Thinking Anglicans

Saturday opinions

Giles Fraser writes about Hegel for the Guardian in Face to Faith that “Dialectical Anglicanism has many problems, foremost among them the damage to its champion – Rowan Williams.”

Another philosophy tutorial in The Times by John Cottingham Philosophers are finding fresh meanings in truth, beauty and goodness.

Christopher Howse in the Guardian has Gay divisions make Anglicans glum.

Giles Fraser again, this time in the Church Times: Why fervour makes me feel sick.

The Tablet has another editorial about the Church of England, Our friends’ problems.

At Ekklesia Simon Barrow and Jonathan Bartley have strong opinions about marriage: What future for marriage?


InclusiveChurch letter from Columbus 2

Letter from the General Convention 2006: Friday June 16.

It is still not clear when the resolutions referring to the Windsor Report will move through the legislative process. We have heard that there is no consensus amongst the members of the Special Commission Committee as to the way forward, and despite the myriad of opinions volunteered no-one is really able to guess the outcome. One thing is clear: the bonds of affection between members of this church are deep and sincere and there is little desire for fracturing the body.

Yesterday we attended an interesting seminar on the baptismal covenant hosted by the Associated Parishes for Liturgy and Mission. In their response to the resolutions relating to the Windsor Report they refer to the assertion in the Prayer Book of ECUSA that “the bond which God establishes in Baptism is indissoluble” and go on to call attention to the fact that “Baptism into our one Lord, and the regular renewal of that covenant in Holy Communion, form the basis for all communion within the Body of Christ. Thus ‘bonds of affection’ are properly understood as the fruit of this very real unity, rather than the essential sign of, or basis for communion among Anglicans Baptism is the sole basis for communion among Anglicans.”

The baptismal covenant, which unites us with Christ in his death and resurrection and seals us with the Holy Spirit, is “the sacrament of once-for-all admission into membership in the catholic church, a particular expression of which is the local eucharistic community.” With this understanding as the basis for church life it is, at the very least, presumptuous to declare who is and who is not in communion across the boundaries of the church. The intervention of the Bishop of Durham at the eleventh hour has surprised and confused many people here, and we have heard more than one person say that it seems to be a clear attempt to subvert the process of reception of the Windsor Report. It has certainly reaffirmed the determination of some to powerfully assert the communion of all the baptized.

The Episcopal Church has an understanding of the baptismal covenant that permeates every aspect of its life, defining its liturgy, ecclesiology and polity. It heightens the contrast between ECUSA and the Church of England and it is hard to overestimate its significance for the present discussion on communion. If the covenant we share as Anglicans is indeed the covenant of our baptism, what is the purpose of the proposed Anglican Covenant other than to create a new way of regulating our common life that is inconsistent with our Anglican understanding?

In some senses there is a far stronger understanding of Anglicanism present here than one would find in any large gathering of the Church of England. This is a church which people have chosen: in England association and commitment to the CofE is less clearly defined, for good and obvious reason. It perhaps explains why there is a degree of frustration here when Anglican commentators still talk about the ‘appointment’ of bishops, and why the Primate is called Presiding Bishop rather than Archbishop. Power is far less hierarchical in ECUSA and the ignorance of our different polities is sobering.

Many people ask us if the General Synod is in any way similar to the General Convention, and the simple answer is no. There is simply no equivalent gathering in the Church of England where people gather to celebrate, pray and deliberate on what it means to be church. The warmth of welcome we are receiving is deeply moving, and a sign of what our communion could and should be like.

Everywhere there is a sense that bit is time to move on. The ONE Campaign (the equivalent of our Make Poverty History) has wide support here and many wish this could receive at least the same attention being given to issues of human sexuality. This is undoubtedly a time for decision and we wait to see where the Holy Spirit leads.

