Thinking Anglicans

Smyth in Southern Africa

The Anglican Church of Southern Africa has published this news release:
Archbishop’s Panel of Inquiry pinpoints church’s failures on Smyth abuse report

This includes a seven page summary of the full report, which can also be read separately, via this link: Guide-to-Inquiry-Panel-report.

And also:

The Church of England has made this response: Response to South African Church’s report on John Smyth


Charity Commission writes to Bishops

We reported here that the Charity Commission had written to General Synod members. They have now written to Diocesan Bishops who are trustees of their Diocesan Board of Finance or other Church charities. There is a press release and the letter can be found here. The full text of the letter is copied below the fold.

Press release text:

As regulator of charities in England and Wales, the Charity Commission is engaging with certain National Church Institutions regarding safeguarding in Church charities following the recent publication of the Makin Review.

This letter to bishops, sent on 31 January 2025, seeks their assessment of whether any aspects of Church law, structure or processes are currently preventing trustees of Church charities from fulfilling their safeguarding obligations. The letter follows a letter sent to Members of the General Synod who are also trustees of Church charities on 24 January 2025.

A press release with more information about the Commission’s engagement can be found via this link: Regulator sets out safeguarding expectations ahead of key Synod votes – GOV.UK

Published 3 February 2025


Bishop of Grimsby to retire

The Rt Revd Dr David Court, the suffragan Bishop of Grimsby in the diocese of Lincoln, has announced that he will retire at the end of July 2025. Details are on the diocesan website.


Pastoral Letter to the Diocese of Liverpool from The Bishop of Warrington

The Bishop of Warrington issued a Pastoral Letter to the Diocese of Liverpool yesterday, and this is now available on the diocesan website. It is copied below.

A Pastoral Letter to the Diocese of Liverpool from The Bishop of Warrington

My dear sisters and brothers

Many of you will be aware of the Channel 4 investigation which has now led to the retirement of the Bishop of Liverpool. Whilst the report did not name the bishop as myself, I can now confirm to you that I am the second complainant.

In March 2023, when, as your acting diocesan bishop, I was advised of a complaint raised against the Bishop of Liverpool and a subsequent investigation by the National Safeguarding Team, I raised what I believe were significant concerns, which included my own disclosure. The focus of my concerns centred around due process. Throughout these past 510 days I have remained consistent and persistent in my pursuit of proper and appropriate ecclesiastical judicial process. A bishop cannot be above the law. A bishop cannot be dealt differently from a priest. If anything, a bishop must be held to greater scrutiny. This is a biblical imperative.

I do not hold to the media serving as prosecutor, jury and judge. For these reasons, I have with intention distanced myself from the recent media activity. However, I regret we as a church have not properly and satisfactorily addressed concerns that have been raised. My prayer is that now things have been brought into the light, there will be no more defendedness but an honest scrutiny of what we are doing, how we are doing it, where the gaps sit and how we address them. Our aim as an institutional church should be to work together across disciplines and departments to ensure our church is a safe, grace-filled, Christ-centred, flourishing environment/workplace for all.

There are many questions that I have as a result of this very difficult experience. These are now being raised and I trust, will be listened to and engaged with by senior leaders from within the national church. This, I hope and pray, will be a kairos moment for the church – a time of honesty, humility, repentance, unity, hope and blessing – a time when we can tear down the idols that have disoriented us and raise up again the incarnate God, who was crucified, is glorified and who is the Lord of the Church – the Lord of all.

I am only too mindful of the turmoil, shock and bruising that you will be reeling from as a result of these past days and as you have tried to make sense of this and my long and terrible absence. For my part, I am deeply sorry for my absence and silence. It has been excruciating.

I would like you to hear from me that you have remained in my constant prayers and in my care and concern throughout. It has been like looking through an opaque window observing but unable to reach you. I would like you to be reaffirmed in your identity: Liverpool is unique, beautiful, colourful and precious.

