Thinking Anglicans

Archbishops issue General Election message

The archbishops of Canterbury and York have issued this press release:

Time to ‘leave our echo chambers’ and listen to others, say Archbishops in General Election message.

The full text of the message is available as a PDF here.

A direct link to the video which shows the archbishops reading the message is here.

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James Byron
James Byron
5 years ago

So how does the command to be “thankful for those who put themselves forward for public service” relate to amoral chancers who serve only themselves, who spew lies, whip up hatred of foreigners, are the placemen of tyrants, and being interested only in their own enrichment, are willing to let their nations burn?

This platitudinous waffle is Christianity at its safest, entirely what we can expect from a state church in hock to a government taken over by Bannonism red in tooth and claw.

Reply to  James Byron
5 years ago

“This platitudinous waffle is Christianity at its safest, entirely what we can expect from a state church in hock to a government…”

Thank you for so succinctly expressing what I was thinking too. It uses Christian lingo but it is hard to discern much which is distinctly Christian in such an anodyne statement.

Susannah Clark
Susannah Clark
5 years ago

The homepage, and this page, indicates that there are 4 replies to this article, and I can see the supposed 4 contributors by hovering over the icons near top right, but Simon K and Simon S’s contributions/comments are not visible. Is this a glitch at my end or the website end?

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