Francesco Aresco Medium Racism and the meaning of Christian Art
Giles Fraser UnHerd The Church shouldn’t hide its sordid past
“If you pretend everything is perfect, there will be no grounds for redemption”
John Perumbalath Church Times Racism should not be explained away
“The Church needs to address the roots of its ideologies and its understanding of history”
David Walker ViaMedia.News We Can’t Go Back…Even When We Do!
Clare Williams All Things Lawful And Honest Seen and not heard?
“What we can learn from the pandemic about ministry with children and young people.”
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Why the Church needs to understand Spiritual Abuse better
Harriet Sherwood; photography by David Levene The Guardian picture essay Keeping the faith: religion in the UK amid coronavirus
28 CommentsSimon Weir Eastern Daily Press Bucket-list builder: churches and cathedrals
“Six stunning churches to visit after the Covid-19 lockdown”
Michael Sadgrove Woolgathering in North East England A Last Post
Rachel Jepson ViaMedia.News We Can’t Go Back…to 2020 Vision
Luke Irvine-Capel All Things Lawful And Honest Undone by doing
4 CommentsMarcus Walker The Critic Bishops’ different hymnsheet
The Church of England has worked to broaden its diversity of background, but its diversity of opinion has declined
Malcolm Chamberlain ViaMedia.News We Can’t Go Back…To Looking After No 1!
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church The Church and failures of corporate memory
17 CommentsFergus Butler-Gallie The Critic Oxford is fallen
“What do they know of faith who only multi-faith spaces know?”
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Has Trump made the word ‘Evangelical’ toxic?
Ruth Worsley ViaMedia.News We Can’t Go Back…to Ignoring Those We Do Not See
Daniel French The Spectator Could an underground church now emerge in Britain?
St Chrysostom’s Church News and Views Black Saints Matter
Peter Webster Webstory The churches and the future of theological research
11 CommentsPeter Anthony All Things Lawful And Honest Is there a Doctor in the House?
Peter Crumpler Christian Today When Christ stood in Trafalgar Square
K Augustine Tanner-Ihm Church Times Black lives really do matter
“But does the Church really believe this”
Ian Paul Psephizo The end of the road for C of E growth strategies?
Gavin Collins ViaMedia.News We Can’t Go Back…to Silence for the Sake of Unity
Stephen Stavrou All Things Lawful And Honest Erasing the Saints
48 CommentsPippa White The Westcott Blog Covid-19 & the Language of War
ViaMedia.News Lockdown Testimonies – Sue from Deaf Church
Augustine Tanner-Ihm ViaMedia.News #BlackLivesMatter: Living Between Malcolm X and Uncle Tom
17 CommentsThis week’s issue of Church Times has a series of comment articles on racism. There is also a related news item: Church leaders join the voices against racism.
The roots of racism in the Church are deep and thick – Catherine Nancekievill “has seen the challenges from within the Ministry Division”
The quietly privileged need to repent and commit themselves to change – Paul Butler “describes how he came to appreciate the importance of campaigning for racial equality”
Can the Church’s culture change? – White clerics should not remain silent about structural racism, says Rob Wickham
Racism is rife in this country, to0 – It is time for systematic change in Church and society, argues Arlington Trotman
If corona won’t get us, racism will – Anderson Jeremiah and Shemil Mathew find parallels between the death of George Floyd and the Covid-19 death rate among BAME people
Peter Francis & Charlie Gladstone A Statement from Gladstone’s Library – Black Lives Matter
Peterson Feital ViaMedia.News We Can’t Go Back…But We Can Stop Hurting People!
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church The Outsider as the Prophet
Thomas Plant All Things Lawful And Honest From Anamnesis to Amnesia: how the Neo-Puritans in charge want to erase the Church’s memory
7 CommentsArun Arora The Guardian How can the Church of England speak about race when its leaders are so white?
David Hamid Eurobishop Racism is a sin. Full stop.
Paul Vallely Church Times George Floyd was an innocent victim
Archbishop of Canterbury on the Church’s response to racism (2 minute video)
Philip North ViaMedia.News We Can’t Go Back…to Breathlessness
Nikki Groarke ViaMedia.News We Can’t Go Back…to Preserving Bricks & Mortar
Edward Dowler All Things Lawful And Honest More than Bricks
“The Significance of Church Buildings”
Christopher Rogers Evening Standard The Church of England faltered when our country needed spiritual guidance
48 CommentsJames Gilder All Things Lawful And Honest A Church for All
“Want a Church for all? Be prepared to engage with the nitty-gritty.”
Peter Leonard ViaMedia.News We Can’t Go Back…to Pretending!
Danny Pegg A New Beginning or a Curate’s Egg?
“A local and national reflection on the Church of England during the time of Coronavirus”
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church The Clergy Discipline Measure. Time for Replacement?
