Thinking Anglicans

Smyth in Southern Africa

The Anglican Church of Southern Africa has published this news release:
Archbishop’s Panel of Inquiry pinpoints church’s failures on Smyth abuse report

This includes a seven page summary of the full report, which can also be read separately, via this link: Guide-to-Inquiry-Panel-report.

And also:

The Church of England has made this response: Response to South African Church’s report on John Smyth


Dr Tim Wambunya apologises for his role in a Berlin ordination service

Church Times report by Francis Martin: Next Bishop of Wolverhampton regrets part in non-canonical ordination

THE next Bishop of Wolverhampton, Dr Tim Wambunya, has apologised for the part he played in a non-canonical ordination of a bishop in Germany, saying that he merely wished to support a former student.

The service, which took place in Berlin in April, was billed as the ordination, as Bishop, of the Revd Wamare Juma, who founded and leads the Revealed Evangelical Mission. The organisation’s website describes it as a “non-denominational para-church”, and it has branches in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania as well as Germany…

…At the service in April, Dr Wambunya laid hands on Bishop Wamare Juma, led him through the declarations and ordination prayer from the Common Worship rite of ordination and consecration of a bishop, and presented him with a “certificate of ordination” which identified Dr Wambunya as the “ordaining bishop”.

On Tuesday, Dr Wambunya said that he took part in a personal capacity. “I did not for a moment imagine I was representing the Church of England, or even any other Anglican province, and I was not there in any official capacity,” he said…

Do read the full report, which includes comments from the Bishops of Oxford and Lichfield.

Also, you can watch the entire event here:


GSFA hosts a meeting in Cairo

There are two new documents on the website of the Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches:

The full list of those attending is copied here below the fold. It includes three active clergy of the Church of England, John Dunnett  (Chelmsford diocese), Richard Moy (London diocese), and Nicky Gumbel (London diocese).



Bristol diocese to review Uganda link

The Church Times reports (2 August): Diocese of Bristol reviews Ugandan link after Anti-Homosexuality Act

…In a statement on Tuesday, Bishop Faull said that her diocese had been blessed by “enduring friendships” within the Church of Uganda for 50 years, but that, “For the time being, the Diocesan Link Committee will cease to meet and the diocese will be reviewing all institutional links — current and prospective — at the next Bishop’s Council in December.”

She explained that, while she welcomed Dr Kaziimba’s opposition to the death penalty, “as the Bishop of Bristol, I am compelled to reiterate that the basic dignity and safety of LGBTQ+ human beings in Uganda must not be conflated with theological debates about same-sex marriage in church or matters of abusive behaviour. However, there is a legitimate space for those conversations amongst well-meaning people who can disagree without threat of imprisonment or danger…”

An earlier (26 July) statement on the diocesan website: Bishop Viv provides clarity on the future of diocesan links to Church of Uganda.


CofE archbishops rebuke Ugandan Anglicans

The Archbishop of Canterbury has issued this: Statement on the Church of Uganda’s support for Anti-Homosexuality Act.

The Archbishop of York has followed suit: Statement on the stance of the Ugandan Church on the criminalisation of LGBTQ+ people in Uganda

The full texts of both statements are copied below the fold.



GAFCON rejects all Anglican instruments of communion

Updated again Tuesday

The Church Times reports on the GAFCON IV meeting held in Kigali this week thus: Gafcon meeting in Kigali rejects all existing forms of Anglican authority.

Here is the full text of the communiqué issued by GAFCON today. Some information on the process of its construction is over here.

Lambeth Palace has issued Lambeth Palace statement on GAFCON IV Kigali Commitment.

