Thinking Anglicans

Statement in response to Makin review

This statement is issued at 1615 on Thursday 7 November on behalf of a number of victims and survivors of John Smyth QC. It is a response to the publication by the Church of England of the Makin Review. Bracketed references refer to that review.

Statement in response to Makin Review


Review by Keith Makin into Church’s handling of Smyth case

This report, previously scheduled for publication on 13 November, has been published this afternoon.

Press Release: Independent review into Church’s handling of Smyth case published (copied in full below the fold)

Independent Learning Lessons Review John Smyth QC (253 pages)

Appendices (245 pages)

Further Information

Personal Statement by the Archbishop of Canterbury



Bishop of Coventry

Press release from 10 Downing Street. See also this announcement on the Coventry diocesan website, and here on the Sheffield site.

The King has approved the nomination of The Right Reverend Sophie Jelley, Suffragan Bishop of Doncaster to be appointed as Bishop of Coventry.

Appointment of Bishop of Coventry: 4 November 2024

From: Prime Minister’s Office, 10 Downing Street
Published 4 November 2024

The King has approved the nomination of The Right Reverend Sophie Jelley, Suffragan Bishop of Doncaster to be appointed as Bishop of Coventry, in succession to The Right Reverend Dr Christopher Cocksworth following his appointment as Dean of Windsor.


Sophie was educated at the Universities of Leeds and Oxford and trained for ordination at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford. She served her title at St Peter’s, Shipley, in the former Diocese of Bradford (now in the Diocese of Leeds) and was ordained priest in 1998.

She took up the role of Mission Partner with the Church Mission Society in 2000, serving at Uganda Christian University in Mukono, before returning to the UK in 2003 to take up the role of Resident Minister of St John the Evangelist, Churt with Rushmoor, in the Diocese of Guildford. In 2010, Sophie was appointed Vicar of St Andrew’s, Burgess Hill, in the Diocese of Chichester, and from 2013 was additionally Assistant Diocesan Director of Ordinands. In 2015, Sophie was appointed Canon Missioner of Durham Cathedral and Diocesan Director of Mission, Discipleship and Ministry, in the Diocese of Durham.

In 2020, Sophie took up her current role as Suffragan Bishop of Doncaster, in the Diocese of Sheffield


Justin Welby interview

The Archbishop of Canterbury was recently interviewed for The Rest is Politics podcast. The wide-ranging interview is also available on YouTube. The topics covered are listed below with links to where they start in the YouTube video.

The section “Is LGBT love sinful?” has attracted much comment. The Church Times has covered the interview and there has been a statement from Lambeth Palace.

Links to YouTube video

00:00 Intro
00:20 The Archbishop’s dad
03:50 The Archbishop’s mum
06:43 Alcoholism in his house
09:10 How he found his faith
10:00 How he found being a teenager
11:48 What did he want to do with his life
14:05 How he decided he wanted to be a priest
19:00 Archbishop’s relationship with politics
23:40 His experience of the war on terror
30:30 Israel and Palestine
36:47 How to feel hopeful
39:05 Peace building
41:05 The death of Queen Elizabeth II
45:50 The Coronation of Charles III
48:35 Is LGBT love sinful?
52:50 The Church as a broad coalition
54:50 The Church is growing
55:25 Mental health
59:40 What Christ brought to the world
1:01:35 Trump
1:04:37 Politics and power
1:07:10 Is he going to criticise keir starmer
1:07:41 Debrief


House of Bishops Autumn Meeting

The Church of England’s House of Bishops met earlier this week, and the following press release has been issued.

House of Bishops Autumn Meeting

The House of Bishops met in person for its Autumn meeting

The House of Bishops met in Hertfordshire from 22nd-23rd October.

The House discussed the recently proposed Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill, the importance of investment in palliative care, the potential risks to vulnerable people and possible unintended consequences for those who might feel a burden to others at the end of their lives. The Bishops reflected on the need for compassion for all those involved in the debate and work on the subject.

In a session on finance the House received updates on the Triennium Funding Working Group, Diocesan Finances Review and the work of the Strategic Mission and Ministry Investment Board. The Bishops continued to consider material from the Seal of the Confessional Working Group, noting that further legislative steps by Government on mandatory reporting have yet to be announced.

