Martyn Percy Meander Bread for the World
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Towards humility? Anglican conservatives after Jonathan Fletcher
Vaughan S Roberts Socrel Dead and Gone: does embodied storytelling have a post-pandemic future?
81 CommentsMeg Munn Chair of the National Safeguarding Panel Annual Report 2020 National Safeguarding Panel
Rosalind Lund Modern Church How Covid-19 may have Changed the Church Forever!
Linda Woodhead reviews ‘Sex, Power, Control: Responding to Abuse in the Institutional Church’ for Surviving Church
Katy Canty Church Times Sector ministries: alongside parish and people
“Sector ministries are reaching places pastorally that others cannot”
LGBTQ Faith UK Reclaiming Lambeth I.10
7 CommentsDavid Ison ViaMedia.News Is God Inhuman?
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church The Wimbledon/Fletcher understanding of Church. Training Camp or Hospital?
David Pocklington Law & Religion UK “Net zero” in 2030 – a courageous decision?
52 CommentsSavitri Hensman Ekklesia C of E: siding with power or choosing resurrection?
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Sex, Power, Control – Changing Attitude, LLF and the House of Bishops
Janet Fife Surviving Church Smyth, Fletcher and Fife
Anglican Communion News Service Primates’ Easter Messages 2021
Christopher Wells continues his reflections on hierarchy for The Living Church
The Evangelical Edge
Sursum Corda
Jayne Ozanne ViaMedia.News Why Don’t You Just Leave?!
Anonymous Surviving Church A Bloody Shambles: Surviving Church Between Good Friday and Easter
Christopher Wells The Living Church Church Order: neither nostalgic no progressive
La Repubblica interviews the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby: “What I learnt from Covid, the threat of cancel culture and the truth on Harry & Meghan’s wedding”
61 CommentsColin Coward Unadulterated Love Campaigning to create a Bigger Table: Building Messy, Authentic, and Hopeful Spiritual Community
David Ford Church Times Dare to think boldly about funding ministry
“Stop the competition for scarce resources: stipendiary posts should be allocated according to need”
Richard Peers ViaMedia.News It’s A Sin: The Myth of Homogeneity
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church The Patronage Legacy of Jonathan Fletcher
39 CommentsJames Hadley All Things Lawful And Honest Episcopal Soft Power
“The Rev’d Dr James Hadley finds the bishops’ protestations that there is no central plan to do away with the parish system disingenuous. Soft power, stealth, patronage and spin, allied with episcopal groupthink and the control of cash is just as powerful as a synodically agreed central policy.”
Emma Percy Modern Church Blog Queer Eye for a Fearful Church
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Towards a new Mission Statement for the Church of England
Timothy Goode ViaMedia.News ‘Oi Vicar, Why Don’t You Heal Yourself?’
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Refusing to play by House of Bishops’ rules
3 CommentsGiles Fraser UnHerd When conversion is abusive
“We all want others to change — but at what cost?”
Sarah Mullally ViaMedia.News We May be Winning the Fight Against the Virus, but We Risk Losing Something Else…
Andrew Village and Leslie Francis Church Times Eucharist in a time of lockdown
“Different practices have emerged”
The Spring 2021 issue of the Scottish Episcopal Institute Journal is devoted to articles on safeguarding. You can download a pdf copy here.
17 CommentsRosie Harper ViaMedia.News Families – Love ‘Em, Hate ‘Em
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church When a Church fails to care. Facing institutional dishonesty
Robert Gilbert ViaMedia.News Pandemics, Parishes & the ‘National Church’
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Finding confidence in a radical vision of faith, sexuality and gender
3 CommentsColin Coward Unadulterated Love Changing Attitude resumes campaign for full equality of LGBTIQ+ people
Joanna Winn-Smith OneBodyOneFaith Living in Love and Faith
Nicholas Henshall ViaMedia.News Are ‘Leaders’ Biblical?
Richard Moy A Reasonable Enthusiast The Myth of Episcopal Oversight in the UK Church
35 CommentsRachel Treweek ViaMedia.News International Women’s Day – Choose to Challenge
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church The Charity Commission and its power to intervene in religious charities
Paul Thomas All Things Lawful And Honest A Nuptial Mess
Neal Michell The Living Church Against Non-Apologies
33 CommentsHelen King ViaMedia.News Independence & Safeguarding: Marking Our Own Homework?
Simon Butler ViaMedia.News The Idolatry of Being “Sound”
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Christ Church and Dysfunctional Group Dynamics
8 CommentsNikki Groarke ViaMedia.News Change is Coming…Even if We Feel the Record is Stuck
Anonymous Surviving Church Nuremberg at 75: Trials and Tribulations
11 CommentsCharlie Bell ViaMedia.News It’s Time to Talk About…Sex!
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Some Reflections on Vocation and the Ravi Zacharias story
Georges Staelens Blogue de Georges Tiny dioceses and bishopped subdeans / Diocèses minuscules et évêques-doyens.