Giles Goddard
Philip Chester
Inclusive Church


more reports from Columbus

Update Friday evening
Stephen Bates of the Guardian has arrived in Columbus and filed his first report: Deadlock looms over response to gay cleric.
Solange De Santis of the Canadian Anglican Journal has a further report: Sexuality issues cause timing concern at Episcopal convention
Rachel Zoll has a further report: Episcopalians Pressured on Gay Bishops
In London, Ruth Gledhill tells readers of The Times that Episcopalians are Undecided, oblivious, or utterly entrenched. On the ground in Columbus, James Bone reports that I’m no abomination, says gay bishop.

Jonathan Petre in the Telegraph has US Church warned by bishops to be tougher on gays

Robert Pigott for the BBC reports Anglican church in crisis debate. Yesterday the BBC had Gay bishop ‘not an abomination’

The Church Times has Upbeat General Convention starts with ‘U2charist’.

For those of us outside the US, the Canadian Anglican Journal reports are helpful:
Episcopal Church convention opens debate on sexuality
Episcopal General Convention: developments in brief

For more detail, go to ENS. Thursday night’s video report is strongly recommended. The last four minutes of this programme is a meditation by John Sentamu.

Associated Press Rachel Zoll has had several reports this week:
Episcopalians Debate Gays Being Bishops
Gay Bishop Says He’s ‘Not an Abomination’
Episcopalians Weigh Not Having Gay Bishops
Danforth Warns Episcopalians on Issues

Episcopalians Debate Issue of Gay Bishops

A transcript of the CNN programme, “Larry King Live” can be found here.


Lake Malawi latest reports

The Nation reports that High Court reinstates Bishop Mwenda and editorialises that Church should be role model.


InclusiveChurch letter from Columbus 1

Ten thousand Episcopalians have gathered in Columbus Ohio to worship, pray and talk together. The scale of the Convention is breathtaking; the Conference Centre is half a mile from end to end, and the daily Eucharist is in a hall large enough to accommodate all the participants. People from across the spectrum of the church are present, from the conservative dioceses such as Pittsburgh and Fort Worth to liberals from Chicago and New York; worship is bi-lingual in Spanish and English; and legislative sessions start at 7.30 a.m and go on late into the evening.

The daily Eucharist is perhaps the most powerful part of the day – particularly as the whole congregation is seated at tables of ten people. After the sermon we are asked to take part in a “Table Discussion” which is extremely effective, creating a mini-community among the vastness of the worship and a palpable sense of unity within the incredible diversity of the Convention.

We are here to extend the hand of friendship from InclusiveChurch, to build networks of friendship and to share our common experiences. Clearly the huge issue for this conference, apart from the election of a new Presiding Bishop, is how the church here responds to the recommendations of the Windsor Report. Episcopalians are aware that “the eyes of the world are upon us” and are deeply aware that what happens this week will affect the future of the Anglican Communion. There is no sense that they are acting lightly, carelessly or without serious thought.

We have met, among other people, Cate Waynick, the Bishop of Indianapolis; Jon Bruno the Bishop of Los Angeles; representatives of Affirming Catholicism USA, Via Media, Claiming the Blessing; clergy and lay people from across the US and beyond. Apart from the generous and open welcome InclusiveChurch receives, there is a strong sense that ECUSA recognises its place as part of the Anglican Communion; the issue, therefore, for this week is how it can square the recommendations of the Windsor Report and the concerns of its conservative members with the strongly expressed determination to support, affirm and encourage the faith and ministry of lesbians and gay men within the church.

But the only point on which there is clarity is that there is no clarity. A Special Commission was set up to draft a possible response to the Windsor report, which has recommended a number of resolutions for Convention to consider. In these resolutions, the church expresses “deep regret” at the pain caused due to its actions and calls for “very considerable caution in the nomination, election, consent to, and consecration of bishops whose manner of life presents a challenge to the wider church and will lead to further strains on communion.” A further resolution asks the church not to proceed to “authorize public Rites of Blessing for same-sex unions, until some broader consensus in the Anglican Communion emerges.”

