Sylvia Keesmaat Empire Remixed What ever happened to the Bible in the Marriage Canon Debate? A Look at the Classic Texts
Meg Munn Chair of the National Safeguarding Panel Safeguarding and the Clergy Discipline Measure
Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Speaking of liberalism
Hayley Matthews ViaMedia.News Does the Bible Really Say….that Families Need a “Mummy and a Daddy”?
9 CommentsMarcus Green ViaMedia.News Does the Bible Really Say…that St Paul ‘Hates Gays’?
George Sumner The Living Church Why should Anglicans want to be a Communion?
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church John Smyth and the question of Anglican membership
110 CommentsStephen Parsons Surviving Church Mandatory Reporting and the Church of England
Mark Clavier The Living Church The Church of the Introverts
3 CommentsMeg Warner ViaMedia.News Does the Bible Really Say….that Sodomites were sodomites?
Laudable Practice Newman, Keble, Pusey: High Church Parsons on Trinity Sunday
John Barton Church Times Richard Hooker and Puritans: Of sundry things, in the light of reason
“Richard Hooker’s engagement with the Puritans has much to teach those who debate scripture today”
Paul Bayes Thinking in Liverpool Believing in the Public Square
66 CommentsSue Wallace Precentor Sue Smoke – Part 1
Smoke – Part 2
“In this Pentecostal time of year it seemed a really good time to talk about incense, which seems to me to be a bit like the Marmite (you either love it or you hate it!) of the liturgical world!”
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church A Church that cares for Survivors?
Michael Fitzpatrick The Episcopal Café False Gospels?
“Many of my fellow Anglicans do not seem as excited as I am about the upcoming Lambeth Conference…”
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Safeguarding in the Churches. Dreams for the future
Unity and conservative Christian groups
David Gillett ViaMedia.News Does the Bible Really Say that….Same-Sex Love is Wrong?
Giles Fraser UnHerd In praise of incompetence
“To be a priest is to be a failure”
and in response Jeremy Pemberton From the Choir Stalls In Praise of Method and Application
Jeremy Pemberton Openly The Anglican Communion must act against the Church of Nigeria’s homophobia
Jonathan Clatworthy Château Clâteau The biblical power of the moon
2 CommentsStephen Parsons Surviving Church Patronage and Power Abuse in the Church
Michael Roberts Peddling and Scaling God and Darwin The Church of England and Creationism.
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Holding the House of Bishops to account – Sara Gillingham’s challenge
Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Speaking of LLF (Living in love and faith)
Martyn Percy ViaMedia.News Does the Bible Really…Give Us a Clear Definition of Marriage?
Richard Peers Quodcumque – Serious Christianity Inclusive, Expanded … He, She … – what language should we use about God in our worship?
50 CommentsHelen King sharedconversations Intersex in history
Janet Fife Surviving Church Coming to terms with the Bible
Richard Peers Quodcumque – Serious Christianity My story: 25th Anniversary of the Ordination of Women – to live is to change.
Elaine Bielby Diocese of York Twenty-Five years of women as priests in the Diocese of York
Three of the 39 women who were ordained priest in York Minster in May 1994 write about their memories of the day .
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love I repeat: The Church of England is systemically abusive
David Pocklington Law & Religion UK Different perspectives of the CDM
25 CommentsColin Coward Unadulterated Love Bishops and conservatives meet in secret to reinforce the abuse of LGBTI+ people
[see below for the background to this]
Harriet Sherwood The Guardian Photo exhibition celebrates 25 years of female priests
“Images of 12 women from Southwark diocese capture variety of a priest’s work”
Bosco Peters Liturgy Children in Church
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Wittgenstein’s ideas and the Bible. Some reflections
and Communication speak and the House of Bishops
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love A Christian Vision of Seamless Reality
Meg Warner ViaMedia.News Does the Bible Really Say…that Sex Outside of Marriage is Wrong?
37 CommentsJayne Ozanne ViaMedia.News Unity – Has it Become a Golden Calf?
Laudable Practice Trad Expressions™: Why High Church is Contemporary
Samuel Keyes The Living Church Tradition for Teens
Jemma Sander-Heys Church Times Life by the sea is not all recreation and run
“Coastal communities face particular challenges, and politicians and churches must tackle them”
ViaMedia.News starts a new series of posts (one a week) on “Does the Bible Really Say….?” with this:
Jonathan Tallon Does the Bible Really Say…Anything at All about Homosexuality as we Understand it Today?
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love A philosophy and vision for parish ministry, then and now
and Interior reflections of a priest
Peter Carrell Anglican Down Under So, who is an Anglican??
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Bishop Faull on Twitter. Message to Survivors?
