Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Elite Schools and leadership in Church and State
Peterson Feital ViaMedia.News Does the Church have a Problem with Institutional Racism?
Jeremy Morris Church Times The cry for self-government: 100 years of the Enabling Act
“Jeremy Morris marks the centenary of the Enabling Act, which created the General Synod’s precursor, in response to a campaign for the C of E’s “‘liberty'”
Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Speaking of Renewal and Reform; money, numbers, and growth
Laudable Practice The Advent of High Church populism
Kate Surviving Church Conservative Evangelical Bullying: A case study.
David Walker Via.Media.News Pondering “the Bump” of Posada
Peter Sherlock theproseclerk The New Anglican Century: One Hundred Female Bishops
43 CommentsStephen Parsons Surviving Church Foster’s Iwerne analysis. Some reflections on the place of women in the Church.
Helen King ViaMedia.News Who Tells Our Story – and How?
The Scotsman Richard Holloway writes a letter to the author of the book of Genesis
[free registration required]
Archdruid Eileen The Beaker Folk of Husborne Crawley Advent Candles Explained
34 CommentsEmma Ineson Church Times Good leaders know the art of successful failure
“Christians can find freedom from performance anxiety by embracing vulnerability and weakness”
Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Speaking of faith in troubling times
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church What is a Safeguarding Review?
LGBTQ Faith UK Faithfully wrong – The problem of evil in the church.
David Ison ViaMedia.News Nationalism, Patriotism and Glory…
Sara Gillingham Modern Church ‘On the margins, still looking in’
“It is now over six months since I made the decision to leave the Church of England, and I feel far better for doing so.”
Charles Foster Surviving Church Smyth, Fletcher, Iwerne, and the theology of the divided self
Paul Bayes ViaMedia.News A Call to “Take Sides”!
26 CommentsRosie Harper ViaMedia.News The Challenge of Faith in the Quantum Era
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Using our imagination – What could the Church become?
A Prince and an Abuser
Bosco Peters Liturgy Laying on Hands
Women and the Church The Open Wound of Mutual Flourishing
Two Church Times articles by Madeleine Davies about the Church of England’s Strategic Development Fund
The ‘magic money tree’: SDF, a progress report
“As £136 million is allocated to dioceses for projects designed to turn around numerical decline, Madeleine Davies explores what evaluation is under way”
Revitalising mission — but at what cost?
“In the second part of a series on SDF funding, Madeleine Davies looks at the impact of resource churches”
Giles Fraser UnHerd The battle to believe in God
“Don’t kid yourself that atheism is a modern invention — it’s as old as religion”
Meg Munn Chair of the National Safeguarding Panel Complaints
Giles Goddard ViaMedia.News Inside, Outside – XR, Church & Change
The following two articles follow on from the Church Times article by Philip North that I linked to last week.
Ian Paul Psephizo Do we need to take Jesus to our urban areas?
Philip North Psephizo On taking Jesus to our urban areas: a response
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Church as a Refuge. Reflections on a proposed Conference
Savi Hensman Equal Relationships, 40 years on
Ian Blair ViaMedia.News Remembrance, Inclusion & Identity
Laudable Practice Praying for the parish is more important that praying for the diocese
41 CommentsStephen Parsons Surviving Church Establishment dynamics. How secrecy and defensiveness harm the Church.
Peter Leonard ViaMedia.News Remembering – An Active Choice?
Jayne Ozanne ViaMedia.News The All-Seeing Eye
Kate Wharton Single Minded The Billy Graham Rule
Philip North Church Times We don’t need to bring Jesus to urban estates
“The Church’s task is to demonstrate that he is already present, not to provide all the answers”
Sara Batts-Neale Church Times The tyranny of the perfect wedding
“Sara Batts-Neale’s ministry to her wedding couples extends to their bank balance”
Ian Paul Psephizo Is it time to scrap the ‘curacy’?
Andrew Lightbown theore0 Speaking of liturgy (and theological formation)
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church The Imagination Deficit. Bishops and Survivors
Peter Sheppard Catholic Herald Thousands of medieval churches face ruin. Who will save them?
David Walker ViaMedia.News The Fallout from Tribal Scrums
56 CommentsHelen King ViaMedia.News Safeguarding & Sexuality – Are We Throwing Money In the Right Direction?
Trevor Thurston-Smith The Pensive Pilgrim Ancient and Modern : When is church music ‘Good’?
Leo Benedictus The Guardian Churches in nightclubs and Anglican gyms: can the C of E win back city dwellers?
60 CommentsBosco Peters Liturgy A Schism’s Consecration
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Life after Trauma. Charities who work for peace and the healing of Survivors
David Ison ViaMedia.News Unity or Truth?
Julia Baird The Sydney Morning Herald In praise of the oddities and outliers resisting bonkers fundamentalism in Sydney
Rosalind Brown Church Times The lectionary silences women’s experiences
“It is time to make the stories of female biblical characters more visible during public worship”
Rosie Harper ViaMedia.News “Don’t Go Listening to Lies….”
Stephen Kneale Christian Today Is your church too dependent on charitable status?
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Open Letter to Keith Makin re: John Smyth Review
30 CommentsPeterson Feital ViaMedia.News Toxic Masculinity and the Church
Ian Paul Psephizo Should clergy count their days and hours?
Eve Poole Church Times How to break free from a culture of overwork
“Christians must model a different way of living, says Eve Poole. Help is at hand from Oscar Wilde and the latest research”
Joel Hollier The Guardian I’m gay, married, and not leaving my church
Paul Bayes ViaMedia.News The Rainbow of Non-violent Advocacy
10 CommentsIan Blair ViaMedia.News On Brexit, Becket and Signs of the Times
Janet Fife Surviving Church The Gospel, Victims and Common Worship pt 2
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Crowd Psychology and the Church
Archdruid Eileen The Beaker Folk of Husborne Crawley The Mathematics and Psychology of the Peace
Jayne Ozanne ViaMedia.News Identity Depression & the Church’s Culpability
Felicity Cooke and Lizzie Taylor WATCH Trust and Transparency: Essentials for Mutual Flourishing
Loretta Minghella gave this talk (a 31 minute audio) at the WATCH AGM earlier this month.
1 CommentStephen Parsons Surviving Church The Jonathan Fletcher story continues
Martyn Goss Modern Church Faith, belief and climate justice
Peter Leonard ViaMedia.News Power, Men & Politics
Lambeth Conference Eamonn Mullally shares his hopes for the Lambeth Conference
20 CommentsColin Coward Unadulterated Love The 40th anniversary of a feral priest’s priesting
Janet Fife Surviving Church The Gospel, Victims and Common Worship
Sarah Mullaly, the Bishop of London, preached this sermon at the annual Judges Service in Westminster Abbey yesterday.
“Justice in the Bible has less to do with the conviction of the guilty and more to do with the care of the innocent.”
Rachel Mann Church Times How Life of Brian drew me to Christianity
“Church leaders who condemned the film on its release 40 years ago missed its evangelistic potential”
Michael Sadgrove Woolgathering in North East England On Books, Waves and Not Getting Angry with Rascals
Andrew Lightbown Theore0 That under her we may be godly and quietly governed.
Church Times Leader Under judgment
1 CommentWesley Hill The Living Church Bibles for the Ages
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Long-term effects of Church Abuse
Helen King ViaMedia.News Wider Still & Wider…
17 CommentsStephen Parsons Surviving Church Keith Makin and the Smyth review.
David Ison ViaMedia.News An Anglican Communion at a Crossroads?