Thinking Anglicans

Opinion – 29 May 2021

ViaMedia.News Justin’s Story – “I was taught to hate the very ones who loved me”
by Justin, a survivor of conversion therapy who was nearly crushed under the shame but is now a minister in training

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Changing Attitude England ask Archbishops what new radical Christian inclusion means for LGTBIQ+ people

Church Times It’s time to make ‘good’ disagreement ‘loving’
Christopher Landau proposes a more distinctively Christian way to handle conflicts in the Church”

Kehinde Andrews The Guardian Eve Pitts: the Church of England’s first Black female vicar – and one of its fiercest critics
“Despite attempts to drive her out of the church, she has spent decades fighting racism wherever she has encountered it. Now she is pushing the C of E to honour the enslaved people it exploited”

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Does the C of E have Leaders with Authority, Wisdom and Insight to cope with Crises?

Archbishop Cranmer CDM PTSD: the trauma, stress and disorder of the Clergy Discipline Measure

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Fr. Dean Henley
Fr. Dean Henley
3 years ago

I wonder why Canon Pitts has not had the recognition her ability to fill churches deserves?

FrDavid H
FrDavid H
Reply to  Fr. Dean Henley
3 years ago

She’s “one of its fiercest critics”. We don’t like people who tell the truth.

Father Ron Smith
3 years ago

“Justin’s Story” – an admirable example of what harm is done to people in the Church who have yet to come to terms with their authentic sexual identity! Justin shows the problem of those who think that Christians who happen to be gay should simply ask for prayers that will help to ‘take away’ their non-binary hopes and fears! The tragedy is when LGBT+ people have been unable to accept who they are, and they are asked to submit to what is called a ‘Deliverance Ministry’ – sometimes including exorcism – that well-meaning other conservative Christians might sincerely believe to… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Father Ron Smith
Richard W. Symonds
Richard W. Symonds
3 years ago

”CDM is no longer delivering justice” – ’Archbishop Cranmer’

It is delivering injustice on an industrial scale.

Cui bono?

Fr. Dean Henley
Fr. Dean Henley
Reply to  Richard W. Symonds
3 years ago

I am no fan of the CDM; except in the case of wickedness, it is to me a sledgehammer to crack a nut, and it forces respondents to use a sledgehammer to defend themselves (for they only have one opportunity to put the entirety of their case); but we must acknowledge that some form of disciplinary / complaints / grievance / capability procedure is necessary. To some extent any formal process is a blunt instrument but they are needed. It’s sloppy of the Archbishop Cranmer blogger to imply that the CDM is bad in the case of Canon Percy but… Read more »

Tim Chesterton
3 years ago

Thanks for the piece by Christopher Landau. His new book on ‘New Testament ethics for ecclesial conflicts’ looks hefty.

3 years ago

Does anyone believe that Colin Coward will get a reply? Personally I think asking at Synod may be more effective.

Colin Coward
Reply to  Kate
3 years ago

Kate, not getting a reply will be as significant as getting a reply in terms of campaigning goals. Not to reply is abusive. The whole LLF/Christian attitude to LGBTIQ+ people is abusive. Waking up LGBTIQ+ people to this reality is part of Changing Attitude’s goal. If they do reply they will probably direct us to pages 223-229 of the LLF book. Pages 224-225 discuss inclusion and exclusion in terms of the question: How should Israel relate to Moab? and concludes: might there be a similar relativizing or deprivileging of same-sex intercourse? The discussion concludes with another question, not a question… Read more »

Marise Hargreaves
Marise Hargreaves
Reply to  Colin Coward
3 years ago

Interesting that Torah says Israel does not relate to the men of Moab – they are eternally prohibited from conversion to the Jewish people. Their attempt to destroy Israel by denying food and water and then calling down curses via Balaam is part of the reason. However, women are not exempt – hence Ruth and the Davidic descendants. LLF and its question is a strange one. Why bring Moab into things? Maybe the implication of non acceptance of LGBTI people is the reality here. Are LGBTI people Moab? Is the church Moab? I can think of better ways to illustrate… Read more »

Reply to  Colin Coward
3 years ago

I am pleased you are aware that a proper reply is unlikely.

Fr. Dean Henley
Fr. Dean Henley
Reply to  Kate
3 years ago

Kate, as with asking questions at diocesan synod it is not the answer (which is invariably framed in bland civil service speak), but the question which is important. Asking awkward questions is an important feature of what passes for accountability in the CofE. Colin is right that even unanswered questions are useful.

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