The minutes of the 20 January 2025 meeting of the House of Bishops have now been published.
This is in line with the earlier announcement. At the time of the January meeting, this press release was issued.
The Church of England Evangelical Council (CEEC) is inviting clergy to attend an ‘Affirmation of Ordination Vows’ Service as an alternative to the often called ‘Chrism Mass’ held in dioceses on Maundy Thursday.
John Dunnett, National Director, Church of England Evangelical Council (CEEC), said: “With their ongoing concerns with regards to Living in Love and Faith, we know that many clergy across the country feel in good conscience unable to attend the traditional Chrism Mass service in their diocese. So we are offering two alternative services, in keeping with the Alliance’s construction of the de facto parallel province.”
CEEC invites all clergy who EITHER feel unable to attend the service in their diocese to join us at one of the below AND/OR those who are attending their diocesan service to join us in addition to attending in their diocese to stand with us at this time.
This will be led by Bishop Julian Henderson and Bishop Keith Sinclair.
Please click the button below to join the service – no need to book.
This will be led by Bishop Pete Broadbent.
This is being coordinated by LonDEN (London DEF) but clergy/lay people are welcome from other dioceses.
No need to book – simply turn up.
119 CommentsAn adjournment debate was held in the House of Commons on Monday evening, on Church of England Safeguarding. The full transcript of the debate is available here.
A video recording of the entire day (starting at 2.30 pm) is available here. The adjournment debate began at 8.33 pm and concluded at 9.32 pm.
The Church Times has published this news article: Commons debate airs ‘disappointment’ at direction of church safeguarding
28 CommentsChurch of England press release
The National Safeguarding Team has today announced the conclusion of the work to review all clergy under the authority or oversight of the Church of England who are criticised in the Makin review, published in November. The review was commissioned to look at the Church’s handling of the allegations of the horrendous abuse by the late John Smyth.
This has been a rigorous and independent process to look at whether those named present any immediate risk and consider whether there is a case for disciplinary proceedings for clergy, under the Clergy Discipline Measure. This has been undertaken in line with the process announced in December with recommendations of an independent panel and reviewed by an independent barrister.
Following this the National Safeguarding Team will now seek to bring disciplinary proceedings under the Clergy Discipline Measure against the following:
In all cases the CDM will be ‘out of time’ and so the permission of the President of the Tribunals will need to be sought to bring such cases. This will be done by the National Director of Safeguarding, Alexander Kubeyinje.
In reaching its conclusions the Stage 3 panel has considered the safeguarding policies and guidance which were in force at the relevant time, the facts of the particular case, the relevant legal considerations and whether there is sufficient evidence to justify proceedings.
The conclusions at Stage 3 were validated by the independent barrister at Stage 4 in the external scrutiny process,
In respect of all those under the authority or oversight of the Church of England not listed here but criticised in the Makin Review, the process has concluded that there is insufficient evidence to meet the threshold for instituting disciplinary proceedings at this time. There are two priests criticised in the report whose actions have not yet been reviewed as they are subject to other live, ongoing, processes. Once these have concluded they will be reviewed following the 4-stage process.
Victims and survivors and all those criticised in the Makin review have been informed and support offered.
Alexander Kubeyinje, the Church of England’s National Director of Safeguarding, said: “We must not forget that at heart of this case are the survivors and victims who have endured the lifelong effects of the appalling abuse by John Smyth, we are truly sorry. Today we have announced next steps in the process looking at both risk and disciplinary processes. We know this will never undo the harm caused but the Church is committed to taking very seriously its response to the findings of the review as well as responding to its recommendations.”
The National Safeguarding Team can make no further comment on these cases whilst the CDM proceedings are under way.
Finding support
(Media are requested to include these details in any coverage.)
If you or anyone you are in contact with are affected by the publication of this report and want to talk to someone independently, please call the Safe Spaces helpline on 0300 303 1056 or visit
Alternatively, you may wish to contact the diocesan safeguarding team in your area or the National Safeguarding Team at
There are also other support services available.
Notes for editors
Dioceses in which those listed currently minister:
The President of Clergy Discipline Tribunals, Sir Stephen Males, has responded to an oral request from the Secretary General of the Archbishops’ Council that the Deputy President’s decision, refusing permission for the request of the Bishop of Warrington to make a complaint of misconduct out of time, should be provided to the trustees of the Archbishops’ Council and to the senior staff of the Council.
The full text of Sir Stephen’s decision on this request has, at his direction, been published on the Church of England website.
93 CommentsThe Questions (and answers) for next week’s meeting of the Church of England’s General Synod were issued today. They can be found online here: Questions Notice Paper February 2025.
Questions will be taken on Monday afternoon (10 February).