Through these past 510 days, I have been so proud of the work and ministry you have remained committed to, seeking faithfully to serve the Lord, to sing his praises and daring to try new initiatives for the sake of the Gospel. I have shared your gratitude for the friendship and inspirational leadership of colleagues who have served this diocese so faithfully and sacrificially. I have shared the joys and losses involved in pastoral ministry in Liverpool.

I want you to know how much I admire and respect the ministry of clergy and laity, alongside our ecumenical and interfaith partners – so evident at the time of and since the Southport tragedies. And for the outstanding leadership of the Dean, the archdeacons, the chairs of House of Laity and Clergy and significant others. As a bishop and pastor, I thank you and I thank God for you.

I regret at this time I am unable to advise you of what the future holds for me. This will become clearer in the days ahead. What I know is God’s will be done.

I am also confident that considered excellent support will now be put in place for you. Please be confident that the eye of the Lord is upon you and his love surrounds you. Stay under his blessing. Please hold to the unity and in all things may the love and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ shine through you.

Goodness and truth will always prevail… and light shines into darkness for which we must not be afraid.

Throughout these past 510, a song that has given expression to my prayer and worship has been ‘The Goodness of God’. I hope it may be a source of comfort and blessing for you – maybe one day, we might sing it together.

Pray for Bishop John. Pray for each other and those with particular leadership responsibilities and please continue to pray for me.

With my love and constant prayer for you.

Bishop Beverley A Mason

The Bishop of Warrington


Bishop of Liverpool announces his retirement

The Diocese of Liverpool has published the following:

Statement from the Rt. Revd. Dr. John Perumbalath, Bishop of Liverpool
Having sought the permission of His Majesty the King, I have today taken the decision to retire from active ministry in the Church of England.

Earlier this week I was approached by Channel 4 news who informed me they would be broadcasting a story containing allegations of inappropriate behaviour by me against two different women.

Since those allegations were made I have consistently maintained that I have not done anything wrong and continue to do so. Since the claims were made in 2023 they have been investigated and considered by experts from the National Safeguarding Team and had found them unsubstantiated. The first allegation was also investigated by the Police resulting in no further action. Despite this, media reports have treated me as guilty on all charges and treated these allegations as fact.

Further it has been erroneously reported that prior to my appointment as Bishop of Liverpool I had failed the safeguarding assessment process. This is categorically not true. As the Church of England have made clear in their written statements over the past 48 hours responding to these false claims, the National Safeguarding Team found no concerns about my operational safeguarding experience and recommended some development work for me as I took on additional strategic safeguarding responsibilities – which is commonly the case for new diocesan bishops.

This rush to judgment and my trial by media (be that social or broadcast) has made my position untenable due to the impact it will have on the Diocese of Liverpool and the wider church whilst we await further reviews and next steps.

I do not wish this story to become a distraction for this incredible diocese and its people whom it has been an honour and joy to serve. This is not a resignation occasioned by fault or by any admission of liability. Rather it has become clear that stepping back from my ministry and waiting for the completion of further reviews would mean a long period of uncertainty for the Diocese and all those who serve it. I have taken this decision for my own well-being, my family and the best interests of the Diocese. The exact date when my role will formally end is not yet determined. There are protocols to observe that I will now be attending to.

But I step back from my ministry today. This means I will not be ministering in or leading the diocese with immediate effect. I informed the Archbishop of York of my decision and I understand he will put in place the necessary arrangements for episcopal oversight of the diocese for the remainder of my time here and during the vacancy..

The Diocese also issued the following statement:

Having received the news of the retirement of the Bishop of Liverpool, we acknowledge his decision in taking this step for the good of the Diocese of Liverpool. This is a deeply painful situation, and we hold all concerned in our prayers.

We will be liaising with the Archbishop of York in the coming days to establish interim episcopal oversight for the diocese. We continue working hard to support all those who have been affected by this story; and to support our clergy, congregations and staff as their ministry continues.

