Thinking Anglicans

opinions this weekend

Comment is free Belief has a weekly question. This week it is Can religion help us through the slump?

There are five responses from Julia Neuberger, Francis Davis, Ishtiaq Hussain, Graham Kings, and Nick Spencer.

Christopher Howse writes in the Telegraph about the Enigmatic life of Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury.

Michael Wright argues in the Guardian that Now is a good time for Quakers to reassess their priorities and find their tongues.

Catherine Pepinster writes in The Times The beauty of our creations is also part of our faith.

Giles Fraser writes in the Church Times that Borrowing is no way out of the credit crisis.


update on Fort Worth

Updated again Sunday morning

From epiScope: Renunciation of Orders

Today, Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori “accepted the renunciation of the Ordained Ministry of this Church, made in writing on November 24, 2008 by the Right Rev. Jack Leo Iker, Bishop of Fort Worth who is, therefore, removed from Ordained Ministry of this Church and released from the obligations of all Ministerial offices, and is deprived of the right to exercise the gifts and spiritual authority as a Minister of God’s Word and Sacraments conferred on him in Ordinations.”

Saturday morning update

There is a detailed ENS report: Presiding Bishop declares inhibited Fort Worth bishop has renounced his orders.

See also PB “accepts” Bishop Iker’s renunciation of orders at Episcopal Café.

Here is what was published on the date mentioned above.

Read what she wrote to the House of Bishops.

…My decision to accept Bishop Iker’s voluntary renunciation fits squarely within the canons. Bishop Iker’s November 24 statement clearly constitutes “a renunciation of the ordained ministry of this Church, and a desire to be removed therefrom” as contemplated by Canon III.12.7(a). Other, similar letters — most recently from Bishops Bena and Fairfield — have also been treated as voluntary renunciations and with the consent of my Council of Advice I have accepted them and removed and released those bishops from our ordained ministry, as well…

Sunday morning update

Bishop Iker has issued a statement: What Renunciation?

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram reports Episcopal Church presiding bishop says Iker renounced orders.

And, Bishop Iker commented on the proposed new province in this newspaper report: Fort Worth Episcopal bishop weighs in on the church’s split.

The Steering Committee North Texas Episcopalians issued this statement.


GAFCON primates meet at Canterbury

Updated Tuesday

Primates of the GAFCON Primates’ Council meeting in London have issued the following statement about the Province of the Anglican Church in North America:

We welcome the news of the North American Anglican Province in formation. We fully support this development with our prayer and blessing, since it demonstrates the determination of these faithful Christians to remain authentic Anglicans.

North American Anglicans have been tragically divided since 2003 when activities condemned by the clear teaching of Scripture and the vast majority of the Anglican Communion were publicly endorsed. This has left many Anglicans without a proper spiritual home. The steps taken to form the new Province are a necessary initiative. A new Province will draw together in unity many of those who wish to remain faithful to the teaching of God’s word, and also create the highest level of fellowship possible with the wider Anglican Communion.

Furthermore, it releases the energy of many Anglican Christians to be involved in mission, free from the difficulties of remaining in fellowship with those who have so clearly disregarded the word of God.

There are some reports of the meeting that was held today between several GAFCON primates and the Archbishop of Canterbury:

Ruth Gledhill has Canterbury summit: nothing happened

Baby Blue has Rowan Williams hosts Anglican primates at Canterbury Cathedral for emergency summit

Tuesday update

Although the statement appearing on the GAFCON website does not include any signatures, it now appears from this Religion News Service report, Conservative Anglican Primates Back New Province, that it may have been signed by only five of the six primates who constitute the GAFCON primates council. The name missing from the RNS report is The Most Rev Valentino Mokiwa, Primate of Tanzania.


more reports on Wheaton

Updated again Saturday morning

The Los Angeles Times has Episcopal Church leader says those who defected ‘are no longer Episcopalians’ by Duke Helfand

Update There is an additional article: Split in Episcopal Church hits new level

The Washington Post has A Worldwide Anglican Melee by Jacqueline L. Salmon and Michelle Boorstein

The Toronto Star has Anglicans formalize split by Stuart Laidlaw

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution has Episcopalian churches in Georgia may join new Anglican group by Christopher Quinn

Religion News Service has What’s ahead for the fractured Episcopal Church? by Daniel Burke

Christianity Today has Conservative Anglicans Create Rival Church by Timothy Morgan

Jim Naughton at Episcopal Café has 100,000? We think not and he also has some critique of other coverage here and also here.