The legislative process calls for a Hearing to be held before the introduction of resolutions, which then have to be passed by a majority in the House of Bishops and the House of Deputies (which is made up of clergy and lay delegates from every diocese). The hearing regarding these resolutions was held last night; 1500 people attended and 70 spoke, including Gene Robinson (coincidentally following Robert Duncan the (conservative) bishop of Pittsburgh), Colin Coward of Changing Attitude and the Archbishop of York. While most of the contributions were unsurprising, there was clearly an undercurrent from some conservatives that the present situation cannot continue and that unity is being strained to breaking point.

In other words, the proposed resolutions go too far for some and not far enough for others. A startling and entirely inappropriate intervention from Tom Wright, the Bishop of Durham, makes this clear. In a paper released to the Anglican Communion Network of (predominantly conservative) bishops a couple of weeks ago and widely publicised just before the hearing, he calls for ECUSA to use precisely the language of the Windsor report in expressing regret and imposing a “moratorium” on the appointment of bishops who might cause controversy; he accuses the Special Commission’s report of duplicity in its use of language and includes scarcely veiled threats should ECUSA not roll over and submit to the Windsor recommendations. While his paper was seized on by some to reinforce their positions, for most it was seen as a unacceptable example of arrogance from the Church of England – precisely the kind of thing guaranteed not to encourage the meeting of minds which is so urgently sought. The Archbishop of York, who is present for the whole week, made similar points but with a great deal more tact.

The resolutions are now to be discussed in detail. There is much to be negotiated. There is a danger is that the substance of the issue – the acceptance of lesbians and gay people – will be confused with the fallout of the process related to Gene Robinson’s appointment. Unclarity on both issues may continue for some while yet. A desire for closure on these issues may not be fulfilled. To be continued……

Giles Goddard
Philip Chester
Inclusive Church


reports from Columbus

Jonathan Petre reports from Columbus in the Telegraph that Williams appeals for gay compromise as US dioceses plan split:

A number of conservative Anglican dioceses are poised to break-away from the liberal American Church over the issue of homosexuality, The Daily Telegraph has learnt.

In a development that will dismay the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, several American dioceses have held secret discussions about leaving the Episcopal Church and realigning themselves to a sympathetic conservative province.

The Archbishop of York is attending the convention. His appearance caused surprise to some Americans. Ruth Gledhill has a more colourful headline for this.

First, he read a message from Rowan Williams to each house of the convention (the bishops meet entirely separately from everyone else, unlike the English synodical custom) and then he not only attended the hearing on Windsor, but actually spoke to the committee. You can find reports of what he said here and here (second link is text copied from about halfway down here). And here is a conversation Andrew Gerns had with the archbishop.

The discussion of the Windsor resolutions continues on Thursday.

The local Columbus Dispatch had this report.

For comprehensive reporting of the convention see the Episcopal News Service convention website which includes daily video reports and a daily journal in PDF format.

See this page at Anglicans Online for more links to sources, with some explanations.

For blog commentary, see Jim Naughton on Daily Episcopalian as well as Kendall Harmon on titusonenine. Ruth Gledhill is also watching what goes by on the blogs.


Two English views of the ECUSA resolutions

Bishop Tom Wright has published a major article analysing the proposed Windsor Report related resolutions, which the ECUSA General Convention is currently considering in committee hearings, The Choice Before ECUSA. He argues that the resolutions fail to comply with the Windsor Report:

…The benchmark against which the key resolutions must be measured is of course Windsor 134 (for Resolutions A160 and A161) and Windsor 144 (for A162). The report quotes the preamble to Windsor 134 (see (5) above), but never quotes the recommendations themselves. The reason for this, sadly, becomes all too clear: the Commission clearly had the Windsor Report before it throughout, and decided to decline Windsor’s request and to do something else instead, using some words and phrases which echo those of Windsor while not affirming the substance that was asked for. This, with real sadness, is my basic conclusion: that unless the relevant Resolutions are amended so that they clearly state what Windsor clearly requested, the rest of the Communion is bound to conclude that ECUSA has specifically chosen not to comply with Windsor…

and he concludes:

