.

A spokesman for the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales said:

“The Church’s principled objection to the legal re-definition of marriage is consistently and clearly set out.

“Following the Bill’s second reading in the House of Lords, the Church’s aim is to ensure the Bill, as it goes to committee stage, is amended so that it effectively delivers the protections that the Government promised to provide for schools, religious organisations and individuals.”

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11 years ago

The RC denomination is still digging too, post-O’Brien : ‘The Church’s principled objection to the legal re-definition of marriage is consistently and clearly set out.’ We heard ‘the Church’s principled objections’ vociferously from its most senior cleric in the UK., who was eventually called to task by young men in his ‘care’ both seminarians and young priests whom he had been pressurizing for sex, throughout his ministry and period of ‘principled objection’. He was only stopped in his tracks when a few of these men took the courageous and dangerous-for-them step of protesting his behaviour. Cardinal Keith O’Brien has now… Read more »

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