Updated Wednesday afternoon
Festive Service Closes ACC-14
ACC-14 Press Briefing 12th May 2009
Anglican Journal
ACC delegates end meeting ‘more hopeful’ for future, says Williams
Episcopal News Service
Anglican Consultative Council Digest
Anglican Consultative Council meeting closes on hopeful note
Anglican TV
Unedited video of last Friday’s debate concerning the Covenant can be found here.
Update Wednesday afternoon
The American Anglican Council appears to attach great importance to the source of external funding for the continuing of the Listening Process. In a press release they refer to a PDF file issued by the Satcher Health Leadership Institute.
Anglican TV
ACC 14 Alternative Press Conference
This event involves four delegates from the “Global South”.
Religious Intelligence has Archbishop says summit ended in ‘glorious failure’ .
Global South Anglican
A response to ACC-14 in Jamaica from Global South delegates
ENS Lively worship at historic Spanish Town cathedral closes ACC meeting
3 CommentsUpdated twice on Tuesday evening
ACNS has several items:
The Networks of the Anglican Communion Podcast 6
Colleges and Universities of the Anglican Communion.
The Networks of the Anglican Communion Podcast 7
The International Anglican Family Network.
ACC-14 Press Briefing 11th May 2009
On Monday May 11,2009 the current ACC Chair Bishop John Paterson of Auckland New Zealand, the newly elected chair Bishop James Tengatenga of Malawi and Canon John Rees (the legal advisor to ACC participated in a press briefing… Canon Rees provided some important information to clarify the process concerning resolutions and the power and authority of the Chair at ACC meetings.
ACC-14 Presidential Address by the Archbishop of Canterbury see below for link to transcript
Divisions are deep but can be healed, Archbishop of Canterbury tells ACC
Update: Anglican Consultative Council Digest
Anglican Journal
Future shape of Anglican Communion uncertain, says Archbishop of Canterbury
Sixth mark of mission focuses on peace and reconciliation
Changing Attitude has more detail about Results of election to ACC Standing Committee.
New Vision reports Orombi protests over Jamaican meet.
An earlier report at Religious Intelligence was Uganda Primate angry over delegate’s ban.
Pluralist has How It Was Done (ACC).
Dave Walker has written Anglican Consultative Council: Andrew Brown on newspapers and blogs which includes a link to Andrew Brown’s column in last week’s Church Times titled Press: A marked bias against journalism.
Tuesday afternoon update
ACNS now has the transcript of the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Presidential Address.
ACC-14 Presidential Address by the Archbishop of Canterbury
And also The Networks of the Anglican Communion Podcast 8
The Anglican Communion Environmental Network.
Tuesday evening update
The Networks of the Anglican Communion Podcast 9
The Revd Terrie Robinson, Anglican Networks Co-ordinator.
ACC-14 Election of Vice Chair and Joint Standing Committee
Nyasa Times Robbers loot Bishop Tengatenga residence
Daily Episcopalian Adrian Worsfold Reigning in the Ridley draft
Anglican Journal ACC seeks equal but ‘non-voting’ membership at primates’ meeting
second Tuesday evening update
Living Church Archbishop Williams: Begin Covenant Discussions Now
ENS Anglican Consultative Council Digest
Changing Attitude Canon Phil Groves briefed the press last Thursday on the Listening Process
11 CommentsUpdated Monday evening
Colin Coward has had an encounter with a Nigerian bishop, see Nigerian bishop not Jamaican homophobe threatens UK gay activist, What might the conservative strategy be? and also How do LGBT Anglican Nigerians endure satanic claims?
Anglican Mainstream has published Nominees for ACC Standing Committee Announced and ACC 14: Anglican Report from AnglicanTV.
Anglican Journal has Ecumenical partners stand firm with Anglican Communion and Delegates reflect on ‘mission encounters’ with Jamaican churches.
The Chicago Consultation has published a response to the Anglican Communion Institute GOING FORWARD, GOING TOGETHER: Chicago Consultation Urges Deeper Communion Through Justice, Mission.