…It is very important not to let the plethora of material, in the official document and in all the various commentaries on it, detract attention from the central and quite simple question: Will ECUSA comply with the specific and detailed recommendations of Windsor, or will it not? As the Resolutions stand, only one answer is possible: if these are passed without amendment, ECUSA will have specifically, deliberately and knowingly decided not to comply with Windsor. Only if the crucial Resolutions, especially A160 and A161, are amended in line with Windsor paragraph 134, can there be any claim of compliance. Of course, even then, there are questions already raised about whether a decision of General Convention would be able to bind those parts of ECUSA that have already stated their determination to press ahead in the direction already taken. But the Anglican principle of taking people to be in reality what they profess to be, until there is clear evidence to the contrary, must be observed. If these resolutions are amended in line with Windsor, and passed, then the rest of the Communion will be in a position to express its gratitude and relief that ECUSA has complied with what was asked of it. Should that happen, I will be the first to stand up and cheer at such a result, and to speak out against those who are hoping fervently for ECUSA to resist Windsor so that they can justify their anti-ECUSA stance. But if the resolutions are not amended, then, with great sadness and with complete uncertainty about what way ahead might then be found, the rest of the Communion will have to conclude that, despite every opportunity, ECUSA has declined to comply with Windsor; has decided, in other words, to ‘walk apart’ (Windsor 157). My hope and earnest prayer over the coming week will continue to be that that conclusion may be avoided. May God bless the Bishops and Delegates of ECUSA in their praying, thinking and deciding.

See the full document for his detailed analysis of each resolution.

This has provoked some strong criticism already, see:
Jim Naughton N. T. Wright: Le Communion c’est moi.

Graham Kings discusses the same topic in the Fulcrum newsletter for June, Shechem, Corinth and Columbus: ECUSA’s Choices. He includes the following analysis, following the ideas previously put forward by Andrew Goddard:

1. ‘Federal Conservatives’, in the bottom right, consists of those who are conservative on sexual ethics but who do not consider highly the ecclesiology of the Windsor Report and especially its warnings against transprovincial interventions. They would not be unhappy with the demotion of the Anglican Communion to a Federation of Anglican Churches. Examples of this group may be the Anglican Mission in America, which began with transprovincial consecrations, parts of the American Anglican Council and the Archbishops of Nigeria and of Sydney.

2. ‘Communion Conservatives’, in the top right, consists of those who are conservative on sexual ethics but have a high regard for the ecclesiology and the recommendations of the Windsor Report. They are keen to hold to the concept of Communion. Examples of this group may be Fulcrum and the Anglican Communion Institute and the Bishop of Pittsburgh.

3. ‘Communion Liberals’, in the top left, consists of those who are liberal on sexual ethics but have a high regard for the ecclesiology set out in the Windsor Report, if not all its recommendations. Examples of this group may be the Bishop of Virginia and the centre of the Special Commission of ECUSA.

4. ‘Federal Liberals’, in the bottom left, consists of those who are liberal on sexual ethics and have a low regard for the ecclesiology set out in the Windsor Report and many of its recommendations. Examples of this group may be Integrity USA and the Bishop of Washington.

Concerning the Anglican Covenant proposed by the Windsor Report, which recently has had some preliminary shape given to it, groups 1 and 4 are likely to be against it and groups 2 and 3 for it.

It seems to me that the Global South Anglican movement and Anglican Communion Network movement, and the Anglican Mainstream movement (and all three are movements, rather than just groups), include some in groups 1 and 2, though more, perhaps, in group 1. They straddle the two and responses to the outcome of the General Convention will depend a lot on the resolution of this tension.

See the full article for the footnotes giving sources etc.


Bishop of Cork speaks his mind

The Presidential Address to the Cork, Cloyne & Ross Diocesan Synod by Bishop Paul Colton can be read in full here.

