Thinking Anglicans

Women in the episcopate – press reports

Ed Thornton and Madeleine Davies and Gavin Drake and Glyn Paflin in the Church Times Synod votes to explore Option One on women bishops

Sam Jones in The Guardian Justin Welby promises to press on with introduction of female bishops

Liz Dodd in The Tablet CofE progresses women bishops vote

BBC Women bishops: Church of England synod votes for new law

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11 years ago

Wake up and smell the coffee, if we don’t sort this parliament will, convenient though it is for some to be ostrich-like.

Joseph Golightly
Joseph Golightly
11 years ago

Stephen. What next would you then like Parliament to get involved in? Lots of things like insisting on same sex marriage, Hindus must be allowed to be priests, equality for all. The list is endless. Disestablishment must now be firmly on the agenda otherwise it does sound rather like a government department. It is no longer the church catholic in this land if it continually bows to political pressures. Heresies have to be attacked and defeated

Stephen B
Stephen B
11 years ago

Thanks Joseph I would not like Parliament to get involved at all – it would be really bad news, but we can not just keep on talking without getting anywhere and then wonder why they have, you just have to read Hansard and listen to the 2nd Estates Comissioner.I write as a general synod member with my reading of what is going on informed by views around the place – but I may be wrong- hope so.

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