Thinking Anglicans

Rose Hudson-Wilkin to be next Bishop of Dover

Press release from Number 10

Suffragan Bishop of Dover: 28 June 2019
Queen approves appointment of the Reverend Prebendary Rose Hudson-Wilkin to the Suffragan See of Dover.

Published 28 June 2019
From: Prime Minister’s Office, 10 Downing Street

The Queen has approved the appointment of the Reverend Prebendary Rose Hudson-Wilkin, BPhil Ed, Hon LLD, Chaplain to the Speaker of the House of Commons and Priest in Charge of St Mary-at-Hill, in the Diocese of London to the Suffragan See of Dover, in the Diocese of Canterbury, in succession to the Right Reverend Trevor Willmott, MA, who resigned on 31st May 2019.

Rose was born and raised in Jamaica. She was educated at Montego Bay High School for Girls and later at Birmingham University. She trained with the Church Army and was commissioned in 1982 as an Evangelist; she later trained for ordination at Queens Theological College on their part-time course, ordained deacon in 1991 and ordained priest in 1994 serving her title at St Matthew’s Church, Willenhall Road in the Diocese of Lichfield.

For sixteen and a half years she served as a priest in Hackney (Holy Trinity with St Philip, Dalston and All Saints, Haggerston). In 2007 she was appointed as a Chaplain to Her Majesty the Queen and in 2010, she became the first woman appointed to the position of the 79th Chaplain to the Speaker of the House of Commons. In November 2014, she took on the additional responsibility as Priest in Charge of city Church, St Mary-at-Hill near Monument. She is an Honorary Canon of St Paul’s Cathedral and a Priest Vicar of Westminster Abbey.

She has previously served as a member of the General Synod of the Church of England and also as one of the Panel of Chairs of the Synod. She has twice represented the Church of England at the World Council of Churches (in Zimbabwe & Brazil); she served as its priest representative on the Anglican Consultative Council for 9 years. She also served as a Selection Secretary for the Church of England, helping to select men and women seeking to test their vocation to the ministry. She does numerous preaching and speaking engagements nationally (and occasionally overseas). She was a member of the Broadcasting Standards Commission and has wide experience of media engagement including some religious broadcasting.

She is married to The Reverend Kenneth Wilkin, a Prison Chaplain and they have three adult children.

The Canterbury diocesan website states that her consecration will be on 19 November 2019.


Church of England response to IICSA’s report

Press release from the Church of England

Church of England response to IICSA’s report

The Church of England has published today its response to IICSA’s report on the Chichester diocese and Peter Ball case studies. This is ahead of next week’s wider IICSA hearing on the Anglican Church in England and Wales.

The timetable for the first week of the IICSA hearing on the Anglican Church in England and Wales is available here.


Bishop of St Germans to be CofE’s Director of Ministry

The Church of England announced yesterday that Bishop Chris Goldsmith is to become its next Director of Ministry. The bishop is currently the suffragan Bishop of St Germans in the diocese of Truro, so that post will become vacant when he takes up his new position in September 2019.


Opinion – 22 June 2019

Marcus Green ViaMedia.News Does the Bible Really Say…that St Paul ‘Hates Gays’?

George Sumner The Living Church Why should Anglicans want to be a Communion?

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church John Smyth and the question of Anglican membership


General Synod preview

Updated Saturday

General Synod meets in York next month and the Church of England issued its usual pre-Synod press release this morning, and this is copied below the fold. It concentrates on one item (youth violence and knife crime).

Madeleine Davies in Church Times has a fuller preview of the Synod agenda: Synod to focus on youth violence and knife crime.

There are two other Church Times articles.
Invest in refugees, Synod motion proposes
Synod will be asked whether it ‘gladly bears’ eucharistic presidency by Methodist presbyters as ‘temporary anomaly’


Harriet Sherwood The Guardian Church of England urged to offer haven from knife crime

Izzy Lyons and Laura FitzPatrick The Telegraph Churches should become knife crime sanctuaries with weapon amnesty bins, General Synod to discuss



Church of England Safeguarding Data Report 2015-17

Updated Thursday

The Church of England issued the following press release today.

Safeguarding Data Report 2015-17

Safeguarding data has been published today taken from annual safeguarding returns, collected by dioceses from 2015-17 and sent to the National Safeguarding Team. This is the first time that trends have been analysed over a three-year period.

The Church of England consists of more than 16,000 churches across the country; with around 1.14 million adults and children making up the regular worshipping community. This means it comes into contact with vast numbers of children, young people and adults every day of the week and safeguarding them is a priority. The majority of safeguarding-related concerns or allegations relate to children or vulnerable adults who attend or who have contact with the Church and their lives within the community.