A press release also issued by the diocese contains the reasons why this is of more than local interest:Church of Ireland ought not respond to Anglican controversy by erecting walls of exclusion – Bishop of Cork

Some longer quotes from the full text:

Lambeth Conference

Planning is also under way for the next Lambeth Conference of bishops which is to be held in 2008: not long now – two summers away. I hope that the planners of that conference and that the Archbishop of Canterbury (who issues the invitation) will invite all Anglican bishops of the time and of all outlooks to that three week encounter as equal participants; otherwise it would be pointless.

I have never been to a Lambeth Conference, having been elected six months or so after the last one. However, what I want from that meeting is for it to be nothing other than a place of encounter and pilgrimage. To that end it would be impossibly impoverished unless all are invited in parity. Moreover, it would be uselessly compromised if it were to descend to a type of ecclesial and political world cup where resolutions are propounded and fought over; and which supplant discovering that friendship in faith with the trophies of sectional victory: golden cows won and lost and which consolidate or even catalyse division.



Vivienne Faull on women in ministry

In writing about women bishops, Jonathan Wynne-Jones said in the Sunday Telegraph that:

The fresh delay in drawing up legislation came after one of the Church’s most senior female clerics, the Very Rev Vivienne Faull, the Dean of Leicester, said that she would have felt unable to become a bishop under the plans that had been proposed.

The place where she said this was in this lecture (PDF format) given in both London and Oxford on 11/12 May. (Background on the lecture series here.)

The whole lecture should be read, but the quote comes from this part:

It seems to me that if women bishops are a theological innovation, TEA is a far greater ecclesiological innovation. Others have noted that we have for some time been very close to articulating theologies specifically rejected by the early church. The postmodern temptation to picking and choosing amongst bishops, the pre-modern ttemptation to see your bishop as tainted, surely need to be resisted. More prosaically, any diocesan bishop operating under TEA would find much of their energy absorbed by managing its complexity rather than strategic leadership. At a time of rapid change this inhibition could be critical.

I for one would find that inhibition made the office and work of a bishop impossible to perform.

The lecture also contains a wealth of statistics on women’s ministry as priests in the Church of England.


Nigeria: a very useful compendium

Political Spaghetti has published a comprehensive review of events in Nigeria relating to the proposed new laws relating to homosexuality in that country.

Will anyone in the Church of England raise any questions about the role of the Church of Nigeria in this affair?


Kunonga and Canterbury

Yesterday’s Sunday Times carried a report by Christina Lamb about the deplorable state of the Anglican church in Zimbabwe, Church of the Flunkey bolsters Mugabe’s grip. This contains the following passage:

So serious is the situation that Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, has intervened with the Home Office to help some priests to enter Britain. “The Church of England has received and assisted clerical refugees from the diocese of Harare,” said Lambeth Palace.

Williams has broken a long silence on the matter with a statement to The Sunday Times in effect calling for the Bishop of Harare to be suspended.

“In other jurisdictions, a priest or bishop facing such serious charges would be suspended without prejudice until the case had been closed,” the statement said. “It is therefore very difficult for Bishop Kunonga to be regarded as capable of functioning as a bishop elsewhere in the communion.”

Although Williams has no power to intervene in Zimbabwe — which comes under the authority of the autonomous Province of Central Africa — his words as leader of the worldwide Anglican church carry great influence.

If this report is correct, then some progress has been made.


ECUSA: an interesting dialogue

As the General Convention of The Episcopal Church gets underway in Columbus Ohio, Lionel Deimel and Christopher Wells have engaged in a discussion which is available online, starting here. This discussion concerns the proposed resolutions concerning the Windsor Report, starting from the two essays previously listed here on TA, one by Deimel, and the other from ACI.


opinion roundup

Updated Monday
This is published later than usual, apologies.

The Tablet has an editorial about Women Bishops in the CofE: Kasper’s forthright warning.

The same journal published this interview with Linda Woodhead: Holistic spirit.

Christopher Howse writes about dogs in church.

The Archbishop of Southeast Asia, John Chew expressed his opinions to Ruth Gledhill in Anglicans look south for unity in diversity.

