Thinking Anglicans

Opinion – 20 May 2017

Marie Griffith Religion & Politics Healing a House Divided: An Interview with Presiding Bishop Michael Curry
The Episcopal Café has published some highlights from the interview.

Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Shifting questions, changing virtues

Archdruid Eileen The Beaker Folk of Husborne Crawley Fear of Hell Fire

The catholicity and covenant blog responds to the Credible Bishops paper [see here].
Credible bishops or catholic episcopate?
Credible Bishops – a liberal Protestant understanding of episcopacy

To mark Christian Aid Week, the leaders of the three main political parties write exclusively for the Church Times on the importance of international development: A joint commitment to our neighbours overseas

David Pocklington and Frank Cranmer Law & Religion UK Bishops sans frontières
Frank Cranmer Law & Religion UK More on the objection to an episcopal election in the Anglican Church of Canada

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Susannah Clark
7 years ago

Andrew Lightbown’s analysis is very thought-provoking: “The bishops stated their beliefs (granted, not firmly enough for some) and synod said ‘no’” To be plain, a mask of episcopal uniformity was pushed through to Synod, doubtless led by Justin who seeks to placate the global Anglican Communion, but actually, NO, the bishops’ position was not uniformly held by all bishops. Indeed uniformity was an illusion, as I well know having corresponded with over 40 of them. Some bishops were excoriating in private about the attempt to impose such a conservative position on the Church. (Albeit, one or two conservative bishops felt… Read more »

7 years ago

Archdruid Eileen is not the only one drawn by love and grace. I find it by reading the Bible. Especially in the parts that don’t seem lovely and graceful but hell-fireish (if that’s a word). We have a God that cares that much!

Susannah Clark
7 years ago

Bishops sans frontiers… If Jesmond (or at a later date, other conservative churches) can choose to sit under a self-chosen conservative bishop from South Africa (or elsewhere) and conscientiously adopt conservative theologies… …then inclusive churches can also choose to sit under self-chosen bishops from the US, Canada, maybe Scotland in due course, and conscientiously adopt liberal theologies including celebrating lesbian and gay marriages… …and this way lies the balkanisation of the Church of England. Far better, for the Church of England itself to accept diversity of theologies and allow local churches and PCCs to follow their consciences, instead of top-down… Read more »

7 years ago

Pam, may I just say how very much appreciate your comment.

7 years ago

It seems to me that “we believe in one holy catholic and apostolic church” rather selectively at times. Considering the Jesmond issue solely within the context of the Church of England, or parsing its legality, seems to me to be contrary to our creed. We recognise the Orders of REACH so clearly the creed is engaged. That might take us somewhere uncomfortable but, if we genuinely believe in one holy catholic and apostolic church we must accept this.

Lavinia Nelder
Lavinia Nelder
7 years ago

What Susannah is proposing is not so very different from the original stand on remarrying divorced couples. It is far better that we accept that we have differences and respect each others opinions and stand together. This may well mean we all, laity and clergy, have to reach accommodations within parishes in the way that the URC have allowed for, to make sure no-one has to act against their own conscience. I would hope that a common sense arrangement based on a loving acceptance of our differences would be the model that a truly National church achieves.

7 years ago

I love ++Michael Curry!

Father Ron Smith
7 years ago

Me too, Cynthia. He speaks so much sense – and out in the open!

7 years ago

He’s just as inspiring in person. Very authentic in walking the walk and inspiring others to follow in the Way of Jesus, too! Vast Biblical knowledge and a great repertoire of hymns and gospel songs that underscore the teaching. Being an African American from the US South, when he speaks of healing the divide, it’s the voice of someone who lives it daily.

And he plays the violin. I note that CoE is full of woodwind and brass playing bishops and I’m sure that’s part of the problem. 😉

Malcolm Dixon
Malcolm Dixon
7 years ago

I think that you are wrong about this, Kate. As the Church Times editorial correctly pointed out a week or two ago, what happened at Jesmond is about order in our church (by law established) and not about theology or doctrine. The fact that we (unwisely in my view) recognise REACH orders is neither here nor there. REACH bishops have no right whatever to swan in, without so much as a by your leave from the Ordinary, and consecrate someone holding a licence in the C of E. Mr Pryke should have been suspended immediately, pending a fuller investigation. The… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
7 years ago

Bishop Michael Curry, the first African-American Primate of The Episcopal Church of the U.S. (TEC), has a winsome way of reminding us all (as, himself, an example of radical inclusivity in the Church) of the will of Jesus that “All should be One, as I and the Father are One”. Here is the most relevant part of his responses to questions: ” My house should be called a house of prayer for all people”. “And so how do we live that? How do we live that house of prayer for all people? Or to take it another step, how do… Read more »

7 years ago

But if we believe in one holy catholic and apostolic church, isn’t REACH equally valid to the Church of England? Aren’t their bishops equally entitled to decide who to ordain or consecrate? Can geography really make a difference?

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