Thinking Anglicans

Dean of Lincoln

Press release from the Prime Minister’s Office

Appointment of Dean of Lincoln: 23 April 2024

The King has approved the nomination of The Reverend Canon Dr Simon Jones, Chaplain and Fellow of Merton College, Oxford, to be appointed as Dean of Lincoln.

From: Prime Minister’s Office, 10 Downing Street and The Rt Hon Rishi Sunak MP
Published 23 April 2024

The King has approved the nomination of The Reverend Canon Dr Simon Jones, Chaplain and Fellow of Merton College, Oxford, to be appointed as Dean of Lincoln, in succession to The Very Reverend Christine Wilson following her resignation.

Simon was educated at the College of St Hild and St Bede, Durham and also at Selwyn College, Cambridge.

He trained for ministry at Westcott House, Cambridge and served his title at Tewkesbury (St Mary the Virgin) with Walton Cardiff and Twyning, in the Diocese of Gloucester. He was ordained priest in 2000.

In 2002, Simon was appointed Chaplain and Fellow of Merton College, Oxford. He was installed as an Honorary Canon of Christ Church, Oxford in 2015, and as a Wiccamical Prebendary of Chichester Cathedral in 2016. He is a consultant to the Church of England Liturgical Commission and chairs the steering committee of the International Anglican Liturgical Consultation. He served as Interim Dean of Lincoln for nine months in 2023.

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Sam Norton
3 months ago

Well that’s very good news

Peter Kettle
Peter Kettle
Reply to  Sam Norton
3 months ago


Sam Norton
Reply to  Peter Kettle
3 months ago

Personal prejudice – I trained alongside him at Westcott and rate him very highly!!

Clifford Jones
Clifford Jones
3 months ago

The below is from a thread on TA in 2022:

Clifford Jones

Reply to 
Simon Kershaw
 1 year ago
The most obvious example of a prelate who was also a baronet is Sir Edwyn Hoskyns (1851-1925), successively Bishop Suffragan of Burnley and Bishop of Southwell. He was the father of the theologian of the same name, who was his successor in the baronetcy.

Within living memory there was a Dean of Lincoln who was titled on account of his birth, The Very Rev The Honourable Oliver William Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, who held the post from 1969 to 1989.

David James
David James
Reply to  Clifford Jones
3 months ago

Great man. Despite many set backs, challenges to his health, risking unpopularity succeeded in dragging Lincoln Cathedral into the 19th century.

Rowland Wateridge
Rowland Wateridge
Reply to  David James
3 months ago

Do you mean 20th century?

Homeless Anglican
Homeless Anglican
Reply to  Rowland Wateridge
3 months ago

Steady on Rowland – we don’t want that much change!
Having said that, I often think that some of the comments on TA want to drag us back a century to some halcyon days which never really existed

Tim Chesterton
3 months ago

I watch Merton’s carol service every year, and always enjoy it when Simon preaches. Blessings on him in his new post.

Last edited 3 months ago by Tim Chesterton
3 months ago

It’s great to hear about the appointment of The Reverend Canon Dr. Simon Jones as the new Dean of Lincoln. His extensive background and previous roles, notably as Chaplain and Fellow at Merton College, Oxford, seem to make him a superb fit for this prestigious position. Wishing him all the best in his new role!

Francis James
Francis James
3 months ago

After two decades at one of Oxford’s wealthiest colleges he will find finances very different as a Cathedral Dean

Tim Chesterton
Reply to  Francis James
3 months ago

I suspect he’s already aware of that from his nine months as interim Dean of Lincoln last year.

Jeremy Charles Baring Pemberton
Jeremy Charles Baring Pemberton
3 months ago

This is exactly what I thought might happen after his highly successful sojourn in Lincoln last year. It says a lot for the man that he is able to let go of what has to be one of the premier chaplaincies in Oxford – and certainly the best food! But lucky old Lincoln – could we now see that forgotten thing – a period of Christian peace and love in a cathedral that has had more than its share of troubles?

David James
David James
Reply to  Jeremy Charles Baring Pemberton
3 months ago

It is to be hoped Jeremy, maybe the imp can be persuaded to keep quiet for a bit!

Reply to  David James
3 months ago

Indeed,lets hope the Lincoln Imp behaves itself, or the new dean might find it a Lincoln Handicap. (Sorry, couldn’t resist it).

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