The Living Church has at last published a report, Provisional Structure Unveiled for New Province.

Stand Firm has published a note: Clarifying the Role of the AAC in the New Province.

The Anglican Journal has Anglican Church in North America: new church or new province?

Christian Today has GAFCON Primates to meet Archbishop over US split

The New York Times has yet another article, Conservative Anglicans Vow to Press Ahead With Split by Laurie Goodstein.


some reactions to Wheaton

Updated Saturday morning

Among the interesting comments so far…

Jan Nunley reminds us of some earlier news events in Everything old…

In particular, she links to Dissident Episcopalians Meet to Discuss New Church, which is dated 1977.

Update Jan has more, in I found another one….

Jeffrey Weiss at the Dallas Morning News suggests the new ‘Anglican Church in North America’ isn’t actually Anglican, in fact he says:

At this point I put these folks in the same basket as the women who claim they’re Catholic priests, Christians who say they are “Messianic Jews” and Mormons who say they are Christians.

Ian Douglas asks Why do we call them traditionalists?

Paragraph 154 of The Windsor Report clearly states: ‘Whilst there are instances in the polity of Anglican churches that more than one jurisdiction exists in one place, this is something to be discouraged rather than propagated. We do not therefore favour the establishment of parallel jurisdictions.’

Update Jeff Sharlet has Anglicans Toot Somebody Else’s Horn.


update on Quincy

Updated Friday evening

The Living Church reports that the former bishop of Quincy, who recently retired suddenly just before the diocese voted to align with the Southern Cone, has accepted a new assignment, see Bishop Ackerman Accepts Call to Springfield.

ENS reports that QUINCY: Diocese begins to reorganize after split.

There is a report overnight that

Members of the Cathedral parish of the Diocese of Quincy voted Thursday night to not be “realigned” or “removed” to the Anglican province of the Southern Cone in a 181 to 35 vote.

According to Episcopal Café four hundred of the diocese’s 1850 members belong to the cathedral parish, and it accounts for 22 percent of Quincy’s average Sunday attendance.

There is more information here.

Friday evening update

ENS has QUINCY: Cathedral to stay in the Episcopal Church and the Living Church has Quincy’s Cathedral Parish Won’t Join Southern Cone.

And there is this press release about a forthcoming meeting.


Lambeth responds to Wheaton

Updated Thursday evening

For reports of the event yesterday in Illinois, see here, and also here.

ENS has published Lambeth Palace responds to Common Cause Partnership announcement:

“There are clear guidelines set out in the Anglican Consultative Council Reports, notably ACC 10 in 1996 (resolution 12), detailing the steps necessary for the amendments of existing provincial constitutions and the creation of new provinces,” the spokesperson said. “Once begun, any of these processes will take years to complete. In relation to the recent announcement from the meeting of the Common Cause Partnership in Chicago, the process has not yet begun.”

Resolution 12 from ACC 10 can be found here.

The BBC World Service has a 9 minute radio segment in which Christopher Landau interviews several of the principals in this story.



Listen (9mins)
Last Updated: Wednesday, 3 December 2008, 00:41 GMT

Breakaway members of the Anglican churches in North America are announcing the formation of a new north American church. Their unilateral actions will result in two competing Anglican churches existing in North America.

Our religious affairs correspondent Christopher Landau asks: What does this mean for those trying to preserve the unity of the worldwide communion?

Thursday evening update

A further Episcopal News Service report: Communion process presents challenges for proposed province by Matthew Davies and Mary Frances Schjonberg

Church of England Newspaper New American Province looms by George Conger

The Times Archbishops hold Canterbury summit over threat of schism by Ruth Gledhill

And also, Lambeth Palace on new province as Gafcon primates fly in for summit on Ruth’s blog.


further news reports from Wheaton

Updated Thursday lunchtime

For earlier reports go here.

The New York Times article by Laurie Goodstein previously linked has been written-through and is now headlined Episcopal Split as Conservatives Form New Group (h/t KH).

Also, there is a link here to a podcast in which this journalist is interviewed.

