Thinking Anglicans

Opinion – 19 February 2025

Gavin Drake Church Abuse In memory of Clive Billenness

Marcus Walker The Critic More than just a figurehead
“A new plan aims to strip the Archbishop of Canterbury of any real power or authority”

Helen King sharedconversations Living in parched places: February 2025 General Synod

Andrew Atherstone Law & Religion UK Wheat bread and fermented wine at Holy Communion? The origins of Canon B17

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Jesus and human flourishing or Trump, enemy of Christian humanism

Neil Patterson ViaMedia.News When Will the Bishops Think Properly About Same-Sex Marriage?3>


Dean of Wakefield to retire

The Dean of Wakefield, the Very Revd Simon Cowling, announced this morning that he will be retiring on 31 July this year. Details are on the Leeds diocesan website.


Safeguarding vote – reactions

Updated Thursday and Friday and Saturday

Yesterday (Tuesday), the Church of England’s General Synod debated and voted on two proposed models (labelled 3 and 4) for independent safeguarding in the Church of England, and passed the following motion

That this Synod:

(a) thank all those involved in Church safeguarding, particularly the victims and survivors who give so generously of their wisdom and experience, often at great personal cost, and parish safeguarding officers who make sure that safeguarding is a priority in every level and all those who support them in dioceses;

(b) affirm its commitment to greater independence in safeguarding in the Church of England;

(c) thank the Response Group for its work for greater independence in safeguarding in the Church of England; and, noting the significant reservations around model 4 in paragraph 62 of GS 2378 and the legal advice from VWV dated 31st January 2025, endorse model 3 as the way forward in the short term and call for further work as to the legal and practical requirements necessary to implement model 4;

(d) and lament and repent of the failure of the Church to be welcoming to victims and survivors and the harm they have experienced and continue to experience in the life of the Church.

Details, including voting figures, are in an official press release: Synod votes on next steps for independent safeguarding.

Reactions to Synod’s vote include the following.


General Synod – 10-14 February 2025

This post will be updated as the meeting proceeds.

The Church of England’s General Synod is meeting this week. The timetable is here, the agenda is here and the papers are here.

Live video etc

All sessions are streamed live on YouTube and remain available to view afterwards. Links have been provided in advance.

There is an official X/Twitter account.

Official list of General Synod members (updated February 2025)
[This includes bishops attending (without voting rights) in dioceses with vacancies for their diocesan bishop.]

Chairs of debates

Order papers

Notice papers

Business Done

Official press releases

Press reports and comment etc

Church Times


The Guardian

Christian Today

The Living Church

Liverpool Diocesan website



Opinion – 8 February 2025

Update Sunday: Andrew Goddard has added a comment from the Bishop of Warrington to his blog. I have copied it below the fold.

Tim Wyatt New Statesman There is no solution to the Church of England permacrisis

Martyn Percy Meander

Andrew Goddard Psephizo The Bishop of Liverpool: outstanding questions that need answers

Gavin Drake Church Abuse An open letter to the Church of England’s Diocesan Bishops: General Synod and Safeguarding

Al Barrett This estate we’re in “Burn it down”: responses to/within the polycrisis in the CofE



House of Bishops minutes

Minutes of meetings of the House of Bishops of the Church of England are now available online; they are towards the bottom of the page. This is announced in the answer to a question at next week’s meeting of General Synod. I have copied the question and answer below.

The Revd Andrew Atherstone (Oxford) to ask the Chair of the House of Bishops:

Q153 In May 2024, the House of Bishops committed itself to “maximum transparency”, including the publication of its agendas (before each meeting takes place) and its minutes, as outlined in GS Misc 1387. What processes are now in place to ensure the regular publication of these papers in an expeditious manner?

The Archbishop of York to reply as Vice-Chair of the House of Bishops:

A Thank you for the question and I am grateful for your persistence and help on the important question of how we can build trust through transparency in the work of the House of Bishops.

The minutes of the House of Bishops meetings are now available on the website at House of Bishops | The Church of England. I recognise there has been a delay to publishing the minutes, but in future these should now appear in a timely manner after they have been agreed by the House. Regarding the publication of the agenda – we are aware of further work needed to complete the points set out in GS Misc 1387 and will be working with colleagues on that over the next few months.


