Thinking Anglicans

Opinion – 20 May 2023

David Runcorn

Martine Oborne ViaMedia.News In Conscience?
Questions of Conscience (4)

Christopher Landau Church Times Can Gen Z save a C of E it barely knows?
“The lack of attention to liturgy in some of the larger urban churches is a cause for concern, argues Christopher Landau”


Bishops agree key areas for further work implementing Living in Love and Faith

Press release from the Church of England

Bishops agree key areas for further work implementing Living in Love and Faith

The House of Bishops has set out the key areas in which it is requesting further work from the implementation groups taking forward the decision of General Synod on offering prayers of thanksgiving, dedication and for God’s blessing for same-sex couples.

During its meeting in York earlier this week, the House spent time reviewing the work of the three implementation groups set up after the debate at Synod in February on proposals on identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage.

The proposals debated at Synod, which were developed after a six-year period of listening, learning and discernment known as Living in Love and Faith, would mean that, for the first time, same-sex couples could have a service in church in which there would be prayers of dedication, thanksgiving or for God’s blessing following a civil marriage or civil partnership.

The proposals would not, however, change the Church’s doctrine of Holy Matrimony. The texts known as Prayers of Love and Faith will be voluntary, with freedom of choice about their use.

There will be protections both for those who, on grounds of conscience, will not be able to offer them and those who will.

Three implementation groups have been set up to refine the draft texts of Prayers of Love and Faith; work on new pastoral guidance for the Church of England; and examine what pastoral reassurance will be required to ensure freedom of conscience for clergy and laity.

At this week’s meeting, the House agreed that while the Bishops’ views differ on matters of sexuality and marriage, they wish to create a generous theological, ecclesial and pastoral space holding the Church together in one body.

After spending time meeting informally, reviewing the work so far, the Bishops have provided further steers for the implementation groups to shape their work.

They are requesting further work around key subjects which will shape the new pastoral guidance. They are also asking for specific proposals to be developed that will ensure that those who offer the Prayers of Love and Faith, and those who don’t, are respected, supported and protected, recognising they are made out of theological conviction.

A further update will be provided before the July meeting of General Synod.

The Bishop of London, Sarah Mullally, and Bishop of Truro, Philip Mounstephen, co-chairs of the group co-ordinating the work of the implementation groups, said: “The House of Bishops had a very constructive meeting in York this week and it has been pleasing to see how much progress has been made by the implementation groups even in a short time.

“We look forward to further proposals being developed.

“It is important to take the time we need to get this right however there is a strong sense of progress in implementing what Synod agreed.”


Bishop of St Davids to retire

The Bishop of St Davids in the Church in Wales, the Rt Revd Joanna Penberthy, will retire on 31 July 2023.


Meeting of House of Bishops 15-17 May 2023

Press release from the Church of England

Meeting of House of Bishops 15-17 May 2023

The House of Bishops met between May 15 and 17 in York.

On Monday May 15 Lord Boateng, Chair of the Archbishops’ Commission on Racial Justice, led a discussion. The House noted the second report of the Archbishops’ Commission on Racial Justice and endorsed the work of the Racial Justice Unit (RJU).

The House then received an update on ongoing work to develop a National Redress Scheme for victims and survivors of abuse.

Bishops considered proposals in development by the National Church Governance Project Board and agreed that they should be presented to Synod.

The House received an update on the review of the Mission and Pastoral Measure 2011, which is due to be presented to the General Synod in July 2023.

On Tuesday and Wednesday the House reviewed the work so far of the Living in Love and Faith implementation groups and agreed that the work should be further developed ahead of an update to General Synod in July.

The Bishop of Durham, Paul Butler, co-chair of the Archbishops’ Commission on Families and Households, updated the House on the findings set out in its recent report Love Matters.

The meeting ended in prayer.