Reuters Michael Conlon Episcopal Church dissidents move toward division

Chicago Tribune Manya Brachear Conservatives unveil plan to break from Episcopal Church

Cleveland Plain Dealer Former Episcopal breakaway parishes join new North American Anglican Church

Fort Worth Star-Telegram Fort Worth Episcopal diocese joins new Anglican Church in North America

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Proposed constitution to reunite conservative Episcopalian groups

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review Duncan to head new Anglican church

Canada National Post Conservative Anglicans take step in forming new church

Washington Post Conservative Episcopalians Vote to Create Alternative Branch by Michelle Boorstein

Washington Times Anglican conservatives propose constitution by Julia Duin

And,in the British press:

Telegraph Anglican row spills into US as Episcopal church splits over homosexual priests by Tom Leonard

And, there was this earlier report on Episcopal News Service that I missed yesterday, Conservative Anglicans due to announce new province.

Thursday lunchtime update

Religious Intelligence has this report by George Conger Legal framework set for new Third Province in North America


Anglican fragmentation

A report from Canada of division among conservatives there, in an Anglican Journal report Conservative Anglicans determined to stay within church by Keith Knight.

About 50 conservative Anglican leaders, including eight young theological students, gathered in Toronto for a one-day consultation on Nov. 25 and emerged with a determination to remain within the Anglican Church of Canada. They came from 16 dioceses across the country.

Rev. Brett Cane of St. Aidan’s Anglican Church in Winnipeg is chair of Anglican Essentials Federation who was quick to point out that the organization is going through a name change. He said that the “Essentials” label has negative connotations in some parts of the country. He said that the federation is loosening its connection to the Anglican Network in Canada (ANiC). “We will still maintain links of fellowship with the network but we will not be organizationally tied together.”

Andrew Brown has commented at Cif belief on Anglican divisions in When a schism has a schism of its own.

For most of the first years of Rowan Williams’ time as leader of the Anglican Communion, there was a running story about whether he could hold it together in the face of its divisions about almost everything, but most noisily about gay people and liberalism. Some time this summer, it became obvious that he hadn’t and that there is a full-scale schism under way but by that time almost everyone had got bored and started to talk about other things. So this week the story returns with a twist: will there be a second schism within the schism? In particular will the coalition that has been trying to drive the liberal churches of North America out of the Communion break up; and will the puritan evangelical faction start to break up the Church of England too?

Over at Episcopal Café there is discussion under the heading If the Episcopal Church got adventuresome of an article on his own blog by Geoffrey Hoare titled Archbishop Duncan.


Anglican fragmentation 2

Updated Wednesday evening

Three reports this morning about the forthcoming event in Illinois:

BBC North American Anglicans to split by Christopher Landau
Update this report has now been written-through by editorial staff and retitled North American Anglicans separate.

Christian Science Monitor Conservative bishops propose a competing North American Anglican church by Jane Lampman

Christian Post Breakaway Anglicans Aim for Less Division with New Province by Lillian Kwon

Wednesday evening update

This short Associated Press report: Conservatives form rival group to Episcopal Church

Now superseded by this substantial one by Rachel Zoll Conservatives form rival group to Episcopal Church

New York Times Laurie Goodstein Conservatives Expected to Split Episcopal Church

Chicago Tribune Manya Brachear Schism or stunt? Conservatives form new Anglican denomination

Dallas Morning News Jeffrey Weiss New Anglican-ish province to include Fort Worth?

epiScope has this Statement from The Episcopal Church.

The Anglican Church in North America has published:
Draft Constitution html pdf
Draft Canons html pdf

Telegraph US Anglicans form breakaway church

Daily Mail Anglican Church in U.S. splits in two in row over gay issues

Wall Street Journal Episcopals Form Rival Church

Earlier reports:

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Constitution to reunite conservative Episcopal groups

Canadian Press Breakaway Anglicans to form new North American church


Archbishop in TV documentary

BBC One (Wales only) has a documentary scheduled for Wednesday 3 December at 10.45 pm.

The Archbishop

A personal profile of The Archbishop of Wales, Dr Barry Morgan, filmed at a time of great division in the Anglican Church. The programme examines the arguments surrounding the consecration of gay bishops and the ordination of women bishops.

Read the press release at the Church in Wales website: The Archbishop – BBC One Wales documentary.

Two newspaper reports:

Western Mail Archbishop of Wales Barry Morgan says he would consecrate a gay bishop

Daily Post Archbishop of Wales would consecrate gay bishop


GAFCON, NEAC and an alternative province

Two pieces recently on Daily Episcopalian.

Adrian Worsfold wrote Taking over the Church of England.

…Why is GAFCON like Militant? Because a core group maintains control as a reaction to the failure of other Evangelicals to get their way in the wider Western Churches. It then infiltrates to force its agenda. Even at the Conference itself, that jumble of oddities called the Jerusalem Declaration was born in a back room – it was leaked even before the assembled could give it the rubber stamp. GAFCON itself was planned by annoying the local Anglicans in Jerusalem because of their opposition to its divisiveness.