Tobias Haller has also commented on the ACI document, see Vanity of Vanities.
Monday evening update
ENS Ecumenical partners pledge to continue journey with Anglican Communion
Living Church Confusion Reigns as ACC Postpones Covenant
Religious Intelligence Defeat for Archbishop as Covenant draft is rejected
Anglican Mainstream ACC Day 14. Rules of the Game? There are none.
Changing Attitude Bishop James Tengatenga, new ACC chair, responds to question about lesbian and gay Anglicans
14 CommentsUpdated finally on Monday morning
For the latest reports from those actually in Jamaica, go here.
Earlier in the week, Ruth Gledhill published this article, Covenant: Is this an instrument to castrate Gafcon?
In that article, she links (though currently the links are broken) to several other analyses:
Today, Stephen Noll has published another article, The Anglican Communion Covenant: Where Do We Go from Here? in which he argues that the Covenant is now dead.
Saturday evening update
Charles Raven has also written a new article, this is titled Tipping Point in Jamaica.
Jamaica is not only the end of the Covenant process, but is also likely to mark a decisive shift of confidence away from the Lambeth based Instruments of Unity and a fresh appraisal of GAFCON by those of the orthodox Anglicans who have been wary. A Communion which looks for leadership from this Archbishop of Canterbury and the existing Instruments of Unity will surely descend into deepening chaos.
The Anglican Church League in Sydney has issued Apostacy and deception: Statement on ACC-14 from the Anglican Church League.
“We have once again been shown how firmly apostasy and deception is embedded in the international structures of Anglicanism. There is no hope for the future there.”
Sunday evening update
Stephen Noll has written another article today, RESUSCITATION OR RESURRECTION? Second Thoughts on the Demise of the Anglican Covenant in which he expands his thoughts.
And, the Anglican Communion Institute has published ACI Statement on the Anglican Consultative Council.
Monday morning update
A.S. Haley has published Shine, Perishing Communion
26 CommentsUpdated yet again Sunday morning
ACNS has the official texts of resolutions passed on Friday: Resolutions of ACC-14 from 8th May.
ACNS also has Bishop James Tengatenga elected Chair of Anglican Consultative Council
ACC-14 Press Briefing 8th May 2009
This one deals with the Windsor Continuation Group.
Anglican Journal has ACC rejects proposed moratorium on litigation over property
The latter topic is also covered in this report from Anglican Mainstream Report from ACC-14 Day Seven: No Fourth Moratorium and No Covenant.
Update Saturday evening
A range of ACC documents can be found on this page.
They include the final report of the WCG (PDF).
There is an official photo gallery here.
Further update
ACNS has Resolutions of ACC-14 from 9th May
These cover ‘The Bible in the Life of the Church’, Network on Inter-Faith Concerns, and Middle East (from APJN).
Anglican Journal New ACC chair is skilled in mediation
ENS Anglican Consultative Council reaffirms two-state solution for Israel, Palestine
Sunday morning update
The Networks of the Anglican Communion Podcast 5
Network for Inter Faith Concerns of the Anglican Communion.
ACC-14 Press Briefing 9th May 2009
Ecumenical Guests.
Anglican Journal
Project aimed at helping Anglicans read Bible with ‘fresh eyes’
ACC tones down resolution on Middle East conflict
4 CommentsUpdated yet again Sunday evening
11.25 pm Friday
ENS is first with a report on the Covenant: Bulletin: Anglican Consultative Council postpones release of covenant. ENS says:
The council had originally been asked to send the entire text to the provinces. However, some members were concerned about the practicalities of the processes outlined in Section 4 of the covenant, “Our Covenanted Life Together,” which attempts to provide a method for resolving disputes in the communion. Much of the concern centered on the provision in paragraph 4.1.5 that “it shall be open to other Churches to adopt the Covenant” because it lacks a definition for “other churches.”
The members agreed 33-30 (with two abstentions) to ask for more work on Section 4.
Saturday morning update
That Bulletin has now been replaced with a much longer detailed report.
