Thinking Anglicans

Opinion – 6 April 2022

Helen King sharedconversations What do the bishops think? LLF and trans people

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Towards an Understanding of Deference in the Church

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love House of Bishops overrides trans concerns

Jayne Ozanne ViaMedia.News Truth – The First Casualty in War


Opinion – 2 April 2022

Susanna Rust IPE magazine How we run our money: Church Commissioners for England
“Church Commissioners for England CIO, Tom Joy, tells Susanna Rust about the fund’s pursuit of genuine diversification and responsible investment.”

Chrissie Chevasutt ViaMedia.News Good News From Via Media: on Transgender Day of Visibility

Giles Fraser UnHerd Does Prince Andrew deserve forgiveness?
“There’s nothing moral about a mother’s love”

Robin Dunbar The Guardian The big idea: do we still need religion?
“In a world of scientific miracles, what does faith have to offer us?”


Opinion – 30 March 2022

Helen King ViaMedia.News Strange Practices: Making Sense of the Church of England Today

Richard Lamey ViaMedia.News What You Do Matters More Than You Can Know…

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church The quest for integrity: Hillsong and the CofE

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Honest to God, Goodbye to God, and the Jesus Myth


Opinion – 26 March 2022

Rebecca Chapman Church Times Life Events team should not be dispatched
“A Church that says it cares about evangelism should prioritise the occasional offices”

Giles Fraser UnHerd Atheists have an evil problem
“We can’t blame God for the war in Ukraine”

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Living the Questions: Facing Christian doubt and uncertainty


Opinion – 23 March 2022

Jane Shaw ViaMedia.News Gen Z, Authenticity and Religion

Fergus Butler-Gallie The Guardian Work of the devil? I think not. As a priest, I’m all for exotically tasty hot cross buns
“Marmite, mocha and blueberry: they may be commercially motivated, but they’re still a reminder of Easter’s importance”

Meg Munn Chair of the National Safeguarding Panel Safer Recruitment and People Management


Opinion – 19 March 2022

Paul Skirrow Surviving Church Bullying in the Church of England – Personal or Institutional?

Leslie Francis and Andrew Village Church Times Why lockdown drove some away from church
“If the quality of online worship was below par, people voted with their feet, or screens”

Antony MacRow-Wood (Archdeacon of Dorset) Diocese of Salisbury The History of the Stipend

Liam Cartwright ViaMedia.News Boring Ourselves to Death?


Opinion – 16 March 2022

Jane Shaw Prospect Keeping the faith in our parish churches
“Well funded and with a reserve of spectacular buildings, the Church of England has the resources to curb dwindling attendance–so long as it dares to re-imagine”

Laudable Practice To Swim the Tiber is to reject the Anglican Tradition

Tony Dickinson ViaMedia.News War in Ukraine — A View from Italy

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church The 2020 Micah Letter to the Charity Commission: Questioning CofE Safeguarding Procedures


Opinion – 12 March 2022

Helen King The retiring academic Church and the new normal

Jonathan Aitken Turbulent Priest Sermon, 6th March 2022

Ellen Clark-King ViaMedia.News God (he/she/they, him/her/them)

Renie Chow Choy Church Times Why our material legacy matters
“Widening access to heritage spaces is not a ‘woke fad'”

Nell Hardy Surviving Church Spiritual Trauma and Theatre-Based Intervention

Trevor Thurston-Smith The Pensive Pilgrim Is a Change Really as Good as a Rest?


Opinion – 11 March 2022

Andy Stranack Theos Embracing a valuable talent pool: the barriers and gifts of living with a disability

Alexandra Logan Love letter to the Church of England …

Martyn Percy Modern Church Embrace the “Tutufication” of the Church of England Finale

Sheila Matthews Saltwater & Honey The Mothering Sunday Conundrum

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Welcome beware, God of our whole being, essence of creation


Opinion – 9 March 2022

Jayne Ozanne ViaMedia.News Bishops: Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are!

Jayne Manfredi ViaMedia.News Earth Accuses Earth: Responding to Cancel Culture

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love LLF Next Steps Group plans to engage with stakeholder groups

LGBTQ Faith UK Learning from the playground – lessons for Living in Love and Faith


Opinion – 5 March 2022

Inclusive Church launched its booklet Something Worth Sharing on Disability and Church at General Synod last month. Here are the speeches from the launch.
Fiona Macmillan Perfectly and wonderfully made
Emily Richardson Pandemic Learnings
Tim Goode Dignity and Fullness of Life

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Poll shows CofE majority support equal marriage for LGBTQIA+ people

Janet Fife Surviving Church The Outsider. A Great Man of Faith and the Two Women in his Life

Angela Tilby Church Times Bishops’ unanimity is shameful


Opinion – 2 March 2022

Fergus Butler-Gallie The Guardian Bullying, evictions, contract disputes: no wonder we priests need a trade union
“Church of England clergy can no longer rely on goodwill alone. That’s why, increasingly, we are getting organised”

Will Moore ViaMedia.News Being Bisexual in Church — a Balancing Act


Opinion – 26 February 2022

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love The Ghana “Anti-Gay” Bill hearings continue with a presentation from IDNOWA

Hugh Williamson Church Times Priests on the payroll
“Hugh Williamson meets ministers whose places of secular work are their mission fields”

Josephine Stein Surviving Church Safeguarding: Value for Money?

