Thinking Anglicans

Bishop of Edmonton to become CEO of CUF

The Rt Revd Rob Wickham, the Bishop of Edmonton, has today been appointed the new Group Chief Executive of Church Urban Fund (CUF). He will take up the role of CEO on 10 July 2023.

There are announcements on the London diocesan website and the CUF website.

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Clifford Jones
Clifford Jones
2 years ago

There was another Bishop Wickham whose interests were very much ‘urban’, Edward Ralph Wickham (1911-1994), Bishop Suffragan of Middleton from 1959 to 1982. In 1957 he published ‘Church and People in an Industrial City’ (Lutterworth Press). I think that in the time of Archbishop Fisher there was interest in a ‘Bishop for Industry’, rather like the ‘Bishop to the Forces’.

Fr. Paul D
Fr. Paul D
2 years ago

I remember Ted Wickham, he was well thought of in my day and regarded as the “catholic” Bishop in Manchester. Had a lot to say regarding “Faith in the City”

Clifford Jones
Clifford Jones
Reply to  Fr. Paul D
2 years ago

Thank you. Ted Wickham’s interests and activity went beyond the contours of his suffragan bishopric.

Anthony Archer
Anthony Archer
2 years ago

This is an excellent appointment. Rob Wickham is an outstanding bishop whose urban ministry has been significant in lots of ways; I might single out his work in the public square, in such areas as knife crime. He is well equipped to run a diocese (and still might) but in the current climate who would want to? CUF wins out and Edmonton loses for the time being. Every good wish.

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