The House agreed to commission further work on safeguarding risk assessments with proposals to come back to the House within 12 months.

The House continued their discussions on the Living in Love and Faith (LLF) process. In accordance with the General Synod motion GS 2358 passed in July, the Bishops considered what guidance could be given to the working groups developing the detail of proposals on specific areas of work, including the proposed Bishops Statement and Code of Practice. Additional feedback from the discussions will be provided to the working groups.

The House received an update on progress on the preparation of new policy and guidance on Clergy Files, supporting good safeguarding practice, safer recruitment and record keeping. Following the adoption by the House in May of the pilot template for the Episcopal Reference and Clergy Current Status Letter (CCSL) the House agreed to approve the final version presented with minor changes.

The Bishops had an initial discussion of the report ‘Let Justice Roll Down Like Waters’, exploring the well-being of working class clergy, and committed to further work.

The meeting closed in prayer.

More information


Letters to the House of Bishops

The Church Times reports: Opponents and supporters of prayers for same-sex couples lobby bishops

TWO Church of England pressure groups wrote to the House of Bishops before its meeting this week to express hopes and expectations about the next steps in the Living in Love and Faith (LLF) process.

The groups–Together for the Church of England, which campaigns for wider provision for LGBTQ people in the Church, and the Alliance, which represents opponents of the proposed blessings of same-sex couples–wrote the letters at the invitation of the House of Bishops, before their meeting on Tuesday and Wednesday this week…

The full texts of these letters are linked below.

The Alliance Letter 8 – October 24

Together for the Church of England Letter to House of Bishops (October 2024)


Smyth independent review to be published on 13 November

The Church of England issued the following press release this morning.

Smyth independent review publication plan

The National Safeguarding Team, NST, has now received the independent review from Keith Makin relating to the John Smyth case. A detailed plan, drawn up in consultation with survivors, is now in place to enable those that choose to do so to read the document in advance in a timely manner and with support on request. The NST has also been asked to factor in the half term period and the fact some of those impacted will not be around during those weeks. Once this process has been completed the report will be published in full on Wednesday November 13. On this day survivors will have the opportunity for a confidential webinar to ask questions. After the survivor webinar there will be a separate press conference.


Soul Survivor: more follow-up on Scolding report

The Church Times reports: New working group to look at issues raised by Soul Survivor scandal

AFTER the exposure of “appalling practices and a shocking abuse of power” at Soul Survivor, in reviews by the National Safeguarding Team (NST) and Fiona Scolding KC, a group is being formed to carry out further work, the Bishop of Stepney, Dr Joanne Grenfell, the lead bishop for safeguarding, said this week.

The working group will look at ordination processes, clergy training and supervision, and safeguarding and governance in church-plants, bishop’s mission orders (BMOs), and mission charities that have an Anglican focus to their work…

The article refers to recent correspondence between a group of General Synod members and the Bishop of Stepney.

See letter to the Bishop of Stepney.  And her reply.

Some background. At General Synod in July a motion was proposed by Robert Thompson but this was substantially amended by Bishop Joanne. See here and then here for the briefings prepared at that time, and over here for the Order Paper containing the motions. The outcome is recorded in the Business Done report.

Today on X (formerly Twitter) Robert Thompson has written this.


LLF: an explanatory video by Bishop Martyn Snow

The Diocese of St Albans has published this 8 minute video on YouTube: Diocesan Synod LLF October 2024.


Bishop Wambunya accepts CDM penalty


We reported earlier on the non-canonical ordination conducted by Bishop Tim Wambunya in Berlin in April: Dr Tim Wambunya apologises for his role in a Berlin ordination service.

Today, the Diocese of Lichfield has published a letter from Bishop Wambunya and a comment from the Bishop of Lichfield.
The Church of England website has published this notice

Diocese: Oxford
Date imposed: 9th October 2024
Relevant CDM section: 16(1)
Statutory Ground of Misconduct: 8(1)(a) Doing any act in contravention of the laws ecclesiastical & 8(1)(d) Conduct unbecoming to the office and work of a Clerk in Holy Orders
Penalty: Rebuke and injunction

The comment from the Bishop of Lichfield reads as follows:

“Bishop Tim has willingly and humbly accepted the Archbishop’s rebuke and injunction for his actions in Germany in April of this year. The injunction requires him to receive some additional training which formalises the need I too recognise, and I welcome that and will play whatever part is required in that. Most of all, I am certain that this process allows all of us to move forward, especially Bishop Tim and the communities of the Wolverhampton Episcopal Area.  It’s now time to celebrate without inhibition Bishop Tim’s arrival in the diocese next week and to welcome the start of his ministry. He brings many gifts an unmistakeable desire for our communities to encounter the good news of a God who loves them and wants their flourishing.”