Full Text of Archbishop Beach’s Address to GAFCON IV

New GAFCON chairman elected

REJOICING TO BE SAFE HARBOUR – ANiE response and endorsement of the 2023 Kigali Commitment

CEEC publishes response to GAFCON IV statement. This concludes with these words (emphasis added):

….Given that about 45% of the General Synod has clearly articulated the conviction that the proposals of the bishops are unacceptable, urgent consideration needs to be given to a form of good differentiation involving structural re-organisation without theological compromise. Following this path could prevent the unity of the Church of England being torn apart in the same way that the Communion has been.

Church Times: ‘We are not the weirdos’: English conservatives welcome Gafcon support


Bishop Frank Griswold has died

A former presiding bishop of The Episcopal Church, Frank Griswold,  has died.

The Episcopal Church:

Diocese of Chicago:

The Living Church Frank T. Griswold, 25th Presiding Bishop, 1937-2023

Church Times Frank Griswold, a former US Presiding Bishop, dies aged 85


GSFA primates criticise Church of England

This statement was issued today by the Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches:
Statement of GSFA Primates on the CofE’s Decision regarding Blessing of Same Sex Unions.

That link above is to a .docx format file. Readers may find this PDF version more accessible.

The Anglican Communion Office has issued this response: Statement by the Secretary General of the Anglican Communion.

The Archbishop of Canterbury has issued this response: Lambeth Palace responds to GFSA statement. [text copied below the fold]



Anglican Consultative Council meets in Ghana

Updated Wednesday

ACC-18 is meeting in Accra, Ghana from 12 to 19 February. Full coverage is available from here, including videos. I will link only selected items here. Do visit the ACC-18 site for more material.

Archbishop of Canterbury addresses concern over global Anglican structures

Anglican Communion Office rebuts misleading claims about Church of England General Synod

ACC-18 Opening Press Conference (video)

Archbishop of Canterbury’s Presidential Address at ACC-18

Anglican Consultative Council welcomes new group to explore “structure and decision-making” to “address our differences in the Anglican Communion”


Reactions to Synod vote on LLF

Church Times Synod’s same-sex vote: first reactions

English bishops
Carlisle and Penrith
Exeter, Crediton and Plymouth
Truro and St Germans

Archbishop of Uganda
Evangelical Fellowship in the Anglican Communion
Anglican Church Diocese of Sydney
The Church of England Evangelical Council
Anglican Network in Europe

Charlie Bell All About Power: General Synod and the LLF Debate

Keith Sinclair CEEC: What’s next for Evangelicals in the Church of England

EQUAL (The Campaign for Equal Marriage in the Church of England)

Ian Paul What exactly happened at Synod on the Prayers for Love and Faith?

Harriet Sherwood The Guardian Anglicans angry at same-sex blessings question Justin Welby’s ‘fitness to lead’


Anglican Network in Europe consecrates more bishops

The Anglican Network in Europe which describes itself as “an authentic expression of Anglican church life and mission, authorised and supported by the Archbishops of the Global Anglican Future Conference (Gafcon)”.

We have reported on this several times in the past:

GAFCON announces its “missionary bishop”

GAFCON consecrates a Bishop for Europe

Those AMiE ordinations

The ANiE now has two constituent units:  the Anglican Mission in England and the Anglican Convocation Europe.

More recently, it announced an intention to consecrate four additional bishops, two for AMiE (Lee Munn and Tim Davies), and two for ACE (Ian Ferguson and Stuart Bell). See GAFCON’s Europe Branch to Consecrate 4 Bishops.

Three of these men were consecrated bishops on Friday 21 October, at a service held at the Vineyard church in Hull (East Yorkshire). The chief consecrator was ACNA primate Foley Beach, the preacher was Rwanda primate Archbishop Laurent Mbanda, and Nigerian primate, Archbishop Henry Ndukuba presided at Holy Communion.  (The consecration of Stuart Bell has been deferred until March next year.)

Andrew Atherstone was present, and has written a very detailed account which is well worth reading in full: New Anglican Bishops for England and Europe

There is a video recording of the service.

The official ANiE press release is here.


