Thinking Anglicans

Opinion – 14 July 2021

Gavin Drake The Jill Saward Organisation Briefing on the Proposed Clergy Conduct Measure

Lorraine Cavanagh Modern Church A Response to the ‘Myriad Plan’

Anthony Woollard Modern Church A Great Leap… To Where?

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Some Day I’ll Find You

Christopher Johnson All Things Lawful And Honest Power Grab or Pastoral Measure?

George Sumner The Living Church Mission is not a zero-sum game

Lee Proudlove Anglican Ink Do the Church of England’s bishops want 10,000 new churches or not?

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3 years ago

For those who are not familiar with the works of the Master, here he is in a famous recording with Gertie Lawrence: singing ‘Some Day I’ll Find You’ (from ‘Private Lives’ (1932)). Gore Vidal once asked Coward whether he was really 100% homosexual: “Not even with Gertrude Lawrence?”, and received the reply: “Especially not with Miss Lawrence!”. I write this from a house only a few metres from one of Coward’s former homes. I am most grateful for Mr Coward’s excellent reminder of the life and work of Harry Williams, who made a great impression upon the life of… Read more »

3 years ago

The Lee Proudlove Anglican Ink post is, I think, so symptomatic of the leadership of the Church of England. An initiative ‘Myriad’ is clearly known about and endorsed by bishops. But then they get into a flurry about another initiative and so sit on their hands and say nothing. If the trumpet sounds an uncertain call – who shall prepare? Muddled direction, muddled view on what church is about, confused weak leadership – the bishops of the C of E! Don’t they realise how foolish they have shown themselves to be starting with their Covid debacle, their anti-gay statements which… Read more »

Charles K
Charles K
Reply to  Dave
3 years ago

I think after the poor communication of last week, it is worth revisiting what the Archbishop of York has said and the additional debate about the relationship of new church expressions with the existing parish system. The mixed ecology could work. Surely we need both, and is a myriad so bad? I would never want to change the principles of the parish system and the values which inform it. But perhaps we need more. Diversity is not a bad thing when it respects and affirms all incarnations of the church….? Or are our arguments for diversity and inclusion going to… Read more »

Fr. Dean
Fr. Dean
3 years ago

How do all the bishops manage to sit on the same fence? Lee Proudlove’s article also highlights the pie in the sky nature of these aspirations. Why stop at 10,000 and not 12,000? How will success or failure be measured for this project? Will anyone resign if it’s as ‘successful’ as the Decade of Evangelism?

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