Thinking Anglicans

Opinion – 17 November 2021

Neil Patterson ViaMedia.News General Synod: What Would Compromise Look Like?
[You can read the Hereford Diocesan Synod motion referred to in this article here.]

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Abuse of LGBTIQ+ people in Ghana and Living in Love and Faith
and Time to confront the crisis of a decadent Christianity


Opinion – 13 November 2021

Ian Gomersall St Chrysostom’s Church News and Views Not a failed orange

Nikki Groarke ViaMedia.News General Synod – A Pragmatic View from the Middle Ground

Peter Leonard OneBodyOneFaith Informed Consent?

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Going Public: Reasons for Hope in the Aftermath of Julie Macfarlane’s book

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love CA England call for appointment of six members of LGBTIQ+ community to the House of Bishops

1 Comment

Opinion – 10 November 2021

Archdruid Eileen The Beaker Folk of Husborne Crawley Let’s Hear it for Zebedee

Rosie Harper ViaMedia.News General Synod: Over and Out!


Opinion – 6 November 2021

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Living in Love and Faith in crisis: the latest manifestation of abuse in the Church
and The abusive toxic culture produced by the evangelical doctrine of penal substitution

Trevor Wyatt ViaMedia.News On Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali’s Move to Rome…

Rob Dyer Ministry Architects They’re Not Coming Back


Opinion – 3 November 2021

Helen King sharedconversations Handing on the baton? Part 2

Simon Butler ViaMedia.News General Synod: Once More Unto the Breach?

Pete Hobson Psephizo Who needs a Trade Union for Faith?

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Living in Love and Faith: A Guide for Members of General Synod
[This refers to GS Misc 1306 which can be downloaded here.]

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Should the Church be spending money on reputational management?


Opinion – 30 October 2021

The Guardian editorial The Guardian view on the Church of England: the numbers are not adding up
The paper has published several letters in response to its editorial: Parish churches have been living on a prayer.

Theo Hobson The Spectator Why I’m paying my daughter to go to church

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Is it time to start discussing Bullying in the Church?

Phil Groves ViaMedia.News ‘The Bible is Clear’, Consent & ‘Conversion Therapy’


Opinion – 23 October 2021

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Are Clergy Teams the future? Some reflections

Miranda Threfall-Holmes Women and the Church How feminists can be nourished by the Bible
[53 minute video]

Madeleine Davies and Pat Ashworth Church Times High turnover in General Synod elections

Theos Room for the Soul
Pete Whitehead examines the importance of last rites and access to clergy for those close to death.

James Mustard ViaMedia.News Fr Alan Griffin – Unconscious Homophobia?


Opinion – 20 October 2021

Mark Ireland ViaMedia.News Now is Not The Time to Cut Clergy Posts!

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church The Struggle to find Safeguarding Justice in the C of E.

Peter Ould Psephizo What will the new General Synod look like?

Victor Lee Austin The Living Church The Parish as a School of Friendship


Opinion – 16 October 2021

Giles Fraser UnHerd God save us from trendy vicars
“Young people don’t want Jesus to be their best mate”

Church Times Compulsory worship in schools should end
“It is time to change a law that threatens to bring the C of E into serious disrepute, argues Richard Harries

Helen King ViaMedia.News The Changing Face of General Synod


Opinion – 13 October 2021

Church Times The accused have their rights, too
“Remedying past failures should not mean repenting at others’ expense, says Peter Selby

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church The Church of England and failures in the administration of justice

Church Times Campaign for equality in C of E is not yet over
“Being ordained deacon prompts Christina Rees to reflect on how women clergy are still perceived differently from men”

Martyn Percy Modern Church Churches and Cultural Climate-Change Denial (Part Three): Forecasting and Futurescape

Charlie Bell ViaMedia.News General Synod: The Importance of Compromise & Conscience


Opinion – 9 October 2021

Jon Kuhrt Psephizo The culture change we need in the light of abuse scandals

Helen King sharedconversations Counter-cultural Cranmer?