Two newspaper reports on Sunday refer to a speech by Lord Carey, expressing his opinion.
Sunday Telegraph Church has fallen apart since I was in charge, says Carey
Independent Carey blames successor for ‘strife’ dividing Anglicans
You can read his opinion in full here (the speech was delivered on 9 May).

Updated Monday morning
Two items related to the above:
Lord Carey has issued a statement complaining about the Sunday Telegraph report and
Stephen Bates has written about it in the Guardian with a wide range of persons quoted, in Oh dear. George is at it again.


BBC Sunday item on Coekin

The bishop interviewed this time is Bishop Nick Baines, Suffragan of Croydon in Southwark diocese. Please note that Bishop Nick has impeccable evangelical credentials. His comments about Mr Coekin are extremely interesting.

The item is about 9 minutes in total, and starts about 20 minutes into this link. Better link from the BBC tomorrow.


Coekin: Butler gives his view

The Face to Faith godslot in the Guardian is written by the Bishop of Southwark, Tom Butler. His conclusion:

…We have yet to see how the new clergy discipline measure works in practice. There are cases in the pipeline in several dioceses but none has yet come to fruition. Bishops are concerned, however, that there is a danger that the new processes will dramatically change the nature of episcopal ministry. Typically, bishops prefer to intervene in a problem at an early stage, before matters become too serious. The pastoral and discipline roles of the bishop overlap through personal contact and discussion. Under the new measure the bishop has a formal role of judgment to exercise once the other processes have been completed. The advice is, therefore, for the bishop not to beome too involved at an early stage of a problem because he might prejudice himself from exercising his formal role later in the process. Yet solving problems at an early stage is what most bishops do best.

One must not overemphasise the difficulties. Most clergy most of the time in partnership with one another and with their bishop get on with the ministry of serving God and God’s world with dedication and commitment. They rarely trouble or are troubled by disciplinary measures old or new. But for the handful of cases needing to be handled, I think all bishops are going to be spending a fair bit of time with lawyers.

Christopher Smith, Lambeth Palace Chief of Staff, thinks the Guardian was unfair in its earlier report. (Note, he is not commenting on the other one, which exists only online, not on paper.)


equality: goods and services

The UK government has been conducting a public consultation on its proposals to outlaw Sexual Orientation Discrimination in the Provision of Goods and Services. You can find the consultation document here (PDF). Before you ask, Parliament has already finalised a corresponding set of regulations relating to discrimination on grounds of Religion and Belief. They are in Part 2 of the Equality Act 2006. The power to make these SO regulations is in Part 3.

Yesterday the Archbishops’ Council of the Church of England published its formal response to the government’s consultation. You can read that response in full here (PDF) and it is summarised in this press release.

This morning, Jonathan Petre has a report in the Telegraph Church ‘could be forced to bless gay weddings’.

The CofE’s official response is quite muted in comparison with the responses from the Lawyers Christian Fellowship and from Anglican Mainstream. The latter body provides a convenient link to a recent House of Commons exchange on the matter. (I don’t think this is because AM endorses all the views expressed.)


Most LGBT Anglicans live in the Global South

Last week, the Church Times carried an article by Colin Coward titled Most Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Anglicans live in the Global South. Another copy is here.

This week there is a letter to the editor challenging this article. The letter is from Canon Ben Enwuchola (who is described as “Chaplain to the Nigerian Community in England”) and Canon Chris Sugden. A copy appears here on the Anglican Mainstream site.

I suspect the contents of the letter are likely to be the subject of further challenges. There certainly seems to be increasing activity in the Global South.


Coekin document overflow

It’s hard to keep up with the flow of material: here is another tranche of documents from the CO-MISSION initiative:

The letter by Richard Coekin’s lawyers to the Archbishop’s lawyers concerning the Archbishop’s decision PDF file

The ‘Skeleton Arguments’ presented at the Appeal on behalf of:
Rev Coekin [sic] PDF file
and on behalf of The Bishop of Southwark PDF file.