Debra Walker, Chair of the House of Laity
Peter Dawkin, Chair of the House of Clergy
Sue Jones, Dean of Liverpool
Pete Spiers, Archdeacon of Knowsley & Sefton
Miranda Threlfall-Holmes, Archdeacon of Liverpool
Simon Fisher, Archdeacon of St Helens and Warrington

The Archbishop of York has issued this

Statement from the Archbishop of York following the Resignation of the Bishop of Liverpool


I acknowledge the decision made by the Rt. Revd. Dr. John Perumbalath to resign from active ministry in the Church of England. I respect his decision and thank him for his ministry.

My thoughts and prayers continue to be with all those who have been affected by this situation.

I am committed to ensuring stability during this time of transition and will be putting the necessary arrangements in place to provide episcopal oversight for the Diocese. An acting Bishop for the Diocese of Liverpool will be announced in the coming days.

Stephen Cottrell, Archbishop of York


Charity Commission writes to General Synod members

The Charity Commission has issued this press release: Regulator sets out safeguarding expectations ahead of key Synod votes.

The letter to which it refers can be found here: Letter to General Synod members who are also trustees of Church of England charities. The full text of the letter is copied below the press release.

Press release text:

The charity regulator is engaging with the Church of England over the urgent need to improve its safeguarding arrangements, following the publication of the independent Makin Review and ahead of key debates at the Church’s General Synod (Parliament) next month.

In February, the Synod is due to consider proposals and legislation related to safeguarding including options for new structures, in response to various independent reports including the Makin Review. While the Commission does not regulate the General Synod itself – which is not a charity – decisions the Synod makes impact on charities within the Church.

The Commission renewed its engagement with Church authorities following the publication of the Makin Review – an independent review by Keith Makin into the Church of England’s handling of allegations of serious abuse by the late John Smyth QC.


Pre-Synod press release

The Church of England’s General Synod will meet next month. The usual pre-synod press release was issued today and is copied below.

Independent safeguarding proposals published ahead of Synod decision

Detailed proposals for a new structural model of organisations to deliver and scrutinise safeguarding on behalf of the Church of England are published today.

Members of the Church’s General Synod will be asked to choose between two possible models for independent safeguarding at their upcoming meeting in London from February 10 to 14.

In one model safeguarding officers currently working in dioceses, cathedrals and the national Church would transfer to work for a new organisation. In the other diocesan and cathedral officers would remain with their current employers but most national staff would move to a new body. In both cases safeguarding work would be scrutinised by a second external body.

The models, set out in more detail in a paper to members of Synod, were developed in response to reviews conducted for the Church of England by Prof Alexis Jay, chair of the national Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA), and the barrister Sarah Wilkinson.

Synod members will also have an opportunity to debate a motion responding to the Makin Report into the abuse by the lawyer John Smyth, which prompted the resignation of the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby. And they will be asked to approve new safeguarding codes of practice including guidance on managing allegations.

The Synod papers also include detailed draft proposals for possible new arrangements to enable the wider use of prayers asking for God’s blessing for same-sex couples including in special services.

The proposals, developed by working groups representing the range of views on questions of sexuality and marriage across the Church of England, are published for discussion and feedback.

These proposals also include additional measures of “pastoral reassurance” that seek to affirm and support the diversity of theological views within the church.

Other key items coming to General Synod include a motion, brought by Fr Alex Frost from the Diocese of Blackburn, on encouraging the ministry of people from working class backgrounds in the Church of England.

There will also be debates on racial justice; the role of sport in Christian outreach; the global prayer initiative Thy Kingdom Come; and possible changes to the voting procedures of the Crown Nominations Commission.

Synod will also have an opportunity to look at proposals for simplifying the way money flows around the Church, providing more financial support to dioceses and levelling up clergy stipends.

The Bishop of Stepney, Joanne Grenfell, the Church of England’s Lead Bishop for Safeguarding, said: “There is, quite rightly, considerable interest in our safeguarding work and I will be leading a number of debates and sessions on these vital questions at Synod.

