Thinking Anglicans

Opinion – 2 October 2024

Church Times Podcast: Dr Guli Francis-Dehqani: Encouraging the weary with a word

Trevor Thurston-Smith The Pensive Pilgrim Clothes Maketh the Man : Do Vestments Maketh the Priest?

Richard Peers Oikodomeo Why is it so hard to talk about Walsingham?

Stuart Haynes Seen & Unseen How the curious react to creativity in a cathedral

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Holy Spirit failure to update Church operating systems

Anon & Friends Surviving Church Weighing Church of England Safeguarding on the Scales of Justice 5
[the last in the series]

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Oliver Miller
Oliver Miller
2 hours ago

Dr. Guli Francis-Dehqani states that she rejoices ‘…when people come to faith, when congregations increase in size.’ The fact that she feels the need to explain this is revealing—similar to how someone might deny being an alcoholic. It makes the very opposite seem more plausible. The issue with her sermon is that it leaves no room for the possibility of the Holy Spirit giving people visions for growth. Instead she gives justification for clergy who have lost their sense of purpose. Her criticism of the overstaffed central church growth bureaucracy is welcomed, but would she be so critical of ‘wellbeing… Read more »

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