Anglican Journal also has a detailed account, Delegates vote to delay distribution of latest draft of covenant
ACNS has ACC-14 Press Briefing 8th May 2009 with the Secretary General which includes audio of the half-hour session.
Anglican Mainstream has ACC Bishops from Egypt, Peru and Nigeria reflect on the delay to the Covenant. and there is comment about the covenant debate in Report from ACC-14 Day Seven: No Fourth Moratorium and No Covenant.
The text of the document itself can be found at An Anglican Covenant – The Third (Ridley Cambridge) Draft.
Saturday afternoon update
Video from ENS is available here. There is an interview with the TEC delegates, as well as videos of the press briefings.
Saturday evening update
Colin Coward has Covenant debate – who was to blame for chaos?
…My perception was that there were two reasons for the chaos. The first and most significant, which hasn’t been reported elsewhere, is that no-one was at hand to advise the chair on the standing orders which set the rules for ACC meetings. At meetings of the Church of England General Synod a legal adviser always sits to the left of the chair and can offer instant advice. Yesterday’s debate would have benefitted from having John Rees closer at hand to provide advice.
The second cause of the chaos arose within the meeting itself. Delegates for whom English is not their first language ( and for some, not even second or third) find it understandably difficult to follow the process. Cultural differences about process and the way decisions are made and where power lies or should lie also affected delegates’ understanding of what was happening. And finally, some delegates carried a very strong agenda to the debate and their interventions contributed to increased tension and rising confusion.
When the Archbishop of Canterbury intervened, he did so to rescue the session from increasing chaos. I thought he summed up very succinctly and helpfully exactly where the debate had reached and what the delegates intended. Other journalists thought the Archbishop had abused the democratic process and had been putting that possibility to delegates as they dispersed at the end of the debate. This enabled them to say at the press briefing, “Delegates think …”
Sunday evening update
Anglican Mainstream has ACC 14 – Day 9 : It’s the property – stupid!
8 CommentsUpdated again 10.45 pm London time
Colin Coward now has Final version of the Resolution on the Anglican Communion Covenant. Colin writes:
This is the resolution as amended in the course of this afternoon’s debate at the ACC-14 meeting in Jamaica.
The effect of the resolution is to delay sending the Covenant out to the Provinces for something like 6 months and to open the possibility of Section 4 of the Ridley Cambridge draft being revised.
Clauses c and d were included from an earlier draft after people spoke strongly both for and against. The vote was 40 in favour and 33 against integrating the clauses. I think the votes represent the division between those who want no further delay but want the present Ridley Cambridge draft to be sent straight to the Provinces, and those who prefer that the Communion takes proper time to consider the possible revision of section 4 of the Covenant.
Clause e was amended in the course of the debate, adding ‘as The Anglican Communion Covenant’.
The vote on whether to approve or not the final clause, f, has yet to be reported. If approved, the agreed resolution will read as follows:
Resolution B: Draft Resolution on the Covenant
The ACC:
a) thanks the Covenant Design Group for their faithfulness and responsiveness in producing the drafts for an Anglican Communion Covenant and, in particular for the Ridley Cambridge Draft submitted to this meeting;
b) recognises that an Anglican Communion Covenant may provide an effective means to strengthen and promote our common life as a Communion;
c) asks the Archbishop of Canterbury, in consultation with the Secretary General, to appoint a small working group to consider and consult with the Provinces on Section 4 and its possible revision, and to report to the next meeting of the Joint Standing Committee;
d) asks the JSC, at that meeting, to approve a final form of Section 4;
e) asks the Secretary General to send the revised Ridley Cambridge Text, at that time, only to the member Churches of the Anglican Consultative Council for consideration and decision on acceptance or adoption by them as The Anglican Communion Covenant;
f) asks those member Churches to report to ACC-15 on the progress made in the processes of response to, and acceptance or adoption of, the Covenant.