Marion Clutterbuck Women and the Church Twenty-five years on; reflections on ministry
These are some memories of one of the women from Chichester diocese, who was ordained in 1994
Jon White The Episcopal Café Churches continue to defy demands for accountability
21 CommentsRodie Garland Church Times Mental health needs communities
“More funding is welcome — but churches still have a part to play”
Marcus Green The Campaign For Equal Marriage in the Church of England Ribs to Go
“the use of Genesis 1 in the discussions about marriage”
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church IICSA on Chichester – some comments
Richard Peers Quodcumque – Serious Christianity Safeguarding in the Church: have we got a mental block?
41 CommentsJeremy Pemberton Thomson Reuters How will the Church of England respond to heterosexual civil partnerships?
“It isn’t clear if Church of England will agree to bless heterosexual civil partnerships officially, but not homosexual ones”
Edward Siddons interviews Andrew Foreshew-Cain for The Guardian: The rebel priest: ‘Gay people in the church are not going to go away’
“The Rev Andrew Foreshew-Cain says his same-sex marriage cost him his ministry. Now he is launching a campaign for the rights of LGBTQ Christians”
Giles Fraser UnHerd Where did the Church’s land go?
“The C of E hasn’t covered itself in glory when it comes to land management”
Rosie Harper and Alan Wilson ViaMedia.News Safeguarding & Survival Systems – Loyalty vs Trust
Women and the Church Twenty-five years on; reflections on ministry
“Did I have a cure of souls?” — memories of one of the woman who were ordained in the diocese of Winchester on 24 April 1994
Andrew Foreshew-Cain ViaMedia.News Integrity, Compromise & the Church of England
Catherine Haydon A Blaze of Light Always Lent, Never Easter
Damon Rose BBC Stop trying to ‘heal’ me
Ines Hands Church Times Liturgy is an anchor — don’t brush it aside
“Parishes that have dispensed with centuries of tradition need to consider what is being lost”
Church Times ‘Sex is irrelevant to this office’
Fifty years ago this month, it became possible for women to be Readers. Some describe the journey
Terence Chandra The Living Church We Can’t Just Rebuild
Richard Beck Experimental Theology Heresy as Therapy
Trevor Thurston-Smith The Pensive Pilgrim ‘Jesus the Loser : A Theology of Failure’
Church Times ‘The Bible is not a paper Pope’
Katharine Dell interviews her Ph.D. supervisor, John Barton, about the Church’s wrestling with scripture
Janet Fife Surviving Church Discerning: Evil and Good
“Janet Fife writes on 25 years of women’s ordination”
Nicholas Chamberlain ViaMedia.News Breaking the Silence
John Barton The Guardian Notre Dame reminds us how the Bible stories have shaped our civilisation
“Great cathedrals and the gospels stand for so much more than religion – evoking human endurance and a quest for beauty”
Ania G Wieckowski Harvard Business Review Life’s Work: An Interview with Bishop Michael Curry
3 CommentsStephen Cherry Church Times When you can’t forgive
“The Easter gospel does not mean that every victim has a duty to let bygones be bygones”
Ian Ellis Belfast News Letter If churches don’t resolve millennium-old dispute on an Easter date, governments may do it for us
Some Easter messages
Archbishop of Canterbury
Archbishop of Wales
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry
Archbishops of Armagh
Bishop of Liverpool [2 minute video]
Bishop of Warrington
Patriarchs and Heads of Churches in Jerusalem
Archbishops of the Anglican Church of Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia
Archbishop of Melbourne
Archbishop of Canada
Archbishop of South Sudan
Martin Sewell Archbishop Cranmer Holy Week: dealing with deep sin is horrible, messy, prolonged, humiliating and painful
Giles Fraser UnHerd What does salvation look like?
“You can tell much by our response to the pain of asylum seekers”
Andrew Lightbown Theore0 Talking of Maundy Thursday
Michael Sadgrove Woolgathering in North East England Thoughts on Nôtre Dame
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church What is Integrity? Failure of integrity betrays survivors
3 CommentsApril Alexander Church Times Cloaks of secrecy are too threadbare
“Despite a vote in Synod, April Alexander argues that nominating bishops by secret ballot has no place in the C of E”
Patrick Moriarty Church Times How to avoid Holy Week blundering
“Christianity’s Jewish roots are most obvious at this time. Patrick Moriarty offers advice for those leading services”
Janet Fife Surviving Church Prejudice and Tolerance
Jeremy Pemberton Openly The Church of England must open its doors to same-sex weddings
6 CommentsStephen Spencer Anglican Communion News Service Why all the fuss about Discipleship?
Matt White Christian Today Preachers and their very expensive sneakers: why we shouldn’t be so quick to judge
Jeffrey John ViaMedia.News Don’t Conceal the Truth
[part of the Voices of Hope series]
Stephen Parsons Surviving Church Bishops and Safeguarding failures. The SCIE report
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