Opinion – 5 February 2025

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love What is the relationship in the CofE today between parishes and the hierarchy?

Martin Sewell and Stephen Trott Surviving Church General Synod and Safeguarding Reform


Charity Commission writes to Bishops

We reported here that the Charity Commission had written to General Synod members. They have now written to Diocesan Bishops who are trustees of their Diocesan Board of Finance or other Church charities. There is a press release and the letter can be found here. The full text of the letter is copied below the fold.

Press release text:

As regulator of charities in England and Wales, the Charity Commission is engaging with certain National Church Institutions regarding safeguarding in Church charities following the recent publication of the Makin Review.

This letter to bishops, sent on 31 January 2025, seeks their assessment of whether any aspects of Church law, structure or processes are currently preventing trustees of Church charities from fulfilling their safeguarding obligations. The letter follows a letter sent to Members of the General Synod who are also trustees of Church charities on 24 January 2025.

A press release with more information about the Commission’s engagement can be found via this link: Regulator sets out safeguarding expectations ahead of key Synod votes – GOV.UK

Published 3 February 2025


Bishop of Grimsby to retire

The Rt Revd Dr David Court, the suffragan Bishop of Grimsby in the diocese of Lincoln, has announced that he will retire at the end of July 2025. Details are on the diocesan website.


Bishop of Edinburgh to retire

I missed this when it was announced last month, but the Right Rev Dr John Armes will retire as Bishop of Edinburgh on 31 August this year. Details are on the website of the Scottish Episcopal Church


Opinion – 1 February 2025

Kelvin Holdsworth What’s in Kelvin’s Head Divine Dating – the Mysterious Art of Finding A New Cleric

Martine Oborne Women and the Church Are women safe in the Church of England?

Andrew Brown The slow deep hover A quick note on jargon

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love


Pastoral Letter to the Diocese of Liverpool from The Bishop of Warrington

The Bishop of Warrington issued a Pastoral Letter to the Diocese of Liverpool yesterday, and this is now available on the diocesan website. It is copied below.

A Pastoral Letter to the Diocese of Liverpool from The Bishop of Warrington

My dear sisters and brothers

Many of you will be aware of the Channel 4 investigation which has now led to the retirement of the Bishop of Liverpool. Whilst the report did not name the bishop as myself, I can now confirm to you that I am the second complainant.

In March 2023, when, as your acting diocesan bishop, I was advised of a complaint raised against the Bishop of Liverpool and a subsequent investigation by the National Safeguarding Team, I raised what I believe were significant concerns, which included my own disclosure. The focus of my concerns centred around due process. Throughout these past 510 days I have remained consistent and persistent in my pursuit of proper and appropriate ecclesiastical judicial process. A bishop cannot be above the law. A bishop cannot be dealt differently from a priest. If anything, a bishop must be held to greater scrutiny. This is a biblical imperative.

I do not hold to the media serving as prosecutor, jury and judge. For these reasons, I have with intention distanced myself from the recent media activity. However, I regret we as a church have not properly and satisfactorily addressed concerns that have been raised. My prayer is that now things have been brought into the light, there will be no more defendedness but an honest scrutiny of what we are doing, how we are doing it, where the gaps sit and how we address them. Our aim as an institutional church should be to work together across disciplines and departments to ensure our church is a safe, grace-filled, Christ-centred, flourishing environment/workplace for all.

There are many questions that I have as a result of this very difficult experience. These are now being raised and I trust, will be listened to and engaged with by senior leaders from within the national church. This, I hope and pray, will be a kairos moment for the church – a time of honesty, humility, repentance, unity, hope and blessing – a time when we can tear down the idols that have disoriented us and raise up again the incarnate God, who was crucified, is glorified and who is the Lord of the Church – the Lord of all.

I am only too mindful of the turmoil, shock and bruising that you will be reeling from as a result of these past days and as you have tried to make sense of this and my long and terrible absence. For my part, I am deeply sorry for my absence and silence. It has been excruciating.

