Thinking Anglicans

more about Coekin

The press release from the Bishop of Southwark is reproduced here below the fold.

Today, in the Guardian Stephen Bates reports on all this, in Archbishop stokes row over status of rebel evangelical.

And, Stephen also has a rather more colourful opinion piece on commentisfree Invertebrates led by a jellyfish.

Fulcrum has published this statement.

A rather confused and incorrect report from the CEN Bishop rebuked over the sacking of vicar

The press release from Richard Coekin is reproduced below:



The Archbishop of Canterbury announced today (5th June 2006) that he has allowed the appeal by Revd Richard Coekin against the revocation of his licence by the Bishop of Southwark, so reinstating Revd Coekin to his role as a licensed minister in the diocese of Southwark.

In response Revd Coekin said: “We thank God that my licence has been reinstated. This has been a long and gruelling process. I am grateful to the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of Winchester for their help in resolving this problem in granting my appeal.

“As the Archbishop has asked, we will want to move on to seek reconciliation with the Bishop of Southwark and all caught up in these events. We continue to pray for them and for the possibility of closer co-operation in the spread of the good news of Jesus.

“There has sadly been a great deal of misunderstanding and some misinformed criticism circulating about our churches and ministries. We hope that in light of this decision that there will now be fresh opportunities to rebuild mutual trust and understanding.

“We organised the ordinations of the staff needed for our congregations because of our temporarily impaired relationship with the Bishop of Southwark. This is due to what we regard as a departure by the House of Bishops from the historic and orthodox moral teaching of the Bible. We continue to pray that the Church of England will remain loyal to its Biblical heritage.”



ECUSA/Windsor: two essays

First, Lionel Deimel has published a very substantial article entitled Saving Anglicanism: An Historical Perspective on Decisions Facing the 75th General Convention of the Episcopal Church. This is available in PDF format from this page. See also his earlier analysis of the draft resolutions.

Second, Christopher Wells has written an article, which has been published by the Anglican Communion Institute, entitled Wounded in Common Mission: The Term of Inter-Christian Divisiveness.

Both essays have been welcomed by Mark Harris, the first one here, and the second one in an email which he has kindly allowed me to reproduce below the fold here.

I recommend both articles too.



Coekin wins appeal

Richard Coekin has won his appeal to the Archbishop of Canterbury.

Tuesday Press Reports

Telegraph Jonathan Petre Williams reinstates cleric in gay dispute
Times Ruth Gledhill Archbishop takes stand in revoked licence row
Ekklesia Williams reinstates ‘rogue cleric’


Press release from Lambeth: Archbishop allows Coekin appeal

Archbishop’s determination

Bishop of Winchester’s report

Ruth Gledhill has extensive discussion of this on her blog at Coekin wins appeal and this article on Times Online Archbishop backs ‘rogue’ clergyman.

Richard Coekin has issued a statement which you can find here on Anglican Mainstream.

Fulcrum has this comment on its forum, by Graham Kings.


chariot racing and lion taming for the archbishop

The Archbishop of Canterbury will lead the St Albans Festival Pilgrimage on 24 June.

See the diocesan press release:

Dr Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, will make a special pilgrimage to St Albans to celebrate the life and death of Britain’s first martyr on June 24.

“We are delighted to welcome the Archbishop to St Albans” said the Very Revd Dr Jeffrey John, Dean of St Albans. “The pilgrimage is a very special re-enactment of the trial and execution of Alban using larger than life puppets. It will be a colourful, spectacular and wonderful thanksgiving for Alban.”

Dr John adds, “The pilgrimage has been growing in size in recent years and this year the Archbishop will even be able to see re-enactments of chariot racing and lion taming.”

Pilgrims from all over the UK and countries including Germany and Italy will congregate at the site of Alban’s trial in Roman Verulamium, not far from the Cathedral. They will set off on foot following the giant puppets of Alban, the persecuted priest to whom he gave shelter. Pilgrims will be accompanied by hundreds of red roses, a symbol of Alban, as they walk up the hill to the Cathedral.

Services to be held in the morning and the afternoon will provide the opportunity for prayerful contemplation of Alban’s sacrifice in which he allowed the priest he was protecting to flee his Roman persecutors by exchanging clothes with him. After a flogging, a trial and sentence of death, Alban continued to declare his Christian faith and was executed on the site of the Cathedral that bears his name.

Over 200 local children will be involved in the preparations for the event helping to create the chariots, the puppets and ornate decorations for the inside of the Cathedral.

For more details see the cathedral website.

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BBC interviews Bishop Gladwin

Today’s Sunday radio programme interviews John Gladwin about what really happened last week. 5 minutes long.
Go about 39 minutes forward using this link (better link on Monday).
New permanent link to this here.