In any report about data of this nature, it is important to recognise that behind each statistic is a person. Safeguarding is about everyone’s wellbeing and means the action the Church takes to promote a safer culture; it is about valuing every person as made in God’s image.


Press reports

Madeleine Davies Church Times Safeguarding reports grow by a half in two years
The full text of the MACSAS (Minister and Clergy Sexual Abuse Survivors) press release referred to in this article is here.

Harriet Sherwood The Guardian Church of England finds 50% rise in abuse claims and concerns



Opinion – 19 June 2019

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Mandatory Reporting and the Church of England

Mark Clavier The Living Church The Church of the Introverts


Senior Blackburn clergy reflect on IICSA reports on Chichester Diocese and Peter Ball

Updated Friday

The bishops, dean and archdeacons in the Diocese of Blackburn have written to all clergy, readers and safeguarding officers in the diocese. They reflect on reflect on the IICSA reports on Chichester Diocese and Peter Ball.

The press release states:

Since the recent publication of the report by the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) on the Diocese of Chichester and the Peter Ball case, Bishops’ Leadership Teams across the country have been strongly encouraged to read and reflect on the reports in their entirety.

Having done this in our Diocese, the Bishops, Archdeacons and The Dean of The Church of England in Lancashire were moved to send a message across our Diocese to urge others of the need to be ‘spending time with the report’; the reading of which they describe as a ‘powerful, emotional experience’.

The text of the letter follows below the fold and can also be viewed in its original form here.

Aban Quaynor writes about the letter in The Lancaster and Morecombe Citizen: Senior leaders in Diocese of Blackburn call on church to protect children from sex abuse.

SENIOR clergy in the Blackburn Diocese have written a joint letter to Christian faith leaders urging them to ensure ‘local churches are places where children and vulnerable adults are entirely safe’ from sexual abuse.

The letter … also states that members of the diocese should take a collective responsibility for abuse which has taken place within the wider church because ignoring it becomes a form of re-abuse…

This article is also published in the Lancashire Telegraph.

Stephen Parsons writes about the letter on his Surviving Church blog: The Blackburn Letter. A new beginning for the Church?


Martin Sewell Archbishop Cranmer Child sexual abuse: the Blackburn Pastoral Letter is game-changer for the Church of England

Adam Becket Church Times Safeguarding not just about box-ticking, say senior clergy in Blackburn



Opinion – 15 June 2019

Meg Warner ViaMedia.News Does the Bible Really Say….that Sodomites were sodomites?

Laudable Practice Newman, Keble, Pusey: High Church Parsons on Trinity Sunday

John Barton Church Times Richard Hooker and Puritans: Of sundry things, in the light of reason
“Richard Hooker’s engagement with the Puritans has much to teach those who debate scripture today”

Paul Bayes Thinking in Liverpool Believing in the Public Square


July General Synod – online papers

Update 1: Synod members reading this might like to note that the deadline for the submission of questions is a week earlier than normal; it is 12 noon on Wednesday 19 June 2019.

Update 2 [18 June]: More online papers linked

Update 3 [21 June]: More online papers linked

Update 4 [3 July]: Link to Questions notice paper added.

Update 5 [5 July]: Links to more notice papers added

Update 6 [7 July]: links to more notice papers added

Update 7 [8 July]: links to more notice papers added

Update 8 [8 July]: link to The Archbishops’ Council Annual Report added

Update 9 [9 July]: link to second mailing zip file and final order paper added

The first batch of papers for next month’s meeting of the Church of England’s General Synod are now available online. The remaining papers will be issued on 21 June and I will add links when these become available.

Papers with a note of the day scheduled for their consideration are listed below the fold. Synod meets from Friday 5 to Tuesday 9 July in York.

The Agenda is here and the Report by the Business Committee (Guide to the July 2019 group of sessions) is here.

[This is a revised version of the timetable originally noted here.]

First mailing .zip file
Second mailing .zip file



Opinion – 12 June 2019

Sue Wallace Precentor Sue Smoke – Part 1
Smoke – Part 2
“In this Pentecostal time of year it seemed a really good time to talk about incense, which seems to me to be a bit like the Marmite (you either love it or you hate it!) of the liturgical world!”

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church A Church that cares for Survivors?

Michael Fitzpatrick The Episcopal Café False Gospels?
“Many of my fellow Anglicans do not seem as excited as I am about the upcoming Lambeth Conference…”


Opinion – 8 June 2019

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Safeguarding in the Churches. Dreams for the future
Unity and conservative Christian groups

David Gillett ViaMedia.News Does the Bible Really Say that….Same-Sex Love is Wrong?

