The Church of England’s General Synod will meet in London from 10 to 14 February. The agenda and papers for the meeting were released today.
There are links to the papers below the fold, grouped by the day on which they are due to be debated. There are also a number of GS Misc papers and items of deemed and contingency business.
Also available are these two zipped files.
Monday, 10 February
Tuesday, 11 February
Wednesday, 12 February
Thursday, 13 February
Friday, 14 February
Other information
GS Misc Papers
Deemed and Contingency Business
Notice Papers
If the Hereford motion (GS2396A) falls, most of the rest of this will be irrelevant – Dioceses will go bankrupt, clergy will be laid off, and the whole system will continue to slowly collapse in upon itself. Total fixed assets of the Church Commissioners in 2013 were £5.877bn, in 2023 they were £10.104bn. Inflation over those 10 years was 34.2%, and had assets grown at the inflation rate they would have been £7.886bn. So in the last 10 years the Church Commissioners have a windfall of over £2bn in asset gains over and above inflation. The money is there. Parishes… Read more »