Thinking Anglicans

Opinion – 25 June 2022

Andrew Nunn Church Times Living in Love and Faith is important — but the Church has to move forward

Paul Middleton ViaMedia.News Living in Love and Faith? Insights from the Church of Scotland

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2 years ago

Andrew Nunn asks: ‘Do we ultimately decide that we can’t decide, and so decide to disagree into the future? In many ways, that is exactly how we have made decisions so far — around the remarriage of those previously married, around the ordination of women. We have used local decision-making, conscience, and fig leaves like “mutual flourishing” to move forward. ‘If that is the outcome, then what has stopped us so far? Why have we not simply decided not to decide and instead decided to disagree and move on….’ I would have thought that the answer to the ‘what has… Read more »

Ronnie Smith
2 years ago

Too late, now, for the ABC to flirt with GAFCON. Time for a positive decision on radical inclusion for the Anglican Communion.

God 'elp us all
God 'elp us all
2 years ago

General Synod 8-12 July

The dates for the Lambeth conference are 26th July – 8th August 2022

Gafgone? Mutual flourishing?

Father Ron Smith
Reply to  God 'elp us all
2 years ago


Susannah Clark
2 years ago

Paul Middleton: “recognising that there is theological and biblical integrity in a range of positions” on human sexuality. Thank you. Exactly this. Unity is not the same as imposed uniformity (which is what we have at present in the Church of England on sexuality). Unity in Diversity is being developed and embraced in the Church of Scotland, the Scottish Episcopal Church, and prospectively in the Church in Wales. It’s the beckoning pathway for England as well, because the log jam of 50 years is entrenched, and we simply have to move on. The grown up way to do that is… Read more »

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