31 CommentsAlison Webster ViaMedia.News We Can’t Go Back…to not Caring about Care
Russell Dewhurst All Things Lawful And Honest Table for One
“The lawfulness of Holy Communion celebrated without a congregation”
Together for the Common Good The Plague and the Parish: An Invitation to the Churches
Church Times Lockdown could change the Church permanently
Richard Giles, John Sadler, and Robert Warren “call for a radical rethink of the work of a parish priest”
Janet Fife Surviving Church The Church of England Gentlemen’s Club
34 CommentsSam McNally-Cross All Things Lawful And Honest For the love of God, don’t sacrifice the poor.
Philip Murray All Things Lawful And Honest Thoughts and questions about ‘online Church’
Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Talking of bishops, truth, & the flimsy altar of political expediency
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church A letter from the future. Safeguarding in 2025
Peter Crumpler Christian Today Longing for a return to church
Rachel Treweek ViaMedia.News We Can’t Go Back…to Social Distancing
Richard Bastable All Things Lawful And Honest Archiepiscopal Contradictions
44 CommentsElizabeth Anderson Earth and Altar “Wash Your Own Feet”: on singleness and the domestic church
Trevor Thurston-Smith The Pensive Pilgrim Speeding up the Tortoise
Jamie Harrison ViaMedia.News We Can’t Go Back…to Pre-Judging Our “Good Samaritans”
Christopher Craig Brittain Anglican Journal
The Eucharist and coming out of lockdown: A tract for these COVID-19 times
On virtual communion: A tract for these COVID-19 Times (Part II)
Rosie Harper ViaMedia.News We Can’t Go Back….to Power Games & Inequality
The Guardian reports on this as Synod member attacks Church of England’s ‘self-obsession’ in pandemic
Zoë Ettinger Insider Inside 19 of the most beautiful cathedrals in the world
The photographs are also available here.
Tom Wright Church Times Don’t let the weak go to the wall again
“Society needs wise, statesmanlike leadership — not a mad rush back to profiteering”
Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Talking of ‘new vision,’ status, money and prayer.
Jonathan Clatworthy Château Clâteau When lockdown ends, what will ‘normal’ be like?
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Iwerne Camps. All Change?
Meg Munn Chair of the National Safeguarding Panel Zooming Along
67 CommentsMichael Sadgrove Woolgathering in North East England God, the Virus and Tragic Optimism
Peter Leonard OneBodyOneFaith Be Hot With Anger, But Do Not Boil Away…
Tim Goode ViaMedia.News We Can’t Go Back…to Our Old Familiar Cages!
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church The Jonathan Fletcher Inquiry. Progress?
Thomas Plant Greater Silence Your parish church is not an idol: it’s an icon
5 CommentsNicholas Henshall ViaMedia.News We Can’t Go Back…to Being Focused on Our Own Significance
Savitri Hensman Church of England Newspaper Sharing burdens and showing kindness
Gilo Surviving Church Elites, the Church and the Dynamics of Social Power
Christina Beardsley DLT Books Blog Feeling Unsafe
Steve Morris Church Times Many are on the brink of financial disaster
“Credit unions are needed more than ever to help those who face money troubles”
K Augustine Tanner-Ihm Church Times Social distancing is a race issue
“It is a permanent reality for people of colour”
Trevor Thurston-Smith The Pensive Pilgrim A Post-Covid CofE : Better than ‘Songs of Praise’ Repeats?
Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Talking of being invigorated & tired by church
Tina Beardsley ViaMedia.News We Can’t Go Back…But We Can Say Sorry
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church The Toxic Power of Secrets in the Church
Rachel Mann Where do we go from here? Towards An Unknown Church … Part Two – REST
1 CommentSerenhedd James The Critic Priests and palaces
“The Archbishops don’t realise the significance of the church building”
David Ison ViaMedia.News We Can’t Go Back…to Being In Control
OneBodyOneFaith An Engagement in Lockdown
Martin Sewell Archbishop Cranmer The Church should shine during lockdown
Rachel Mann Where do we go from here? Towards an Unknown Church … Part One … FRAGILITY
Jonathan Clatworthy Château Clâteau Coronavirus and moral responsibility
54 CommentsHelen King ViaMedia.News We Can’t Go Our Quest for the “Perfect Service”
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church How Institutions fail us. Chernobyl, Trump and the Church of England
Kelvin Holdsworth What if this is the end of the Eucharist?
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Christian wisdom for the Covid-19 epidemic
18 CommentsPeter Selby The Tablet Is Anglicanism going private?
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Giles Fraser UnHerd The C of E has retreated to the kitchen
Jeremy Pemberton From the Choir Stalls Funerals in a time of plague
Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Talking of ministry: Woes, worries & possible blessings in COVID times
Martyn Percy Viamedia.News We Can’t Go Back…A Re-Minder To Us All
Michael Sadgrove Woolgathering in North East England What We Can Do For The Dead
Naomi Lawson Jacobs Church Times Disabled people say welcome to our world
“Maybe now churches will listen to people with disabilities about inclusive ministry”
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Titus Trustees and Simon Austen’s resignation
Andrew Graystone Church of England Newspaper Why the Titus Trust must close
Matthew Duckett Writing on the Walls of Nineveh The Treachery of Images – The Church in the Online Age
24 CommentsFergus Butler-Gallie reviewed streamed services from the Church of England and protestant churches for BBC Radio 4‘s Sunday programme (listen from 3 min 16 sec).
Peter Anthony Are virtual celebrations of the Eucharist a good idea or not?
[21 minute YouTube video]
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church What are Safeguarding Core Groups in the Church of England?
Savitri Hensman ViaMedia.News We Can’t Go Back….to Pretending Closeness is Unnecessary
Doug Chaplin Liturgica When catching a virus changes the church.