Thinking Anglicans

Opinion – 29 January 2022

Meg Munn Chair of the National Safeguarding Panel Annual Report 2021 National Safeguarding Panel

Andrew Goddard Psephizo Can the C of E ever bridge its differences on sexuality?

Pete Broadbent Mixed Ecology
“2030 Vision: People Strategy: Models of Church and Models of Ministry”

Janet Fife Surviving Church The Liberty: A meditation on Romans 8:19-21
‘One day the whole creation will know the glorious liberty of the children of God.’

James Walters Church Times Anglican Communion requires a rotating presidency
“Abandoning a colonial paradigm requires more than tinkering the CNC’s composition”


Opinion – 26 January 2022

Clare Hayns Consider the Lilies Naomi: bittersweet

Ric Thorpe Premier Christianity Reports of the Church of England’s demise have been greatly exaggerated. Here’s where it is thriving

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Wymondham Abbey – Stalemate?

Tim Wyatt Religion Media Centre Factsheet: Sexuality timeline in the Church of England


Opinion – 22 January 2022

Trevor Cooper Law & Religion UK Contested heritage – A review of the Church of England guidance

Richard Burridge Church Times Is a Zoom rite a valid form of communion?
“The pandemic has led to eucharistic experiments online. But where is the Bishops’ guidance”

Jeremy Morris Ad fontes Whither Church reform? 1: Problems of the de-centralization agenda

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church The Winchester College Review about John Smyth
There is a link to the Review here.


Opinion – 19 January 2022

Helen King sharedconversations Bake a cake for Living in Love and Faith: how to make your response count

Paul Devonshire Surviving Church “The Patronising Predisposition of Unaccountable Power”. The Cost of Questioning Church Authority

1 Comment

Opinion – 15 January 2022

The Guardian view on same-sex weddings in church: the zeitgeist is moving
“The Church of England should follow the example of Anglicans in Wales and Scotland, and give its blessing to gay and lesbian relationships”

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Changing Attitude England’s campaign for equality

Martyn Percy Modern Church A Progressive Union for a Precarious Church

David Power Church Times Time’s up for stipendiary ministry
“The C of E should follow St Paul’s example, not secular trends”

Surviving Church Gangsterism and the Church of England
Gilo takes a hard critical look at the Safeguarding Culture and the Administration of the Church of England”

Meg Munn Chair of the National Safeguarding Panel Past Cases Review 2 project


Opinion – 12 January 2022

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Tutufication of the Church: A Path for the Future?

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Sorting out the disagreements about homosexuality
Harry Williams – Life Abundant or Life Resisting?

Peter Collier Ecclesiastical Law Society 50 Years of Safeguarding – 950 Years of Clergy Discipline: Where do we go from here?
There are links to a YouTube video of a lecture given in December 2021 and to an extended version of the text of the lecture.
There is a summary of the lecture in the Church Times.


Opinion – 8 January 2022

Theo Hobson The Spectator Divided we stand: Anglicans need to agree to disagree

Stewart Clem The Living Church Building for Humans: a primer on Christian Architecture

Mark Hill Law & Religion UK The Great Strasbourg Bake Off

Paul Hackwood Church Times Church faces a stark choice for the future
“The drive towards centralisation is not working. Power must be shifted downwards to parish clergy”

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church CDM – A Case Study
Safeguarding. A follow-up account of Church discipline in operation


Opinion – 5 January 2022

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Collegiality and Tutufication

Duncan Wilson Worship Words A letter to Melchior

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Passionate Church Leadership and the Cause of Justice and Integrity

1 Comment

Opinion – 1 January 2022

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Diocese of Winchester: Questions about the Future

Paul Hackwood Church Times C of E’s crisis is about more than money
“Behind financial problems lie existential questions about purpose and vision”

Simon Jenkins The Guardian Churches could double as banks, or even serve beer. We can’t leave them empty
“These mainly listed buildings sit at the heart of almost every community – we are squandering a precious legacy”

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love The True Wilderness: Harry Williams’ guide to living from within the depth of experience


Opinion – 29 December 2021

Michael Coren tvo For a priest, Christmas week is among the hardest of the year

Jeremy Morris Ad fontes Gold, frankincense – and myth

Archdruid Eileen The Beaker Folk of Husborne Crawley Christmas and Easter – A Proposed Revision

David Brown Surviving Church The Church of England and its Episcopal Leadership

Martyn Percy Modern Church Rickety Religion (Part Five: Post-Advent Values)

Martyn Percy Modern Church Time, Light, Truth and Christmas Hope

Janet Fife Surviving Church Vignette in the Vestry


Opinion – 22 December 2021

Martyn Percy Modern Church Rickety Religion (Part Four: Post-Advent Structures)

Paul Bayes ViaMedia.News Drawing the Line?


