Thinking Anglicans

American Views

First, two newspaper columns commenting on recent ECUSA events:
When the Archbishop Calls by Colbert King in the Washington Post.
A Divided Episcopal Church? by Peter Steinfels in the New York Times.

Second, here is a pastoral letter written by the Bishop of Arizona to his diocese. (Arizona is a diocese which voted in all three orders in favour of the confirmation of the Bishop-elect of New Hampshire and in favour of the compromise resolution on same-sex blessings.)

I found all of these helpful in understanding how mainstream Americans view recent ECUSA events.


The Way Forward?

Ruth Gledhill writes in The Times today that Archbishop of Canterbury backs faithful gay relationships. This story is based on the fact that Canterbury Press is to republish an earlier essay of Rowan’s in the book of essays The Way Forward: Christian Voices on Homosexuality edited by Timothy Bradshaw, due to appear in the middle of September.

A second article in the same newspaper discusses another essay and the book further.
Gay clergy need not be celibate, says Dr John.


Putney meeting report

Mary Ann Sieghart has written this article in The Times:
If all liberals left the church it would cease to be a national institution and become a narrow sect.



Grassroots Church movement calls for inclusiveness

Thinking Anglicans has received the following press release, announcing the formation of a new movement in the Church of England.
