Papers for next month’s meeting of the Church of England General Synod are now available online. There is a list (with links and a note of the day sheduled for their debate) in numerical order below the fold.
GS 2232 Agenda November 2021
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Are Clergy Teams the future? Some reflections
Miranda Threfall-Holmes Women and the Church How feminists can be nourished by the Bible
[53 minute video]
Madeleine Davies and Pat Ashworth Church Times High turnover in General Synod elections
Theos Room for the Soul
Pete Whitehead examines the importance of last rites and access to clergy for those close to death.
James Mustard ViaMedia.News Fr Alan Griffin – Unconscious Homophobia?
81 CommentsPress release from the Church of England
Meeting of the House of Bishops, 19 & 20 October 2021
The first in-person meeting of the House of Bishops since March 2020 was held over a two-day period (October 19 & 20) in York.
The Bishop of Manchester opened the meeting following opening prayers.
Two safeguarding items were presented for consideration and discussion.
The first item updated the House regarding changes in safeguarding governance, with the creation of the Independent Safeguarding Board and the recent appointment of the Board’s Chair and a Survivor Advocate. The House noted the progress made to date.
The second item concerned House of Bishops Safeguarding Guidance on Safeguarding Children, Young People and Adults that has been revised and presented to the House for approval.
The House heard introductory remarks by the Church’s lead safeguarding bishop, and a presentation on Spiritual Abuse from Dr Lisa Oakley who previously led the Spiritual Abuse Task and Finish Group. This was followed by discussion.
The House noted its thanks to the National Safeguarding Steering Group and the National Safeguarding Team for their work and affirmed the need for clear guidance on spiritual abuse. It was agreed that the paper should come back to the House in December with the NSSG further addressing points raised and bringing a full implementation plan.
The Bishop of Birmingham then took the Chair for the remainder of the first day.
The Bishop of Lichfield gave an update on behalf of the working group concerning Holy Communion and the Reception of the Elements. The House agreed that there should be further discussion of this issue, while confirming that it did not wish to propose a change to canon law in this area.
The following morning (Wednesday 20 October) the Bishop of Blackburn was in the Chair as the meeting began with a discussion on governance matters.
The Bishop to the Archbishops gave an update on the consultation process arising from the document ‘Bishops and their Ministry: fit for a new context” which sets out plans for consultations on culture and structures for bishops and their ministries. The House noted the progress in plans for further consultation.
The Bishop of Leeds then spoke to the Governance Review Group Report which was published last month and generally well received. The House agreed to strongly support the report and its introduction to the General Synod.
The House then turned its attention to the Mission and Pastoral Measure Review Consultation Exercise and was addressed by the Head of Pastoral and Closed Churches. The Mission and Pastoral measure seeks to simplify some of the current complex legislation on pastoral reorganisation. The House endorsed the proposals for the review of the Measure and encouraged the Church Commissioners to sponsor legislation through the Synod.
The Bishop of London, accompanied by the Chief Enabling Officer of Living in Love and Faith (LLF), then introduced group conversations in relation to the work of LLF. The aim was to strengthen relationships and provide a strong foundation in the House when bishops are later called upon to discern together a way forward for the Church in relation to questions of identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage.
The House then considered a paper from the Episcopal Refence Group of the Faith and Order Commission on the implications for Local Ecumenical Partnerships of decisions on marriage by other denominations. The House agreed to further work to be done on this.
The Bishop of Guildford then took the Chair and invited the Bishop of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich to speak to the paper on Resourcing Ministerial Formation in his capacity as Chair of the Ministry Council. The House agreed to endorse the approach as set out in the paper.
The meeting closed in prayer.
(The meeting was held at a hotel in York given that social distancing and health and safety requirements meant that it was not feasible for the meeting to take place at Bishopthorpe)
15 CommentsMark Ireland ViaMedia.News Now is Not The Time to Cut Clergy Posts!
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church The Struggle to find Safeguarding Justice in the C of E.
Peter Ould Psephizo What will the new General Synod look like?
Victor Lee Austin The Living Church The Parish as a School of Friendship
66 CommentsThe first group of sessions of the 2021-2026 General Synod of the Church of England will be held in London on 16-17 November 2021. There will also be an induction day on 15 November. The outline timetable is available here and is copied below. Papers for the inaugural group of sessions will be published on Thursday 28 October.
