Thinking Anglicans

Opinion – 23 March 2024

Bosco Peters Liturgy Who Distributes Communion?

Anon ViaMedia.News Mini-MBA Talent Pipeline Group, Module Seven: Managing Synods


Opinion – 20 March 2024

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love The Zone of Interest – ways of thinking about God

Jonathan Chaplin ViaMedia.News The Bishops must be Bolder and Braver on Gaza


Opinion – 16 March 2024

Andrew Brown Church Times Press: Telegraph sketches Jekyll-and-Hyde C of E

Madeleine Davies Church Times No churchwardens and vacant PCC posts: an investigation into the church volunteering crisis

[Church Times has lifted its paywall for the whole of March.]

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Living in Love and Faith and Together for the Church of England

Neil Elliot NumbersMatters Dioceses of the ACC – by numbers


Opinion – 13 March 2024

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Life in all its fullness

Zac Koons The Living Church A Bronze Serpent Processional Cross


Opinion – 6 March 2024

Anon ViaMedia.News The Unbearable Lightness of Being General Synod

David Goodhew The Living Church The Church of England After COVID: Quo Vadis?
also online at Psephizo

Marcus Walker The Critic Dumbing down the priesthood
“Unless the Church reinstates rigorous college-based training for clerics, it will wither away”


Opinion – 2 March 2024

Alex Frost ViaMedia.News Estates Evangelism: Justice on the Margins

Charlie Bell ViaMedia.News Finding a Way Through: February 2024

Tim Sumpter Church Times How Covid changed one vicar
Church Times has lifted its paywall for the whole of March.


Opinion – 28 February 2024

Jeremy Pemberton From The Quire Inching Forwards?

Helen King sharedconversations Next business, anyone? LLF, Synod, February 2024

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love


Opinion – 24 February 2024

Helen King sharedconversations Questions of fornication

Lisa Oakley University of Chester Response from Professor Lisa Oakley to the ‘Future of Church Safeguarding’ report recommendation 10 the removal of spiritual abuse


Safeguarding – pre-Synod news and comment

Updated Friday to add a second Church Times article

Gavin Drake Church Abuse

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church The Future of Church Safeguarding – A look at the Jay Report
also online at Modern Church

Ruth Peacock Religion Media Centre Celebration but concern at proposed new CofE independent safeguarding

Francis Martin Church Times Jay calls for root-and-branch reform of church safeguarding

Simon Walsh Church Times Varied responses to Jay report on Church of England safeguarding

1 Comment

Opinion – 21 February 2024

Unadulterated Love ‘Valuing all God’s children – including trans people!

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Freeing the Church of England from Mental Slavery

Helen King ViaMedia.News Slouching Towards Synod


Opinion – 17 February 2024

Ben Phillips The Critic How can we pay for our cathedrals?
“Critics of silent discos in Canterbury Cathedral are silent on how to fund our churches”

Bosco Peters Liturgy God is Immoral

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love The danger of endowing Jesus and his followers with divine powers at the expense of humanity – theirs and ours


Opinion – 14 February 2024

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Can we find Integrity and Accountability in the Leadership of the Church of England?

Neil Elliot NumbersMatters God loves statistics

Anon ViaMedia.News Mini-MBA Course for the Talent Pipeline in the Church of England: Safeguarding Strategy

Andrew Brown The slow deep hover Evangelical Pantaloons

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Bishop Martyn Strangelove to the rescue, or How I learnt to Stop Worrying and Love LLF


Opinion – 10 February 2024

David Runcorn Inclusive Evangelicals Marriage in the Garden

Adrian Thatcher Modern Church A ‘Theological Vision’, or ‘Myopic Homophobia’?

Anne Richards Modern Church Spiritual Abuse

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Living as if . . .

Alex Frost ViaMedia.News Response to the ‘Letter from Seven Bishops’: A Theology of Inclusion


Opinion – 7 February 2024

Janet Fife Surviving Church Putting My Name to My Story

The Guardian view on crumbling churches: a social vocation can save them for the nation

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Time to challenge toxic theology and poisoned prejudice in the Church


Opinion – 3 February 2024

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love This week’s events bring me close to despair

Phil Groves ViaMedia.News To be Evangelical is to Challenge ‘Orthodoxy’

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Can we ever rediscover the Trust we once had of the Institutions in our Society?


Opinion – 31 January 2024

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love The difference between the unconditionally loving God of Jesus and today’s abusive, unhealthy omni-God

Helen King sharedconversations Resets, settlement, commitments and explorations… A further update onĀ LLF


Opinion – 27 January 2024

Martin Sewell Surviving Church From Culture Change to Winning Ways

Steven Shakespeare Redefining marriage? Opposition to same sex marriage and the limits of the claim to ‘biblical’ orthodoxy

Anon ViaMedia.News Mini-MBA Course for the Talent Pipeline in the Church of England: Revised Strategy Module


Opinion – 24 January 2024

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love The tunic was seamless, woven in one piece throughout

Gavin Drake Church Abuse

Mark Bennet ViaMedia.News Marriage, but not LLF

Pete Ward ViaMedia.News The Magic Money Tree for Work with Children and Young People: Good News?


Opinion – 20 January 2024

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Healthy contemporary evolutionary Christian vision, theology and practice

Neil Elliot NumbersMatters Data: Less is more?


Opinion – 17 January 2024

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Abusive unhealthy traditional Christianity, theology and practice

Alex Fry ViaMedia.News More than Theology? How Beliefs About Women’s Ordination are Socially Rooted

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church More Scrutiny of the CofE and its Safeguarding Record. The Glasgow Report

Neil Elliot NumbersMatters New year: new data?