I would like you to hear from me that you have remained in my constant prayers and in my care and concern throughout. It has been like looking through an opaque window observing but unable to reach you. I would like you to be reaffirmed in your identity: Liverpool is unique, beautiful, colourful and precious.

Through these past 510 days, I have been so proud of the work and ministry you have remained committed to, seeking faithfully to serve the Lord, to sing his praises and daring to try new initiatives for the sake of the Gospel. I have shared your gratitude for the friendship and inspirational leadership of colleagues who have served this diocese so faithfully and sacrificially. I have shared the joys and losses involved in pastoral ministry in Liverpool.

I want you to know how much I admire and respect the ministry of clergy and laity, alongside our ecumenical and interfaith partners – so evident at the time of and since the Southport tragedies. And for the outstanding leadership of the Dean, the archdeacons, the chairs of House of Laity and Clergy and significant others. As a bishop and pastor, I thank you and I thank God for you.

I regret at this time I am unable to advise you of what the future holds for me. This will become clearer in the days ahead. What I know is God’s will be done.

I am also confident that considered excellent support will now be put in place for you. Please be confident that the eye of the Lord is upon you and his love surrounds you. Stay under his blessing. Please hold to the unity and in all things may the love and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ shine through you.

Goodness and truth will always prevail… and light shines into darkness for which we must not be afraid.

Throughout these past 510, a song that has given expression to my prayer and worship has been ‘The Goodness of God’. I hope it may be a source of comfort and blessing for you – maybe one day, we might sing it together.

Pray for Bishop John. Pray for each other and those with particular leadership responsibilities and please continue to pray for me.

With my love and constant prayer for you.

Bishop Beverley A Mason

The Bishop of Warrington


Opinion – 29 January 2025

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Accurate reporting versus fake news – how do we tell the difference between truth and lies?

Gavin Drake Church Abuse Too little, too late: Charity Commission reminds General Synod of charity trustee’s safeguarding duties


Opinion – 25 January 2025

Miles Ellingham and Cormac Kehoe The Fence Speaking in Small Tongues

Mariann Edgar Budde The Guardian ‘Contempt is a dangerous way to lead a country’: here is the sermon that enraged Donald Trump
[There is a video of the sermon on YouTube.]

‘Graham’ ViaMedia.News Makin, Continued: Are They Being Investigated, or Not?


Pre-Synod press release

The Church of England’s General Synod will meet next month. The usual pre-synod press release was issued today and is copied below.

Independent safeguarding proposals published ahead of Synod decision

Detailed proposals for a new structural model of organisations to deliver and scrutinise safeguarding on behalf of the Church of England are published today.

Members of the Church’s General Synod will be asked to choose between two possible models for independent safeguarding at their upcoming meeting in London from February 10 to 14.

In one model safeguarding officers currently working in dioceses, cathedrals and the national Church would transfer to work for a new organisation. In the other diocesan and cathedral officers would remain with their current employers but most national staff would move to a new body. In both cases safeguarding work would be scrutinised by a second external body.

The models, set out in more detail in a paper to members of Synod, were developed in response to reviews conducted for the Church of England by Prof Alexis Jay, chair of the national Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA), and the barrister Sarah Wilkinson.

Synod members will also have an opportunity to debate a motion responding to the Makin Report into the abuse by the lawyer John Smyth, which prompted the resignation of the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby. And they will be asked to approve new safeguarding codes of practice including guidance on managing allegations.

The Synod papers also include detailed draft proposals for possible new arrangements to enable the wider use of prayers asking for God’s blessing for same-sex couples including in special services.

The proposals, developed by working groups representing the range of views on questions of sexuality and marriage across the Church of England, are published for discussion and feedback.

These proposals also include additional measures of “pastoral reassurance” that seek to affirm and support the diversity of theological views within the church.

Other key items coming to General Synod include a motion, brought by Fr Alex Frost from the Diocese of Blackburn, on encouraging the ministry of people from working class backgrounds in the Church of England.

