Thinking Anglicans

Opinion – 30 January 2021

Laudable Practice “Maintenance of Thy True Religion”: is use of 1662 reactionary?

Paul Bayes ViaMedia.News “It’s a Sin…Not to Care and Listen”

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love LLF and Systemic Homophobia in the Church of England

George Carey The Telegraph The Church’s unjust treatment of clergy has created a climate of fear
“I am far from alone in having fallen foul of a slow and secretive approach to disciplinary matters”


Opinion – 27 January 2021

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love How pro-LGBTIQ+ bishops responded to letter about LLF process

Jonathan Pease All Things Lawful And Honest Build Bach Better
“Jonathan Pease examines recent trends and developments in the Church of England’s choral tradition. Although COVID has produced many problems for church choirs in the immediate term, might it be that the pandemic prompts a renaissance in traditional church music and the life of parochial choirs in the long term?”

Helen King ViaMedia.News IICSA, ‘Living in Love and Faith’ & Lockdown 3.0

George Sumner The Living Church Concerning Asymmetry

1 Comment

Opinion – 23 January 2021

Ruth Wilde Inclusive Church Inclusion and the Church of Tomorrow: Talk to the Swedish Church

Ysenda Maxtone-Graham The Spectator The man behind Justin Welby

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church The Church of England and Safeguarding: the Pursuit of Excellence

Rosemary Lofty Church Times Mission needs pennies spent
“Numerical growth can be impeded by a lack of basic amenities”


Opinion – 20 January 2021

Francis Young All Things Lawful And Honest In defence of the clerical antiquary

Miranda Threlfall-Holmes 10 top tips for running a church discussion group online

Jayne Ozanne ViaMedia.News The Reckoning – Will the Church of England Survive?


Opinion – 16 January 2021

Updated 21 January

Fergus Butler-Gallie The Fence At the Altar of Capital
“The Church of England is plugging the gaps left by Tory austerity. Fergus Butler-Gallie explains how the party of religion split from its Church.”
Update: a vesrion of this article has subsequently appeared in The Guardian The Conservatives think the Church of England can fill all welfare gaps. We can’t.

Bernice Hardie Church Times It is time to value all equally
“Bernice Hardie suggests ways to include people with learning disabilities in churches”

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Observing the power dynamics of the Church and its congregations

Charlie Bell ViaMedia.News Church of England: Will the Quest to be Woke Save Us?


Opinion – 9 January 2021

Jonathan Draper Afterthoughts Religion and the Right

Robin Stockitt and S John Dawson Church Times Why Donewiths never darken the doors again
“If their deeply felt longings are not met, some church people will head for the exit”

Martin Sewell Surviving Church Dean Percy and the case for specialist professional competence


Opinion – 6 January 2021 – the Epiphany

Janet Fife Surviving Church The Crystalline Personality

Laudable Practice “The Last of the Solemnity of this Season”: Caroline, Restoration, and Revolution Era Preaching on the Epiphany


Opinion – 2 January 2021

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Current Affairs – Power Games and Conflicts of Interest at Christ Church Oxford part 1
part 2

Editorial in The Guardian The Guardian view on liberal Christians: is this their moment?
“The election of practising Catholic Joe Biden is just one reason for religious progressives to be hopeful”


Opinion – 30 December 2020

Paul Bayes ViaMedia.News Wise Words for this Year’s End…

A N Wilson The Times Church shepherds have lost their flocks
“The Archbishop of Wokeness Welby and the equally inept Nichols are not leaders that the faithful deserve”

Simon Jenkins The Guardian If the Church of England worships online, how can its historic buildings survive?
“Congregations have shown great adaptability in the pandemic, and churches could again be at the heart of British life”


Opinion – 26 December 2020

Chantry Westwell British Library The ox and ass at the Nativity

Giles Fraser UnHerd Why I won’t be closing my church this Christmas

Jonathan Clatworthy Modern Church The Church and Bishopsgate


Opinion – 23 December 2020

Rachel Treweek ViaMedia.News The Sound of Silence

Jonathan Jones The Guardian Myrrh mystery: how did Balthasar, one of the three kings, become black?

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Bishops, Safeguarding and Jonathan Fletcher

The Anglican Communion News Service has links to Christmas messages from Anglican Primates.