In Britain came the entryism into one of the theological colleges and the scattering of much of its evangelical staff, replaced by hardliners and the agreeable. The same man, Chair of the Church of England Evangelical Council (CEEC) has chaired the recent National Evangelical Anglican Consultation, in which, without notice, and without a right to amend, a pro-GAFCON motion was put to the meeting. The assembled would not have it, and refused to give it a vote. The result is that the CEEC will vote for it anyway on the spurious basis that it represents Evangelicals. Perhaps the CEEC once did, but as ever the hardliners continued to attend when others dropped away – it is how the entryists work…

George Clifford wrote An “alternative” province? Why not?

Until two weeks ago, I strongly advocated the Anglican Communion refusing to establish a new province in North America and mandating that provinces cease violating provincial boundaries by conducting ministries or establishing congregations within the Episcopal Church’s jurisdiction.

Then I read that the Episcopal Church had spent in excess of $1.9 million in 2008 on lawsuits connected to the departure of parishes and dioceses from this Church. Daily I read about critical needs for healthcare, food, sanitation, and shelter in the United States and abroad. I see the spiritual illness and death that afflict so many. I remember that Anglicans have wisely never claimed to be the only branch of the Christian Church.

I started to wonder, Was I wrong? Why not another North American province?

Also, Jonathan Wynne-Jones wrote at the Telegraph Squabbling evangelicals need to find a united voice.

…Now it’s the evangelicals who are fighting amongst themselves.

In truth, the unity that was central to their success in forcing the gay cleric, Jeffrey John, to stand down as Bishop of Reading has long gone.

With hindsight this may be viewed as something of a pyrrhic victory as it led to a splintering in the evangelical movement: Anglican Mainstream and Fulcrum emerged from the 2003 row to represent the conservative and more ‘open’ factions.

The simmering tensions spilt over at the recent meeting, held at All Souls Langham Place – the church which was home to the evangelical doyen John Stott for 30 years.

Lacking such an inspirational and unifying figure, they have been reduced to bickering and squabbling.

Richard Turnbull, the chair of the Church of England Evangelical Council, was heckled by a group led by Graham Kings – a leading member of Fulcrum, and his opposite number as it were.

While some there found this childish and inappropriate – more befitting the floor of the Commons than a church, it is nevertheless easy to appreciate their frustration…


opinions at Advent Sunday

The Church Times has a leader, The right way to spend Advent.

Roderick Strange writes in The Times that Advent teaches us the deeper lessons of waiting.

The Church of England has an Advent calendar. See related press release here.

Stephen Plant reviews a new book about Methodism in The Times at All the world can still be John Wesley’s parish.

In the Guardian The hajj is the perfect opportunity for Muslims to put our anger behind us, says Kia Abdullah.

At Cif belief the question this week is: How can we talk about God online? There are responses from Mark Vernon, Theo Hobson, and Stephen Tomkins.

Christopher Howse writes in the Telegraph about Auctioning off the bishop’s bequest.

Giles Fraser writes in the Church Times that Bonhoeffer went to Bradford.


GAFCON/FCA and the new province

Over at Fulcrum Graham Kings has highlighted a recent comment made here at Thinking Anglicans in response to the article Church Times on NEAC.

See Rallying Point of Jerusalem Declaration, Diocesan Funds and FCA.

Today, the Church Times has an article on the proposed new province, see Province plan to be unveiled by Pat Ashworth.

The site described as “the new Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans (FCA) web site set up by Anglican Mainstream South Africa” can be found here.


Standing Committee meeting in London

Updated again Thursday evening

ACNS announces that the Joint Standing Committee (JSC) of the Primates and Anglican Consultative Council (ACC) Meeting is being held in London this week.

The report lists those who are attending and includes a picture of them.

Ruth Gledhill reports for The Times that Conservative Anglicans face “punishment” for helping US rebels.

And there is more on her blog under the heading Southern Cone heading south.

Looks like action is about to be taken against Greg Venables and the Southern Cone for sheltering no fewer than four TEC conservative bishops and their flocks, the latest being Jack Iker and Forth Worth. See our news report summing up the latest. I understand that the Joint Standing Committee meeting in London this week, from which significantly Egypt’s Mouneer Anis and Uganda’s Henry Orombi are absent, is to discuss suspending Southern Cone’s voting rights from the upcoming Anglican Consultative Council meeting in Jamaica next May. As long-standing readers will recall, this is what happened to TEC, then Ecusa, at the last ACC meeting in Nottingham in 2005. This is not so much a ‘booting out’ but should be regarded as a punishment, I am told. Meanwhile, it seems highly probable that TEC and Canada are to be rewarded for their restraint by being given a full seat back at the table again in May.

