Thinking Anglicans

Opinion – 18 September 2019

Janet Fife Surviving Church Bishops-Free from the ‘bondage of corruption’?

Jeremy Pemberton From the Choir Stalls On Not Sharing the Peace

Michael Sadgrove Woolgathering in North East England Called to the Priesthood, Called to be Lay

Meg Munn Chair of the National Safeguarding Panel Focus on prevention

Paul Bayes ViaMedia.News The (Rebel) Alliance of Allies


Opinion – 14 September 2019

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Truth and Integrity in Politics and Religion

Rosie Harper ViaMedia.News Shhh….It’s Secret!!

Philip Welsh Church Times Give parents room to breathe at baptisms
“The promises demanded in Common Worship are too didactic, argues Philip Welsh. A small act of rebellion is required”


Opinion – 7 September 2019

Nick Baines Church Times What is truth, when we have a PM who lies?
“Trust is a casualty of this political crisis, says Nick Baines. The consequences could be far-reaching”

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Who is my enemy? When the Church needs to listen better.

Wyn Beynon Inclusive Church Male Headship and Patriarchal Theologies


Opinion – 4 September 2019

Gilo Surviving Church Safeguarding the Secrets Pt 2 (NST)

David and Yvonne Shemmings Community Care Learning from survivors of church sexual abuse

Trevor Thurston-Smith The Pensive Pilgrim Collective Sin and Mrs Cook

Stephen Kneale Building Jerusalem If you really want to be a resource church, send your trainees to those best placed to train them


Opinion – 31 August 2019

Rachel Mann Church Times We should embrace our oddness

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Traumatising Narcissism, Survivors and Sexual Abuse

Mark Vernon Christian Today William Blake: The Christian prophet determined to open our immortal eyes

1 Comment

Opinion – 28 August 2019

Martin Sewell Archbishop Cranmer Nobody knows Nobody’s Friends

Karen Swallow Prior Christianity Today Screens Are Changing the Way We Read Scripture


Opinion – 24 August 2019

Stanley Monkhouse Rambling Rector O Lord God, to whom vengeance belongeth, show thyself

Jonathan Clatworthy Modern Church Christian imperialism

Jonathan Draper Afterthoughts Trick or Treat?

Richard Peers Quodcumque – Serious Christianity Losing Sleep Over Michaela – why children aren’t coming to church


Opinion – 21 August 2019

Archbishop Cranmer Clergy sexual abuse: why can’t the Church cleanse its own temple?

Gilo Surviving Church Safeguarding the Secrets part 1 – Nobody’s Friends

Anne Inman The Tablet Should we be calling priests ‘Father’?
“It is perhaps time for the dangers inherent in the use of ‘father’ as a form of address to be taken seriously”

Greg Sheridan The Spectator The West cannot survive without a re-energised belief in Christianity
“Most British people seem to take it on faith that to have faith is stupid”

Ian Ellis The Irish Times Serious dialogue: How different churches can enrich one another
“Rite&Reason: Receptive ecumenism seeks to learn from features of other denominations”


Opinion – 17 August 2019

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Congregational dynamics and murder
The John Smyth Review – Is it fit for purpose?

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Jesus: the Evidence; Channel 4, April 1984

Helen King sharedconversations Fight the good fight(s): the ordination of women and the human sexuality debate

Church Times Spiritual abuse: this way to the exit
Hattie Williams speaks to the authors of a new book that tracks a path through the maze of spiritual abuse


Opinion – 10 August 2019

Fergus Butler-Gallie Church Times When was the pre-Brexit Golden Age?

Lloyd Brown Farewell to Shadowlands The Church without borders: Reflections from the Diocese in Europe


Opinion – 7 August 2019

Martyn Percy delivered this lecture at Salisbury CathedralRedeeming Evangelism: Authentic Mission in the Church of England

Sumit Paul-Choudhury BBC Future Tomorrow’s Gods: What is the future of religion?
“Throughout history, people’s faith and their attachments to religious institutions have transformed, argues Sumit Paul-Choudhury. So what’s next?”


Opinion – 3 August 2019

There are important pieces by Martin Sewell and Stephen Parsons about who has power in the Church of England; we have added links to them in the article Matt Ineson challenges the National Safeguarding Team.

Hannah Malcolm Church Times Brian Cox’s quest for meaning
The Planets posed some searching questions for Christians”

Tim Stratford Dean of Chester Helter Skelters, Crazy Golf and LEGO®


Opinion – 31 July 2019

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Further reflections on Deference in the Church

Archdruid Eileen The Beaker Folk of Husborne Crawley An Expert on Retail and Christianity Writes

Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington and others Washington National Cathedral Have We No Decency? A Response to President Trump


Opinion – 27 July 2019

David Hamid Eurobishop Deacons make history in the Diocese in Europe

Archbishop Richard Clarke The Irish Times Church of Ireland has put its survival over public engagement

Peter Allan Church Times Humanity’s third movement
“God’s work in creation is not finished”

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Boris kippers and sacred truth

Simon Robinson ruminations, contemplations, stumblings On being assaulted in church


Opinion – 24 July 2019

Surviving Church Jane Chevous reflects on IICSA

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church An ethically challenged Church? Bullying and threats

Paul Bayes The Guardian Rough sleeping is not only a moral issue – it’s the measure of a just society

Georges Staelens Blogue de Georges Messes vespérales/Evening Masses

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love True and untrue images of God in the church


Opinion – 20 July 2019

Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Speaking of Fresh Expressions, sacramentality and mission

Simon Taylor ViaMedia.News Does the Bible Really Say…that Creation is Straight?

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love The Christlike God – seamless creation and evolution

Sam Wells delivered the Inclusive Church 2019 Lecture Citizens of Heaven: Identity, Inclusion and the Church earlier this month. You can read the transcript or watch the video.


Opinion – 17 July 2019

Richard Peers Quodcumque – Serious Christianity Our Archbishop is baffled – What are we going to do about deference in the Church of England?

Michael Sadgrove Equal Enlarging marriage

Stephen Parsons Surviving Church The Matt Ineson Story – Archbishops challenged
Survivors and the post-IICSA Church

Meg Munn Chair of the National Safeguarding Panel Presenting to the Synod



Opinion – 13 July 2019

Laurie Gudim The Episcopal Café Our Duty to Strangers

Nick Baines Bishop of Leeds What is the Will of the People asks Bishop Nick at Harold Wilson Lecture

David Gillett ViaMedia.News Does the Bible Really Say…that Baptism Should be Withheld from Some People?


Opinion – 6 July 2019

Jenny Standage Women and the Church Forty years on; A Woman’s Place is in the House of Bishops

Richard Peers Quodcumque – Serious Christianity Clergy Discipline Measure – the need for total change

Martyn Percy ViaMedia.News Does the Bible Really…Advocate the “Nuclear Family”

Cornel Wilde Anglican Ink The English, the evangelicals and the elites: The school for scandals


Opinion – 3 July 2019

Duncan Forbes Christian Today What Christians shouldn’t say in response to an abuse story

Carrie Pemberton Ford Women and the Church The Fall of the Berlin Wall, GPS and the Ordination of Women: the liberation of the Church of England? 25 years and counting