“In the light of the Makin review, it is essential that we recognise together the pain of all victims and survivors living with a legacy of abuse, while highlighting the recommendations and work already under way.

“The proposals on safeguarding independence are the product of a huge amount of work and feedback from across the Church including from victims and survivors and it is right that Synod now makes the decision on which model to pursue.”


General Synod Papers – February 2025

The Church of England’s General Synod will meet in London from 10 to 14 February. The agenda and papers for the meeting were released today.

There are links to the papers below the fold, grouped by the day on which they are due to be debated. There are also a number of GS Misc papers and items of deemed and contingency business.

Also available are these two zipped files.



Reactions to yet more LLF delays

See earlier article about yesterday’s House of Bishops meeting.

The House reviewed detailed updates from the Living in Love and Faith (LLF) working groups presented by Bishop Martyn Snow. After considered reflection on the complexity and depth of the proposed changes, it became clear that Bishops with views across the range of different perspectives agreed that it was unlikely all elements of the proposals would be sufficiently developed in time for Synod to make a decision in July.

They agreed to extend the timetable to ensure that all elements of the proposals are sufficiently developed for a decision to be taken on them as a whole. The intention is still to update General Synod in February, and bring further proposals to General Synod in July, but it is likely these will not be able to be formally put to a vote until a subsequent Synod. This will also give further time for consultations with Diocesan Synods and other networks.

Two reactions to this have been published:


Nominating the next Archbishop of Canterbury

The Archbishops’ Secretary for Appointments has written to members of General Synod to confirm expected timings for the process of nominating the next Archbishop of Canterbury. Details are in a press release, which is copied below the fold.

The full membership of the Crown Nominations Commission (CNC) is expected to be known by mid-March. The Commission will meet three times – in May, July and September. Standard procedure is that shortlisted candidates are interviewed at the final meeting, and a decision made.



House of Bishops meeting – January 2025

The Church of England’s House of Bishops met yesterday and issued the following press release.

House of Bishops meeting – January 2025

The House of Bishops met in person for its first meeting of the new year in London.

The House reviewed detailed updates from the Living in Love and Faith (LLF) working groups presented by Bishop Martyn Snow. After considered reflection on the complexity and depth of the proposed changes, it became clear that Bishops with views across the range of different perspectives agreed that it was unlikely all elements of the proposals would be sufficiently developed in time for Synod to make a decision in July.

They agreed to extend the timetable to ensure that all elements of the proposals are sufficiently developed for a decision to be taken on them as a whole. The intention is still to update General Synod in February, and bring further proposals to General Synod in July, but it is likely these will not be able to be formally put to a vote until a subsequent Synod. This will also give further time for consultations with Diocesan Synods and other networks.

The House discussed the continued actions being undertaken in response to the Makin review and the proposals on independent safeguarding and the revised Clergy Conduct Measure being brought to General Synod in February. The Archbishop of York and the Bishop of London discussed the importance of increased transparency, accountability and responsibility and the opportunities offered by the different proposals being brought to Synod.

In a lengthy and detailed discussion about the challenges faced, the House acknowledged the work that still needed to be done and looked forward to meeting other Episcopal colleagues imminently to work on this this further. Bishop Sarah ended the discussion reflecting that those in the Church are a people of hope who have the appetite for the work to be done.

A recent update on the process being undertaken by the National Safeguarding Team can be found here: Update on Makin Review Methodology.


Redress scheme update

The Church of England has announced a delay in the legislation to introduce the Redress Scheme for survivors of Church-related abuse. Details are in a press release which is copied below.

Redress scheme update

The legislation to introduce the Redress Scheme for survivors of Church-related abuse will not be laid before General Synod for final approval in February, as previously scheduled, so that final checks can be carried out to ensure its eligibility criteria are robust enough in light of the Makin report.

The Scheme infrastructure is now in place and the Scheme is ready to receive applications once legislation is complete, following an enormous amount of work by survivors and others over the last three years.