Pentecost columns

Guardian Judith Maltby Face to Faith is about listening.

The Times Lavinia Byrne The Spirit is benign, subtle, toxic – and can be found in the back of a cab

Telegraph Christopher Howse The letters on the brick wall

And, from the Tablet an article by James Alison The wild ride


Kenya and Chelmsford: press conference

Last Updated Saturday
Fulcrum has issued a statement in relation to all this, Kenya, Chelmsford and Communion: What are the issues?

The Archbishop of Kenya has issued this press statement.

The Bishop of Chelmsford, John Gladwin, returned home from Kenya today, and held a press conference.

ACNS carries the press statement that he issued.

Ruth Gledhill attended the press conference and has written about it at some length on her blog, which also has pictures. She has titled the entry Gladwin: I blame the devil. She also has a shorter account on Times Online headlined Bishop stranded in Africa blames the devil.

The newspaper version of this report is Devil of a time for bishop in the bush.

Update East Anglian Daily Times Bishop plays down Kenyan ‘snub’

Update Saturday The latest from Nairobi in the Nation Fresh row over gay-rights bishop

Footnote: the Church of England Newspaper has published this report, written earlier in the week, which most oddly refers to the bishop repeatedly as Mr Gladwin.

Another footnote: in today’s Church Times Giles Fraser refers to the reporting on Bishop Gladwin in his opinion column.

And a third footnote: Anglican Mainstream has published a letter to the Church Times which will not appear on tthe latter’s public website for another week: Kenyan snub to Bishop: don’t blame conservatives.


Kenya and Chelmsford update

John Richardson thought it would be helpful to give us chapter and verse of the things his diocesan bishop has done that he objects to: he spent time over the weekend listing them out, and you can read his list here:
Bishop John Gladwin on the issue of Human Sexuality.

Meanwhile his Anglican Mainstream colleague Chris Sugden has published an interpretation of “Listening” that can best be described as bizarre.


Bible and Homosexual Partnerships

Jonathan Wynne-Jones wrote an article for the Sunday Telegraph which was headlined Bible supports homosexual partnerships, says bishop.

Other responses to the story were reported by Ekklesia.

The tone of the original story, and the reported reactions of conservatives make interesting reading in the light of a recent Fulcrum newsletter article on Homophobia by Andrew Goddard. The long version of his paper (recommmended reading) can be found here.


more about ECUSA/Windsor resolutions

Kendall Harmon has responded to my earlier comment that:

…it is far from clear to me exactly what alternative resolutions would be favoured by those in the AAC and NACDAP who remain fundamentally opposed to the actions of GC2003. I can find no clear statement of an alternative proposal from them.

with a copy of the text linked here, and:

This document can also serve as a response to Simon Sarmiento’s strange assertion that “it is far from clear” to him “exactly what alternative resolutions [to those of the special Commission] would be favoured by those in the AAC and NACDAP who remain fundamentally opposed to the actions of GC2003.” As the Anglican Communion Institute recognizes, that would be resolutions along the broad lines of the one above from January 2005 as well as four of the five 2005 resolutions of the Diocesan Convention of South Carolina.

Will somebody then be filing resolutions to this effect so that they will in due course appear here? It is the absence of any such submission as yet that I find puzzling. Perhaps I don’t understand the GC legislative process.


BBC on VGR, Kenya

The BBC’s Sunday radio programme has two items of interest for the last 14+ minutes of the programme. Using this link, go forward about 30 minutes, for the start:

  • Interview by Jane Little with Gene Robinson
  • Feature on Kenya and Chelmsford, including interviews with John Richardson of Chelmsford Anglican Mainstream, with Tim Wambunya of the Kenya Church Association UK, and with Ruth Gledhill.

Better, permanent links on Tuesday now here:
VGR interview 4 minutes
Chelmsford/Kenya interviews 9 minutes


ECUSA and Windsor: resolutions

The last report on TA about action at General Convention concerning the Windsor Report was here, on 1 May.

Since then, there has been much online discussion about the resolutions in the Special Commission report but it is far from clear to me exactly what alternative resolutions would be favoured by those in the AAC and NACDAP who remain fundamentally opposed to the actions of GC2003. I can find no clear statement of an alternative proposal from them.

Some alternative resolutions have been filed by dioceses:
Diocese of Rochester C004 Response to Windsor Report
Diocese of Alabama C014 Response to Windsor Report
Diocese of Florida C025 Affirmation of Windsor Report
Diocese of Upper South Carolina C037 Affirming Windsor Report

The AAC analysis is here:“Moving Slowly with Caution Isn’t Stopping”
And the NACDAP statement is here: More Than Twenty Bishops Issue Position Statement
The Anglican Communion Institute has issued this: What it will take

But by far the most detailed analysis of the Special Commission resolutions can be found in this document from PEP: “What Should General Convention 2006 Do?” which can be downloaded from this page as a PDF document. This 17 page document is well worth reading even if you don’t agree with its viewpoint.