Primates criticise appointment of Canterbury dean

The Church Times reports: New Dean of Canterbury comes under fire from GAFCON Primates

PRIMATES allied to the Global Anglican Futures Conference (GAFCON) have condemned the Archbishop of Canterbury for “refusing to prevent” the appointment of the Very Revd David Monteith as Dean of Canterbury Cathedral (News, 14 October). They have urged Archbishop Welby to repent. Lambeth Palace has responded by saying that the statement is inaccurate.

The subject of Dean Monteith’s appointment takes up a large section of the communiqué issued by the Primates of North America (ACNA), Rwanda, Kenya, Uganda, All Nigeria, and the Indian Ocean after a meeting of the GAFCON Primates Council meeting in Kigali, Rwanda, which ended on Wednesday…

And it concludes:

…A spokesperson from Lambeth Palace on Friday described the statement as “inaccurate in a number of ways including the nature of the Anglican Communion, the appointment of the Dean of Canterbury, and the understanding of civil partnerships in England”.

Lambeth also confirmed, in answer to a question from the Church Times, that the Archbishop was engaged in ongoing WhatsApp conversations with Primates. These are described as “closed and private groups and as a matter of policy, all conversations remain private and confidential”.

The Anglican Communion News Service has this: Church of England and Anglican Communion respond to inaccurate press statements which begins this way:

Statements issued this week by the “GSFA Steering Committee” and the “Gafcon Primates Council” contain several inaccuracies, including the nature of the Anglican Communion, the appointment of the Dean of Canterbury, and the understanding of civil partnerships in England, a Church of England spokesperson has said.

The statements criticise the appointment of the new Dean of Canterbury Cathedral, the Very Revd David Montieth, because he is in a civil partnership. Much of the criticism levelled against the Dean-designate appears to be based on international confusion about the nature of such civil partnerships.

“A civil partnership in English law dates from 5 December 2005”, a C of E spokesperson said. “Civil partnerships are not recognised as marriage but are a legal means, not involving any church, by which two people (of the same or different gender) can create a bond which, for the purposes of secular law, gives them the same legal entitlements as if they were married.

“Some gay and lesbian English clergy have entered civil partnerships from near the beginning in 2005. They are still bound by the rule that sexual relationships must only be within marriage as recognised by the Church, and are not allowed by being in a civil partnership. Abstention from sexual relationships (celibacy) is required of all unmarried clergy, whatever their sexuality.

“Since 2005, in the Church of England, appointments have not been refused simply because the person concerned is in a civil partnership, so long as they obey the discipline of the church…”

And it concludes

…The C of E spokesperson added: “Let us pray that the commitment made by bishops at the Lambeth Conference to walk together to the maximum degree possible despite our deeply-held differences will endure. Let us continue to build up our common life together on the solid rock of Jesus Christ who calls us to unity so that the world may know His love.”

The two original documents containing the criticisms are linked below, so readers may see exactly what was said.

GAFCON has issued this: Communiqué from the Gafcon Primates Council. The relevant section is in part 2 (do read it all):

…We were deeply grieved by the recent appointment of a man who lives in a same-sex civil partnership as Dean of Canterbury Cathedral. It is a heartbreaking provocation that such a departure from biblical standards would be thrust upon the Communion in the historic See of Canterbury and in opposition to the established teaching and practice of the majority of Anglicans.

The announcement from the Archbishop of Canterbury distanced himself from this appointment, as it was the recommendation of a Selection Panel, requiring the Queen’s approval. Yet it is difficult to see how a Diocesan Bishop, let alone the Archbishop of Canterbury, could not influence the appointment of the Dean of his own Cathedral, especially given the published process for the Appointment of Deans. Moreover, filling this position was the responsibility of Mr Stephen Knott, the Archbishop’s Secretary for Appointments, who is himself in a same-sex marriage. It is disingenuous, if not duplicitous, for the Archbishop to claim that the Church of England has not changed its doctrine of marriage, when he has engaged an Appointments Secretary, whose own union is a living contradiction of marriage as God has ordained it, and which the Church of England claims to uphold. By empowering Mr Knott to oversee the appointments of senior positions in the Church of England, it is hardly surprising that the recommended nominee was likewise in a same-sex relationship. Clearly, the process for appointing senior positions in the Church of England needs to be reformed, so that decisions are in the hands of those who abide by the teaching of the Church of England, especially in relation to same-sex marriage and civil partnerships, which are generally perceived as a cloak for homosexual activity….