However, the Church of England is deeply committed to developing a robust and effective Redress Scheme for survivors of Church-related abuse. So the Redress Project Board, which is advised by survivors, has decided to reflect further on the findings of the Makin report and to consider whether the Scheme’s eligibility criteria sufficiently recognise negligence of Church office-holders who have received a safeguarding allegation or disclosure and have not responded appropriately.

This is a serious and important question, and the Redress Project Board will consider carefully the implications of recognising this more fully through the Scheme’s eligibility criteria. This work requires very thorough analysis before the Project Board can decide whether or not it wishes to make any amendments to the current eligibility criteria and is not a guarantee that new or different policy decisions will be taken.

The Survivor Working Group will continue to play a vital role in shaping the Scheme, providing expert advice and guidance, and two Survivor Working Group representatives will continue to hold voting positions on the Project Board.

The legislation that will underpin the Scheme requires successful passage through the Church and parliamentary legislative processes before the Scheme can open to applications. The earliest that the Redress (Abuse) Measure would be laid before General Synod is July 2025.


Ecclesiastical Committee

The Ecclesiastical Committee is a statutory joint committee of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, created by the Church of England Assembly (Powers) Act 1919. Its role to review Church of England measures submitted to Parliament by the Legislative Committee of the General Synod, and to advise on whether or not they should be approved by Parliament. The committee has 30 members. The Lord Speaker appoints 15 members from the House of Lords, and the Speaker of the House of Commons appoints 15 MPs. Members are appointed to serve for the duration of a parliament.

The names of the members for the current parliament have recently been added to the UK Parliament website, although there is one vacancy for a member of the House of Lords. The members are listed below the fold.

The chair of the committee is Baroness Butler-Sloss. (more…)


Church Abuse and Safeguarding

The November 2024 issue of the Journal of Anglican Studies is now available online. It contains nine items related to abuse and the failures of safeguarding within the church. Each article is available as a separate PDF file. Most, though not all, of the articles deal specifically with the Church of England. The “Afterword” contains a comprehensive critique of the current English situation.

Editorial by Martyn Percy and Rosie Harper
Rt Revd Dr Alan Thomas Lawrence Wilson

This edition of the Journal is dedicated to Alan Wilson. A separate article discusses his experience of the extent of abuse within the church and his commitment to reforming the institution’s response. This passion was developed in the context of a far broader array of interests and expertise.

Alan’s heart was drawn to matters of justice and equality beyond the everyday work of an Area Bishop, which he did with a substantial pastoral heart and exacting attention to detail. He saw it as an imperative of both his faith and shared humanity. His spirituality was adventurous and exploratory, with roots in the Benedictine tradition. This led him to value simplicity and humility. It also meant that belief became real when it was embodied. Sitting on the sidelines was not for him..

Mark Williams and Hans Zollner
Glimpses of Hope: Reflections on Journeying with Survivors of Clergy Sexual Abuse

Gerald West
Tamar Summons the Church to Account: Resisting Patriarchal (and Ecclesial) Impunity in 2 Samuel 13:21

Martyn Percy
Speaking Truth to Power Structures: Integrity and Identity in Ecclesiology

Josephine Anne Stein
‘There Isn’t One!’ Church of England Safeguarding Policy

Fergus J. King, Alexandra Banks, Alfred Sebahene, Nant Hnin Hnin Aye, Maimbo W.F. Mndolwa, Albert Chama
Towards a Safe Church: More Than a Lambeth Call

Clive Stephen Billenness, Rosie Harper, Martin Sewell
The Post Office at Prayer? Auditing Risk and Practice: A Safeguarding Appraisal

Editorial by Martyn Percy
Afterword: Safeguarding – The Future of Risk and Responsibility


Rochester diocese responds again to Archbishops’ Council

We reported on 10 December that Rochester has no confidence in the Archbishops’ Council.

This provoked the Council to respond on 20 December, see Archbishops’ Council responds to Rochester Diocesan Synod’s motion of no confidence and the full text of the letter signed by the Secretary General, William Nye is available here.