Tuesday 16 November
10.00 am – 1.00 pm
Inauguration, including Abbey Service
2.45 pm – 7.00 pm
Welcomes and introductions
Welcome to First Church Estates Commissioner
Presidential Address
Report by the Business Committee
Generosity and Diocesan Finances
Question Time *5.30 pm – 7.00 pm
Wednesday 17 November
09.00 am – 12.30 pm
Opening worship
Loyal Address
Special Agenda IV: Leeds DSM: Wealth Gap
2022 Budget and Apportionment
Special Agenda I: Act of Synod for Vacancy in See Amendment Regulations 2021 – For approval
Appointment of AC Member
2.00 pm – 4.30 pm
Vision and Strategy
Report by the Governance Review Group
Meetings of the House of Laity 4.45pm – 6pm
* not later than
Please note that all timings are indicative unless marked with an asterisk Deadline for receipt of questions: 1200 hrs Thursday 4th November
The Dean of Norwich, the Very Revd Jane Hedges, has announced that she will retire in May 2022.
9 CommentsGiles Fraser UnHerd God save us from trendy vicars
“Young people don’t want Jesus to be their best mate”
Church Times Compulsory worship in schools should end
“It is time to change a law that threatens to bring the C of E into serious disrepute, argues Richard Harries”
Helen King ViaMedia.News The Changing Face of General Synod
100 CommentsPress release from the Church of England
LLF Next Steps Group Meeting on 29th September 2021
The Next Steps Group began the meeting by considering how to ensure widest possible engagement with the LLF resources across the range of demographics, especially including young people.
The group reviewed a set of resources for leading groups with young people which have now been published on the LLF Learning Hub.
The importance of encouraging all participants to share their experience and learning through the LLF online questionnaire and by means of creative responses was stressed. LLF Advocates were encouraged to continue to share good practice across dioceses.
The group noted the need to get three key messages across:
the LLF resources are for and about everyone; it is a genuinely open-ended opportunity for the whole church to contribute to the Church’s discernment about questions relating to identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage; the resources are flexible and should be adapted to different contexts at a time and in a way that is appropriate for them. The gathering of feedback will close on 30th April 2022.
It was agreed to reschedule publication of the resource, ‘The Gift of the Church’ to September 2022, when it will sit alongside the findings of the listening process as the process of discernment begins. The Next Steps Group will work together with the Faith and Order Commission on this task, and involve others as discussed at previous meetings.
The Group agreed that it would be important to introduce new members of General Synod to the LLF journey as part of their induction in November 2021.
The meeting ended in prayer.
36 CommentsChurch Times The accused have their rights, too
“Remedying past failures should not mean repenting at others’ expense, says Peter Selby”
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church The Church of England and failures in the administration of justice
Church Times Campaign for equality in C of E is not yet over
“Being ordained deacon prompts Christina Rees to reflect on how women clergy are still perceived differently from men”
Martyn Percy Modern Church Churches and Cultural Climate-Change Denial (Part Three): Forecasting and Futurescape
Charlie Bell ViaMedia.News General Synod: The Importance of Compromise & Conscience
38 CommentsJon Kuhrt Psephizo The culture change we need in the light of abuse scandals
Helen King sharedconversations Counter-cultural Cranmer?
Martyn Percy Modern Church Churches and Cultural Climate-Change Denial (Part One): Learning from Canute
Churches and Cultural Climate-Change Denial (Part Two): Money, Sex and Power
Anne Foreman ViaMedia.News General Synod: Why I Can’t Support “Save the Parish” Campaign
Edmund Weiner Surviving Church Iwerne Camps and Conservative Evangelicalism. Memories and Reassessment
Angela Tilby Church Times Ministry that is lay-led is not Anglican
69 CommentsPress release from Number 10. There is more on the Portsmouth diocesan wesbite.
Appointment of Bishop of Portsmouth: 8 October 2021
The Queen has approved the nomination of The Right Reverend Dr Jonathan Frost for election as Bishop of Portsmouth.
From: Prime Minister’s Office, 10 Downing Street
Published 8 October 2021
The Queen has approved the nomination of The Right Reverend Dr Jonathan Frost, Dean of York, for election as Bishop of Portsmouth, in succession to The Right Reverend Christopher Foster, following his retirement on 31st May 2021.
He will lead the Church of England’s Diocese of Portsmouth, which covers 133 parishes across south-east Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.
Jonathan was educated at the universities of Aberdeen and Nottingham; he prepared for ordination at Ridley Hall, Cambridge and served his curacy at St Giles’ West Bridgford, Nottingham. Jonathan was ordained priest in 1994 and, alongside parish duties, served as a Police Chaplain.
From 1997 to 2002, Jonathan was Rector of Ash in the Diocese of Guildford. In 2002 he took up a new joint post as Anglican Chaplain to the University of Surrey and Residentiary Canon at Guildford Cathedral. For 11 years, Jonathan taught Christian Doctrine on the Local Diocesan Ministry Course. He served as Bishop’s Advisor for Inter-Faith Relations and on General Synod. He was awarded a doctorate honoris causa by the University of Surrey in 2012.