There appears to be no comment from the Diocese of Oxford.


Church Times Next Bishop of Wolverhampton rebuked for his part in non-canonical ordination


Appointment of Second Church Estates Commissioner

Press release from the Prime Minister’s Office

Appointment of Second Church Estates Commissioner: 7 October 2024

The King has approved the nomination of Marsha de Cordova, Member of Parliament for Battersea, to be appointed as Second Church Estates Commissioner.

From: Prime Minister’s Office, 10 Downing Street
Published 7 October 2024

The King has approved the nomination of Marsha de Cordova, Member of Parliament for Battersea, to be appointed as Second Church Estates Commissioner

Marsha de Cordova is the Labour MP for Battersea, and has been an MP since 8 June 2017.

She was educated at London South Bank University studying Law and European Policy Studies. She was born with Nystagmus and is registered blind.

She has worked for numerous charities including Action for Blind People and Thomas Pocklington Trust before founding the charity South East London Vision (SELVis) in 2014. She was elected as a Labour Party councillor for the Larkhall ward on Lambeth Council in 2014.

Marsha has served in the Shadow Cabinet as Shadow Secretary of State for Women and Equalities and Shadow Minister (Work and Pensions) (Disabled People). She also served on the Work and Pensions Select Committee and the Petitions Committee.

There is also a press release from the Church Commissoners.

The Second Church Estates Commissioner answers oral and written questions from MPs in the House of Commons about Church of England matters, is a member of Parliament’s Ecclesiastical Committee, and guides Church of England legislation through the House of Commons. She will be a member of the Church Commissioners’ Board of Governors and an ex-officio member of the General Synod.


Dean of Guildford

Press release from 10 Downing Street. Further information on the Guildford diocesan website.

The King has approved the nomination of The Venerable Robert Gerard Cooper, Archdeacon of Sunderland, in the Diocese of Durham, to be appointed as Dean of Guildford.

Appointment of Dean of Guildford: 3 October 2024

From: Prime Minister’s Office, 10 Downing Street
Published 3 October 2024

The King has approved the nomination of The Venerable Robert Gerard Cooper, Archdeacon of Sunderland, in the Diocese of Durham, to be appointed as Dean of Guildford, in succession to The Very Reverend Dianna Gwilliams, following her retirement.


Bob was educated at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth and trained for ministry at Lincoln Theological College.

Ordained as Priest in 1994, he served his title at St Mary, Whitkirk, in the Diocese of Ripon. From 1998, he served as Vicar St Matthew, Lightcliffe, in the Diocese of Wakefield (now the Diocese of Leeds) and in 2005, he was appointed as Vicar St Giles and St Mary, Pontefract. From 2006, Bob additionally served as Area Dean.

In 2018, Bob took up his current role as Archdeacon of Sunderland, in the Diocese of Durham.


Soul Survivor Watford: review published

Updated Saturday and again Wednesday

In November 2023 the Trustees of Soul Survivor festivals, Soul Survivor Watford, and Soul61 (collectively known as Soul Survivor) commissioned Fiona Scolding KC to conduct an Independent Review into the culture and practices of Soul Survivor, following the National Safeguarding Team’s investigation into Mike Pilavachi.


An initial statement from Richard Scorer is copied below the fold.


Further analysis by Richard Scorer: The Soul Survivor Report – Some Thoughts

God Loves Women: Scolding, Colluding or Both? My critique of the Scolding Review into Soul Survivor and Mike Pilavachi

Church TimesScolding review of Soul Survivor scandal published

For further updates on Soul Survivor, I recommend weekly checking at The Soul Survivor Situation – A Timeline.



Should the CNC procedures be changed?

Two previous articles dealing with this:

Two Church Times articles (both linked previously):

Other opinions:

Andrew Goddard Choosing Bishops: A Failure to Discern?