Episcopal Café notes these reports with a question: Southern Cone “suspension”: Sabre rattling? Trial balloon?

Wednesday evening update

Matt Davies of Episcopal News Service reports on the meeting, in Joint Standing Committee plans for 2009 ACC meeting.

The Joint Standing Committee of the Primates and Anglican Consultative Council (ACC) has devoted much of its November 24-26 meeting to discussing budgetary issues and planning the next meeting of the ACC — the communion’s main policy-making body — set for May 1-12, 2009 in Kingston, Jamaica.

Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori was among those attending the JSC meeting, which was held behind closed doors at the Anglican Communion Office and Lambeth Palace in London. She noted that a November 26 report in The Times of London newspaper, that suggested the JSC had discussed plans to discipline the Anglican Province of the Southern Cone for its recent incursions into other provinces, was untrue. “The subject has not come up,” she told Episcopal News Service…

Thursday evening update

The Living Church has an article by George Conger titled Analysis: Recognition of Third Province Likely to Take Years, and there is a longer version of this piece over here.


more on that alternative province

There is an announcement about the meeting on 3 December, which is being billed as “historic”.

A Reuters report by Michael Conlon Episcopal Church dissidents aim for new church seems to have upset absolutely everybody.

On the one hand Baby Blue considers that the lead contains an offensive phrase. On the other hand, Episcopal Café thinks the numbers quoted are quite wrong.

George Conger wrote for the Church of England Newspaper about the province, see Lambeth faces Chicago test.

Mark Harris comments at The Third Province, the Anglican Church in North America, and other plots and plans.


Bishop Iker inhibited

Updated again Tuesday

Bishop Jack Iker has been inhibited by the Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church.

You can read the official notice here (PDF).

It probably won’t get announced on the website of the diocese.

The Steering Committee of North Texas Episcopalians has issued a statement which you can read here.

Monday evening update

I was wrong in my prediction about the diocesan website. It now carries the following: Press Release in response to attempted inhibition which includes both a statement by the bishop and a statement by the standing committee.

Episcopal News Service has published a very detailed report by Mary Frances Schjonberg headed Presiding Bishop inhibits Fort Worth bishop. This includes links to the certificate issued by the Title IV Review Committee, and to the documentation, here, and here, and also here, which was submitted to the committee.

Religious Intelligence has published a report by George Conger Fort Worth Bishop inhibited.

Tuesday update

The Living Church also has a report Bishop Iker Describes Inhibition by PB as ‘Irrelevant’.


further NEAC reports

Another of the presentations has been published, this one by Michael Ovey. And this Bible Study.

Still no sign of the one by Christina Baxter.

Other presentations are linked here.

A Church of England Newspaper report of the meeting by Toby Cohen is at present only available here.

And another Church of England Newspaper article about it is A foot in many camps – a reply to Stephen Kuhrt by Chris Sugden.


The historical identity of the Church of England

Christopher Howse writes today in the Telegraph about Anglicans who’ve lost their memory.

Like an unwatched pan of milk, readers of the Church Times have seethed up and boiled over in response to an analysis of the Church of England by the ever-controversial historian Jonathan Clark…

Here are the links to the Church Times pages where this debate has proceeded:

First, Jonathan Clark wrote an article The C of E needs a strong story.

The next week, there were several letters in response, under the headline The new historiography: is an Anglican via media still defensible? from Jeremy Morris, Simon Heans and Andrew Burnham.

The following week, there was a further letter from Christopher Scargill and a response from Jonathan Clark, at The Church of England’s historical identity.


weekend columns

PewForum has an interesting report on How the News Media Covered Religion in the [US] General Election.

Stewart Dakers writes in the Guardian about how Faith and science need a collective reformation to celebrate the power of love.

Jonathan Sacks writes in The Times about Fashioning the world anew with winged thoughts.

Ekklesia has republished an article by Christopher Rowland on A kingdom, but not as we know it.

Giles Fraser talked on the BBC’s Thought for the Day last Wednesday.

Elaine Sciolino wrote in the New York Times about how Britain Grapples With Role for Islamic Justice.