Thinking Anglicans

Recent Synod papers

Women Bishops in the Church of England? (GS 1557, the Rochester report) is released today. You can download all 785 kB and 302 pages of it here. There’s also a four-page (and 230 kB) Reader’s Guide.

Synod members have recently been sent copies of

Building faith in our future
Windsor Report 2004

both of which can be downloaded.


the Church press gets in on the act – 2

Today’s paper edition of Church Times has about ten pages devoted to the Windsor Report. Just three of the many articles are on the free part of the paper’s website.

There’s an overview news article Windsor report proposes new Covenant for Anglicans, a report Furious Akinola slams report about one person who is not happy, and More or less our last chance, says Eames, an interview with the chair of the Commission.


Dean Jensen says comments taken out of context

UPDATE (Thursday 21 October at 11:20pm BST)
The full text of Dean Jensen’s speech to “the forum” (actually Sydney Synod) on 19 October refered to below is available on the Sydney Anglicans website.

A week ago we linked to an article in The Guardian headlined “Evangelicals call Williams a prostitute” which reported on remarks made by Dean Phillip Jensen of Sydney at the annual conference of Reform. Reform was later reported to have apologised for the remarks.

The Sydney Morning Herald, in an article headlined “Sorry, says Jensen, but Anglicans are at war” reports today:

The brother of the Sydney archbishop Peter Jensen used the forum to deny he had damned the Archbishop of Canterbury as an intellectual and theological prostitute last week.

He also denied calling Kings College Chapel in Cambridge a “temple to paganism”.

While admitting loose expressions, confused meanings and the odd slips of the tongue, Mr Jensen apologised for the “great and unnecessary alarm” the headlines had caused.

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation says “Dean Jensen says comments taken out of context”.

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Tuesday News – Overseas

As well as the UK articles on the Windsor report listed in the article below, there are hundreds more in newspapers around the world. I have linked a small selection of them below.

Do remember, when reading them, that newspapers are much more interested in gay bishops and same-sex blessings than they are in bishops who intervene in other bishops’ dioceses.

The Age (Melbourne, Australia)
Unity under pressure as Anglicans digest gay report
Anglicans chart a difficult course
Anglican report slams US over gay bishop
Anglican head welcomes Windsor report
Anglicans move to avoid split

Sydney Morning Herald (Australia)
Sorry, says Jensen, but Anglicans are at war
Anglican report slams US over gay bishop
Anglican head welcomes Windsor report
Anglicans demand apology from US
Anglicans prefer split to false, forced unity

Kerala Next (India)
UK ; Gay supporters respond to ban on clergy
US ; Gay bishop unapologetic on same-sex blessings

The Guardian (Lagos, Nigeria)
Anglican Church demands apology over U.S. gay bishop

The Nation (Nairobi, Kenya)
Anglican Church Demands Apology Over Gay Bishop

The Standard (Nairobi, Kenya)
Anglicans deal major blow to gay priests

Globe and Mail (Toronto, Canada)
Anglican prelates unrepentant

Canada.Com (Toronto, Canada)
Anglican commission’s report criticizes Canadian church over same-sex blessings

CTV (Canada)
Canadian, U.S. Anglicans criticized in report

The Boston Globe (USA)
Anglican panel seeks a halt on gay bishops

The New York Times (USA)
Church Is Rebuked Over Gay Unions and a Gay Bishop

Christian Science Monitor (Boston MA, USA)
Anglican effort to avert schism

The Washington Post (USA)
Anglicans Chide U.S. Church on Gay Bishop

Kansas City Star (USA)
Panel seeks Anglican accord (an Associated Press report)

The Post and Courier (Charleston SC, USA)
Anglican panel warns church over gay bishop

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Reform apologises

We noted an article in Wednesday’s Guardian reporting comments about the Archbishop of Canterbury made by the Dean of Sydney at Reform’s national conference. Reform has now felt it necessary to apologise to the Archbishop for what was said.

Church Times Reform is sorry for Dean’s jibe

Here are some other reports and reactions to the Dean’s comments.

ABC Online (Australia) Anglican Church leaders bewildered by Dean’s outburst
and Australian Anglican Church distances itself from Philip Jensen’s comments
The Sydney Morning Herald Anglican turmoil over Dean Jensen’s attack
and Dean Jensen lays into Prince and church leader
The Star (South Africa) Dean causes Anglican spat


York Advert

Since early last year, the Archbishops’ and Prime Minister’s appointments secretaries have been placing notices in the church press inviting comments and suggestions about filling vacant diocesan bishoprics. The one for York has appeared this week, and is reproduced below.

The Telegraph and BBC picked this up yesterday, but their stories give the impression that the reporters had not actually seen a copy of the notice.

