Thinking Anglicans

July General Synod – electronic voting results

The electronic voting results from this month’s General Synod are now available online and are linked below, with links to the order papers containing the relevant texts.

Electronic voting results

Inquiry into Allegations of Abuse within the Soul Survivor Network (Order Paper IV)

Living in Loving and Faith (Order Paper VII)

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Susannah Clark
3 hours ago

Kudos to Bishop Helen-Ann and Bishop Julie Conalty for voting against the Bishop of Stepney’s amendment (Item 60) and for supporting the original Motion of Robert Thompson (Item 19) over his call for an Inquiry into allegations of abuse within the Soul Survivor network.

Susannah Clark
Reply to  Susannah Clark
2 hours ago

Robert’s excellent speech, opposing the amendment by the Bishop of Stepney, can be found on the recording of the session at 2:31:25. It is one of the most moving speeches I have ever heard in General Synod. Bishop Julie also opposed her fellow bishop’s amendment, expressing concerns about the Church setting the ‘terms of reference’. She can be heard at 2:51:50. Judith Maltby also spoke very well indeed and can be heard at 3:13:05. She says: “Trust in safeguarding at the centre is broken. It was only a year ago in this chamber that we watched the dismantlement of the… Read more »

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