Kat Campion-Spall ViaMedia.News When is a Week not a Week?
Philip Jones Ecclesiastical Law A Decade of the Faculty Jurisdiction
Fergus Butler-Gallie Church Times My worship alongside a sexified fox
“Churches are toying with virtual-reality worship. Fergus Butler-Gallie tries it”
Ruth Harley ViaMedia.News Clericalist Individualism? Power, Abuse and Transformation
3 CommentsLloyd Llewellyn-Jones ViaMedia.News Being a Gay Christian and an Ordinand in the Church in Wales
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love The dangerous theology of Ian Paul
LGBTQ Faith UK Party like it’s 1753. (The Power of Love)
Daniel French Save The Parish Let Bishops be Bishops
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Listening to Sermons. A critical perspective
70 CommentsApril Alexander ViaMedia.News Women Bishops: The Legacy of Baroness Howe of Idlicote (8 February 1932-22 March 2022)
Giles Fraser UnHerd How the Church attacks its own
“Bishops are presiding over a climate of fear”
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Surviving Church and the World of Ecclesiastical Politics
Helen King sharedconversations Me and Christ Church: beauty and truth
Jeremy Morris Ad fontes On not leaving the Church of England
24 CommentsMartyn Percy Prospect Why I’m leaving the Church of England
“Mired in allegations of partisanship and incompetence, the Church is now incapable of running its own affairs. After a series of farcical “safeguarding” claims, the former dean of Christ Church, Oxford, no longer feels he belongs”
[This is covered as a news item in The Guardian and Church Times.]
Archbishop Cranmer Bishop of Oxford instructs lawyers to censor Archbishop Cranmer
Diocese of Oxford Dr Martyn Percy has announced he is to leave the Church of England
Felicity Cooke ViaMedia.News Leading, Following, or Forgetting? The Church and the World
75 CommentsChristopher Yoder The Living Church The Scouring of the White Horse
Andrew Graystone Church Times ‘Re-dressing’ victims’ wounds
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Post Traumatic Church Induced Stress (PTCIS) Is it a Problem?
8 CommentsStephen Parsons Surviving Church Music in Worship: Questions that need to be asked.
Amy Kenny Earth & Altar Celebrating the Wheelchair: an excerpt from My Body is not a Prayer Request
Mark Chapman ViaMedia.News It’s Not Just About the Bible
Peter Webster Webstory Michael Ramsey and the Lambeth Conference
36 CommentsStephen Parsons Surviving Church Safeguarding and the Search for Independence
Stephanie Pywell ViaMedia.News To Love and to Cherish… According to our Beliefs and Lifestyles
Richard Scorer The Free Thinker Child Protection and Religious Freedom
27 CommentsScot Peterson ViaMedia.News All Change: What Next for Living in Love and Faith?
Surviving Church The Kenneth Saga: End in sight?
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church House of Survivors. A New Resource for the Church of England
Stephen Cottrell William Temple Foundation An Easter Vision
ViaMedia.News Living in Love and Faith: The Ozanne Foundation Responds
22 CommentsSophie Grace Chappell ViaMedia.News Trans Figured: Experience Trumps Theory
Martin Sewell Surviving Church Bullying in the Church
Giles Fraser UnHerd Why Bishops should be political
James Crockford Church Times C of E prefers marble to people
“The Rustat judgment exposed flaws in the faculty process”
The Guardian In pictures: Good Friday around the world
Martyn Percy Modern Church Testing Trials and Egregious Errors: Some Good Friday Reflections
The Revolutionary Seeds of Easter
Hattie McInerney ViaMedia.News The Invisible Privilege of Being Voiceless in the Church: Creating a Platform for Bisexual Christians
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Radical New Christian Inclusion – the Silence of the Bishops
14 CommentsArchbishop Cranmer Maundy Thursday: there needs to be some foot-washing in Oxford
The Anglican Communion News Service has published several Easter messages from primates. You can find links to them (and messages from previous years) here.
Giles Fraser UnHerd Have I abandoned my flock?
Peter B Surviving Church A personal rethinking of the Passion and Easter story
12 CommentsGrace Davie ViaMedia.News In Search of the ‘Optimal’
Vicky Brett ViaMedia.News Is the Conversion Therapy Ban a Muddle? A Response to Angela Tilby
[This refers to this Church Times article.]
Archdruid Eileen The Beaker Folk of Husborne Crawley I Have Measured Out My Life in Hallelujahs
Terry Louden ViaMedia.News No Sex, Please? Remembering the Higton Debate
Susannah Clark Dialogue between an evangelical Christian leader and a person who has transitioned
4 CommentsHelen King sharedconversations What do the bishops think? LLF and trans people
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Towards an Understanding of Deference in the Church
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love House of Bishops overrides trans concerns
Jayne Ozanne ViaMedia.News Truth – The First Casualty in War
7 CommentsSusanna Rust IPE magazine How we run our money: Church Commissioners for England
“Church Commissioners for England CIO, Tom Joy, tells Susanna Rust about the fund’s pursuit of genuine diversification and responsible investment.”
Chrissie Chevasutt ViaMedia.News Good News From Via Media: on Transgender Day of Visibility
Giles Fraser UnHerd Does Prince Andrew deserve forgiveness?
“There’s nothing moral about a mother’s love”
Robin Dunbar The Guardian The big idea: do we still need religion?
“In a world of scientific miracles, what does faith have to offer us?”
Helen King ViaMedia.News Strange Practices: Making Sense of the Church of England Today
Richard Lamey ViaMedia.News What You Do Matters More Than You Can Know…
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church The quest for integrity: Hillsong and the CofE
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Honest to God, Goodbye to God, and the Jesus Myth
14 CommentsRebecca Chapman Church Times Life Events team should not be dispatched
“A Church that says it cares about evangelism should prioritise the occasional offices”
Giles Fraser UnHerd Atheists have an evil problem
“We can’t blame God for the war in Ukraine”
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Living the Questions: Facing Christian doubt and uncertainty
7 CommentsJane Shaw ViaMedia.News Gen Z, Authenticity and Religion
Fergus Butler-Gallie The Guardian Work of the devil? I think not. As a priest, I’m all for exotically tasty hot cross buns
“Marmite, mocha and blueberry: they may be commercially motivated, but they’re still a reminder of Easter’s importance”
Meg Munn Chair of the National Safeguarding Panel Safer Recruitment and People Management
36 CommentsPaul Skirrow Surviving Church Bullying in the Church of England – Personal or Institutional?
Leslie Francis and Andrew Village Church Times Why lockdown drove some away from church
“If the quality of online worship was below par, people voted with their feet, or screens”
Antony MacRow-Wood (Archdeacon of Dorset) Diocese of Salisbury The History of the Stipend
Liam Cartwright ViaMedia.News Boring Ourselves to Death?
91 CommentsJane Shaw Prospect Keeping the faith in our parish churches
“Well funded and with a reserve of spectacular buildings, the Church of England has the resources to curb dwindling attendance–so long as it dares to re-imagine”
Laudable Practice To Swim the Tiber is to reject the Anglican Tradition
Tony Dickinson ViaMedia.News War in Ukraine — A View from Italy
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church The 2020 Micah Letter to the Charity Commission: Questioning CofE Safeguarding Procedures