10.00 pm update
Colin Coward has this report of what happened in the morning session and the new draft resolution that has emerged: Confused morning session results in Draft C of Covenant Design Process resolution
This session of ACC-14, which has been extended into the afternoon, has been getting itself hopelssly confused in trying to deal with the original draft motion on the Covenant Design Process which contained two Resolutions, A and B (see earlier blog). Delegates are in conflict as to whether or not to adopt section A or instead, revise Section B. They have just voted and agreed to reject in its entirety Clause A, 17 votes for, 47 against, 1 abstention.
A new draft resolution was prepared during the lunch break and is now being debated, with two new clauses being debated as amendments to the original Section B.
Draft Resolution C reads:
The ACC:
a) thanks the Covenant Design Group for their faithfulness and responsiveness in producing the drafts for an Anglican Communion Covenant and, in particular for the Ridley Cambridge Draft submitted to this meeting;
b) recognises that an Anglican Communion Covenant may provide an effective means to strengthen and promote our common life as a Communion;
c) asks the Archbishop of Canterbury, in consultation with the Secretary General, to appoint a small working group to consider and consult with the Provinces on Section 4 and its possible revision, and to report to the next meeting of the Joint Standing Committee;
d) asks the JSC, at that meeting, to approve a final form of Section 4;
e) asks the Secretary General to send the revised Ridley Cambridge draft, at that time, only to the member Churches of the Anglican Consultative Council for consideration and decision on acceptance or adoption by them;
e) asks those member Churches to report to ACC-15 on the progress made in the processes of response to, and acceptance or adoption of, the Covenant.
It is now being debated and voted on clause by clause.
Again, there is a status report at Episcopal Café .
Colin Coward has published the text of the draft resolution:
Covenant Decision Process
Resolution A: Status of Section 4
The ACC:
a) resolves that section 4 of the Ridley Cambridge Draft be detached from the Ridley Cambridge Draft for further consideration and work;
b) asks the Archbishop of Canterbury, in consultation with the Secretary General, to appoint a small working group to consider and consult with the Provinces on Section 4 and its possible revision, and to report to the next meeting of the Joint Standing Committee;
c) resolves that the reconsidered Section 4 may, at the request of the JSC, be offered for adoption as an addendum to the Covenant text.
Resolution B: Draft Resolution on the Covenant
The ACC:
a) thanks the Covenant Design Group for their faithfulness and responsiveness in producing the drafts for an Anglican Communion Covenant and, in particular for the Ridley Cambridge Draft submitted to this meeting;
b) recognises that an Anglican Communion Covenant may provide an effective means to strengthen and promote our common life as a Communion;
c) asks the Secretary General to send the Ridley Cambridge draft, at this time, only to the member Churches of the Anglican Consultative Council for consideration and decision on acceptance or adoption by them;
d) asks those member Churches to report to ACC-15 on the progress made in the processes of response to, and acceptance or adoption of, the Covenant.
There is a status report on the debate here.
3 CommentsENS has a report Bulletin: ACC affirms Windsor Continuation Group recommendations.
The representatives of the Anglican Consultative Council (ACC) affirmed May 8 the Windsor Continuation Group’s final report, which includes moratoria on same-gender blessings, cross-border interventions and the ordination of gay and lesbian people to the episcopate.
The resolution noted the “deep cost” of observing those moratoria and calls the Anglican Communion to “pray for repentance, conversion and renewal; leading to deeper communion.”
The members narrowly rejected (33-32) an attempt to add a fourth moratoria that would have banned litigation over the taking of property by those who leave a diocese or province.
The text of the resolution follows.
