Thinking Anglicans

Another commissioning service

We reported earlier on the service held at All Souls Langham Place, organised by the Church of England Evangelical Council: CEEC commissions Overseers.

Another service took place on 24 July at St Helen’s Bishopgate. A video published by that parish discusses the service.

Anglican Futures has published an article critiquing the service: “Public Commissioning”: Ten Questions>. It begins this way:

“Yesterday evening a service took place at St Helen’s Bishopsgate in which 7 men from 4 dioceses were publicly commissioned for Christian leadership in Church of England churches.” So, begins, the latest video from St Helen’s, Bishopsgate, which has been circulating on social media.

The video is 26 minutes long, with an introduction by the Rector, Revd William Taylor, followed by sixteen interviews with retired bishops, clergy and laity, all of whom appear to support the actions taken by St Helen’s.

The video raises many questions and appears to misrepresent the work of the Church of England’s Evangelical Council (CEEC) in two significant ways. It is hoped that in the spirit of transparency, which Revd Taylor seeks from the House of Bishops, answers to the following questions will be forthcoming.

  1. Does Revd Taylor understand that CEEC can only offer ‘alternative spiritual oversight? If so, why does he call on churches to “recognise formally… that those diocesan bishops who voted for the faithless LLF proposals have broken partnership with faithful Anglican Christians and the true Churches of Jesus Christ,” by seeking the “alternative oversight” provided by the CEEC?
  2. Does Revd Taylor understand that the Ephesian Fund,provides PCCs and individuals with a way to give their parish share to the Diocese in support of similar churches”? If so, why does he call on churches, “to cease paying any parish share to the Church of England” by suggesting that it is possible to “divert parish share into the Ephesian Fund or a local Good Stewards Trust to pay for it?”

And there are a further eight questions.

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3 hours ago

Anglican Futures do a “hit job” on William Taylor but the facts are rather different.

Chaos and confusion will now reign. Nobody should esteem themselves because they can spot contradictions.

It is not Taylor’s fault. The blame rests with the bishops.

3 hours ago

Good questions from Anglican Futures, but what is their position? Please would someine explain? Are they linked with CEEC?

Interested Observer
Interested Observer
3 hours ago

This month will be remembered for being when the Conservatives lost a lot of seats. There will be PhD theses from now until the end of time about the how and why and who, but it is an undeniable fact that the Tories are out of office and currently tearing themselves to pieces. There is an iron law of politics: united parties may not win elections, but divided parties lose them. Always. In that light, given that the CofE faces an existential loss of members and therefore money, is tearing lumps out of other factions really a productive use of… Read more »

David Hawkins
David Hawkins
3 hours ago

I live in a part of Berlin that was formerly the territory of the “German Democratic Republic (DDR)”. In fact East Germany was very far from being democratic.
We have to be very careful about what institutions claim to be. Very often the reality is the opposite of what is claimed.
Likewise “Orthodox Anglican Christians” are more accurately described as “Intolerant Anglican Christians” who have lost sight of the love that fills the Gospels. In fact they are very far from being Orthodox because they seek to construct a God in their own intolerant image.

Charles Read
Charles Read
2 hours ago

These are very pertinent questions- from another group which does not accept same sex partnerships. It looks like John Dunnett, William Taylor et al have opened up another grouping apart from CEEC. as someone once said of Protestants generally , they are inherently Fissiparous!

Perry Butler
Perry Butler
2 hours ago

As a former DDO I’m wondering if these young men have recently trained at theological colleges ( presumably at C of E expense) and were due for ordination and have taken this route. I notice as Anglican Futures does that they haven’t been named nor the four dioceses they are going to.

Susannah Clark
2 hours ago

1.First, listening to William Taylor’s speech is incredibly sad. I feel sad both for the Church, but also for William and his past, and the background of his Christian life, which makes him a victim of a particularly ‘manly’ culture. It makes me want to pray for him, and also for the Church – because it doesn’t have to be this way. We really can live and let live. Love, not ideology, is the heart of the Christian message. Opening to love and grace. The delivery of William’s talk just ached with pain and anger, and sense of stolen identity.… Read more »

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