Opinion – 17 May 2023

Philip North ViaMedia.News On Conscience
Questions of Conscience (3)

Martin Sewell Surviving Church Why the Bishop of Oxford should be suspended


Opinion – 13 May 2023

Rosie Harper Surviving Church The Thing under the Thing………

Women and the Church Inquiry by Independent Reviewer into the appointment of the Rt Revd Philip North as Bishop of Blackburn

Charlie Bell ViaMedia.News Killing Fear and Freeing Conscience: Charting the Way Forward for our Life Together
Questions of Conscience (2)

Alice Goodman Prospect Clerical life: Last days of the curates
“I hear more and more about gifted young clergy leaving the church–and it fills me with dread”

Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Speaking of ologies and economic theory


Opinion – 10 May 2023

Matthew S C Olver The Living Church Ritual Repels the Robots: One Human Response to AI

Giles Goddard ViaMedia.News Freedom of Conscience: Sauce for the Gander?
Questions of Conscience (1): opening a new series of posts offering reflections on this theme


Bishop of Exeter Announces Retirement

From the Exeter diocesan website:

Bishop of Exeter Announces Retirement

Posted: 10th May, 2023

The Bishop of Exeter has announced he is to retire on 30 September 2023 after more than nine years in the role.

The Rt. Rev’d Robert Atwell was installed as bishop at Exeter Cathedral in July 2014.

He is currently convenor of the Bishops in the South-West region, chair of the Church of England’s Liturgical Commission and the lead bishop for Rural Affairs.

He has been a member of the House of Lords since November 2021…


General Synod dates and update on Living in Love and Faith implementation groups

The Church of England has issued the press release below about future General Synod dates, an outline of the business for July, and an update on Living in Love and Faith implementation groups. The text of the Outline of Business for July is copied below the fold.

General Synod dates and update on Living in Love and Faith implementation groups

The Archbishops of Canterbury and York, as Presidents of the General Synod of the Church of England, have agreed to proceed with a November meeting of Synod this year.

The group of sessions will be held in London from Monday November 13 to Wednesday November 15, the Synod Business Committee has confirmed.

The committee has also published the Outline of Business for the next meeting of Synod, which will take place in York from Friday July 7 to Tuesday July 11.

The July meeting will include a substantial item on the proposals, which emerged from the Living in Love and Faith process, to enable same-sex couples who have marked a significant stage of their relationship such as a civil marriage or civil partnership to come to church to give thanks, offer prayers of dedication to God and to receive God’s blessing.

Following a landmark debate at Synod in February, a series of implementation groups have been set up to take the proposals forward including refining a set of draft texts known as Prayers of Love and Faith; working on new pastoral guidance for the Church of England and examining what pastoral reassurance will be required to ensure freedom of conscience for clergy and laity.

It is anticipated that the November group of sessions could provide an opportunity for Synod to consider any aspects of that work not completed by July.

The Bishop of London, Sarah Mullally, and the Bishop of Truro, Philip Mounstephen, the co-chairs of the steering group overseeing the implementation groups, said: “The working groups set up by the College of Bishops to take forward the decision of General Synod on a way forward for the Church of England on identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage have been working at pace and are making good progress.

“We hope that work to refine the texts of Prayers of Love and Faith, together with aspects of the work of the Pastoral Guidance and Pastoral Reassurance groups, will be in place before the meeting of Synod in York in July.

“We will be bringing a report to Synod updating in more detail on the progress that has been made.

“Recognising the complexity of the matters being considered, we anticipate that time could be made available at the November meeting of Synod for any further work required.”

Notes to editors

  • Synod meets in February and July each year and in November at least once in every five years, usually.
  • The most recent November group of sessions was in 2021, the inaugural meeting of the current Synod.
  • Potential dates for November meetings of Synod are agreed by the Business Committee in advance with the other Synod dates and the presidents then determine each year whether or not to proceed with a November meeting that year.
  • The Business Committee has also advised members that next year’s first group of sessions will be between Friday 23 February 2024 and Tuesday 27 February 2024.



Opinion – 3 May 2023

Emma John The Guardian The church has at last welcomed us singletons into the fold. Hallelujah!

Anonymous Surviving Church New Dictionary Definitions for the Church of England. No 1: ‘Independent’


Independent Safeguarding Board: Statement by the Archbishops

The Archbishops of Canterbury and York have issued the following statement today.

