Thinking Anglicans

General Synod Agenda for February

The Business Committee of General Synod has today published the outline agenda for the February Group of Sessions in London.

The published information can be read here and is copied (with slight editing) below the fold.

GENERAL SYNOD: February 2020

Monday 10 February

2.30 pm – 7.00 pm
2.30 pm Opening worship
Introduction and welcomes
2.45 pm Business Committee Report
3.30 pm Presidential Address
4.00 pm Legislative Business
Measure enabling transfer of Channel Islands to Diocese of Salisbury – First Consideration
5.00 pm Act of Synod following Covenant for Clergy
*5.30 pm Questions

Tuesday 11 February

10.30 am – 1.00 pm
10.30 am Legislative Business
Draft Cathedrals Measure – Revision Stage
12.30 pm Deanery Term Limits

2.30 pm – 7.00 pm
2.30 pm Living in Love and Faith and the Pastoral Advisory Group
3.45 pm Legislative Business
Amending Canon No. 41 for Enactment
3.50 pm Measure enabling transfer of Channel Islands to Diocese of Salisbury – Revision Stage
4.30 pm Church Representation Rules (Amendment) Resolution 2020
5.00 pm Private Members’ Motion: Windrush Commitment and Legacy
6.15 pm Standing Order Report

Wednesday 12 February

10.00 am – 1.00 pm
10.00 am Safeguarding: response to recommendations in IICSA May 2019 Investigation Report
11.30 am Climate Emergency and Carbon Reduction Target

2.30 pm – 7.00 pm
2.30 pm Private Members’ Motion: End to Paupers’ Funerals
3.30 pm Children and Youth Ministry
5.00 pm Legislative Business
Diocesan Boards of Education Measure – Revision Stage
6.15 pm General Synod Election 2020: Allocation of Seats

Thursday 13 February

9.30 am – 1.00 pm

9.30 am Legislative Business
Measure enabling transfer of Channel Islands to Diocese of Salisbury – Final drafting and Final Approval
10.30 am Leeds DSM: Through His Poverty
11.30 am Private Members’ Motion: Legal Aid Reform
*12.30 pm Farewells
*1.00 pm Prorogation

Contingency Business
Leeds DSM: The Wealth Gap between Rich and Poor

* not later than
Please note that all timings are indicative unless marked with an asterisk

Deadline for receipt of questions: 1200 hrs Wednesday 29th January 2020

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