Thinking Anglicans

Holistic Mission: Social action and the Church of England

The think tank, ResPublica, has published a report, authored by Philip Blond and James Noyes, entitled Holistic Mission: Social action and the Church of England.

The report itself can be downloaded as a PDF file.

The survey data it uses can also be downloaded from the Research by Design website.

The press release from ResPublica is here. The report makes the following recommendations:

  • The Cabinet Office should create a Unit to help involve the church in public service delivery, and to help explore alternative models of delivery.
  • The Cabinet Office should bring forward a new White Paper to investigate a holistic and personalised vision of public service.
  • The Church should set up a Social Action Unit to co-ordinate social action across dioceses and between Church and government.
  • This Social Action Unit should in turn oversee the creation of diocesan Social Action Teams to work with community groups and local government to tackle local problems and deliver services.
  • The Church Commissioners, Church of England Pensions Board and CCLA should set aside a certain percentage of the returns on their investment to invest in church-based social ventures.
  • Local Churches should make use of the ‘community right to buy’ and the Public Services (Social Value) Act to help communities retain and expand their assets.
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american piskie
american piskie
11 years ago

“The Church Commissioners, Church of England Pensions Board and CCLA should set aside a certain percentage of the returns on their investment to invest in church-based social ventures.” Is this a complicated way of raising the parish share? If the Ch Comm and CEPB do the best they can at the moment, then making sub-optimal investments will lead to a shortfall elsewhere. And could an honest trustee of a charitable fund for, say, education, having declared that she would do *the best for the charity* invest in a CCLA fund in the the knowledge that some return was being creamed… Read more »

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