28 CommentsTwo documents have been issued to General Synod members, both of which raise concerns about the recommendation in favour of Option 4, as described in GS 2378.
The Anglican Church of Southern Africa has published this news release:
Archbishop’s Panel of Inquiry pinpoints church’s failures on Smyth abuse report
This includes a seven page summary of the full report, which can also be read separately, via this link: Guide-to-Inquiry-Panel-report.
And also:
The Church of England has made this response: Response to South African Church’s report on John Smyth
29 CommentsThe Diocese of Liverpool has published the following:
Statement from the Rt. Revd. Dr. John Perumbalath, Bishop of Liverpool
Having sought the permission of His Majesty the King, I have today taken the decision to retire from active ministry in the Church of England.Earlier this week I was approached by Channel 4 news who informed me they would be broadcasting a story containing allegations of inappropriate behaviour by me against two different women.
Since those allegations were made I have consistently maintained that I have not done anything wrong and continue to do so. Since the claims were made in 2023 they have been investigated and considered by experts from the National Safeguarding Team and had found them unsubstantiated. The first allegation was also investigated by the Police resulting in no further action. Despite this, media reports have treated me as guilty on all charges and treated these allegations as fact.
Further it has been erroneously reported that prior to my appointment as Bishop of Liverpool I had failed the safeguarding assessment process. This is categorically not true. As the Church of England have made clear in their written statements over the past 48 hours responding to these false claims, the National Safeguarding Team found no concerns about my operational safeguarding experience and recommended some development work for me as I took on additional strategic safeguarding responsibilities – which is commonly the case for new diocesan bishops.
This rush to judgment and my trial by media (be that social or broadcast) has made my position untenable due to the impact it will have on the Diocese of Liverpool and the wider church whilst we await further reviews and next steps.
I do not wish this story to become a distraction for this incredible diocese and its people whom it has been an honour and joy to serve. This is not a resignation occasioned by fault or by any admission of liability. Rather it has become clear that stepping back from my ministry and waiting for the completion of further reviews would mean a long period of uncertainty for the Diocese and all those who serve it. I have taken this decision for my own well-being, my family and the best interests of the Diocese. The exact date when my role will formally end is not yet determined. There are protocols to observe that I will now be attending to.
But I step back from my ministry today. This means I will not be ministering in or leading the diocese with immediate effect. I informed the Archbishop of York of my decision and I understand he will put in place the necessary arrangements for episcopal oversight of the diocese for the remainder of my time here and during the vacancy..
The Diocese also issued the following statement:
Having received the news of the retirement of the Bishop of Liverpool, we acknowledge his decision in taking this step for the good of the Diocese of Liverpool. This is a deeply painful situation, and we hold all concerned in our prayers.
We will be liaising with the Archbishop of York in the coming days to establish interim episcopal oversight for the diocese. We continue working hard to support all those who have been affected by this story; and to support our clergy, congregations and staff as their ministry continues.
Debra Walker, Chair of the House of Laity
Peter Dawkin, Chair of the House of Clergy
Sue Jones, Dean of Liverpool
Pete Spiers, Archdeacon of Knowsley & Sefton
Miranda Threlfall-Holmes, Archdeacon of Liverpool
Simon Fisher, Archdeacon of St Helens and Warrington
The Archbishop of York has issued this
Statement from the Archbishop of York following the Resignation of the Bishop of Liverpool
I acknowledge the decision made by the Rt. Revd. Dr. John Perumbalath to resign from active ministry in the Church of England. I respect his decision and thank him for his ministry.
My thoughts and prayers continue to be with all those who have been affected by this situation.
I am committed to ensuring stability during this time of transition and will be putting the necessary arrangements in place to provide episcopal oversight for the Diocese. An acting Bishop for the Diocese of Liverpool will be announced in the coming days.
Stephen Cottrell, Archbishop of York
68 CommentsThe Charity Commission has issued this press release: Regulator sets out safeguarding expectations ahead of key Synod votes.
The letter to which it refers can be found here: Letter to General Synod members who are also trustees of Church of England charities. The full text of the letter is copied below the press release.
Press release text:
The charity regulator is engaging with the Church of England over the urgent need to improve its safeguarding arrangements, following the publication of the independent Makin Review and ahead of key debates at the Church’s General Synod (Parliament) next month.
In February, the Synod is due to consider proposals and legislation related to safeguarding including options for new structures, in response to various independent reports including the Makin Review. While the Commission does not regulate the General Synod itself – which is not a charity – decisions the Synod makes impact on charities within the Church.
The Commission renewed its engagement with Church authorities following the publication of the Makin Review – an independent review by Keith Makin into the Church of England’s handling of allegations of serious abuse by the late John Smyth QC.