Telegraph Worshippers invited to nominate archbishop
BBC Archbishop job ad in newspapers

The Church Times carries the notice in its paper edition today, but apparently does not consider it to be a job advertisement and so has not added it to its online listing of job vacancies.

The Church of England Newspaper, the other paper to carry the notice, has not yet updated its website to include this week’s classified ads.


Following the announcement of the resignation of Dr David Hope, Archbishop of York, the See will fall vacant on the 1st March 2005. The main meeting of the Vacancy in See Committee will be held on 30th October 2004.The Crown Nominations Commission will meet on 28th February/1st March 2005 and 10th/11th May 2005.

Any person wishing to comment on the needs of the diocese, the northern province or the wider church, or who wishes to propose candidates, should write before the 12th November to

Caroline Boddington
Archbishops’ Secretary for Appointments
Cowley House
9 Little College Street

or to

William Chapman
Prime Minister’s Appointments Secretary
10 Downing St

Any letters received will be shared by the two Secretaries.


Gladwin for York?

Bishop John Gladwin

The House of Bishops of the Church of England is having one of its regular private meetings today and tomorrow. Michael Brown in the Yorkshire Post reports that they will discuss who they would like to see chosen as the next Archbishop of York and that their first choice will be John Gladwin, Bishop of Chelmsford. The paper describes him as a “tolerant liberal”, a “tilter at Thatcherism” and a “friend of gays”. He is also a former Provost of Sheffield Cathedral, which explains the paper’s particular interest.

This weekend’s Sunday Times also tipped Gladwin, but did not go so far as to say that the bishops as a whole were supporting him.

The York diocesan vacancy-in-see committee will be holding its first meeting on Tuesday 12 October. Can anybody tell me when the Crown Nominations Commission will meet to consider the York appointment?


New Dean of St Albans

There are a few more articles in this morning’s newspapers, and the St Albans diocesan website has added a few extracts from yesterday’s press conference.



New Dean of St Albans – early evening update

Following this morning’s official announcement from Downing Street of Dr John’s appointment the St Albans diocesan website carries statements made at the press conference in St Albans, a number of responses to the appointment and a letter that the diocesan bishop has sent to the clergy.

Several online newspapers are already carrying articles written since the announcement, although, since the story was accurately leaked several days ago, they have little new to say.


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February Synod

I wrote a news article for Anglicans Online this week.

It’s an account of everything important, and nearly everything unimportant, that was debated at General Synod last month. But this soon after the event I’m not entirely sure which was which.


Anglican-Methodist Covenant

This was signed today in a service which started in Methodist Central Hall, Westminster and finished across the road in Westminster Abbey.

The Methodist Church has a report which includes links to the address given by the President of the Methodist Conference, and to a pdf file of the complete order of service.

Westminster Abbey has a brief report and if you follow the link to “More…” you will find two photographs taken during the Abbey part of the service.

The Archbishop of Canterbury’s address does not appear to be online yet, but the text of it is available in a press release which is copied below.
[Update on Monday 3 November – The Archbishop’s address has been put online by the Anglican Communion News Service.]

The BBC has Anglicans and Methodists end rift.

An Associated Press report can be read here on the CTV (of Canada) site and icWales has this.



Anglican-Methodist Covenant

The Anglican-Methodist Covenant in England will be signed at a national celebration on Saturday 1 November 2003 in the presence of Her Majesty the Queen. Earlier this year the Covenant was strongly endorsed by the Methodist Conference of Great Britain and the General Synod of the Church of England.

The event will begin at Methodist Central Hall, Westminster, at 11.00 am when the Archbishops of Canterbury and York and the President, Vice-President and Secretary of the Methodist Conference will sign the Covenant on behalf of their churches before an invited assembly. The ceremony will continue at Westminster Abbey with a short service of thanksgiving and dedication.

The order of service is not yet available online, but material from it, adapted for local use, is available here as a Word document and here as a pdf file.



Archbishop of Wales on how to conduct the same sex relations debate

The Governing Body of the Church in Wales is meeting this week. In his presidential address yesterday, the Archbishop of Wales (the Most Rev Dr Barry Morgan) outlined the background against which the same sex relations debate needs to be conducted within the Anglican communion in the months and years ahead. He addresses these five general issues

1. The Authority and Interpretation of Scripture
2. The nature of Anglicanism
3. Decision making within the Anglican Communion
4. The place of Lambeth Resolutions
5. The sexual issue in a wider context

and it’s all well worth reading.

There is a press release here and links to the full text here.

The British national newspapers do not appear to have covered this, but the icNetwork in North Wales has this story.



Theo Hobson, writing in today’s Guardian, says that “We are witnessing the end of the Church of England”. This is not for the reasons normally given, such as conflicting views on homosexuality, but because of differing understanding of the concept of the church. “The evangelicals, ever since the reformation, have been lukewarm about the church’s institutional authority. They see it as a means to an end” – and that is all.