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Saturday roundup

Here’s a column from the Northern Echo:
At Your Service: Giving succour to flocks of all kinds

In The Times Roderick Strange writes Forty days is an eternity which reminds us of a transcendent dimension. Also Sholto Byrnes reports on An agnostic happy to nurse the ‘vice’ of religion.

Stewart Dakers reflects in the Guardian’s Face to Faith column about Christian Aid Week.

The Telegraph has Christopher Howse writing on intercessory prayer in Sun for the wedding, please.


Zimbabwe: clerics seek help from Sentamu

From the IWPR a report by Trevor Grundy Zimbabwean Clerics to Seek Help from Archbishop of York


Kenya and Chelmsford: Friday

Two Three more items:

Church Times Rachel Harden Kenya visit unravels over gays

The Times Ruth Gledhill OUT OF AFRICA: Bishop John Gladwin. Even allowing for this being in the features part of the paper, rather than the news columns, it seems a little odd to me to call Bishop John a “far-left liberal activist” and the comparison with Dr John Reid, who this week happens to be Home Secretary in the UK Government, escapes me entirely. But hey, it’s Friday.

And another comment piece, this one from the Nation in Nairobi, says Gay laws quite ambiguous.


latest from Lake Malawi

High Court throws out Anglican case …Let it be solved at church level is the headline of the cover story in the Malawi Daily Times.


Kenya and Chelmsford: Thursday

Another report from Nairobi:
Nation 26 May Envoy sent to resolve gay row

The latest report from Nairobi:
Nation 25 May Request for sermon by gay rights bishop turned down

Today’s London reports:
Jonathan Petre Telegraph Kenyan hosts abandon bishop due to his liberal views on gays
Maxine Frith Independent Bishop of Chelmsford left stranded in Kenya in row over gay rights
Xan Rice in Nairobi and David Pallister Guardian Kenya’s Anglicans snub bishop over liberal view of homosexuality

And Fulcrum has this article: The Chelmsford Diocese/Mt Kenya link must not be allowed to die

Update Church of England Newspaper has Kenya Archbishop pulls the plug on Bishop Gladwins visit

Reuters Wangui Kanina Kenyan Anglicans reject UK bishop linked to gay group
Yorkshire Post Paul Whitehouse Bishop stranded over gay dispute
Ekklesia English bishop rejected in Kenya over gay row
EADT24 Bishop’s trip stopped over views on gays


more about Kenya and Chelmsford

Ruth Gledhill has a report in today’s Times Bishop is abandoned in deepest Africa
and now also this blog article: Kenya cancels guest programme for Chelmsford.

A further article has appeared in the Nairobi press:
Nation Anglicans disown bishop over gay claims

The Chelmsford Anglican Mainstream website is here. Their first press release announcement complaining about their bishop’s association with Changing Attitude is here: Bishop of Chelmsford new patron of ‘Changing Attitude’

Further reports are now published:
BBC Gay support bishop’s Kenya snub
Telegraph Gay-friendly bishop marooned in Africa

See also Dave Walker’s cartoon blog entry


what is going on in Kenya?

There has been a series of news reports from the Nairobi newspapers in the last few days about the visit of a delegation of Chelmsford Diocese to the Anglican Church of Kenya.

21 May Anglican gay lobby patron visits Kenya or this copy. Also this copy.
22 May Bishop denies gay lobby links or this copy. Also this copy.

East African Standard
22 May I have no gay links, says UK clergyman or this copy.
23 May ACK still opposed to gay marriages or this copy.

A series of press releases published on the Changing Attitude website sheds some light on the matter:
22 May John Gladwin falsely accused of lobbying for homosexuality in Kenya
22 May Archbishop of Kenya unable to “advance the lined-up activities” for Bishop Gladwin’s visit to Kenya (Anglican Church of Kenya press release)
23 May The Bishop of Chelmsford and the Anglican Church of Kenya (Diocese of Chelmsford press release)
23 May Senior Kenyan Anglican holds different views on homosexuality from the Archbishop

Also this copy of the second item above.

The explanation for all of this can be found in the following:


Faithful Cities

Today, the Church of England and the Methodist Church of Great Britain published Faithful Cities.
The website for this is at the Commision on Urban Life and Faith.

There has already been some press coverage of this:

Reuters Anglicans angered over destitute asylum-seekers
Press Association Narrow the poverty gap urges Church
BBC Church anger over asylum poverty

Earlier, Ruth Gledhill had this in Saturday’s Times Archbishop in call for action on age of false celebrity and this blog entry today.

The Archbishop of Canterbury spoke in the House of Lords last Friday on a related theme.