Thinking Anglicans

Proposals to reform the CNC procedures

The House of Bishops meets on 18 September. The Agenda is published here.

The paper to be discussed HB(24)30 is published here: Crown Nominations Commission September 2024.

General Synod members have today been sent an email, which includes the following:

House of Bishops
The House of Bishops will meet on Wednesday 18 September at St Hugh’s College Oxford to consider proposals for reform of CNCs.  The paper and agenda will shortly be available on the House of Bishops section of the website .  This will follow on from a meeting of the College on this topic at which all bishops will be able to speak.  The House of Bishops Standing Committee has agreed that this part of the meeting should be open to the public and press, subject to limitations in the room, to observe.  Priority will be given to central members of the CNC but if General Synod members wish to attend they are asked to notify and seats will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

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Martine Oborne
Martine Oborne
2 hours ago

It’s huge step forward if CNC members’ votes are no longer kept secret. Also, it’s encouraging to see two proposals arising from Canon Swinson’s response to the WATCH inquiry into questionable practices over the recent appointment of the Bishop of Blackburn: (1) a suffragan bishop of the diocese of the appointment should not be chairing the Vacancy in See Committee (unlike +Jill in the case of Blackburn); and (2) there should be a minimum period set for consultations – so that the process is not rushed through – as it was in Blackburn.

2 hours ago

Those more knowledgeable will know whether any part of a House of Bishops meeting has been open to the public and press before. A welcome development I hope. Significance of this?

Kate Keates
Kate Keates
1 hour ago

“It is also proposed that there is a reserved place among the clergy places for one priest who is female, should a priest who is female be standing for election. ” Only in the Church of England. I have said that a lot recently but when secular organisations are focused on 50% female representation on boards and committees, the dear, backward Church of England thinks requiring one single woman is progress. I am shocked. I have said that a lot recently too about the Church of England but I truly am. That the archbishops can push for the inclusion of… Read more »

Nick Becket
Nick Becket
Reply to  Kate Keates
53 minutes ago

Not just the diaries of senior clerics though Kate. Just as important are the diaries of the priests and lay people who are also members of the CNC. Some of them might have to go back to work, for example.

And in practice the number of women on the CNC hasn’t been a particular issue. According to the list at, at Sodor and Man there were 7 women; at Exeter 5; at Ely 6; at Coventry (meeting today and tomorrow) 6. That’s out of 12 elected members, to whom must be added the two archbishops.

Last edited 46 minutes ago by Nick Becket
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