Thinking Anglicans

Thinking Liturgy

Today we are launching a new blog in the Thinking Anglicans family. Called Thinking Liturgy, it will focus on the link between the way that we worship and the social justice that we proclaim. Here on the main TA blog we have focussed largely, though not exclusively, on issues of social justice, and that will continue.

Thinking Liturgy will cover a range of liturgical topics and news, not confined to any particular theological or doctrinal stance or ‘churchmanship’, though it will be largely Anglican and English. It will promote good liturgical practice and understanding — not for its own sake, but looking at the impact liturgy makes on working for the kingdom.

We hope that many of you will read this new blog, and contribute to a lively liturgical discussion. Read more at Thinking Liturgy.

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Father David
Father David
10 years ago

What a good idea, may I be among the first to congratulate you on this new initiative? Thinking about Liturgy, I well remember many years ago attending Evensong at Lincoln cathedral. When it was the turn of the retired but far from retiring Archdeacon Jarvis to read the lesson the Verger used to collect the venerable gentleman just as the Magnificat was starting and by the time the Choir had reached the Gloria the great man had mounted the lectern steps. On reaching the summit of the eagle’s eerie the first thing he did was loudly slam shut the New… Read more »

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