Jonathan served as Suffragan Bishop of Southampton from November 2010 to January 2019. In these years Jonathan chaired the Portsmouth and Winchester Joint Diocesan Board of Education and became Honorary Assistant Bishop in the Diocese of Portsmouth.
He was installed as Dean of York at the Feast of the Presentation in February 2019. Among his priorities are prayer and Benedictine spirituality, evangelism, discipleship and working with others to tackle what he describes as ‘the scandal of poverty’.
He said: “I am learning to walk more gently on the earth and to partner with others in seeking climate justice. Inspiration to work for the integrity of creation, in my experience at least, has most often come through encounter with visionary young people.” He is a trustee of USPG, an Anglican mission agency.
35 CommentsStephen Parsons Surviving Church The Leicester Challenge to the Parish System?
Jayne Ozanne ViaMedia.News General Synod: the Abomination of Desolation
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love The inability to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy Christianity
11 CommentsApril Alexander ViaMedia.News General Synod: The Challenge of Voting in Women Bishops
Christopher Landau Church Times Is the BBC committed to religious news?
“The corporation’s slowness to appoint a new Religion Editor does not inspire confidence”
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Is the Iwerne Movement a Cult?
11 CommentsThe Rt Revd Paul Slater, Bishop of Kirkstall, an area bishop in the diocese of Leeds, announced his retirement today. He will leave on 31 January 2022. The diocesan announcement is here.
17 CommentsElections to General Synod are currently taking place. I have posted links to the election addresses of candidates here. This includes all the dioceses and special constituencies except for some where candidates were unopposed. The only exception is the Armed Forces Synod whose members are to be “elected or chosen … in such manner as may be determined by the Armed Forces Synod”. I have been unable to find anything online about how this being done.
In addition to election addresses some dioceses have produced videos of the candidates and/or held hustings or question and answer sessions which are available online.
If anybody wants to download any of this material for future reference they are advised to do so in the next few days. If 2015 is any guide some dioceses will remove election addresses from their websites immediately after voting closes on 8 October.
I am also compiling a list of the members of the new synod here.
Additions and corrections to either list can be emailed to me here.
3 CommentsThe Church of England has released statistics on remote worship during the March to July 2020 lockdown: Church at Home. There is an accompanying press release, copied below.
Thousands of churches offered remote worship during lockdown, new report finds
Thousands of churches adapted ‘at a moment’s notice’ to providing worship at home from the start of the first lockdown, according to a new report published today.
More than 9,000 churches (78%) offered ‘Church at Home’ online, via email, post and telephone during the March to July 2020 lockdown when collective worship was suspended because of the coronavirus restrictions.
More than 8,000, or 69%, offered livestreamed or pre-recorded services, while more than 5,000, or 44%, offered services downloadable from a website or emailed. More than 4,000, or 33%, offered printed and posted services and more than 2,000, or 21%, provided telephone or dial-in services.
The majority were continuing to offer these services in October last year even though most were also open for in-person collective worship.
6 CommentsMartyn Percy Modern Church “Nuts and Bolts” (III): Reflecting on the Governance Review Group Report
[We linked to parts I and II here.]
Charlie Bell ViaMedia.News General Synod: Honest to God!
‘Angela’ Surviving Church Power abuse against Church Leaders. The Witness of a Parishioner
The Archbishop of York gave this lecture at St Martin in the Fields – The Dream for the Church
19 CommentsMartyn Percy Modern Church “Nuts and Bolts” (I): Reflecting on the Governance Review Group Report
“Nuts and Bolts” (II): Reflecting on the Governance Review Group Report
Church Times What the C of E can learn from the police
“Withdrawing resources from local communities results in loss of trust and confidence, argues Alan Billings”
Andrew Lightbown Theoro0 Speaking of character, culture, mixed economies / ecologies & parishes
written in response to the article by Alan Billings
Sam Norton Elizaphanian Synod: The dying of a church is not a management problem
Ian Paul Psephizo Why we should all be using printed Bibles
45 CommentsAndrew Lightbown Theore0 Speaking of character, speaking of culture
Kelvin Holdsworth Making the Real Presence, real.
Church Times Archbishop of Canterbury: ‘Daily fed and guided’ in sacrament
Archbishop Welby talks to Madeleine Davies about reform and the pandemic
Jenny Humphreys ViaMedia.News General Synod: Permitting Discrimination is Very Dangerous!
75 CommentsGiles Fraser UnHerd Only chaos can redeem the Church
“God save our parishes from people with MBAs”
Church Times The love affair with the parish — has it ended?
Madeleine Davies, in part two of her study, looks at the forces for its retention and abandonment
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Purposeful Sexuality – naive, dangerous ideas about LGBTIQ+ and straight identities