This document is signed by

Archbishop Foley Beach, Primate of North America & Chairman
Archbishop Laurent Mbanda, Primate of Rwanda & Vice Chairman
Archbishop Jackson Ole Sapit, Primate of Kenya
Archbishop Stephen Kaziimba, Primate of Uganda
Archbishop Henry Ndukuba, Primate of All Nigeria
Archbishop James Wong, Primate of Indian Ocean & Advisor to Primates Council

The Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches (follow link to see who that includes) has issued this: GSFA Statement on the appointment of the Dean of Canterbury Cathedral, England which includes the following (again, do read it all)

We are aggrieved by the announcement on 11 Oct 2022 by the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Rt Hon & Most Revd Justin Welby (ABC) regarding the appointment of a person in a same- sex civil partnership (The Very Revd Dr David Monteith) as the new Dean of Canterbury….

…It saddens us that in this recent appointment of the Deanery of Canterbury, the ABC shows yet again, that his oft-expressed assurance that Lambeth 1.10 remains ‘the official teaching of the Church’ is merely lip-service [2]. If it is the official teaching of the Church, then it ought to be followed through in the ‘faith & order’ of all Provinces. The appointment of a person in same-sex civil partnership to a senior clerical position clearly contravenes the spirit of Lambeth 1.10, which not only rejects ‘homosexual practice as incompatible with Scripture’, but goes on to declare that the Lambeth Conference of 1998 ‘cannot advise the legitimising or blessing of same-sex unions.’


Bishop of Dorking to become Bishop for Episcopal Ministry in the Anglican Communion

Press release from the Anglican Communion Office

Bishop for Episcopal Ministry appointed to build on successful Lambeth Conference

A new post of Bishop for Episcopal Ministry in the Anglican Communion has been created to build on the success of this year’s Lambeth Conference. The Right Revd Dr Jo Bailey Wells, currently Bishop of Dorking in the Church of England’s Diocese of Guildford, has been appointed to the post and will begin her new role in January 2023…


Lambeth Conference 2022 closes

The Lambeth Conference closed yesterday with a Eucharist in Canterbury Cathedral.

Here is our final roundup of news from the Conference. There is earlier news here, here, herehere, here and here.

Lambeth Conference website
The Fifteenth Lambeth Conference closes in song at Canterbury Cathedral
The Closing Service of the Lambeth Conference – Service Programme [There is a recording of the service on YouTube.]
Church must learn to ‘speak confidently and courageously’ on science in changing world – Lambeth conference told
Bishops observe silence for Hiroshima Day as Lambeth Conference remembers violence and conflict around the world

Archbishop of Canterbury
Archbishop Justin’s sermon at the Lambeth Conference closing service
Archbishop of Canterbury gives final Keynote Address at the Lambeth Conference

Episcopal News Service
In final Lambeth address, Archbishop of Canterbury calls the church to tell, teach and transform
Bishops wrap Lambeth Conference with look ahead to unity, despite persistent divisions
As Lambeth Conference winds down, bishops show solidarity with regions facing crises, from gun violence to climate change

Church Times
Lambeth 2022: Now is time to deepen relationships across Communion, urges Welby
Lambeth 2022: The way ahead, guided by scripture
Lambeth 2022: Global South leaders talk of impaired communion
Lambeth 2022: Revolution is our calling, declares Welby
Lambeth 2022: Bishops pledge support for places in crisis and conflict
Lambeth 2022: New Science Commission launched
Lambeth 2022: everything you need to know about the sexuality row