There will also be debates on racial justice; the role of sport in Christian outreach; the global prayer initiative Thy Kingdom Come; and possible changes to the voting procedures of the Crown Nominations Commission.

Synod will also have an opportunity to look at proposals for simplifying the way money flows around the Church, providing more financial support to dioceses and levelling up clergy stipends.

The Bishop of Stepney, Joanne Grenfell, the Church of England’s Lead Bishop for Safeguarding, said: “There is, quite rightly, considerable interest in our safeguarding work and I will be leading a number of debates and sessions on these vital questions at Synod.

“In the light of the Makin review, it is essential that we recognise together the pain of all victims and survivors living with a legacy of abuse, while highlighting the recommendations and work already under way.

“The proposals on safeguarding independence are the product of a huge amount of work and feedback from across the Church including from victims and survivors and it is right that Synod now makes the decision on which model to pursue.”


General Synod Papers – February 2025

The Church of England’s General Synod will meet in London from 10 to 14 February. The agenda and papers for the meeting were released today.

There are links to the papers below the fold, grouped by the day on which they are due to be debated. There are also a number of GS Misc papers and items of deemed and contingency business.

Also available are these two zipped files.



Opinion – 22 January 2025

Theo Hobson The Tablet Middling along – renewing the C of E
“The ascendancy of the evangelicals is over – but what comes next?”
[free registration required]

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Rethinking Christianity


Nominating the next Archbishop of Canterbury

The Archbishops’ Secretary for Appointments has written to members of General Synod to confirm expected timings for the process of nominating the next Archbishop of Canterbury. Details are in a press release, which is copied below the fold.

The full membership of the Crown Nominations Commission (CNC) is expected to be known by mid-March. The Commission will meet three times – in May, July and September. Standard procedure is that shortlisted candidates are interviewed at the final meeting, and a decision made.



House of Bishops meeting – January 2025

The Church of England’s House of Bishops met yesterday and issued the following press release.

House of Bishops meeting – January 2025

The House of Bishops met in person for its first meeting of the new year in London.

The House reviewed detailed updates from the Living in Love and Faith (LLF) working groups presented by Bishop Martyn Snow. After considered reflection on the complexity and depth of the proposed changes, it became clear that Bishops with views across the range of different perspectives agreed that it was unlikely all elements of the proposals would be sufficiently developed in time for Synod to make a decision in July.

They agreed to extend the timetable to ensure that all elements of the proposals are sufficiently developed for a decision to be taken on them as a whole. The intention is still to update General Synod in February, and bring further proposals to General Synod in July, but it is likely these will not be able to be formally put to a vote until a subsequent Synod. This will also give further time for consultations with Diocesan Synods and other networks.

The House discussed the continued actions being undertaken in response to the Makin review and the proposals on independent safeguarding and the revised Clergy Conduct Measure being brought to General Synod in February. The Archbishop of York and the Bishop of London discussed the importance of increased transparency, accountability and responsibility and the opportunities offered by the different proposals being brought to Synod.

In a lengthy and detailed discussion about the challenges faced, the House acknowledged the work that still needed to be done and looked forward to meeting other Episcopal colleagues imminently to work on this this further. Bishop Sarah ended the discussion reflecting that those in the Church are a people of hope who have the appetite for the work to be done.

A recent update on the process being undertaken by the National Safeguarding Team can be found here: Update on Makin Review Methodology.


New Bishop elected for Glasgow & Galloway

The Scottish Episcopal Church has announced that Canon Dr Nicholas Bundock has been elected as the next Bishop of Glasgow and Galloway.

The Diocese of Glasgow & Galloway has chosen a new Bishop. The Rev Canon Dr Nicholas John Bundock was elected yesterday (18 January) as the new Bishop of Glasgow and Galloway. He will be consecrated and take his new post later in the year. Nick becomes Bishop-elect, following the retirement of the Rt Rev Kevin Pearson who served the Diocese as Bishop for five years.

The Bishop-elect accepted the post following a vote of the Electoral Synod which took place at Holy Trinity & St Barnabas, Paisley, where he received over half of the votes in each house, with clergy and lay representatives from congregations across the Diocese voting…