Thinking Anglicans is hosted by Justus, and runs on WordPress on FreeBSD.
The TA theme was developed in-house, based on Tania Rascia’s blog Developing a WordPress Theme from Scratch, and built on Bootstrap. Commenting uses wpDiscuz.
The Thinking Anglicans masthead is set in Sophia, a type designed by Matthew Carter, who wrote:
Sophia was inspired by letters cut and written during the century or two that followed the fall of Rome. Classical orthodoxy came under the influence of foreign cultures; the alphabet, in flux, mixed Greek and uncial with its Roman forms. This period strikes me as rather like our own – cosmopolitan, receptive, diverse.
The text of the pages is set in Verdana and the headings in Skia, which were also designed by Matthew Carter.
Simon Kershaw, Peter Owen, Simon Sarmiento.