Anthony Archer Crown Nominations Commission Back in the Firing Line


Bishops back proposals to simplify nomination process for diocesan bishops

Updated Friday evening

As we reported earlier the Church of England’s House of Bishops met today to consider proposals to reform the CNC (Crown Nominations Commission) procedures for nominating diocesan bishops. The proposals are in paragraphs 12 to 14 of HB(24)30. They were accepted with one amendment (which did not alter the proposed change to the CNC procedures) by 27 votes to nine, with three abstentions.

The proposals and their background are summarised in a press release, which is copied  below.

The House met in public and there is a report of their debate in the Church Times.

The CNC procedures are part of the standing orders of General Synod. The bishops’ proposed changes must be agreed by the Synod, which next meets in February 2025. Changes to standing orders can come into effect immediately.

Friday evening update

The Church Times has published a further article House of Bishops’ CNC debate rouses ire of central members.

Press release

Bishops back proposals to simplify nomination process for diocesan bishops

House of Bishops supports proposals to simplify the Crown Nominations Commission process

The House of Bishops has given its support to proposed changes to the process of nominating future diocesan bishops to the Crown, to simplify the process and help enable a broad representation.

The House – which is made up of the diocesan bishops and other senior bishops in the Church of England – agreed to ask General Synod to consider changing the rules governing how Crown Nominations Commissions (CNCs), which nominate future diocesan bishops, operate.

It follows two cases in the last year in which CNCs were unable to reach agreement to fill vacancies for new bishops.

When a see becomes vacant a CNC gathers to consider possible candidates and put forward a name to the King through the Prime Minister. Once the nomination has been approved by the King, the new bishop is announced by Downing Street. (Note: a ‘see’ is the area of a bishop’s authority and jurisdiction.)

In each case the CNC is made up of a combination of representatives from the local diocese and a group of “central members”, elected from the General Synod to represent the national Church.

Following the two recent cases in which the CNC was unable to appoint (for new Bishops of Carlisle and Ely), the Bishop of London, Sarah Mullally, who chairs the Advisory Group for Appointments and Vocations, suggested a series of changes including to the voting threshold required to make an appointment.

Under the current Standing Orders, at least two thirds of the members of a CNC must support a nomination before it goes forward. That includes any who decide to abstain.

However, as Bishop Sarah explains in a paper to the House, currently, with 14 members on a CNC, this means 10 members must agree, meaning the threshold is in fact above 71 per cent.

Bishop Sarah proposed:

  • Reducing the threshold required for a nomination to 60 per cent of those voting, also removing any abstentions from the total.
  • Remove the secret ballot.
  • Giving the presiding Archbishop (of Canterbury or York) an additional vote in the event of a deadlock.

Speaking at the bishops’ meeting in Oxford today, she said: “There is a lack of diversity on the CNC, including gender, race, and theology, which has led to a loss of trust in the process.

“Restoring trust will require the process to be competent, consistent, full of integrity, and compassionate. Ultimately, we need to restore confidence in this discernment process under God.”

The House approved a motion welcoming the recommendations by 27 votes to nine, with three abstentions.

Notes to editors

The motion agreed by the House was:

‘That this House, regretting the difficulties in the recent CNC processes as set out in HB(24)30 welcome the recommendations as set out in paragraphs 12 to 14 of that paper and request that work be undertaken to bring the proposals to Synod.’


Suffragan Bishop of Southampton

Press release from 10 Downing Street. Further information from Winchester diocese.

Appointment of Suffragan Bishop of Southampton: 13 September 2024

The King has approved the nomination of The Venerable Rhiannon King, Archdeacon of Ipswich and Director of ‘Inspiring Ipswich’, in the Diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich, as Suffragan Bishop of Southampton, in the Diocese of Winchester.

From: Prime Minister’s Office, 10 Downing Street
Published 13 September 2024

The King has approved the nomination of The Venerable Rhiannon King, Archdeacon of Ipswich and Director of ‘Inspiring Ipswich’, in the Diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich, as Suffragan Bishop of Southampton, in the Diocese of Winchester, in succession to The Right Reverend Deborah Sellin, following her translation to Bishop of Peterborough.


