Thinking Anglicans

Suffragan Bishop of Bolton: Mark David Ashcroft

Press release from Number 10

Suffragan Bishop of Bolton: Mark David Ashcroft

From: Prime Minister’s Office, 10 Downing Street
First published: 22 June 2016

The Queen has approved the nomination of the Venerable Mark David Ashcroft as Suffragan See of Bolton in the Diocese of Manchester.

The Queen has approved the nomination of the Venerable Mark David Ashcroft, MA, Archdeacon of Manchester, in the Diocese of Manchester, to the Suffragan See of Bolton, in the Diocese of Manchester in succession to the Right Reverend Christopher Paul Edmondson, MA, on his resignation on the 30 June 2016.

Notes for editors

The Venerable Mark Ashcroft (aged 61), studied at Worcester College, Oxford for his MA, and at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge where he was awarded his BA. He trained for the ministry at Ridley Hall, Cambridge. He served as curate at Burnage in Manchester diocese from 1982 to 1985 before moving to be a tutor at St Paul’s School of Divinity Kapsabet in Kenya from 1986 to 1990, and then Principal from 1990 to 1995. He returned to Manchester in 1996 to be Rector of Christ Church, Harpurhey till 2009. He was Area Dean of North Manchester from 2000 to 2006. He was also Honorary Canon at Manchester Cathedral from 2004 to 2009. Since 2009 he has been Archdeacon of Manchester and Residentiary Canon of Manchester Cathedral.

Mark Ashcroft is married to Sally and they have 3 children. His interests include gardening, bird watching and walking the dog. He is a supporter of England teams, whatever the sport.

From the Manchester diocesan website: The new Bishop of Bolton

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8 years ago

After reading a number of press releases like this, an unsettling pattern emerges. Is this an issue in the press releases, or does it reflect an issue in the selection process? What is repeatedly emphasised is: – education and academic achievement; – posts held, especially posts in the Church, and – being in an heterosexual marriage with children. Noticeably missing usually are: – any demonstration of charitable work; – any demonstration of fighting for equality or human rights, or campaigning for minority groups like immigrants; – evidence the candidate is a good teacher, counselor or effectively uses modern social media… Read more »

8 years ago

Yet again, commenters on TA show that they are unable to read anything except through the prism of their own obsessions.

Paul Richardson
Paul Richardson
8 years ago

Kate. It is worth visiting the diocesan announcement where what IS emphasised is Mark’s undoubted commitment to the poor. His title parish was in urban Manchester, he has served sacrificially in Africa and he has been a long serving Archdeacon for one of the most deeply urban and deprived areas of North West England.
I can think of no better faith leader, and encourager of faith leaders in the parishes, of the Bolton Episcopal area

8 years ago

I know nothing about the diocese of Manchester and why this appointment has been announced several days before the existing Bishop of Bolton retires.Is there a precedent for this, I wonder? Normally there seems to be a gap of several months or longer when there is a vacancy for a suffragan bishop.There has been a vacancy for the bishopric of Tonbridge in the diocese of Rochester since last October,for instance.In any case I wish him well although he does appear to be yet another evangelical appointee?

8 years ago

@Kate: The words of 1 Cor.9:19-23 may be relevant. There is evidence that +Mark is a good teacher, having served at a Divinity School in Kenya for nine years. He has been a faith leader for quite a number of years. We may need to assume that, as a Christian, +Mark is inclined to be charitable and fights for human rights. Some Bishops are single, many are married. I know marriage equality is important to you Kate. As it is to me. And, I’m sure +Mark’s marriage and family are important to him.

8 years ago

Thanks Paul, so maybe it is the blurb writers then. But Pam, we shouldn’t need to assume charity because it should be highlighted.

As to marriage, Pam, my disquiet isn’t equality so much as that being married is presented as a positive when for a priest, and especially a bishop, the reverse is true. We Anglicans allow our priests to marry and that is probably right. But we should be hoping they don’t, and being married should be an impediment to being a bishop, while accepting that in some exceptional cases some will be married.

Ian Paul
8 years ago

As an aside, can anyone tell me when people started referring to bishops as ‘+Name’…and when we might be able to stop doing this…?

Susannah Clark
8 years ago

Personally I think that anyone can use the sign of the cross, and do so proudly.

Susannah +

Simon Kershaw
8 years ago

An alternative explanation of the + before bishops’ names is that in an age which was generaly illiterate people signed a document by making their mark on it. The mark was usually an X or a cross (and we generally still mark ballot papers in this way, even this very day). In order to distinguish and identify the mark a clerk would write the name of the person next to their mark, thus: X John Smith his mark Those who could write would similarly make their mark and append their name to it. Bishops of course were requireed to be… Read more »

Peter S
Peter S
8 years ago

Of course these days a cross before someone’s name usually indicates he or she is dead …

8 years ago

Bishops, according to Debretts, sign their signature proceeded by a cross, and by Act of Parliament can use the name of their see as their signature. Priests often sign with a cross after their name. Some Anglican (GAFCON, all) archbishops use two crosses before their name. No! Archbishops are consecrated to the episcopate, and nothing loftier in terms of ordination. I have a collection of episcopal and archiepiscopal signatures. One archbishop signed with a slanted cross with two cross bars. John Hughes of NY was called “Dagger John” because of the look of his signature cross. +, ++, and +++… Read more »

David Walker
David Walker
8 years ago

Michael seems intrigued by the timescale of the process for this appointment. The key date was the previous bishop announcing his retirement. We then had to gain the consent of Bishop’s Council to seek a further appointment, set up a diverse panel to oversee it, draw up a person specification and role descriptors, and gain the consent of the archbishop and the Dioceses Commission to these. After that we trawled for names, long listed, shortlisted, set interview tasks and interviewed. Then Mark had to undergo the mandatory medical checks and get a fresh DBS clearance. Meanwhile I petitioned the Crown… Read more »

Susannah Clark
8 years ago

“Oh, and in a team of three bishops I was keen to replace the retiring evangelical with a person from somewhere on the evangelical part of the spectrum.”

David, not being funny, but why?

David Walker
David Walker
8 years ago

Susanna, we have three of us as the episcopal team in Manchester Diocese. Whilst both the Bishop of Middleton and myself would claim much sympathy for and some understanding of the evangelical traditions in which a good number of our parishes are rooted, we will never have the degree of sensitivity and innate understanding that someone who is themself primarily an evangelical would possess. Both the panel set up to work with me on the appointment and I myself felt that the life and flourishing of the church in our diocese would be better served by there continuing to be… Read more »

Susannah Clark
8 years ago

Thank you so much for explaining the rationale, David. May God bless the whole diocese in its range and variety of ministry, service and community.

8 years ago

Many thanks to David for giving me such a full and fascinating response to my question.May God bless your endeavours in the North West and those of the future bishop of Bolton

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