Giles Fraser UnHerd In praise of incompetence
“To be a priest is to be a failure”
and in response Jeremy Pemberton From the Choir Stalls In Praise of Method and Application

Jeremy Pemberton Openly The Anglican Communion must act against the Church of Nigeria’s homophobia

Jonathan Clatworthy Château Clâteau The biblical power of the moon


Opinion – 1 June 2019

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Patronage and Power Abuse in the Church

Michael Roberts Peddling and Scaling God and Darwin The Church of England and Creationism.

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Holding the House of Bishops to account – Sara Gillingham’s challenge

Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Speaking of LLF (Living in love and faith)

Martyn Percy ViaMedia.News Does the Bible Really…Give Us a Clear Definition of Marriage?

Richard Peers Quodcumque – Serious Christianity Inclusive, Expanded … He, She … – what language should we use about God in our worship?


Opinion – 29 May 2019

Helen King sharedconversations Intersex in history

Janet Fife Surviving Church Coming to terms with the Bible

Richard Peers Quodcumque – Serious Christianity My story: 25th Anniversary of the Ordination of Women – to live is to change.

Elaine Bielby Diocese of York Twenty-Five years of women as priests in the Diocese of York
Three of the 39 women who were ordained priest in York Minster in May 1994 write about their memories of the day .

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love I repeat: The Church of England is systemically abusive

David Pocklington Law & Religion UK Different perspectives of the CDM


Opinion – 25 May 2019

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Bishops and conservatives meet in secret to reinforce the abuse of LGBTI+ people
[see below for the background to this]

Harriet Sherwood The Guardian Photo exhibition celebrates 25 years of female priests
“Images of 12 women from Southwark diocese capture variety of a priest’s work”

Bosco Peters Liturgy Children in Church

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Wittgenstein’s ideas and the Bible. Some reflections
and Communication speak and the House of Bishops

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love A Christian Vision of Seamless Reality

Meg Warner ViaMedia.News Does the Bible Really Say…that Sex Outside of Marriage is Wrong?


General Synod Agenda for July

Update: An updated version of this timetable was issued on 14 June 2019.

The Business Committee of General Synod has today published the agenda for the July Group of Sessions in York.

The published information can be read here and is copied in full below the fold.



Opinion – 18 May 2019

Jayne Ozanne ViaMedia.News Unity – Has it Become a Golden Calf?

Laudable Practice Trad Expressions™: Why High Church is Contemporary

Samuel Keyes The Living Church Tradition for Teens

Jemma Sander-Heys Church Times Life by the sea is not all recreation and run
“Coastal communities face particular challenges, and politicians and churches must tackle them”

ViaMedia.News starts a new series of posts (one a week) on “Does the Bible Really Say….?” with this:
Jonathan Tallon Does the Bible Really Say…Anything at All about Homosexuality as we Understand it Today?

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love A philosophy and vision for parish ministry, then and now
and Interior reflections of a priest


Opinion – 15 May 2019

Peter Carrell Anglican Down Under So, who is an Anglican??

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Bishop Faull on Twitter. Message to Survivors?

Marion Clutterbuck Women and the Church Twenty-five years on; reflections on ministry
These are some memories of one of the women from Chichester diocese, who was ordained in 1994

Jon White The Episcopal Café Churches continue to defy demands for accountability


Opinion – 11 May 2019

Rodie Garland Church Times Mental health needs communities
“More funding is welcome — but churches still have a part to play”

Marcus Green The Campaign For Equal Marriage in the Church of England Ribs to Go
“the use of Genesis 1 in the discussions about marriage”

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church IICSA on Chichester – some comments

Richard Peers Quodcumque – Serious Christianity Safeguarding in the Church: have we got a mental block?


Opinion – 8 May 2019

Jeremy Pemberton Thomson Reuters How will the Church of England respond to heterosexual civil partnerships?
“It isn’t clear if Church of England will agree to bless heterosexual civil partnerships officially, but not homosexual ones”

Edward Siddons interviews Andrew Foreshew-Cain for The GuardianThe rebel priest: ‘Gay people in the church are not going to go away’
“The Rev Andrew Foreshew-Cain says his same-sex marriage cost him his ministry. Now he is launching a campaign for the rights of LGBTQ Christians”

Giles Fraser UnHerd Where did the Church’s land go?
“The C of E hasn’t covered itself in glory when it comes to land management”

Rosie Harper and Alan Wilson ViaMedia.News Safeguarding & Survival Systems – Loyalty vs Trust