Vatican News
Cardinal Tagle at Lambeth Conference: ‘Let us dream together’

Lambeth ’22 Resource Group
GSFA Official Communique following Lambeth Conference 2022
Orthodox Bishops at the Lambeth Conference reaffirm Lambeth I.10 as Anglican teaching on marriage & sexuality


Lambeth Conference 2022 – even more news and comment

There is earlier news here, here, herehere and here

Lambeth Conference website
Christians today can change the world like the original disciples – Lambeth Conference hears
Join with us to fight world crises such as climate change and poverty – Bishops’ invitation to leaders of other faiths
Lambeth Conference Calls for Church Unity amid ‘ecumenical emergency’
Global environmental restoration plan launched at Lambeth Conference

Archbishop of Canterbury
Archbishop Justin Welby’s second Keynote Address at the Lambeth Conference

Anglican Communion News Service
Anglican bishops from across the world offer their thoughts on the 2022 Lambeth Conference

Lambeth ’22 Resource Group
Orthodox Bishops map out a robust future & hopeful of a re-setting of the Anglican Communion

Episcopal News Service
At Lambeth Palace, bishops and spouses celebrate launch of Anglican Communion forest initiative
Spotlight turns toward ecumenical, interfaith relations in Lambeth Conference sessions
Spouses’ program at Lambeth forges bonds across geographic and ideological divides
Bishops at Lambeth Conference are encouraged to prioritize making disciples centered on Christ
COVID-19 at Lambeth: Few precautions, but also few cases – so far
Archbishop of Canterbury calls churches to be ‘revolutionary’ to meet modern challenges

Church Times
Lambeth 2022: Don’t ignore darker side when engaging with other faiths, bishops told
Lambeth 2022: What unity do you desire, bishops are asked
Lambeth 2022: Anglican Communion has shifted on sexuality, says Bishop Vann
Lambeth 2022: Discipleship — from pew-warmer to Jesus-shaped life
Lambeth 2022: Prayer vigil highlights starvation facing millions in East Africa
Lambeth 2022: Revolution is our calling, declares Welby
Lambeth 2022: Focus on bigger picture, Makgoba tells Lambeth Conference participants

The Living Church
Bishops Set Terms for Post-Lambeth Sexuality Debate
Bishops Focus on Church Unity, Interfaith Relations
Lambeth Launches a Global Forest Project

The Guardian
Justin Welby says it is ‘very difficult’ to hold church together over sexuality

Andrew Goddard
The End of (the) Communion? (i) What has been said?
The End of (the) Communion? (ii): So where are we now?

Kelvin Holdsworth
Fact checking Sandi Toksvig

Archbishop Cranmer
Sandi Toksvig and her caricature Church of England


Lambeth Conference 2022 – Call on Human Dignity

The bishops at the Lambeth Conference discussed the  Call on Human Dignity in private yesterday, but there are some reports.

Lambeth Conference website
Bishops at Lambeth Conference discuss the Lambeth Call on Human Dignity

Archbishop of Canterbury
Bishops at Lambeth Conference discuss Lambeth Call on Human Dignity
Lambeth Call on Human Dignity: Read Archbishop Justin’s remarks

Church Times
Lambeth 2022: Fire goes out of sexuality argument

Hope for the Race Before Us: A Reflection on the Lambeth Human Dignity Call

Episcopal News Service
Archbishop of Canterbury’s remarks on human dignity lift up traditional and progressive marriage beliefs
Message from Presiding Bishop Michael Curry on Lambeth Call on human dignity

The Living Church
Sexuality Dispute Ends with Call to Truth and Unity

The Telegraph
Justin Welby: I won’t punish churches that conduct gay marriages

The Guardian
Justin Welby ‘affirms validity’ of 1998 gay sex is sin declaration

This Statement from Anglican Bishops and Primates who are keen to affirm and celebrate LGBT+ People was issued yesterday.