The ACC:
1. thanks the Archbishop of Canterbury for his report on the work and recommendations of the Windsor Continuation Group;
2. affirms the recommendations of the Windsor Continuation Group;
3. affirms the request of the Windsor Report (2004), adopted at the Primates’ Meetings (2005, 2007, 2009), and supported at the Lambeth Conference (2008) for the implementation of the agreed moratoria on the consecration of bishops living in a same-gender union, authorization of public rites of blessing same-sex unions and continued interventions in other provinces;
4. acknowledges the efforts that have been made to hold to the moratoria, gives thanks for the gracious restraint that has been observed in these areas and recognizes the deep cost of such restraint;
5. asks that urgent conversations are facilitated with those provinces where the application of the moratoria gives rise for concern;
6. encourages the Archbishop of Canterbury to work with the Joint Standing Committee and the Secretary General to carry forward the implementation of the Windsor Continuation Group report recommendations as appropriate;
7. asks the Inter-Anglican Standing Commission on Unity, Faith and Order to undertake a study of the role and responsibilities in the Communion of the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Lambeth Conference, the Anglican Consultative Council and the Primates’ Meeting; the ecclesiological rationale of each, and the relationships between them, in line with the Windsor Continuation Group report, and to report back to ACC-15;
8. calls the Communion to pray for repentance, conversion and renewal; leading to deeper communion.In other business, Bishop James Tengatenga of the Diocese of Southern Malawi, in the Church of the Province of Central Africa, was elected to succeed Auckland Bishop John Paterson as chair of the ACC meeting. Tengatenga will serve in that role until the conclusion of the 2015 ACC meeting.
Colin Coward notes that Amendment to add 4th moratoria against litigation lost by one vote.
The Living Church also notes Proposed Moratorium on Litigation Omitted from Draft Resolution.
The text of the original Primates Communiqué on this topic read as follows:
3 CommentsOn property disputes
The Primates urge the representatives of The Episcopal Church and of those congregations in property disputes with it to suspend all actions in law arising in this situation. We also urge both parties to give assurances that no steps will be taken to alienate property from The Episcopal Church without its consent or to deny the use of that property to those congregations.
Updated Friday lunchtime
Anglican Journal
People ‘feel they can contribute’
In order to understand the workings of “discernment groups,” Anglican Journal staff writer Marites N. Sison talked to Stephen Lyon, partnership secretary of the Church of England’s Partnership for World Mission.
Ecumenical ‘box of chocolates’ laid out for council
The Inter-Anglican Standing Commission on Ecumenical Relations (IASCER) on May 7 asked the 14th ACC meeting here to endorse a set of resolutions, including one that urges the resumption of the Anglican Communion’s dialogue with the Oriental Orthodox Churches of the Middle East.
Anglican Mainstream
Report from ACC-14 Day 6 -The $1.5 million Indaba
Changing Attitude
What does it mean to be gay?
Friday lunchtime update
Changing Attitude
Gay journalist attacked for writing the truth
The Networks of the Anglican Communion Podcast 3
This covers the Anglican Peace and Justice Network.
ACC-14 Press Briefing 7th May 2009 with Canon John Rees
ACC-14 Press Briefing 7th May 2009 with Canon Phil Groves
Anglican Journal
‘Free-floating’ body seeks formal relationship with council
Anglican Consultative Council Digest
Anglican Mainstream
ACC-14 Day 6 Candidates for election as chair of ACC.
The Networks of the Anglican Communion Podcast 2
This is concerned with The International Anglican Youth Network.
The Continuing Indaba and Mutual Listening Project
Anglican Consultative Council Digest
Listening Process ready to move to next phase
Anglican Journal
Anglican Communion can no longer afford ‘ad-hoc’ response to crises, says official
ACC commits church to new stage of listening process
Anglican provinces may be asked to increase contributions
Anglican Mainstream
The Fourth Moratorium – Report from ACC-14 Day 5 Part 1
Changing Attitude
The Listening Process on Human Sexuality – Canon Phil Groves reports to the ACC in Jamaica
Is the Listening Process report good news for LGBT Anglicans?
11 CommentsTwo more items from ACNS
Resolutions of ACC-14 from 5th May
These cover numerous topics relating to the various Anglican networks.
ACC-14 Press Briefing 6th May 2009
This deals with the final report of the Windsor Continuation Group. There is a link there to the audio of the press conference, featuring Bishop Gregory Cameron.
Another important matter to come before ACC-14 is consideration of the final report of The Windsor Continuation Group. The WCG was set up by the Archbishop of Canterbury in 2007 to advise him on the implementation of the recommendations of the Windsor Report, how best to carry forward the Windsor Process in the life of the Communion, and to consult on the “unfinished business” of the Report.