Valerie Plumb ViaMedia.News Profile: Burn Out, Exclusion and the Church of England


Opinion – 23 February 2022

David Brown Surviving Church Church Culture and the Roots of Bullying

Martyn Percy Modern Church Embrace the “Tutufication” of the Church of England Part 4

Tony Baldry ViaMedia.News Will They Ever Come Back…?

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love LGBTQIA+ Representation on NSG and House of Bishops

David Goodhew The Living Church Is Anglicanism growing or dying? new data


Opinion – 19 February 2022

Three articles by Martyn Percy for Modern Church
Embrace the “Tutufication” of the Church of England Part 3
Some Critical Comment on “Bishops and Ministry Fit for a New Context”

Rebecca Chapman Church Times Synod is falling victim to process
“Rebecca Chapman expresses her unease at procedural moves and general discontent”

Phil Groves ViaMedia.News MI5, Exclusion & The Church of England

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church The Independent Learning Lessons Case Review – Graham Gregory. Some comments


Opinion – 16 February 2022

Robert Springett ‘Save the Parish’: A response from Bishop Robert

Paul Bayes Thinking in Liverpool Farewell sermon, February 2022

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love NSG declines to define radical new Christian inclusion

Jeremy Marks ViaMedia.News Banning Prayer?

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church How Evil is to be found in our Institutions, including the Churches


Opinion – 12 February 2022

WATCH A Report on the Developments in Women’s Ministry in 2021
Readers may find the tables in the downloadable pdf file easier to read.

Martyn Percy Modern Church Embrace the “Tutufication” of the Church of England Part 2

Giles Fraser UnHerd The Church’s war on the clergy

Ian Paul Psephizo Once again: should clergy be paid more?

Surviving Church A Maze with no Exit. Justice Denied in the Church of England

Eeva John Church Times A more excellent way to handle conflict
“The Church would deal with disagreement better if it were free from fear and full of love, says Eeva John, in a sermon preached in Great St Mary’s, the University Church, Cambridge, on 30 January”

Sorrel Shamel-Wood ViaMedia.News Another Injustice in the Church of England? Surely not!


Opinion – 9 February 2022

David Mitchell The Guardian Having a laugh in church? God forbid
“A cathedral’s plan to host standup comedy has been criticised, but if it keeps places of worship relevant I’m a believer”

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Unfinished Business at Christ Church Oxford

Archbishop Cranmer Christ Church’s magic £millions make the Dean’s safeguarding risk disappear

Andrew Lightbown ViaMedia.News Why I’m ‘Crossing the Severn’…


Opinion – 5 February 2022

Martyn Percy Modern Church Twenty-Tutu (2022) is the Year for Leaving Oz Behind – Embrace the “Tutufication” of the Church of England
The first of a series of reflections in the lead up to Lent

Laudable Practice The Prayer Book’s theology of eucharistic consecration: Why individual cups should be rejected

Alan Wilson and Rosie Harper ViaMedia.News Who is Joe Rogan, Anyway?

Church Times In my end is my beginning
Fergus Butler-Gallie conducted a funeral with unexpected resonances

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Emotional Atrophy – a problem for the Church?

This has been overtaken by events, but may still be of some interest.
Angela Tilby The Tablet Christ Church, Oxford – scandal at the cathedral


Opinion – 2 February 2022

Rosalind Hughes The Episcopal Café A Song of Anna

Alice Goodman Prospect Magazine Clerical life: Curing clergy burnout
“After Christmas, the things I’d been holding together in the parish had all come loose”

Church of England press release Statement from the Archbishops of Canterbury and York for LGBT+ History Month

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Departure of Tim Dakin from Winchester. Some thoughts

Ozanne Foundation Safeguarding survey shows only a third of UK adult LGBT+ Christians say they feel ‘safe to be out’ in their local church

Jayne Ozanne ViaMedia.News Collateral Damage – Do Church Leaders Care?

Archdruid Eileen The Beaker Folk of Husborne Crawley Lament for the Filling-in of Statistics for Mission