Kelvin Holdsworth What’s in Kelvin’s Head Divine Dating – the Mysterious Art of Finding A New Cleric
Martine Oborne Women and the Church Are women safe in the Church of England?
Andrew Brown The slow deep hover A quick note on jargon
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love
Re. Colin’s words. ‘It’s alright in the parishes’ ‘i have done no wrong’. These phrases emphasise how far parts of the church have deviated from the teaching of the bible. In contrast: ‘we have all sinned, we have all fallen from the grace of God’ ‘I, Paul, the greatest of sinners’. Repentance, and an awareness of the awesomeness of God and God’s kingdom, and a preaching of original sin, is a necessary starting point. I have been reading a blog on travails within evangelical traditions, and one point well made is that ‘feel good’ charismatic evangelicism has moved away from… Read more »