Independent Safeguarding Board: Statement by the Archbishops

“As Meg Munn starts her role as Acting Chair of the Independent Safeguarding Board, we affirm our confidence in her and her ability to lead the Board’s important work. Working with the two existing Board members, Jasvinder Sanghera and Steve Reeves, she has agreed to bring forward options on the scope and terms of reference of a fully independent safeguarding board by the autumn of this year. The process will involve widespread consultation especially with survivors and with others in the Church.

In addition, the Board have been asked to develop proposals for a process to appoint a permanent independent Chair and additional Board members.

“Meg brings her experience of scrutiny of the Church’s safeguarding work in her role as Independent Chair of the National Safeguarding Panel since 2018. She also brings her previous experience as a senior safeguarding professional in local authorities and as a government minister and Member of Parliament. We look forward to welcoming all three members of the Board to the Archbishops’ Council next week.”


LLF Implementation Working Groups – version 2

The LLF documents that I linked to last week, and which were subsequently taken down from the Church of England website, have reappeared (in each case as version 2). I cannot see any differences in the contents of the old and new versions.

Members of the LLF Implementation Working Groups
LLF Implementation Working Groups Terms of Reference

There is an accompanying press release which is copied below.

Update from the Living in Love and Faith implementation working groups

A series of working groups taking forward proposals for the Church of England on identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage are up and running.

At its February meeting in London, the Church of England’s General Synod, considered proposals from the bishops which would enable same-sex couples who have marked a significant stage of their relationship such as a civil marriage or civil partnership to come to church to give thanks, offer prayers of dedication to God and to receive God’s blessing.

As well as a landmark debate on a motion (below), Synod members also met in smaller groups to consider and comment on a set of draft texts known as Prayers of Love and Faith, and to offer their views on proposed pastoral guidance.

At its meeting in March, the College of Bishops agreed to set up three working groups to implement Synod’s decision, tasked with:

  • Drafting new pastoral guidance
  • Further refining the texts of Prayers of Love and Faith in the light of feedback from Synod
  • Examining what pastoral reassurance will be required to ensure freedom of conscience for clergy and laity.

The full membership of the groups, drawn from across the Church of England, is below and the draft terms of reference for the groups can be found on the Living in Love and Faith section of the Church of England website.

Their work will be co-ordinated by a steering group co-chaired by the Bishop of London, Sarah Mullally, and the Bishop of Truro, Philip Mounstephen.

The groups met together in London recently and have been meeting individually regularly.


Coronation Liturgy

Update Simon Kershaw’s compilation of texts now includes 2023 and its published commentary.

Update On the morning of the coronation Buckingham Palace published its own edition of the Coronation service, with the revised Homage of the People.

The Church of England published The Authorised Liturgy for the Coronation Rite of His Majesty King Charles III late yesterday. The full text is on this webpage. In addition there are these pdf files.

My colleague Simon Kershaw has published the texts of each previous coronation since 1689, which readers may find helpful for comparison with this year’s text. He has also written several articles on coronations here.

The Church Times has published this: Next Saturday’s Coronation rite unveiled by Lambeth Palace.


Francis Young has published a side by side comparison of the 1953 and 2023 coronations: Coronation ordines compared: 1953 and 2023.


LLF Implementation Working Groups

Update Tuesday 2 May As commenters have noted these documents have been taken down from the website. New versions and a press release were issued today and are linked in my post above. Please take subsequent comments there.


The following two documents have appeared on the Church of England website in the last few days. They are internally dated 27 and 29 April 2023 respectively. I cannot find any reference to them on the Living in Love and Faith section of the website.

LLF Implementation Working Groups Terms of Reference
Members of the LLF Implementation Working Groups


Opinion – 29 April 2023

Stanley Monkhouse Rambling Rector Retired Struggle

Beth Keith Modern Church Is Liberal Theology Dead?


ISB Statement: Percy -v- Independent Safeguarding Board Case Resolved

The Independent Safeguarding Board has today issued the following statement.

