Giles Goddard ViaMedia.News Sexuality & Christianity – Does One Size Fit All?
Church Times A case of reverse contagion?
Sheila Bridge reflects on the unexpected power of one of the lesser sacraments
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Reflections on Church Management and Structure. Time for Change?
Jayne Ozanne ViaMedia.News A Tribute to Colin Blakely, Co-Founder of Via Media
14 CommentsWilliam Davage All Things Lawful And Honest By Law Established
“In the wake of suggestions that ordinations should take place without a celebration of the Mass, and that the common Eucharistic cup should be replaced with individual glasses, William Davage asks how these canonical irregularities came to be proposed in the first place.”
Stephen Lynas bathwellschap Bring it on home to me
“Today we did a ‘first’: the General Synod clergy held our own Zoom meeting”
Rachel Mann Church Times Honesty will supply a rich legacy
Paul Devonshire Surviving Church CDM. A Kafkaesque Nightmare
35 CommentsLGBTQ Faith UK Hidden in plain site. Church clarity diocesan style
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church The search for truth in the Smyth/Fletcher enquiries.
23 CommentsJames Hadley All Things Lawful And Honest Irregular & Unlearned
“In the light of attempts to hold irregular ordinations without the Eucharist, the Rev’d Dr James Hadley suggests it may be a sign of the lack of depth in current theological thinking and formation in the Church of England”
Gilo Surviving Church The bigger the mitre the larger the parachute!
“Fear of reputational damage is causing reputational damage”
Mary Harrington UnHerd England will miss our Church when it’s gone
“Without the steadying influence of Anglicanism, our politics could descend again into extremism”
Charlie Bell Defining ecclesiology – alarming developments in the Church of England
Do read the full article, which is here.
Edward Dowler All Things Lawful And Honest Safety First
“It sometimes feels like the Church’s and Government’s response to COVID is governed by thinking that is not much more complex than the axiom ‘Safety First’. Edward Dowler explores what principles might undergird a more theologically robust and pastorally honest response to our present crisis.”
Rowan Williams New Statesman Covid and confronting our own mortality
“The pandemic has forced us to confront the issue of death: how do we think about dying, and what does it mean for how we live?”
Kevin Makins Experimental Theology Church is Gross
12 CommentsInterview by Benjamin Wayman for Christianity Today
Rowan Williams: Theological Education Is for Everyone
“To do theology is to rediscover the strangeness of the Christian framework.”
Anna And Noah Sutterisch Earth & Altar Becoming Humble Skeptics: Rejecting Anglican Identity
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Thinking about bullying in the Church
71 CommentsAll Things Lawful And Honest We don’t need no education
“Angela Tilby asks challenging questions about the capacity of the Church of England’s theological institutions to prepare adequately ministers who love, know and understand both the Scriptures they preach, and the Church they serve.”
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Time for Disclosure instead of Silence- Jonathan Fletcher
Meg Munn Chair of the National Safeguarding Panel Further Discussions on Redress
28 CommentsChurch Times Lambeth Conference: Early steps on the path to unity
“One hundred years ago, Anglican bishops made a bold ecumenical move. Mark Chapman describes its impact”
Ben Thompson Earth & Altar The Church of England as a model of pluralistic unity for the “One Holy Catholic Church”
Laudable Practice Thoughts on Mitregate
57 CommentsJonathan Bish All Things Lawful And Honest Tune in, or Turn Off
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church The Peter Principle. Incompetence and the Church
9 CommentsArchdruid Eileen The Beaker Folk of Husborne Crawley Not Going into a Church for Private Prayer
Giles Fraser UnHerd The neoliberal revolution within the Church
“The ancient institution has been asset-stripped by an expanding bureaucracy of management-speak types”
Paul Bradbury His Light Material Is pioneer ministry a ‘neoliberal destruction’ of the parish system?
Janet Fife Surviving Church Bethel Sozo Part 2 Being Sozoed
Part 1 is here.
Kelvin Holdsworth Every Eucharist is a Virtual Eucharist
Religion Media Centre Holiness and desire: how the C of E can keep the conversation open
38 CommentsGiles Fraser The Telegraph Is the Church of England determined to kill off the parish church?
There are some letters in response to this article in today’s Telegraph.
Silvia Gosnell Institute of Sacred Music Inside!
Andrew McGowan Journal of Anglican Studies Communion and Pandemic
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Human evil -individual and corporate
Ian Paul Psephizo Bishops should throw away their mitres
109 CommentsStephen Stavrou All Things Lawful And Honest Watch your language
Giles Fraser UnHerd Church philistines have got high culture all wrong
Janet Fife Surviving Church Bethel Sozo Part 1: Coming to a Church near You?
Laudable Practice Why I Support The Ordination Of Women: A High Church Reflection
14 CommentsAndrew McKinnon University of Aberdeen Questioning the evidence for rapid growth of ‘orthodox’ Anglican churches in sub Saharan Africa
[A preprint of the original journal article is online here.]
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church The Clergy Discipline Measure – RIP?
Pam Bishop St Bride’s Liverpool The ‘New Normal’ in a Liverpool Anglican City Centre parish
John Gillibrand Ekklesia Equal marriage: time for full acceptance from all churches
1 CommentStephen Parsons Surviving Church Conflicts of Interest and Church Discipline
Chris Phillips All Things Lawful And Honest Listening to the Laity
Meg Warner The Tablet Worship behind closed doors?
[Free registration is required to access this article.]
Peter Anthony All Things Lawful And Honest Sound Bite Theology
Archbishop Cranmer Archbishops go on consecration strike – they will make no more bishops
Jason Loch A Venerable Puzzle The Prime Minister’s Appointments Secretary And Episcopal Appointments
32 CommentsJanet Fife Surviving Church Deliverance Ministries: Do They Deliver?
Jessica Martin Church Times Sex and religion: When it all started to go wrong/right (delete as applicable)
“In fact, neither of the narratives about sex is right”
Jayne Ozanne ViaMedia.News We Can’t Go Back….But We Will, Unless…
Elizabeth Anderson Earth & Altar Purity and Danger: Eucharistic safety in a time of pandemic
7 CommentsStephen Cottrell Yorkshire Post Let’s head to a more caring ‘new normal’
The text of the article is also available on the Archbishop’s website.
Surviving Church ‘They’: A Talking Head
Peter Webster Webstory The pandemic and the idea of a national church
8 CommentsEmma Percy Modern Church Safeguarding, Vulnerable Adults or Adults at Risk? What’s in a Word?
Adrian Chiles The Guardian I’m glad to be back in church – even if there’s hand sanitiser instead of holy water
Andrew Brown Religion Media Centre Church Commissioners spend £24m to ‘create 50,000 disciples’
Giles Fraser UnHerd How HR is strangling the Church of England
Sarah Mullally ViaMedia.News We Can’t Go Back…So We Need to Take Care of Our Mental Health
Stephen Trott Church Times The C of E needs to be leaner and fitter
“There is too much control from the centre, and power should be returned to parishes”
Clare Williams All Things Lawful And Honest Young People: The Church of TODAY
Rogers Govender ViaMedia.News #BlackLivesMatter: Protest & Prayer
Marcus Walker The Spectator Don’t erase Jesus’s Jewish identity