Opinion – 19 December 2020

Giles Fraser UnHerd Hope rises from the rubble of my church
“My ancient parish stands firm as the demolition diggers move in”

Kelvin Holdsworth Conversion Therapy and why I can’t join calls for it to be banned

Laudable Practice ‘Moderation, Learning, Usefulness, Piety’: An Old High Church Alternative To ‘Simpler, Humbler, Bolder’

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Power games in Church life

Jayne Ozanne ViaMedia.News To Sign or Not To Sign – A Bishop’s Dilemma


Opinion – 16 December 2020

Andreas Wenzel All Things Lawful And Honest People first, then priests

Robert Paterson Church Times Consecrated bread should not be posted to communicants
“Doing this this might be motivated by pastoral intentions, but is a breach of fundamental principle”

Nicholas Henshall ViaMedia.News LLF: Listen to all the Voices

Charles Clapham Unadulterated Love Living in Love and Faith and heterosexual fragility

Janet Fife Surviving Church Alphabet Soup: A Glossary of Safeguarding


Opinion – 12 December 2020

Adrian Thatcher Modern Church Living in Love and Faith

Savitri Hensman ViaMedia.News LLF: The Cost of Careless Talk and Needless Silence

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Safeguarding and the LGBTIQ+ Christian vision in the LLF process

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Smyth’s Bystanders and Enablers

Peter Collier Church Times Flawed clergy discipline is ripe for reform
“Measure to be proposed would deal with complaints regionally, and be more pragmatic and theologically sound”

Susan Gilchrist Church Times The barriers to listening need to be broken down
“The Living in Love and Faith process will work only if Anglicans pay attention to the stories of real people, not sectional viewpoints”

Siôn B E Rhys Evans Priors

Ian Paul Psephizo What is the vision and strategy of the Church of England?

John Barton Modern Church The Bible in Living in Love and Faith


Opinion – 9 December 2020

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Whited sepulchres and Integrity

Charlie Bell ViaMedia.News LLF: Please Break the Silence, Bishops

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Honest to God and the Salvation Theology of LLF

Martin Sewell Archbishop Cranmer Martyn Percy cleared again: CofE safeguarding goes from tragedy to farce
(Warning, the picture at this link may cause distress.)


Opinion – 5 December 2020

Peter Anthony All Things Lawful And Honest Tunnel Vision

Laudable Practice A Time to Rediscover Mattins

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church The Melissa Caslake resignation. Crisis for Safeguarding?

Simon Butler ViaMedia.News LLF: History Repeating Itself: The “Beautiful” Story

Philip Murray All Things Lawful And Honest Truth and Tradition

Janet Fife Surviving Church Saving Lives at Sea

Sarah Mullally Contemplation in the shadow of a carpark “Take courage! It is I. Do not be afraid”
“My introduction to Living in Love and Faith at The London Diocesan Synod”


Opinion – 2 December 2020

Trevor Thurston-Smith The Pensive Pilgrim Those Videos and LLF : When Managers Don’t Manage

Jay Greene ViaMedia.News LLF: Bishops – The Time Is Now!

Matthew Chinery All Things Lawful And Honest Dispense with the PCC

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Gracious Disagreement. How do we move forward with divided Anglicanism?


Opinion – 28 November 2020

James Martin America magazine Whatever brings a person to God is holy–whether you like it or not

Jonathan Clatworthy The point of it all Love or faith? Can we live with both?

Jo Sadgrove ViaMedia.News LLF: Power, “Mother Church” and the Anglican Communion

Giles Goddard ViaMedia.News LLF: Can Perfect Love Cast Out Fear?

Giles Fraser UnHerd We don’t need more spreadsheet vicars

Stephen Conway All Things Lawful And Honest Only Connect

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Inclusive pro-LGBTIQ+ group writes to thirty four pro-gay bishops

Jonathan Clark The Commonwealth of HeaveLiving in love and faith – and peace, with justice

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Reflections on Churchmanship Labels in the Church of England

Archdruid Eileen Beaker Folk of Husborne Crawley Take a Break, Justin


Opinion – 25 November 2020

Jayne Ozanne ViaMedia.News LLF: That Video, Those Principles & a Call for a Public Inquiry

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Christian Concern and Anglican Mainstream sabotage the LLF process

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Politics, Evangelicals and the Church of England

Meg Munn Chair of the National Safeguarding Panel Past Cases Review 2

Karen Armstrong The Guardian Dear archbishop, now is not the time to take a sabbatical


General Synod – day 2

The Church of England’s General Synod meets virtually from 1300 yesterday until 1530 on Wednesday. The papers are available here.

Video recording of the morning’s proceedings
Video recording of the afternoon’s proceedings

Order paper 2 – details of the morning’s business
Order paper 3 – details of the afternoon’s business

The morning’s business started with a presentation from the Archbishop of York on Vision and Strategy, based on this paper: A Vision for the Church of England in the 2020s, ‘Christ centred and Jesus shaped. Simpler, humbler, bolder’. This is accompanied by A theological reflection on our emerging vision and priorities, ‘Salt for the earth, light for the world’ by Stephen Croft, Bishop of Oxford, and by this summary.

The other morning business was the Cathedrals Measure which received final approval.

Reports from members and the press

Stephen Lynas A change gonna come

Andrew Nunn Simpler, Humbler, Bolder

Church Times Synod: cathedral governance put on a new footing