Opinion – 18 December 2021

Martyn Percy Modern Church Rickety Religion (Part Three: Advent, Time and Structures)

‘Graham’ Surviving Church Will anyone ever be held to account over John Smyth?

Giles Fraser UnHerd Secular Christmas is a lie
“Only the Christian understanding of the festival makes sense”

Jayne Ozanne ViaMedia.News Evangelical Alliance: “Loving & Orthodox” or “Damaging & Dangerous”?

Russell Sandberg Law & Religion UK Christmas: a subversive legal history

Emma Beddington The Guardian Schmaltzy, saccharine or sinister? A brief guide to the worst Christmas carols
There are some readers’ letters in response: No crying he makes? Let’s sing the truth in our Christmas carols


Opinion – 15 December 2021

Martyn Percy Modern Church Rickety Religion (Part Two: The Advent of Structures)

Timothy Goode ViaMedia.News A Story of Transforming Love – and My Mother

Jeremy Marks ViaMedia.News The Thorny Question of Desire!


Opinion – 11 December 2021

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Thirtyone:Eight and the Culture of the Titus Trust

Zachary Guiliano The Living Church Inns and Stables

Church Times Leader comment: Why does HTB get it right (and everyone else get it wrong)?

Church Times Gospel translations: That openeth the window, to let in the light
Madeleine Davies explores theories behind translations of the Gospels


Opinion – 8 December 2021

LGBTQ Faith UK Yes Bishop. Sir Humphrey 2 – Church of England 0

Andrew Knight ViaMedia.News Blessings & Same-Sex Relationships

Martyn Percy Modern Church Rickety Religion: Advent Calling
“The first in a short series of Advent reflections on mission, money, sex, power, integrity and identity within the Church of England”

Jeremy Morris has fairly recently started a blog Ad fontes. His latest piece is The faith of poetry and the poetry of faith.


Opinion – 4 December 2021

Martyn Percy Meander The Lowly Cattle Shed

Joe Hawes ViaMedia.News Making a Stand: From Kilroy to Synod

Guli Francis-Dehqani The Church of England in Parliament Bishop of Chelmsford calls for justice for Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, in Lords maiden speech

Meg Munn Chair of the National Safeguarding Panel Quality Assurance

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church CEEC and its new Study Material


Opinion – 1 December 2021

Peter Crumpler Christian Today Three words for Justin Welby about TV vicars

Savitri Hensman ViaMedia.News Advent Reflections: Seeking Justice; Showing Mercy

Zachary Guiliano The Living Church The Poverty of the Holy Family: against Ian Paul


Opinion – 27 November 2021

Freddie Hayward New Statesman “The parish system is a kind of spiritual NHS”: Anglican priest Alison Milbank on saving our churches
“The co-founder of Save The Parish discusses her campaign and why she’ll never be a bishop.”

Rogers Govender ViaMedia.News Spiritual Guides – The Key to Transformation?

The Guardian view on clergy on TV: not just ‘rogues or idiots’
“Anglican vicars may often be portrayed as bland, benign and bumbling, but the Archbishop of Canterbury is missing something”

Clare Amos Exploring faith in Europe Kingship… not from this world


Opinion – 24 November 2021

Richard Peers Oikodomeo Sermon: Launching the Movement for the Abolition of the Feast of Christ the King

Ian Gomersall St Chrysostom’s Church News and Views What will be the shape of the Church to come?

Helen King ViaMedia.News General Synod: “Gone Fishing!”

Bruce Bryant-Scott The Island Parson General Synod of the Church of England November 2021: A Comparison with the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada


Opinion – 20 November 2021

Charlie Bell ViaMedia.News Ghana, Synod & the “Othering” of LGBTQI People

Giles Fraser UnHerd Don’t blame the Church for terrorism

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Is it sometimes good to change one’s mind? A question at General Synod.

Helen King sharedconversations General Synod: feeling the weight of the Church of England