Lambeth Conference 2022 – yet more news and comment

Updated Tuesday afternoon – scroll down

There is earlier news here, here, here, and here.

Lambeth Conference website
Bishops express support for ‘Anglican Congress’ meeting in the Global South
Lambeth Call – Safe Church Sunday 31 July 2022
United in prayer – bishops from around the world join in global chorus at Lambeth Conference Opening service at Canterbury Cathedral
Lambeth Conference Opening Service – the service programme [There is a recording of the service on YouTube.]

Archbishop of Canterbury
Statement on the Archbishop’s meeting with global South Primates

Lambeth ’22 Resource Group [“The official website of the Resource Group serving orthodox bishops attending Lambeth ’22”]
GSFA to Offer Bishops at the Lambeth Conference An Opportunity To Re-Affirm Lambeth I.10- Text Available August 2, 2pm

Episcopal News Service
At Lambeth, Indigenous Anglicans offer wisdom, heartache and a challenge to ‘sweep our house’
Lambeth Conference shifts to more challenging issues as bishops take up Anglican identity
Bishops advance Lambeth Call adopting guidelines to prevent abuse
Themes of service, hospitality resonate for bishops at Lambeth Conference’s opening Eucharist

Church Times
Lambeth 2022: Global South congress is proposed
Lambeth Conference ‘will not split’ over homosexuality
Lambeth 2022: Multilingual cathedral eucharist in Canterbury puts Anglican diversity on view
Lambeth Conference organisers dump electronic voting


Lambeth ’22 Resource Group
Orthodox bishops reveal text of resolution reaffirming ‘Lambeth 1.10’ as the Anglican Communion teaching on marriage & sexuality
The Call to Reaffirm Lambeth I.10

Archbishop of Canterbury
Letter from the Archbishop of Canterbury to the Bishops of the Anglican Communion

Church Times
Lambeth 2022: Resolution 1.10 is still valid, Archbishop of Canterbury tells bishops
Lambeth 2022: Global South Fellowship offers anonymous voting process on its own sexuality resolution


Lambeth Calls – An update on the process

This afternoon the Archbishop of Canterbury outlined changes to the Lambeth Calls process; details are on the Conference website and are copied below.

Lambeth Calls – An update on the process

In this afternoon’s Lambeth Calls session on Safe Church, Archbishop Justin outlined some changes to the Lambeth Calls process.

The Bishops will continue to discuss the calls at their tables, recording feedback and observations, and this will be given to the group working on Phase 3 of the Conference so that the voices of bishops will be heard as the process continues. Six groups will have the opportunity to give verbal feedback during each session, on a randomly selected basis.

However, having listened to the bishops, Archbishop Justin advised delegates that electronic recording of choices will not be in place for the remaining calls, an announcement that was greeted with supportive applause.

An opportunity will be given at the end of each session for a verbal indication of agreement. If the calls gain clear assent they will be sent forward for further work.

31 July 2022

For reference the arrangements before today’s changes are here.

Today’s session was the second Lambeth Call. The first Call (on Mission and Evangelism) was yesterday and details are here. It is interesting to note that 464 Bishops voted responded to the Call. Since there are more than 600 bishops at the conference it appears that a substantial number failed to respond in any of the three ways available.


Lambeth Conference 2022 – more news and comment

Updated Friday evening

text of the Archbishop of Canterbury’s first Keynote Address (delivered Friday evening)

The Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches issued this press release earlier today: Orthodox Bishops to offer their own ‘Lambeth Resolution’ re- affirming Lambeth 1.10 & will not receive holy communion alongside gay-partnered bishops. It starts:

ORTHODOX bishops at the Lambeth Conference – representing 75% of the Anglican Communion – announced today (29JUL) that they will be tabling their own ‘Lambeth Resolution (Call)’. They will invite fellow bishops, including the Archbishop of Canterbury, to re-affirm Lambeth Resolution 1.10 as the Anglican Communion’s ‘official teaching’ on marriage and sexuality.

