Jonathan Clatworthy The point of it all Would you trust a Tory?
Open Table It’s out – and we’re proud! Independent research shows Open Table truly supports well-being
Simon Butler ViaMedia.News LGBT Stories: It’s Time for Action!
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church The John Smyth Case Review commissioned by the Scripture Union
Madeleine Davies Church Times Is the C of E still a class-riddled act?
Kelvin Holdsworth Sev’n Whole Days
Michael King Religion Media Centre Factsheet: Conversion Therapy
10 CommentsKelvin Holdsworth The Bishop of St Davids and the Archbishop of Canterbury
Zachary Guiliano The Living Church Why I Wear Black
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Campaigning for radical LGBTIQ+ inclusion
In 2017 fourteen retired bishops voiced concern over the same sex relationships report
Sarah Mullally ViaMedia.News LGBT Stories: “Texts of Terror” – Are We Helping or Harming?
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Kevin Scully What price reform?
74 CommentsStephen Parsons Surviving Church Shunning and Cruelty in the Justice System of the Church
David Runcorn ViaMedia.News LLF: Building the Bridge as We Cross It …
81 CommentsHelen King sharedconversations Rewriting your history: thinking about the Winchester case
Nicholas Henshall ViaMedia.News Making Ourselves ‘Other’
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Archbishop Cranmer Who wrote the ‘Dirty Dossier’ on the Dean of Christ Church, Oxford?
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