49 CommentsThe Guardian Ash Wednesday under Covid restrictions – in pictures
Ben Phillips All Things Lawful And Honest Super Bishops & Simpler Structures
“Ben Phillips reflects on the increasingly top-heavy structures of the Church of England and commends a radical rethinking of diocesan boundaries which would enable bishops to be both real pastors on the ground and effective symbolic leaders of the wider Church.”
Anthony Woollard Modern Church Does it Matter if the Church Dies?
Robert Hammond ViaMedia.News What to ‘Give Up’ When Everything’s Been Taken Away?
Philip North All Things Lawful And Honest The Primacy of the Parish
87 CommentsSarah James Earth & Altar Memento Mori: Christian Forms of Death Contemplation for Lent
Augustine Tanner-Ihm ViaMedia.News When You are Not Invited to the Table
Charlotte Gauthier All Things Lawful And Honest Middle Management Malaise
“Charlotte Gauthier speaks from her experience of middle management in the secular world – how it works well, and where it works badly. The Church of England is replicating all the worst management patterns of a failing company heading for collapse. How can we stop this malaise and restore an efficient and energising vision of what the Church of England could be?”
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Proportionate and Just? The Church of England and the Clerical Discipline Measure.
20 CommentsSavitri Hensman ViaMedia.News What place for minorities? Church, Status and Power
Barry Orford All Things Lawful And Honest Back to Basics Bishops
“Fr Barry Orford asks important questions about how the Church of England goes about appointing bishops and what a bishop is. Has an obsession with managerialism prompted us to lose sight of the true episcopal vocation to serve and care for the flock of Christ?”
Dexter Bracey All Things Lawful And Honest Change and Clerical Decay
“Dexter Bracey asks if the current agenda for change in the Church of England might not be at odds with the spirit of the newly published Covenant for Clergy Care and Wellbeing. Could it be that the trend for reinvention is driving clergy to burn out?”
The Tory Socialist A Plea to Save the Church of England
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Waiting for the Thirtyone:eight Jonathan Fletcher Safeguarding Report
99 CommentsColin Coward Unadulterated Love The necessity for radical LGBTIQ+ activism in the Church of England
Jarel Robinson-Brown Church Times Can rage be holy?
“From Old Testament prophets to the present day, it can be”
Dexter Bracey All Things Lawful And Honest Change and Clerical Decay
“Dexter Bracey asks if the current agenda for change in the Church of England might not be at odds with the spirit of the newly published Covenant for Clergy Care and Wellbeing. Could it be that the trend for reinvention is driving clergy to burn out?”
John Bauerschmidt The Living Church A Scriptural Liturgy
Ian Paul Psephizo Is the Church of England on the brink of collapse?
Diocese of Oxford New Digital Congregations
“Growing New Congregations – Online”
Nicholas Adams Ekklesia Ecclesial white supremacism
Nicholas Henshall ViaMedia.News A Rock Climbers Guide to Church, History and the Future
54 CommentsPhilip Jones Ecclesiastical Law The Constitution of Marriage: Consensus-Copula
Ed Henderson Church Times CDM reform must reduce harm to clergy mental health
“Some who are subject to complaints become suicidal… A new disciplinary process should prioritise their well-being”
Simon Dawson has written two articles about the Living in Love and Faith process
Learning from the Underside of History (long essay)
The Silent Centre Ground (short essay)
Meg Munn Chair of the National Safeguarding Panel Archbishops and Bishops
Giles Fraser UnHerd We’ll have to shut some empty churches
“To save its poorer parishes the C of E needs to slash its middle management”
Rosie Harper ViaMedia.News LLF – Has There Been a Murder?
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church The Lincoln Affair – some comments
37 CommentsSimon Butler ViaMedia.News Who Are The Prophets in Charismatic Churches?
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Forty LGBTIQ+ people and allies write a second letter to thirty five bishops
David Brown Surviving Church The Problem is not CDM, but a significant Relational Deficit