Martyn Percy Modern Church Churches and Cultural Climate-Change Denial (Part One): Learning from Canute
Churches and Cultural Climate-Change Denial (Part Two): Money, Sex and Power

Anne Foreman ViaMedia.News General Synod: Why I Can’t Support “Save the Parish” Campaign

Edmund Weiner Surviving Church Iwerne Camps and Conservative Evangelicalism. Memories and Reassessment

Angela Tilby Church Times Ministry that is lay-led is not Anglican


Opinion – 6 October 2021

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church The Leicester Challenge to the Parish System?

Jayne Ozanne ViaMedia.News General Synod: the Abomination of Desolation

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love The inability to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy Christianity


Opinion – 2 October 2021

April Alexander ViaMedia.News General Synod: The Challenge of Voting in Women Bishops

Christopher Landau Church Times Is the BBC committed to religious news?
“The corporation’s slowness to appoint a new Religion Editor does not inspire confidence”

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Is the Iwerne Movement a Cult?


Opinion – 29 September 2021

Martyn Percy Modern Church “Nuts and Bolts” (III): Reflecting on the Governance Review Group Report
[We linked to parts I and II here.]

Charlie Bell ViaMedia.News General Synod: Honest to God!

‘Angela’ Surviving Church Power abuse against Church Leaders. The Witness of a Parishioner

The Archbishop of York gave this lecture at St Martin in the FieldsThe Dream for the Church


Opinion – 25 September 2021

Martyn Percy Modern Church “Nuts and Bolts” (I): Reflecting on the Governance Review Group Report
“Nuts and Bolts” (II): Reflecting on the Governance Review Group Report

Church Times What the C of E can learn from the police
“Withdrawing resources from local communities results in loss of trust and confidence, argues Alan Billings

Andrew Lightbown Theoro0 Speaking of character, culture, mixed economies / ecologies & parishes
written in response to the article by Alan Billings

Sam Norton Elizaphanian Synod: The dying of a church is not a management problem

Ian Paul Psephizo Why we should all be using printed Bibles


Opinion – 22 September 2021

Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Speaking of character, speaking of culture

Kelvin Holdsworth Making the Real Presence, real.

Church Times Archbishop of Canterbury: ‘Daily fed and guided’ in sacrament
Archbishop Welby talks to Madeleine Davies about reform and the pandemic

Jenny Humphreys ViaMedia.News General Synod: Permitting Discrimination is Very Dangerous!


Opinion – 18 September 2021

Giles Fraser UnHerd Only chaos can redeem the Church
“God save our parishes from people with MBAs”

Church Times The love affair with the parish — has it ended?
Madeleine Davies, in part two of her study, looks at the forces for its retention and abandonment

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Purposeful Sexuality – naive, dangerous ideas about LGBTIQ+ and straight identities


Opinion – 15 September 2021

The Economist The Church of England needs new members. How to get them?
A new scheme hopes to create a million new converts in a decade

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Hierarchy, Bishops and Leadership in the Church

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Radical New Christian Inclusion – Changing Attitude England writes to the Bishop of London

Archbishop Cranmer Anglican Conclave to ‘sift’ all candidates for vacancies to see if they are ‘appropriate’


Opinion – 11 September 2021

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Whither the Church of England – London diocese an exemplar?

Church Times ‘Focal’. ‘Oversight’. The C of E of the future
Madeleine Davies begins a two-part examination of the Church’s future

Archdruid Eileen The Beaker Folk of Husborne Crawley The Minister is Tired

Gilo and Tony Surviving Church Award for Investigative Journalist supporting Abuse Survivors: Issues for the Church of England


Opinion – 8 September 2021

Paul Bickley Theos The Hundred: What Can Cricket Teach Religion?

Surviving Church Bleeding for Jesus. Martin Sewell reflects

Psephizo What does charismatic renewal bring to the Church?
Ian Paul interviews Christopher Landau, the new Director of ReSource.