Thinking Anglicans

LLF: an explanatory video by Bishop Martyn Snow

The Diocese of St Albans has published this 8 minute video on YouTube: Diocesan Synod LLF October 2024.

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16 hours ago

Lord, have mercy!
If this kind of vacuous managementalist-politico-therapeutical rhetoric is the best +MS can come up with to, I fear we’re already doomed. One cursory mention of God. Nothing in the name of Jesus. Scripture nowhere appealed to. What is the church now? The Ekklesia of the living God, who is Way, Truth and Life, or a fractious secular club where we just try to forge our own muddled compromises.

15 hours ago

Short summary: “We are apologising, but not changing. We are fracturing, in order to remain united.”

Slightly longer summary: “We have apologised to LGBTQI+ people and so we must let them have ceremonies that appear to be marriages; but nothing has changed because these services are definitely not marriages. I understand that some churches will now need to reject their bishops; but by receiving that bishop’s permission to do so, I hope that we will preserve unity. Please don’t leave anyone!

Adrian Clarke
Adrian Clarke
Reply to  Paul
11 hours ago

There is one obvious change, which is the move towards a regional structure designed to hold together differences in theology in the one church. But wait, more significantly is a reliance on science and philosophy to inform the C of E’s theology, which is its liturgy. Suddenly liturgy has taken centre stage all dressed up in its shiny new clothes, while the bible exits right. The audience gasps in amazement.

David Runcorn
David Runcorn
Reply to  Adrian Clarke
1 hour ago

Come on. Science has always informed theology and rightly so – unless you think people like Galileo should still be held under house arrest by the church for saying what is true, And that the world was a literal seven day creation?

Fr Dean
Fr Dean
Reply to  Paul
8 hours ago

They’re leaving or have already left in droves. The collapse in the numbers of baptisms and confirmations shows that they’re not joining either. All is vanity and a chasing after the wind.

Kate Keates
Kate Keates
Reply to  Paul
5 hours ago

Fair summary. The video brought statues of Janus to mind.

Nigel jones
Nigel jones
10 hours ago

“Regional… but not individual dioceses”- does anyone know what that was about?

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