Statement: Percy -v- Independent Safeguarding Board Case Resolved

The Independent Safeguarding Board (ISB) is pleased to announce a settlement in the case brought against it by Professor Martyn Percy, the former Dean of Christ Church Oxford.

Professor Percy brought the claim following his request to the Archbishops’ Council and Diocese of Oxford that there should be an independent review of the alleged weaponization of safeguarding by individuals and agencies within Church of England perpetrated against him. The Archbishops’ Council and Oxford Diocese decided to commission the ISB to conduct this review. However, Professor Percy challenged the restricted terms of the draft terms of reference set out by those commissioning the review and the previous Chair of the ISB. In the event, the court dismissed the claim brought by Dr Percy against the ISB, in part because all parties agreed that the ISB was not a legal entity against which such a claim could be brought.

At the heart of the case is the need for a rigorous review of the processes and practices of the Church of England alongside other developments at Christ Church. The ISB consider that the original review’s published terms of reference would have needed significant amendment to ensure that any independent ISB review had sufficient scope and depth.

While the ISB’s review could have made progress, the absence of an Information Sharing Agreement with the Church of England significantly hampered the continuation of the work. The review was initially paused and then discontinued by the Archbishops’ Council which decided that it should be conducted by some other person. That individual has yet to be agreed. The ISB urges the Archbishops’ Council to act with urgency to ensure that an independent review is commissioned. Professor Percy’s assertion that such a review should be led by a KC or Judge has significant merit and is one with which the ISB concurs.


Acting Bishop of Lincoln

We reported here in November 2021 that the Bishop of Ely, Stephen Conway, was to be Acting Bishop in the Diocese of Lincoln, following the retirement of Bishop Christopher Lowson in December 2021. That arrangement will now come to an end with the announcement today that the Bishop of Grimsby will be the acting bishop from 1 May 2023 until the the new Bishop of Lincoln takes up the role.

The Crown Nominations Commission has held its two meetings to consider Lincoln (the second on 28/29 March 2023), so an announcement of who is to be the new bishop may not be too far away. But as usual it will probbaly be some months after that before he or she takes up the role.


Appointment of Suffragan Bishop of Ripon

Press release from the Prime Minister’s Office. There are more details on the websites of the dioceses of Leeds and Southwark.

Appointment of Suffragan Bishop of Ripon: 27 April 2023

The King has approved the nomination of The Reverend Canon Anna Eltringham to the Suffragan See of Ripon in the Diocese of Leeds.

From: Prime Minister’s Office, 10 Downing Street
Published 27 April 2023

The King has approved the nomination of The Reverend Canon Anna Eltringham, KHC, Team Rector of Oxted Team Ministry, in the Diocese of Southwark, to the Suffragan See of Ripon, in the Diocese of Leeds, in succession to The Right Reverend Dr Helen-Ann Hartley following her appointment as Bishop of Newcastle.

Anna was educated at St John’s College, Durham and trained for ministry at the South East Institute of Theological Education. She served her title at Holy Innocents, South Norwood, in the Diocese of Southwark, and was ordained priest in 2009.

Anna was appointed Team Vicar, Oxted Team Ministry, also in the Diocese of Southwark, in 2014 and was appointed to her current role as Team Rector in 2019.

Additionally, Anna has served as Dean of Women’s Ministry since 2017 and has been an Honorary Chaplain to the Monarch and Honorary Canon at Southwark Cathedral since 2020.


Opinion – 26 April 2023

Bendor Grosvenor The Art Newspaper ‘Westminster Abbey charges £27 per ticket–even God might baulk at that price’
“If ever a ticket price reflected British history it is for this royal church, where the nation’s great and good are commemorated in profusion”

Karen O’Donnell ViaMedia.News Consent, Power, and BDSM in Theological Research


Opinion – 22 April 2023

Martine Oborne Student Christian Movement blog Frustrated Vocations: Why We Need an Honest Church on Women’s Ministry

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love The essence of the Christian message – the primacy of God’s unconditional, infinite, intimate love

Marianne Rozario Theos The death of traditional funerals