Thinking Anglicans

Opinion – 2 January 2019

David Walker ViaMedia.News Hope at the Hinge of the Year – Football and Fear-filled Futures

Richard Peers Quodcumque – Serious Christianity Give us back our Benedicite! A task for General Synod?

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Safeguarding and the Falsely Accused

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5 years ago

David Walker’s analogy of a football club regaining its impetus if it sacks its manager is an odd one. There is widespread disbelief that the Church of England will ever treat same sex couples or survivors of abuse fairly. Is David Walker suggesting that these problems might suddenly not seem intractable if we sacked the Archbishop of Canterbury?

Reply to  Kate
5 years ago

It’s a tantalising thought. The question is whether one variety of inflexibility would be replaced by another, equally intractable, form of non-compromise.

Richard W. Symonds
Richard W. Symonds
5 years ago

Stephen Parsons says [“Safeguarding and the Falsely Accused”]: “There is…one main reason why those falsely accused do not get discussed or supported in these blog discussions on safeguarding. These individuals are, for the most part, completely invisible…The falsely accused are victims…but it is hard to show sympathy to them if we seldom know who they are” Then we must try harder to make this form of abuse more visible – and that’s a problem of how much we care – or don’t care – in this country. In the United States, they do not seem to have a problem making… Read more »

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