The Windsor Continuation Group was chaired by Archbishop Clive Handford, the retired President Bishop of Jerusalem & the Middle East.The Group presented a first set of observations at the Lambeth Conference in 2008 and met following Lambeth to prepare a final report. The Primates at their meeting in Alexandria, Egypt in February 2009 received it.
At ACC 14 the Archbishop of Canterbury made a presentation on the report and the meeting will be considering a resolution on this subject on Friday May 8.
A press briefing was held on Wednesday May 6 where Bishop Gregory Cameron spoke of the background and importance of the Windsor Continuation Report and answered questions.
Changing Attitude has an article, The abusive language and myths used about TEC. The article to which this refers was also linked in the earlier TA item below, and is here.
1 CommentDave Walker, who has drawn this cartoon about the meeting, has also drawn attention to the location of the official Flickr photostream.
ACC-14 Press Briefing 5th May 2009
On Tuesday May 5 Archbishop Gomez and Bishop Gregory Cameron held a press briefing reviewing the document and Bishop Gregory explained the process that ACC will follow in considering the text and discussed the kind of resolution that would be needed to forward the Covenant to the provinces for their consideration.
This includes links to the audio of the press conference, and a link to the PDF file containing the address of Archbishop Drexel Gomez concerning the history and current text of the Covenant draft.
The Networks of the Anglican Communion Podcast 1
In the podcast the Rev Paul Holley the Anglican UN representative in Geneva discusses the proposal and the benefits that the Anglican Communion would receive by establishing the Anglican Health Network.
Anglican Journal
Delegates weigh ‘tighter time frame’ for covenant approval process
Anglican Networks gain prominence at ACC
Episcopal News Service
‘Evolving’ covenant adoption process makes for ambiguity
ACC commits to communion’s peace, justice and reconciliation work
Changing Attitude
Archbishop of Canterbury emphasises patience and reconciliation, not instant resolution
Anglican Peace and Justice Network panel on homosexuality
Anglican Mainstream
Report from ACC 14- Day Four by Chris Sugden and the Rev. Philip Ashey, C.O.O, American Anglican Council.
2 CommentsThe full text of his sermon last Sunday is available, together with an audio recording, on the website of the Archbishop of Canterbury.
ENS and Anglican Journal each report on today’s events:
Williams calls for more cohesive, theologically aware communion
Anglican body considers ‘relational consequences’ proposal for breaches of moratoria
Further material is also available:
Ruth Gledhill has Archbishop of Canterbury ‘Chaos and division’ in all around we see which includes, among other things, the text of the DRAFT resolution:
a) thanks the Archbishop of Canterbury for his report on the work and recommendations of the Windsor Continuation Group.
b) affirms the recommendations of the Windsor Continuation Group.
c) encourages the Archbishop of Canterbury to work with the Joint Standing Committee and Secretary General to carry forward the implementation of these recommendations as appropriate.
d) affirms the request of the Windsor Report (2004), adopted at the Primates’ Meetings (2005, 2007 and 2009) and supported at the Lambeth Conference (2008) for the implementation of the agreed moratoria on the Consecration of Bishops living in a same gender union, authorisation of public Rites of blessing for Same Sex unions and continued interventions in other Provinces, and urges gracious restraint in all these areas.
e) requests IASCUFO to undertake a study of the role and responsibilities of the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Lambeth Conference, the Anglican Consultative Council and the Primates’ Meeting in the Communion, their ecclesiological rationale and the relationships between them in line with the recommendation of paragraph 76 of the WCG Report, and to report back to ACC-15.
Anglican Mainstream has The Archbishop of Canterbury’s presentation of the Windsor Continuation Group report.
Episcopal Café has drawn attention to a report from Canadian delegate Suzanne Lawson, concerning the draft resolution relating to the Covenant.
