Updated Christmas Day – more primates’ messages added
Andrew Davison Church Times In the beginning — or the end?
The Anglican Communion Office has published a few Christmas Messages from Anglican Primates, and from the Secretary General.
Paul Carlyle Rylands Blog Charles Wesley’s ‘Lo! He Comes With Clouds Descending’
Gilo Surviving Church A Culture of Fear
78 CommentsAndrew Brown Prospect Anatomy of a Church of England abuse scandal
“The truth of who knew what about John Smyth has been lost in the hunt for further scapegoats”
Andrew Brown The slow deep hover What help are the police?
“The innocent would also have paid if Smyth had come to trial”
Ruth Layzell Church Times Safe Church needs safe clergy
“Pastoral supervision helps ministers to protect the vulnerable better”
Two related pieces from the This estate we’re in blog
Ian Gomersall A Retired Rector’s Reflections Kafka’s Church
Esme Partridge Civitas Restoring the Value of Parishes: The foundations of welfare, community, and spiritual belonging in England
Tim Wyatt Religion Unplugged Racism In The Church of England: ‘Microaggressions All The Time’
Stephen Cherry The New Statesman The Church of England has been my life’s work. What has it done to my soul?
“This Christmas is not going to be an easy one for the Church – but fundamentally, its mission and message have not changed.”
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love It’s the Church of England’s doctrine of God that requires our primary attention
Steve Reeves ISB 11 The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present
35 CommentsMartine Oborne Women and the Church Why the next big safeguarding scandal in the Church is likely to be the abuse of women
Gavin Drake Church Abuse An open letter to the State Office Holders who are Church Commissioners
107 CommentsColin Coward Unadulterated Love Knowing and Not Wanting to Know the Truth
David Goodhew The Living Church TEC’s Latest Numbers: The Good News and the Bad News
Christine Polhill Women and the Church ‘Stop making bishops for specific groups’
Gavin Drake Church Abuse All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God – except bishops, obviously
121 CommentsPhilip North Church of England Newspaper Three dangers and priorities for the C of E after the Welby crisis
Helen Yaxley Surviving Church Navigating the Church’s Complaints System – Not Fit for Purpose?
Giles Fraser UnHerd Burn down the Church Machine
Martine Oborne ViaMedia.News Safeguarding and Patriarchy in the Church of England
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love What kind of God do we believe in?
George Pitcher A Word to the Wise Nationalise the Church of England
176 CommentsUpdated to add St Ebbe’s article
Helen King The Observer Cover-up of child abuse in Church of England tried to ‘protect the work’ of twisted theology
Andrew Anthony The Observer The Church of England is beset by shame and division. Can it survive?
Gavin Drake Church Abuse Open letter to William Nye, Archbishops’ Council’s Secretary General
Adrian Thatcher Modern Church No Lessons Learned? Makin, Welby and Theology
Martine Oborne Women and the Church Our church will not be safe while spiritual abuse remains unchecked
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Makin, substitutionary atonement and the distortion of homosexual desire
Bernard N Howard sixty guilders St Ebbe’s and the Smyth Scandal: An Inadequate Response
118 CommentsSeveral articles have appeared in the last few days describing the process for appointing the next Archbishoop of Canterbury.
Martine Oborne Women and the Church Coercion and gaslighting also need to be addressed
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love The Podcast, the Archbishop, Makin, Resignation, and the Future
Jeremy Pemberton From The Quire Iwerne: The Anglican Trojan Horse
David Aaronovitch Prospect Justin Welby is a scapegoat for establishment failures
Harriet Sherwood The Guardian John Smyth abuse report triggers ‘existential crisis’ in Church of England
150 CommentsMadeleine Davies Church Times ‘In church-going terms, we have failed’
“Are lessons from the mixed results of church-growth programmes being learned”
Augustine Tanner-Ihm ViaMedia.News The Sovereignty of God and Pastoral Responsibility in Political Turmoil
Neil Patterson ViaMedia.News What Have the Bishops Done?
Pippa Bailey The New Statesman The race for Lambeth Palace
“Can the next archbishop of Canterbury unite a divided Church?”
Andrew Graystone The Tablet Canterbury: who next?
Philip Welsh Church Times Language matters when talking about vocation
“The Church’s calling matters more than an individual’s sense of whether it is the right course of action”
Anglican Futures Call My Bluff
Jon Price Earth & Altar All Things Bright and Beautiful
Jonathan Clatworthy The point of it all Sacrifices, meat and celebration
11 CommentsTheo Hobson The Spectator
Miranda Threlfall-Holmes Modern Church (How) Can the Church Change Doctrine?
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love The divine relationship; an audacious transformation
93 CommentsThe Archbishop of Canterbury was recently interviewed for The Rest is Politics podcast. The wide-ranging interview is also available on YouTube. The topics covered are listed below with links to where they start in the YouTube video.
The section “Is LGBT love sinful?” has attracted much comment. The Church Times has covered the interview and there has been a statement from Lambeth Palace.
Links to YouTube video
00:00 Intro
00:20 The Archbishop’s dad
03:50 The Archbishop’s mum
06:43 Alcoholism in his house
09:10 How he found his faith
10:00 How he found being a teenager
11:48 What did he want to do with his life
14:05 How he decided he wanted to be a priest
19:00 Archbishop’s relationship with politics
23:40 His experience of the war on terror
30:30 Israel and Palestine
36:47 How to feel hopeful
39:05 Peace building
41:05 The death of Queen Elizabeth II
45:50 The Coronation of Charles III
48:35 Is LGBT love sinful?
52:50 The Church as a broad coalition
54:50 The Church is growing
55:25 Mental health
59:40 What Christ brought to the world
1:01:35 Trump
1:04:37 Politics and power
1:07:10 Is he going to criticise keir starmer
1:07:41 Debrief
Nic Tall ViaMedia.News Smoke and Mirrors and the Alliance
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love We are all implicated in the corporate, systemic, abusive, unhealthy, persistently homophobic culture of the Church of England
70 CommentsPhilip Jones Ecclesiastical Law Bishops in Foreign Countries: Jurisdiction, Schism and Ecumenism
Charlie Bell ViaMedia.News The “Failure of the Church”: Why Waiting is Not Neutral
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Revising Christian fundamentals
73 CommentsHelen King sharedconversations Yet another autumn of Living in Love and Faith
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Sounds like bog-standard Anglicanism to me
Bosco Peters Liturgy Which Bible is Inspired?
16 CommentsThe Church Mouse Is the Church of England getting out of the marriage business?
‘Graham’ ViaMedia.News Should We Expect Archbishops to Tell the Truth?
David Runcorn Inclusive Evangelicals When Doctrine meets Dinosaurs
111 CommentsMarcus Walker The Spectator Why C of E bishops are so bland
Kelvin Holdsworth What in Kelvin’s Head Finding a place to be
Luke Bretherton Comment The Conversion of Public Intellectuals
Al Barrett This estate we’re in When ‘being interrupted’ is not enough