Thinking Anglicans

News and comment on Church in Wales vote to bless same-sex marriages


Church Times Welsh agree to same-sex blessings in church

BBC Church in Wales to give blessings for same-sex marriages

The Telegraph The Church in Wales to bless gay marriages

The Guardian Church in Wales votes to bless same-sex marriages


Equal The Church in Wales will bless same-sex marriages and civil partnerships

Charlie Bell Equal A fly on the wall


Opinion – 4 September 2021

Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Speaking of the parish as a system

Mary Wakefield The Spectator What’s the harm in opening the church doors?

Theo Hobson The Spectator The fight for the future of the Church of England
[This is also available on The Spectator‘s UK site, where it is behind the firewall.]

Madeleine Davies Church Times The Church and NDAs: when silence is enforced

David Goodhew The Living Church Whither the Church of England?

Surviving Church Review Article – German Lessons


Opinion – 1 September 2021

Tim Guymer Unadulterated Love Living in Love and Faith course material – key failings

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Personal Reflections on early Christian formation

Erika Cannon Earth & Altar Warning: Children in Church

Wesley Hill The Living Church Bring your Bible to Class – or Church


Opinion – 28 August 2021

Leander S Harding The Living Church What should bishops do?

Giles Fraser UnHerd Does Jordan Peterson believe in God?
“The professor isn’t being shifty when he refuses to declare his faith”

Rosemarie Mallett The Diocese of Southwark Remembering Slavery and Emancipation: Reparation and Restitution

Archbishop Cranmer has two pieces relating to our article earlier this week.
Safeguarding suicide: ‘there is a crisis of trust within the Diocese of London’
Martin Sewell Fr Alan Griffin (RIP): the buck stops with Bishop Sarah Mullally

Edmund Weiner Surviving Church Memories of Bash (Iwerne) Camps in the early 70s

Margaret Pritchard Houston Church Times Want children in church? Put them in charge


Opinion – 21 August 2021

Leslie Francis and Andrew Village Church Times Counting the cost of pandemic ministry
“What is the state of clergy morale, one year after the first lockdown”

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Misogyny in Islam and Christianity

Jen Frost Insurance Post Briefing: Ecclesiastical’s child abuse claims shame – CEO Hews’ admission too little too late?


Opinion – 18 August 2021

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church The Power of the Internet to bring change to the Safeguarding World

Frog Orr-Ewing Psephizo Do we need to ‘Save the Parish’?


Opinion – 14 August 2021

James Mumford UnHerd What the ‘Save the Parish’ campaign doesn’t understand
“Justin Welby’s plans are better than critics claim”

Mark Bennet Surviving Church Doing Church without the difficult bits

David Ford Church Times In defence of ordinary, faithful churchgoers
“Talk of ‘missionary disciples’ means little to lay people in the parishes — and risks alienating them”

Alison Milbank The Critic Is the Parish Church worth saving?

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Finding the voice of LGBTIQ+ people and allies in the LLF conversations


Opinion – 11 August 2021

Greta Gaffin Earth & Altar 5 ways to pretend you know more about the Church than you really do

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Searching for Expertise in Safeguarding in the Church of England

Giles Fraser UnHerd The Church is on the brink of revolt


Opinion – 7 August 2021

Alister McGrath The Living Church Anglicanism and the Natural Sciences

Gavin Drake The Jill Saward Organisation Church of England’s High Court contempt threat for abuse victims

Rachel White Surviving Church Lessons Not Learned: an 18-Month Review

Helen King sharedconversations The Church of England as a WASGIJ

Alex Clare-Young Living in love and faith? The construction of contemporary texts of terror

Archbishop Cranmer Does it matter if Church of England parishes wither on the vine?


Opinion – 4 August 2021

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Radical Christian Inclusion – a definition

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church The ‘morale’ factor. Senior church staff and their support of clergy


Opinion – 31 July 2021

Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Speaking of church, speaking of strategy; speaking of leadership

Martyn Percy Meander Feeding the Five Thousand


Opinion – 28 July 2021

Francis Spufford The Christian Century How I changed my mind about same-sex marriage
“It began when I realized the church has always had a process for changing its mind.”