Rhiannon was educated at Exeter University, has two Master’s degrees and trained for ministry at Ridley Hall, Cambridge. She served her title in the Huntingdon Team Ministry in the Diocese of Ely and in 2001 she was ordained priest. From 2004, Rhiannon served as Rector of Fulbourn and the Wilbrahams, a rural multi-parish benefice outside Cambridge, during which time she was elected to General Synod. In 2010 she was appointed Transforming Church Co-ordinator/Diocesan Mission Enabler in the Diocese of Birmingham and, from 2014, she served as the Director of Mission.

In 2019, Rhiannon took up her current roles as Archdeacon of Ipswich and Director of ‘Inspiring Ipswich’, in the Diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich.


Proposals to reform the CNC procedures

Updated Thursday

Updated again 17 September

The House of Bishops meets on 18 September. The Agenda is published here.

The paper to be discussed HB(24)30 is published here: Crown Nominations Commission September 2024.

General Synod members have today been sent an email, which includes the following:

House of Bishops
The House of Bishops will meet on Wednesday 18 September at St Hugh’s College Oxford to consider proposals for reform of CNCs.  The paper and agenda will shortly be available on the House of Bishops section of the website .  This will follow on from a meeting of the College on this topic at which all bishops will be able to speak.  The House of Bishops Standing Committee has agreed that this part of the meeting should be open to the public and press, subject to limitations in the room, to observe.  Priority will be given to central members of the CNC but if General Synod members wish to attend they are asked to notify and seats will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.


Law & Religion UK has this report: Bishops to discuss difficulties in Crown Nominations Commission processes

Church Times has this: After deadlocks, Crown Nominations Commission’s secret ballots may end

Second Update

An order paper has been issued for the House of Bishops meeting. The meeting will now last an hour (5.00 to 6.00 pm) instead of the originally planned 25 minutes. The bishops of Oxford and Rochester will be proposing amendments.

Law & Religion UK has also published the Order Paper text here. This copy includes live links to the GS documents referenced.


Bishop of Crediton announces her retirement

The Bishop of Crediton, the Rt Revd Jackie Searle, has announced that she plans to retire at the end of January 2025.


Dr Tim Wambunya apologises for his role in a Berlin ordination service

Church Times report by Francis Martin: Next Bishop of Wolverhampton regrets part in non-canonical ordination

THE next Bishop of Wolverhampton, Dr Tim Wambunya, has apologised for the part he played in a non-canonical ordination of a bishop in Germany, saying that he merely wished to support a former student.

The service, which took place in Berlin in April, was billed as the ordination, as Bishop, of the Revd Wamare Juma, who founded and leads the Revealed Evangelical Mission. The organisation’s website describes it as a “non-denominational para-church”, and it has branches in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania as well as Germany…

…At the service in April, Dr Wambunya laid hands on Bishop Wamare Juma, led him through the declarations and ordination prayer from the Common Worship rite of ordination and consecration of a bishop, and presented him with a “certificate of ordination” which identified Dr Wambunya as the “ordaining bishop”.

On Tuesday, Dr Wambunya said that he took part in a personal capacity. “I did not for a moment imagine I was representing the Church of England, or even any other Anglican province, and I was not there in any official capacity,” he said…

Do read the full report, which includes comments from the Bishops of Oxford and Lichfield.

Also, you can watch the entire event here:


Cathedral Statistics 2023

The Church of England has released its Cathedral Statistics 2023, along with a press release, which is copied below.

Cathedral statistics show continued recovery in 2023

Coronation Celebrations, cultural initiatives, and sustainability efforts highlight year of positive change.

The Church of England’s latest cathedral attendance statistics reveal continued recovery in 2023, with a five per cent increase in weekly service attendance. Attendance at Christmas services was up 20% year on year and the rise was also reflected in easter services, where attendance was up by 10%.

Cathedrals also experienced a resurgence in visitor numbers, with 9.35 million people visiting in 2023, a 17 per cent increase from 2022. This marks a significant recovery, although overall numbers remain slightly below pre-pandemic levels.

The year was marked by celebrations of King Charles III’s coronation, with cathedrals hosting special services and community events. In addition to worship and national events, cathedrals made notable strides in cultural and sustainability efforts, with exhibitions, civic events and significant energy-saving initiatives and biodiversity projects across the country.

The report, released today, shows a weekly total of 30,300 individuals attended cathedral services each week, reflecting a continued return to in-person worship. (more…)