The bishops also want the Communion to impose sanctions on Provinces which ordain bishops in same-sex relations, and conduct same sex weddings – something which has led to schism in the Church. They have also revealed that at the two Conference’ Eucharists at Canterbury Cathedral, orthodox bishops will not receive Holy Communion alongside gay-partnered bishops, and those who endorse same-sex unions in the Church’s faith and order. They shall remain seated.

There is a Church Times report: Lambeth 2022: Global South Bishops press for re-affirmation of Resolution 1.10.

Official photographs

There is a Live Stream Programme. It starts with a keynote address by The Archbishop of Canterbury at 1945 today (Friday 29 July).

Anglican Communion News Service Anglican Bishops from around the world gather for the 15th Lambeth Conference

Church Times Lambeth Conference is here at last
Bishops join LGBTI+ march through Canterbury campus as Lambeth Conference begins

The Living Church University of Kent Welcomes Gay Bishops to Lambeth
Bishops Divided on Revised Lambeth Calls

The Guardian Divisions in Anglican church on show as Lambeth conference opens

Episcopal News Service With same-sex marriage in the spotlight, where does it stand across the Anglican Communion?

Giles Fraser UnHerd Why is the Church obsessed with gay sex?

Andrew Goddard Psephizo Lambeth ‘Calls’, Lambeth I.10, and the nature of the Anglican Communion
Lambeth ‘Calls’, Lambeth I.10, and the nature of the Anglican Communion (2): the future

St Chrysostom’s Church, Manchester UK Polygamy, Reincarnation, Traditional African Religions and…Lambeth

Religion Media Centre ‘It may be time to pull the plug’ on the Lambeth Conference
report of an interview with Diarmaid MacCulloch


Lambeth Calls – revised text published

Following the controversy over the text of the Lambeth Calls to be considered at the Lambeth Conference that starts today (see the many links and comments on my earlier post here), a revised version of the Calls was issued today. The press release is copied below. The original Lambeth Calls Guidance and Study Documents is here.

Text of Calls to be discussed at Lambeth Conference published

The Calls which will be discussed by bishops from around the world at the Lambeth Conference 2022, which begins in Canterbury this week, have been published.

The document Lambeth Calls includes revisions to a number of draft Lambeth Calls which were released last week as part of Lambeth Calls: Guidance and Study Documents.

It includes revisions to the Call on Human Dignity, agreed by the drafting group following consideration of widespread responses from bishops and others.

There are also revisions to the draft Calls on Discipleship, Mission and Evangelism and Inter Faith Relations.
Bishop Tim Thornton, Chair of the Lambeth Conference’s Lambeth Calls Subgroup, said:

“We have listened carefully and prayerfully to what bishops and many others have said in response to the draft Calls, especially that on Human Dignity. Archbishop Justin has invited the bishops of the Anglican Communion to come together as a family to listen, pray and discern – sometimes across deeply-held differences.

It is our prayer that these Calls can offer a basis for those conversations – and that all of our discussions will be marked by the grace and love of Jesus Christ.

Please continue to pray for us that we may continue to listen, walk and witness together.”

Please click here to view the Lambeth Calls document.

Notes to Editors:

During the conference bishops will consider each of the Calls together and will then be able to respond with one of three options:

  • ‘This Call speaks for me. I add my voice to it and commit myself to take the action I can to implement it.’
  • ‘This Call requires further discernment. I commit my voice to the ongoing process.’
  • ‘This Call does not speak for me. I do not add my voice to this Call.’

Calls chosen by the bishops at the conference will be formally issued in the report of the Lambeth Conference 2022.