2 CommentsThe resolution we’ve been asked to consider, prepared by the Joint Standing Committee, addresses my major concern with the draft Covenant, and that is that there is the provision that other “churches” (read, potentially, the break-away splinter group in Canada, or individual dioceses or parishes) can adopt the Covenant. The resolution asks that only the current member churches of the ACC be asked to consider and adopt the Covenant at this time. A wise insertion in the draft resolution…I hope it remains there to keep us together and not encouraging further splintering.
ACC welcomed at opening Service at National Arena Kingston Jamaica
ACC-14 Press Briefing 4th May 2009
Changing Attitude Peace and Justice Commission will keep homosexuality on the agenda until justice prevails
0 CommentsThe following official statement has been issued:
Statement from the Secretary General of the Anglican Communion.
That page has a link to the audio of the press conference.
There is also a PDF file containing all the correspondence.
Report from ENS Church of Uganda nominee denied participation in Anglican Consultative Council.
Report from Anglican Journal Uganda primate protests decision to disallow delegate to ACC.
Anglican Mainstream has this account from Chris Sugden Report from ACC-14 Day Three: The Anglican Communion Covenant and Uganda’s right to choose its delegate.
And there is a report from Uganda, Uganda People News: Orombi writes to Williams as row in the Anglican Church widens
8 CommentsTwo reports on the Covenant, ENS has ACC asked to send covenant to provinces for approval and Anglican Journal has Non-approval of proposed covenant could ‘make or break’ Anglican Communion, warns design group chair.
There is a further unrelated Canadian report World economic crisis an opportunity to redirect priorities, says Anglican Environmental Network convenor.
Colin Coward has Covenant anxieties expressed in first ACC Plenary.
Anglican Mainstream has The Covenant: an introduction by Archbishop Drexel Gomez.
5 CommentsThe Church of Uganda has attempted to seat the Rev. J. Philip Ashey, Chief Operating Officer of the American Anglican Council, as its clerical representative to the Anglican Consultative Council Meeting in Jamaica.
The Joint Standing Committee of the Primates Meeting and the ACC has refused the request.
Read more details of the story at Episcopal Café.
The Living Church has a report, ACC Meeting Starts with Credentials Flap
The Anglican Consultative Council (ACC) meeting in Jamaica began May 2 under protest when the credentials of the Rev. Philip Ashey, the clergy representative designated by the Church of Uganda, were rejected by the Joint Standing Committee (JSC) of the primates and the ACC.
“The Joint Standing Committee has discussed this at length,” wrote the Rev. Canon Kenneth Kearon, secretary general of the ACC in a letter dated April 30 and sent to the Most Rev. Henry Orombi, Archbishop of Uganda. “We understand that the Rev. Philip Ashey’s relationship with the Church of the Province of Uganda is as a result of a cross-provincial intervention, and note that such interventions are contrary to the Windsor Report and other reports accepted by successive meetings of the Instruments of Communion, including Primates’ Meetings you have attended.” Canon Kearon was to offer a statement on the credentials situation at the conclusion of a May 4 press briefing.
More links soon.
5 CommentsAnglican Journal ‘Worship: Jamaica-style’ reflects celebration and message of hope
Episcopal News Service In Jamaica, thousands attend Anglican Consultative Council Opening Eucharist
Robert Lundy and Chris Sugden of the American Anglican Council and Anglican Mainstream are jointly reporting on the meeting, see Report from ACC-14 Day One and Report from ACC-14: Day Two – Opening Festival Service.
So also is Colin Coward of Changing Attitude, see ACC Opening Service in the National Arena, Archbishop Rowan’s sermon at the ACC opening service, and also earlier reports, What do Jamaican Anglicans really think about homosexuality? and Anglican Consultative Council 14 – Kingston Jamaica.
5 CommentsThe Anglican Church of Canada has set up a news hub for reporting from the ACC.
The first official press briefing can be found at ACC-14 Press Briefing 2nd May 2009.
ENS has Members of Anglican Consultative Council prepare for meeting. More links to video coverage here.
The Canadian Anglican Journal has these reports so far:
Canadian Anglicans express high hopes for ACC meeting
ACC to decide whether draft covenant can now be sent to Anglican member churches for approval