Gilo Surviving Church Interim Support Scheme & Redress Scheme

Ian Paul Psephizo Can the C of E plant new churches and retain the parish system?
An interview with John McGinley

Paul Andrews The Yorkshire Post Why Church of England needs new PR team to win back worshippers

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love The LLF definition of radical new Christian inclusion is not radical, nor new, nor Christian, nor inclusive

Meg Warner The Tablet Anglicanism and mission
[requires free registration to access]


Opinion – 24 July 2021

Martin Sewell Archbishop Cranmer The immoral, scandalous and disgraceful nature of CofE bullying

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church The Importance of Prophetic Ministry in the Church

Anderson Jeremiah Church Times Mixed-ecology church: why definitions matter
“Some who use the language of biology are, in fact, proposing a model driven by economics”

Church Times Leader comment: Fr Griffin: one death too many

Meg Munn Chair of the National Safeguarding Panel Taking Zoom to the next level

The Gregory Centre for Church Multiplication An interview with John McGinley


Opinion – 21 July 2021

Kevin ScullyLimiting factors? How did we get there?

Charlotte Gauthier All Things Lawful And Honest Set God’s People Free

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love ‘We’ve made our decision’: the Church of England and trans people


Opinion – 17 July 2021

Andrew Gimson The Conservative Woman Profile: The Church of England, afflicted by a central bureaucracy which is mounting a takeover bid

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love What the campaign for radical new LGBTIQ+ Christian inclusion requires of us and the Church

Jane Shaw Church Times Cathedrals: a forgotten model for church growth
“Why are church-plants seen as the only game in town when it comes to reversing decline”


Opinion – 14 July 2021

Gavin Drake The Jill Saward Organisation Briefing on the Proposed Clergy Conduct Measure

Lorraine Cavanagh Modern Church A Response to the ‘Myriad Plan’

Anthony Woollard Modern Church A Great Leap… To Where?

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Some Day I’ll Find You

Christopher Johnson All Things Lawful And Honest Power Grab or Pastoral Measure?

George Sumner The Living Church Mission is not a zero-sum game

Lee Proudlove Anglican Ink Do the Church of England’s bishops want 10,000 new churches or not?


Opinion – 10 July 2021

Nick Spencer Engelsberg Ideas Humanism matters in the age of AI

Giles Fraser UnHerd The Church is abandoning its flock

Edward Dowler All Things Lawful And Honest Ordained by God

Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Speaking of planning permission: 10,000 reasons to decline

Dave Male, the Church of England’s director of evangelism and discipleship Clergy and parishes at the heart of the Church of England – now and in the future

Church Times Leader comment: ‘Key limiting factors’

Ian Black Church Times ‘Passengers’ have more to offer than we think
“The laity have long contributed to church growth, even if some shirk from the language of ‘discipleship'”

Philip Murray All Things Lawful And Honest Limiting Factors? Or Limited Ecclesiology?

Paul Bayes ViaMedia.News LGBT Stories: Bring on the Ban!


Opinion – 7 July 2021

Updated to add second Martyn Percy article

Jonathan Draper Modern Church Limiting Factors: the ‘Myriad’ initiative and the future of the Church
Martyn Percy Modern Church The Great Leap Forward (Part One) The New Politics of Ecclesionomics for the Church of England
The Great Leap Forward (Part Two) – The Church of England’s Growth Fetish
Ian Paul Psephizo Should everyone be church-planting missionary disciples?
Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Talking of vision; talking of strategy
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Ten thousand new congregations. Will they save the Church of England?
Barnaby Perkins All Things Lawful And Honest It’s the limit.

Anne Dannerolle ViaMedia.News LGBT Stories – Can Conservative Evangelical Churches Ever Change?


Opinion – 3 July 2021

Timothy Goode ViaMedia.News LGBT+ Stories – The Trauma of Abusive “Healing” Ministries

Peter Collier Church Times The Lambeth Working Group has lost its way on CDM reform
“The proposals before the Synod appear to have missed what our independent group was saying”

Silvia Falcetta Openly English marriage law locks out same-sex couples from religious weddings

Archbishop Cranmer ‘Key limiting factors’: the end of stipendiary parish ministry
The Church Times has two news articles on this topic:
Synod to discuss target of 10,000 new lay-led churches in the next ten years
Archbishop of Canterbury endorses urgent plan for church-planting
And Archdruid Eileen has this: “Free From Limiting Factors” – 10,000 new Laboratories


Opinion – 30 June 2021

Jayne Ozanne ViaMedia.News Church Leader – Are You Helping or Harming?

Philip North Church Times The General Synod’s Business Committee has its priorities wrong
“It should be debating how richer dioceses can help poorer ones, not reopening old wounds over the Sheffield débâcle”

Leander Harding The Living Church “Always Dress Like a Priest”

Jonathon Van Maren Mercatornet The turning tide of intellectual atheism
“A growing number of leading serious intellectuals are recognising the need for Christianity’s resurrection but can’t quite bring the faith to life in themselves.”