See earlier article about yesterday’s House of Bishops meeting.
The House reviewed detailed updates from the Living in Love and Faith (LLF) working groups presented by Bishop Martyn Snow. After considered reflection on the complexity and depth of the proposed changes, it became clear that Bishops with views across the range of different perspectives agreed that it was unlikely all elements of the proposals would be sufficiently developed in time for Synod to make a decision in July.
They agreed to extend the timetable to ensure that all elements of the proposals are sufficiently developed for a decision to be taken on them as a whole. The intention is still to update General Synod in February, and bring further proposals to General Synod in July, but it is likely these will not be able to be formally put to a vote until a subsequent Synod. This will also give further time for consultations with Diocesan Synods and other networks.
Two reactions to this have been published:
Trusting in Love and Faith? A January 2025 Update by Helen King
The November 2024 issue of the Journal of Anglican Studies is now available online. It contains nine items related to abuse and the failures of safeguarding within the church. Each article is available as a separate PDF file. Most, though not all, of the articles deal specifically with the Church of England. The “Afterword” contains a comprehensive critique of the current English situation.
Editorial by Martyn Percy and Rosie Harper
Rt Revd Dr Alan Thomas Lawrence Wilson
This edition of the Journal is dedicated to Alan Wilson. A separate article discusses his experience of the extent of abuse within the church and his commitment to reforming the institution’s response. This passion was developed in the context of a far broader array of interests and expertise.
Alan’s heart was drawn to matters of justice and equality beyond the everyday work of an Area Bishop, which he did with a substantial pastoral heart and exacting attention to detail. He saw it as an imperative of both his faith and shared humanity. His spirituality was adventurous and exploratory, with roots in the Benedictine tradition. This led him to value simplicity and humility. It also meant that belief became real when it was embodied. Sitting on the sidelines was not for him..
Mark Williams and Hans Zollner
Glimpses of Hope: Reflections on Journeying with Survivors of Clergy Sexual Abuse
Gerald West
Tamar Summons the Church to Account: Resisting Patriarchal (and Ecclesial) Impunity in 2 Samuel 13:21
Martyn Percy
Speaking Truth to Power Structures: Integrity and Identity in Ecclesiology
Josephine Anne Stein
‘There Isn’t One!’ Church of England Safeguarding Policy
Fergus J. King, Alexandra Banks, Alfred Sebahene, Nant Hnin Hnin Aye, Maimbo W.F. Mndolwa, Albert Chama
Towards a Safe Church: More Than a Lambeth Call
Clive Stephen Billenness, Rosie Harper, Martin Sewell
The Post Office at Prayer? Auditing Risk and Practice: A Safeguarding Appraisal
Editorial by Martyn Percy
Afterword: Safeguarding – The Future of Risk and Responsibility
We reported on 10 December that Rochester has no confidence in the Archbishops’ Council.
This provoked the Council to respond on 20 December, see Archbishops’ Council responds to Rochester Diocesan Synod’s motion of no confidence and the full text of the letter signed by the Secretary General, William Nye is available here.
Rochester diocese has now replied to that letter. See:
Consequent upon the resignation of the Archbishop of Canterbury which took effect yesterday, the Archbishop of York has issued this letter to Clergy and Lay Ministers, which is also available as a PDF here.
81 CommentsThe Church Times has this report: Synod to vote in February on future of church safeguarding
For background and context see Safeguarding and independence.
The new document mentioned can be found here: Wilkinson-Jay Response Group – Emerging Proposals
This describes the two models (out of the original four) between which the General Synod will be asked to make a choice in February. It’s worth the time to read the whole of this document to get the sense of where the Response Group is heading.
The differences are summarised by the Church Times this way:
Updated Wednesday
The Rochester diocesan synod has passed a vote of No Confidence in the Archbishops’ Council with reference to safeguarding.
“That this Synod resolves to pass a vote of no confidence in the Archbishops’ Council’s oversight of safeguarding and urges for the necessary reforms to restore trust, safeguard the vulnerable, and uphold the Church’s moral and legal responsibilities.”
The voting was:
In favour: 51
Against: 5
Abstentions: 9
The diocesan bishop supported the motion.
For more details, including a link to the full text of the proposer’s speech, see here: Diocesan Synod backs vote of no confidence
This action has attracted some media attention:
The Archbishop of Canterbury spoke yesterday (Thursday 5 December) in the House of Lords, in the course of a debate on Housing. His remarks have attracted a very considerable amount of criticism. So much so that he has now issued a statement of apology for them. Some relevant links follow.
Hansard, text of the speech. Parliament Live TV, video recording
The full text is copied here below the fold.