A legal note of advice concerning the accuracy of the press statements by the Archbishop and the Bishop of Southwark PDF file

Having read all these documents, I can only conclude that Mr Coekin and his lawyers have no intention of accepting the archbishop’s determination. I do hope I am wrong.


three more Coekin items

First, the Church Times has this report Mr Coekin: licensed again, but warned to be obedient.

Second, Giles Fraser in his Church Times opinion column, has A matter not settled by a Technicality.

Third, and most interesting, the prolific Andrew Goddard has written a further analysis for Fulcrum entitled Some ramifications of the Coekin case:
He concludes thus:

…It had been claimed that such undertakings should not be demanded as they were ‘unreasonable’ and ‘unjustifiable’. These are claims one could imagine being echoed by others who sit loose to the authority of bishops in the Church of England, especially if those bishops are seen as ‘liberal’. This claim is clearly and firmly rejected by the Archbishop. In contrast, he makes clear that ‘their content reflects the legal obligations which Canon Law imposes upon any licensed minister’ (italics added). In short, what Richard Coekin and many of his supporters view as unreasonable and unjustifiable limitations on the freedom of a parish clergyperson are in fact binding obligations under canon law. Furthermore, as noted earlier, doctrinal disagreement with one’s bishop or declarations of ‘impaired communion’ are not legitimate defences for disobeying canon law.

To ask for written undertakings on the part of one individual troublesome priest who had misbehaved, while perhaps providing a form of the ‘merited censure’, could also have been seen as having no wider significance for other clergy and simply be a punishment for his personal misbehaviour. By deciding not to ask for such undertakings the Archbishop has opened the possibility for a personal and relational approach to reconciliation (rather than one of a reluctant legal declaration). But he has done much more. He has made it quite clear that ‘the onus placed upon the Appellant to conform to the discipline of the Church’ (which was the rationale for asking for undertakings) ‘is not in any way lessened’ and that Richard Coekin is left ‘bound to submit to the Respondent’s episcopal authority and accountable for his actions to the wider Church’. Furthermore, this is not only true of Richard Coekin nor is it limited to the peculiar and difficult situation of this sad case. What it was proposed by the Bishop of Winchester to be explicitly required of this one person in this one case is actually now clearly shown to be required of all clergy in all situations. Whatever one’s problems with one’s bishop, no clergyperson is above the law.

No clergyperson in the Church of England can therefore now claim ignorance of the significance and seriousness of their acts if they involve themselves in any ordinations without the approval of their diocesan or if they disregard episcopal directions concerning church planting. Any such actions are a flagrant rejection of the discipline of the church and the standard rhetorical defences offered by those who threaten such actions have been found to be without legal or theological basis. In future any similar acts of disobedience, whether by Richard Coekin or any other cleric, are likely to result in disciplinary proceedings not by summary revocation of their licence but under the new Clergy Discipline Measure. As long as care is taken to follow due process, there can now be little doubt that any bishop faced with repetitions of conduct similar to that of Richard Coekin will be able effectively to discipline those involved as they have been shown by this ruling to have absolutely no justification in law for such actions.

Giles Fraser mentions something that has been asserted by several commenters here on TA: that Emmanuel, the parent church of Dundonald, practices lay presidency at the Holy Communion. If this is true, then will the relevant clergy now be challenged on this?


Kasper comes to Market Bosworth

The House of Bishops of the Church of England is meeting this week at Market Bosworth, close to the site where the Plantagenets lost out to the Tudors.

Cardinal Walter Kasper addressed the House of Bishops of the Church of England this week.
See the full text of his remarks below the comment from Rowan Williams on this page. Another copy of it is here.

A press report on this was in The Times Ruth Gledhill Church unity ‘impossible’ if women become bishops. Vox Pop responses are here.

An earlier report in the Telegraph by Jonathan Petre is concerned with what the House of Bishops will do about women bishops: Deal on women bishops could collapse.

The speech by the cardinal made Forward in Faith extremely happy.