Rochester diocese has now replied to that letter. See:


Safeguarding Codes

Update (3 February): A notice paper (NP4) issued on 3 February 2025 states that sufficient members asked for GS2372 to be debated. This debate will take place on the afternoon of Wednesday 12 February. Insufficient members asked for GS2373 to be debated. This is therefore approved and will come into effect 1 March 2025.

Two revised Church of England safeguarding codes of practice have been made available this week.

They are both on the agenda for next month’s meeting of the General Synod as deemed business. This means that each will be deemed to be approved unless 25 members give notice in advance that they wish the code to be debated.

In addition to the codes themselves, the papers explain why the codes are required, what has changed, and give details of the consultation process.

If approved, these Codes will go live on the 1 September 2025 (Managing Allegations) and 1 March 2025 (Religious Communities).


Archbishop of York issues Epiphany letter

Consequent upon the resignation of the Archbishop of Canterbury which took effect yesterday, the Archbishop of York has issued this letter to Clergy and Lay Ministers, which is also available as a PDF here.


Bishop of St Albans to retire

The Right Revd Dr Alan Smith, Bishop of St Albans, has announced his intention to retire on 31 May 2025. The official announcement is here on the diocesan website.


Response to Wilkinson-Jay proposals

The Church Times has this report: Synod to vote in February on future of church safeguarding

For background and context see Safeguarding and independence.

The new document mentioned can be found here: Wilkinson-Jay Response Group – Emerging Proposals
This describes the two models (out of the original four) between which the General Synod will be asked to make a choice in February. It’s worth the time to read the whole of this document to get the sense of where the Response Group is heading.

The differences are summarised by the Church Times this way:

  • Under one model, all diocesan and cathedral safeguarding teams would remain in their current structures, with no “direct changes” to their terms of employment. But national safeguarding functions and staff would be transferred outside the Archbishops’ Council to a separate organisation. Diocesan safeguarding advisory panels (DSAPs) would provide scrutiny over safeguarding work in dioceses, parishes, and cathedrals, with the DSAP chair acting as the first point of escalation for complaints.
  • Under the second, more radical option, all safeguarding teams, including diocesan and national staff, would transfer to a separate nationwide organisation with independent governance. Local professionals would “remain embedded within dioceses and cathedrals”, but be line-managed by the external delivery body. This body would act independently from the Church, and, the paper explains, “make its own operational decisions as to the best ways to deliver safeguarding according to what is already set out in practice and code”.

Chairman of the Crown Nominations Commission for Canterbury

Press release from the Prime Minister’s Office

Appointment of Chairman of the Crown Nominations Commission for Canterbury: 16 December 2024

The Prime Minister has appointed The Lord Evans of Weardale KCB DL to be the Chairman of the Crown Nominations Commission for Canterbury.

From: Prime Minister’s Office, 10 Downing Street and The Rt Hon Sir Keir Starmer KCB KC MP
Published 16 December 2024

The Prime Minister has appointed The Lord Evans of Weardale KCB DL to be the Chairman of the Crown Nominations Commission for Canterbury. The Crown Nominations Commission is the Church of England committee that nominates the candidate to be the next Archbishop of Canterbury to succeed the Most Reverend and Right Honourable Justin Welby. Archbishop Welby has announced that he will complete his duties on 6th January 2025.

Notes for Editors

Jonathan Evans has been a Crossbench member of the House of Lords since 2014. Until October 2023 he was Chair of the Committee on Standards in Public Life. He is currently Chair of the HALO Trust, the anti-landmine charity, and of the Public Interest Committee at KPMG UK. He is a former Director-General of the Security Service, MI5. He is an active and communicant member of his local parish church.

The Church of England’s standing orders state that the Chair of the Crown Nominations Commission for Canterbury is appointed by the Prime Minister and must be an actual communicant lay [i.e. not ordained] member of the Church of England.