Thinking Anglicans

We’re moving

Later this week this Thinking Anglicans site will be moving to a new home. We hope to make the move as transparent and as painless as possible, but as it involves a little bit of internet magic (updating the DNS of there may be a short period when you can’t reach the new site. We hope this period will be no more than a few minutes, and most readers may not notice it at all.

All posts and comments will be moved across to the new system and no data will be lost. We’ll post a further note here before moving out, and after that point no further comments on the old site will be approved, only on the new site.

This represents the biggest change we have made in the 15 years we have been publishing Thinking Anglicans. From the start we have been hosted by our friends and colleagues at Justus. The new site continues at Justus, and we are grateful for their support.

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6 years ago

It is an appropriate time to say a big thank you to the Thinking Anglicans team. This site is important and I much appreciate it, thank you.

Also thanks to Justus for making it possible.

Robert Cotton
Robert Cotton
6 years ago

I agree. Enormously indebted to you for hosting, and for wisely monitoring the various (and, at times, heated) conversations.

peterpi - Peter Gross
peterpi - Peter Gross
6 years ago

When you announce the change, can you please give out the new URL?

I fully agree with Kate: I appreciate this site for its news on the CofE in specific and the Anglican Communion/Fellowship/Conglomeration in general. So, my thanks are due as well.

Michael Skliros
Michael Skliros
6 years ago

Thanks for all you are doing to provide this platform, and good luck with changing the DNS. Make sure the phone is off the hook!

Simon Kershaw
6 years ago

To answer a specific question — the URL isn’t changing. We will continue at as we have since we began in 2003.

Thanks for your comments. I’m hoping to make the switch this evening, with Argentina v Croatia providing entertainment.

Interested Observer
Interested Observer
6 years ago

“We hope this period will be no more than a few minutes”

For some people it may be an hour: more than a few (broken, in my view, but it’s a losing battle) operating systems cache the results of looking up names for an hour, irrespective of the TTL. I see that thinkinganglicans currently has a ten minute TTL, but unfortunately some operating systems won’t respect that.

robert ian williams
robert ian williams
6 years ago

Thinking Anglicans a more tolerant, much fairer site than Virtue online…I got excluded and I am not liberal!

Pete Broadbent
Pete Broadbent
6 years ago

Go well. Safe journey. See you the other side!

Father Ron Smith
6 years ago

Thinking Anglicans – the top liberal blog with both heart and mind in the Anglican Communion. T.A. is very hospitable to overseas comment.Thank you, Simon, for this valuable resource.

John Roch
John Roch
6 years ago

It’s taken me a while to realise that I needed to completely re-set my RSS feeds. Having now done so, I have to say that the old display, with the name of the commenter coming first, was much more helpful than the new arrangement, where the name appears at the end – and is usually not visible.

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