Friday 6 December A personal statement by the Archbishop of Canterbury
Yesterday, I gave my farewell speech in the House of Lords, as part of a debate on housing and homelessness.
I would like to apologise wholeheartedly for the hurt that my speech has caused.
I understand that my words – the things that I said, and those I omitted to say – have caused further distress for those who were traumatised, and continue to be harmed, by John Smyth’s heinous abuse, and by the far reaching effects of other perpetrators of abuse.
I did not intend to overlook the experience of survivors, or to make light of the situation – and I am very sorry for having done so.
It remains the case that I take both personal and institutional responsibility for the long and retraumatising period after 2013, and the harm that this has caused survivors.
I continue to feel a profound sense of shame at the Church of England’s historic safeguarding failures.
Friday 6 December. Safeguarding bishops apologise to survivors following Archbishop’s speech
113 CommentsThe Lead Bishops for Safeguarding, Joanne Grenfell, Julie Conalty and Robert Springett have written to survivors and their advocates following the Archbishop of Canterbury’s speech in the House of Lords.
We write after watching Archbishop Justin’s farewell speech in the House of Lords yesterday. We have heard from several of you about the distress and anger that this has caused you.
Both in content and delivery, the speech was utterly insensitive, lacked any focus on victims and survivors of abuse, especially those affected by John Smyth, and made light of the events surrounding the Archbishop’s resignation. It was mistaken and wrong. We acknowledge and deeply regret that this has caused further harm to you in an already distressing situation.
We know that the Church of England has seriously failed over many years at many levels in relation to safeguarding, and we are so sorry that yesterday’s speech was the antithesis of all that we are now trying to work towards in terms of culture change and redress with all of you.
As lead bishops for safeguarding in the Church of England, we apologize to you.
We will continue to do all we can to change the culture of the Church, so that abuse is exposed and prevented, those in authority are held to account, and the searching light of truth is allowed to shine into every corner of our lives.
If you are or are in contact with someone affected by this letter, please call the Safe Spaces helpline on 0300 303 1056 or visit this webpage where other support services are listed.
Joanne Grenfell, Julie Conalty, Robert Springett
Lead bishops for safeguarding
Updated 20 January 2025
December 2024
The Church of England has recently published two press releases on this topic.
This describes progress to date by the Wilkinson and Jay Reports Response Group which will report to the General Synod in February 2025.
This describes work being done by the National Safeguarding Team in conjunction with dioceses and others, to follow up the recommendations of the Makin report. A four stage process is outlined.
The following reaction to the latter has already appeared at Church Abuse: Church of England announces response to Makin review: kick it into the long grass.
We will add any further items relating to these two releases as they appear.
Update: this was issued on 16 January: Update on Makin Review Methodology
30 CommentsThis web page was published today:
LLF Working Groups continue: Update on membership and residential meeting
Following the decision at July General Synod to develop proposals to introduce standalone services including Prayers of Love and Faith (PLF) alongside pastoral reassurance, there will be continued input from four working groups into this process. The group membership includes bishops and members of General Synod, drawn from a wide range of backgrounds. Some of the members were part of the working groups that began their work in March 2024, while others have joined since the July Synod…
…There are four working groups in total, each with a different remit, looking at specific questions connected to:
- Prayers of Love and Faith – Guidance for registration and use including arrangements for use of the PLF in Standalone Services.
- Pastoral Reassurance – Code of Practice for Delegated Episcopal Ministry.
- Bishops’ Statement – Drafting group for an overarching rationale for a settlement around current and future practice for implementing the objectives of LLF.
- Ministry and Vocations Guidance – Development of guidance as part of the work to replace Issues in Human Sexuality (in parallel with decisions on a timetable to address questions around clergy in same sex marriage).
Full membership lists are included in the web page linked above.
There are two other new documents:
And there is this video, which was published earlier
39 CommentsOn Tuesday, Richard Scorer (Principal Lawyer at Slater and Gordon) wrote on behalf of one of his clients, Gilo, to both the archbishops. This was a follow-up to an earlier letter of 23 June 2023, to which no substantive reply has yet been received.
The full text of both letters can be read here:
Presumably, it will now fall exclusively to the Archbishop of York to reply.
The first letter was concerned with a meeting which included both National Safeguarding Team members, and representatives of Ecclesiastical Insurance, that took place in August 2016, and the handling of an earlier (2020) complaint about that event.
The second letter seeks to discover the outcome of a further meeting held in June 2024 by the Archbishops’ Council Audit Committee to examine how that 2020 complaint had been handled. To date no report has been issued (and the original 2023 questions remain unanswered).
In addition, the second letter refers to more recent questions raised by Gilo in relation to the York diocesan Past Cases Review 2. Again, no answers have yet been received.